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التخصص: دكتوراه علوم هندسة زراعية

الجامعة: الجامعه المستنصرية


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Seasonal Occurrence of Olive Leaf Midge (Dasyneura olea) (Loew) and determining the infection rate

المجلة: .

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-07-24

Seasonal Occurrence of Olive Leaf Midge (Dasyneura olea) (Loew) and determining the infection rate DR. FAYHAA ABBOOD MAHDI AL-NADAWI Dr. BAN MOHAN MOHSEN Dr.AHMAD KATBEH BADER Dr. Esraa Mahdi Alobaidi Dr.Feryal Hasony Sadiq Department of Science, College of Basic Education, Mustansiriyah University,plant protection,an agricultural Sciences College,Jordanian University lneadawi@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq banban.edbs@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq ahmadk@ju.edu.jo israa.mahdee@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq feryalhasony@yahoo.com Abstract The results showed that the highest percentage of infestation with the olive leaf fly (D. olea) occurred in early December, reaching 58.88%, while the lowest percentage of infection was recorded at the end of February, reaching 24.88%. This indicates the differences that appeared in the infection rate of this pest over the course of the year. These months are due to the effect of the pest on multiple environmental factors, especially high temperatures. While the highest percentage of infection was recorded in the lower level of the plant, which amounted to 41.13%, without a significant difference with the two levels (upper and middle) amounting to 36.63 and 39.03%, respectively, and may be attributed to the reason for the preference To attack the leaves for protection and to complete the life cycle. The highest numbers of densities of olive leaf fly(D. olea) were recorded at the beginning of December, reaching 5 nymphs per leaf -1in the middle level of the plant, while in the upper and lower levels it reached 3 and 2 nymphs per leaf-1, respectively, and their rates continued to decline in the three levels ( upper, middle and lower (as they reached 1,0.2, 0.3 nymphs. leaf-1 respectively in early March. This indicates the effect of insect numbers on a biotic environmental factors such as low temperatures

The population density of Sidr tree Zizyphus spina pests OD

المجلة: غير منشور

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-07-24

The population density of Sidr tree Zizyphus spina pests Dr. FAYHAA ABBOOD MAHDI AL-NADAWI1 Dr. BAN MOHAN MOHSEN2 DR. ESRAA MAHDI ALOBAIDI3Dr. AHMAD KATBEH BADER4AND DR. FERYAL HASONY SADIQ5 Sciences dep., Basic Education College, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq1,2,3 Plant production dept., an agriculture Science College, Jordanian University4 Plant production dept., an agriculture Engineering Science College, University of Baghdad5 lneadawi@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq banban.edbs@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq israa.mahdee@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq ahmadk@ju.edu.jo feryalhasony@yahoo.com Abstract The result show that the highest density was for A. rachipora (Singh) nymphs, which amounted to 7 nymphs / leaf on 10/12, and the lowest density was 3 nymphs / leaf on 30/12. The same figure also showed the fluctuation of population densities of insect pests throughout the study season. Regarding the Sidr, it started with low densities of 3 and 4 nymphs / cm2 from the vegetable leaf on 3/12 and 10/1, after which it began to gradually rise, reaching 13 nymphs / cm2 from the vegetable leaf on 30/3 and this is due to the activity of vital enemies in the study area and the environmental conditions of appropriate temperature and humidity for growth and reproduction, and this is due to the effect of both temperatures. And the relative humidity, the researchers attributed the low nutritional content of the plant leaves and became unsuitable for laying eggs. As for the black fly A. marlatti, the highest density of nymphs was 13 nymphs / cm2 from the leaf on 30/2, while the lowest was 2 nymph / cm2 from the tree leaf on 20/12, the population density of nymphs was low at the beginning of plant growth. It reached 2 nymphs / cm2 from the tree leaf on 10/12, then it started to increase gradually to reach 12 nymphs / cm2 from the tree leaf on 20/2, but it decreased to 5 nymphs / cm2 from the tree leaf on 20/3, and then The number of nymphs continued to increase to reach the highest density of 7 nymphs / cm2 of the tree leaf and almost maintained their numbers throughout the month of March, with the increasing effect of weather changes from temperatures and relative humidity, and as the stages of plant growth, especially flowering and appropriate environmental conditions. the densities of Bucculatricidae spp Zeller ,1839, as the highest density was 15 larvae / cm2 from the plant leaf on 20/2 and the lowest was 1 nymph / cm2 from the plant leaf on 10/12, and it is also noticed that the infection in the dream had many peaks and that Their numbers ranged from high and low relative to the beginning of sampling, the numbers of larvae reached 11 nymphs / cm2 from the vegetable leaf on 30/12, while they increased to reach 15 nymphs / cm2 from the vegetable leaf on 10/3, followed by a gradual rise to reach 14 nymphs / cm2 from the leaf on the date of 30/2, it decreased to reach 4 nymphs / cm2 of the vegetable leaf on 30/3