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صورة الملف الشخصي

نايلة الطيب هرون

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: احياء دقيقة

الجامعة: جامعة حفرالباطن


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مستشار عمادة التطوير والجودة

الأبحاث المنشورة

Leaf Blight: Anew Disease of Xanthium strumarium L. caused by Curvularia lunata & Drechslera spicifera in Sudan

المجلة: International journal of Current microbiology and applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-01-10

Ramtouk (Xanthium strumarium L.) known in Sudan as a very common weed of many row crops in the temperate and subtropical regions and is widely spread in irrigated schemes in Khartoum, Blue Nile State and Gash Delta (Eastern Sudan) competing with different economic crops and causing a great losses in their yields. In this study two fungi namely, Curvularia lunata & Drechslera spicifera were isolated from necrotic spots and blight of Xanthium strumarium leaves in different locations in Khartoum State. Their identification based in accordance to microscopic and macroscopic characters. Pathogenicity of these pathogens studied in the Laboratory of the Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture University of Khartoum, Sudan. Inoculation was done by using a pressurized hand sprayer. This research work was the first discovery of the incidence of the leaf blight disease in Sudan caused by Curvularia lunata & Drechslera spicifera. Therefore, those two pathogens could be considered as beneficial agents for the bio-control and to establish weed management program of this noxious weed. The plant host ranges of the two pathogens were determined in glasshouse. Host plant representing 8 families and 10 genera and the result shows that the pathogen Drechslera spicifera caused a miner spots on the graminaceous hosts

Bioherbicidal Activity of Curvularia lunata on Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium)

المجلة: International journal of Current microbiology and applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-09-08

Commoncocklebur(XanthiumstrumariumL.)isabiotypewhichhasdifferentmorphologyandhigherseedlingproductionability.Greenhousestudieswereconducted to investigate the bioherbicidal activity ofCurvularia lunata on common cocklebur.XanthiumstrumariumL.isanexoticplantresponsibleforseveralagricultural, environmental and health problems in Sudan. Due to non-acceptability ofconventionalmethodsofcontrol,thepossibilitiesofitsmanagementthroughanindigenousstrainofCurvularialunatahadbeenexplored..Thepresentstudy experimentallyemphasizesonthedevelopmentofCurvularialunataasamycoherbicideinthemanagementoftheweed,XanthiumstrumariumL.,soC. lunata showedagoodpotentialasabiocontrolagentforX.strumarium.Virulence and toxin production ofC. lunata was of special interest. Spores of C. lunata easily germinated on X. strumarium leaves and invaded them through the stomata causing discreteleafspots, whichlatercoalescecausingleafblightandultimatedeathofleaves. ThediseaseaffectedtheproductivityofX.strumariumsignificantly.Itincreasedthenumberofdeadleavesforsingleplantsandcompetingplants.However,theproductionofnewleaveswasreducedforsingleplantsandcompeting plants.

Survey for pink Root Rot of Onion (Pyrenochaeta terrestris) and its identification In Gezira State

المجلة: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2018 697 ISSN 2250-3153

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-11-07

This survey was conducted in Gezira State to detect the pink root rot disease of onion, caused by Pyrenochaeta terrestris in Gezira State. The study evolved the isolation, identification of the causal agent of determination of the level of the disease incidence. Three locations within Gezira State were selected namely the vicinity of Almusallamih Tayiba, Wad Al ataya and Hamdalnil and located at North, central and south of the State respectively. The results showed that the local variety was found to be highly susceptible to the disease than the exported of the hybrid ones. The highest disease incidence was recorded in Hamdalnil (16.8%) while the lowest disease incidence was recorded at Wad Al ataya(9.23%). Koch’s postulates were performed to prove that the fungus isolated Pyrenochaeta terrestris was the causal agent of the pink root rot on onion plants. The successful isolation of the fungus and the verification of its Pathogenicity test revealed the way for further epidemiological studies of the said disease.

Anew host of dodder (Cuscuta spp.) Parasitizing Damas Conocarpus erectus) in Khartoum and Gezira states-Sudan

المجلة: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-01

The study was carried out at the field dodder during season 2017 - 2018 in Khartoum and Gezira states to determine its all host of Cuscuta spp distributed in the two states using Global Positioning System (GPS) in the survey. The survey covered several areas in two states. The results showed that dodder species founded parasitizing in the North, East and West Khartoum state. The results revealed that the dodder have different host plants and new host (Damas Conocarpus erectus). It was founded parasitizing 12 plants species belonging to 12 families. Among the most affected host plants, were 6 grasses, 2 vegtables Crops (Onion, Allium cepa ) and Molokhia (Corchorus oletorus), lime trees (Citrus aurantiifolia), forge Crops (Alfalfa, Medicago sativa), forest trees (Ghoubish, Guiera seneglensis, Damas) and Orumentals (Euphorbia Catharanthu svinca).High percentage incidence (100%) were recorded in Damas, Alfalfa, Molokhia, - Ramtook (Xanthium baraslicum). Lowest percentage incidence was recorded in Lime 1%. Results of Gezira state indicated that the dodder was found Parasitizing on North, East and West of the state. The host of it was Onion, Lokh Dicanthium annulatum and Dahaser Indigofera oblongifolia. Lowest percentage incidence 6.2%, were observed in onion