ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

د/ ساره جلال محمد محمد

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: تمريض الأطفال

الجامعة: جامعة حلوان


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • تدريس مقرر تمريض الأطفال لطلاب الفرقة الثالثة بكلية التمريض جامعة حلوان
  • تدريس مقرر علم نفس النمو لطلاب الفرقة الثالثة بكلية التمريض جامعة حلوان
  • تدريس مقرر المعلوماتية في التمريض لطلاب الفرقة الثانية بكلية التمريض جامعة حلوان
  • تدريس مقرر تمريض الأطفال لطلاب الفرقة الثانية بالمعهد الفني للتمريض

الأبحاث المنشورة

Assessment of Mother's Knowledge and Practices regarding Exclusive Breast-feeding

المجلة: Current Pediatric Research Journal

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-05-01

Abstract Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is the gold standard in infant nutrition. Exclusive breastfeeding has been recognized as an important public health tool for the primary prevention of infant morbidity and mortality. The study aimed to: Assess the studied mothers’ knowledge and reported practice regarding exclusive breast-feeding. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Setting: This study was conducted at selected Maternal and Child Health Centers in Maasara, Ain Helwan, Hadayek Helwan and El Sait Khadra. Sample: A purposive sample of 60 mothers and their accompanying infants were attending the previously mentioned settings for BCG immunization during the first week of life and were satisfying the inclusive criteria. Tools: The first tool was a structured interview questionnaire sheet to assess the mothers’ knowledge about exclusive breast-feeding, the second tool was breastfeeding checklist to assess the mothers’ reported practice regarding exclusive breast-feeding. Results: The study findings revealed that nearly two thirds of the studied mothers had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding exclusive breast-feeding and more than three quarters of the studied mothers were unsatisfactory reported practice regarding exclusive breast-feeding. Conclusion: The present study concluded that, nearly two thirds of the studied mothers had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding exclusive breast-feeding, more than three quarters of the studied mothers had unsatisfactory reported practice regarding exclusive breast-feeding and there was statistically significant difference between total mothers’ knowledge and reported practice regarding exclusive breast-feeding. Recommendations: Periodical health education and awareness programs about the importance of exclusive breast-feeding should be directed for young and primipara mothers. Key words: Breast-feeding, Exclusive, Knowledge, Mothers, Nursing, Practice.

Nursing Intervention for Mothers about Effect of Exclusive Breast-feeding on Health Status of their Infants

المجلة: Quest Journal

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-05-11

Abstract Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is the gold standard in infant nutrition. Exclusive breastfeeding provides all infants nutritional and fluid needs in the first six months. The study aimed to assess the effect of nursing interventions for mothers about exclusive breast-feeding on health status of their infants. Setting: This study was conducted at selected Maternal and Child Health Centers in Maasara, Ain Helwan, Hadayek Helwan and El Sait Khadra. Design: A quasi experimental research design was utilized. Sample: A purposive sample of 60 mothers and their accompanying infants were attending the previously mentioned settings for BCG immunization during the first week of life. Tools: Two tools were used in this study, the first tool was a structured interviewing questionnaire sheet (was used pre/post nursing intervention) to assess mothers’ knowledge and practice regarding exclusive breast-feeding, the second tool was health status assessment and follow-up recorded sheet (was used pre/post and follow-up nursing intervention) to assess health status of the infants. Results: The study findings revealed that there was highly significant positive correlation (r=0.032, P<0.032) between control group and study group of total infants’ growth and development patterns and there was highly significant positive correlation (r=0.916, P<0.000) between control group and study group of total health status of infants. Conclusion: There was highly significant positive correlation (r=0.916, P<0.000) between control group and study group of total health status of infants so nursing intervention for mothers about exclusive breast-feeding were have a positive effect on health status of infants. Recommendations: Periodical health education and awareness programs about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding should be directed for young and first-time mothers. Key words: Breast-feeding, Exclusive, Health Status, Infants, Intervention, Mothers, Nursing.