ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

استاذ مساعد دكتورة منال محمد احمد عايد

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: pediatric nursing

الجامعة: Sohag university


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مدير وحدة ضمان الجودة ومدير وحدة الخدمات الالكترونية ورئيس قسم الاطفال

الأبحاث المنشورة

Nurses' Performance Appraisal System and Its Association to TheirEmpowerment and Job Satisfaction

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

A performance appraisal system (PAS) is crucial to an organization's overall success. Aproperrating system could boost nurses' job satisfaction and sense of empowerment to help themdeliverbetter care to patients. This study aimed to assess Nurses' Performance Appraisal Systemanditsassociation with Their Empowerment and Job satisfaction. Design: A descriptive correlationresearch design. Setting: The study was carried out in Sohag University Hospital. Subjects: Asystemic random sample was used to select 300 staff nurses, and a convenience sampling techniquewas used. Tools: I) Nurse's personal data, II) Performance Appraisal Questionnaire, III) Nurse'sempowerment Questionnaire, and IV) Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. Results: The majorityof thestudy participants expressed satisfaction with the present performance appraisal form. Staff nursesexpressed little job satisfaction. In the sample under investigation, there was a substantial correlationbetween the performance appraisal system and nurses' satisfaction. The power of nurses wasmoderate. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between the performance appraisal system and nurses' empowerment. Conclusion: In the study setting, the performance appraisal system is successfully implemented, which has a good impact on the nurses' sense of empowerment and job satisfaction. Recommendations: It is advised that a system of performance evaluationwill be adopted. Continuous training to deal with the changes that occur daily in the nursingfield, developed performance appraisal systems, continuous supervision, and appraisal interviews shouldbe held with nurses at least once a week to discuss their job performance and foster theirempowerment and job satisfaction

Efficacy of a Therapeutic Exercise Program on Patients' PainandShoulder Mobility Following Proximal Humeral Fracture Surgery

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: One of the most frequent types of fractures is proximal humeral fracture. Personswith shoulder injuries have a gradual and continuous recovery from their injury and also, manypeople have persistent disabilities that interfere with their daily routines. So, the aimof thepresent study was to explore the efficacy of a therapeutic exercise programon patients' painand shoulder mobility following proximal humeral fracture surgery. Research design: Toaccomplish the goal of this study, a quasi-experimental research design was employed. Setting: The study was conducted in the orthopedic unit at Menoufia University Hospital. Sample: Within six months after surgery for proximal humeral fractures, a convenient sample of fiftypatients was included in the current study. Tools for data collection: (I): Structured interviewquestionnaire, II: Numerical Rating Pain Scale, and Tool III: Shoulder function index. Results: There was a statistically significant difference improvement in the total mean score of the painand shoulder mobility post therapeutic exercise program application among patients post- humeral fracture surgery. Conclusion: Therapeutic exercise program application has asignificant effect on reducing pain and improves shoulder mobility among patients followingproximal humeral fracture surgery. Recommendations: It is advised that patients undergoingproximal humeral fracture surgery get a therapeutic exercise program as a crucial component of their nursing education.

Impact of Ethical Climate on Moral Distress and Nurse's Green Behavior

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: Green behaviors are frequently characterized as employee acts that promote environmental management initiatives. Nurses' behavior is significantly influenced by the ethical work environment and moral distress. Regardless of the context, nurses should be capable of providing morally sound and clinically excellent care in the absence of moral discomfort. Aim: to explore the impact of ethical climate on moral distress and nurses' green behavior. Subjects: A convenient sample of 200 nurses working in Sohag University Hospital, Egypt. Design: This study used descriptive correlational design. Tools: three tools were used to collect the data; Tool I: Hospital ethical climate scale, Tool II: moral distress scale, Tool III: Employee green behavior. Results: It was revealed that 90% of nurses had positive perceptions of the ethical work climate. Likewise, 88% of nurses hadhigh levels of moral distress, and 47.7% of them had moderate levels of organizational citizenship behavior. Conclusion: Employee green behavior was strongly and positively connected with the ethical climate and negatively correlated to moral distress. Recommendation: Establishing a suitable professional performance environment and preserving moral relationships with nurses that support them in performing better will improve the ethical climate in hospitals for nurses.

Effectiveness of Synergies System Implementation on Staff Nurses' Competency, Performance and Patients' Satisfaction

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: The Synergy system implementation is a novel language founded on eight universal characteristics: predictability, complexity, stability, vulnerability, resilience, and involvement in decision-making and caregiving. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of synergies system implementation on staff nurses' competency, performance, and patient satisfaction. Study design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to achieve the aim of the current research. Setting: The study was conducted in the Critical Care Unit at South Valley University Hospital. Subject: A convenience sample of Staff Nurses (N= 50) working in the previously selected setting and this study included 50 patients. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection: Tool (I) Synergies System Scale which consisted of two parts; Part (I) Nurses' data and Part (II) Nursing Competency Scale; Tool (II) Patients' demographic data; and Tool (III): Patient' Satisfaction assessment tool. Results: The study revealed that staff nurses had an unsatisfactory knowledge level in pre-synergies system implementation but satisfactory in post-synergies system implementation (76%) with a statistically significant relation. Also, most patients reported their satisfaction with nurses' communication & nurses' skills and competencies. Conclusion: Synergies system implementation positively affects staff nurses' competency, performance, and patient satisfaction. Recommendation: Continuous training about the synergies system for all nurses is recommended to be applied. Replication of the current study with a larger sample of nurses in different settings is required to generalize the results.

Effectiveness of Applying Finger Handheld Relaxation Technique on Pain Intensity and Fatigue among Children Undergoing Chemotherapy

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: Chemotherapy is a standard cancer treatment, but it can cause side effects like pain and fatigue that can affect children's quality of life. Complementary and alternative therapies, including Finger handheld relaxation, have gained popularity as potential solutions to alleviate these symptoms. Aim: Evaluate the effectiveness of applying the finger handheld relaxation technique on pain intensity and fatigue among children undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Setting: This study was carried out at the Oncology Institute in Sohag City. A purposive sample of children receiving chemotherapy which were randomly classified into study and control groups (35 in each group). Tools: Three tools were used to collect data: a structured interviewing questionnaire, the numeric pain rating scale, and a fatigue assessment scale. Results: Children in the study group experienced severe pain at a rate of 4%, while the rate for the control group was 70%. Additionally, 58% of the study group reported mild pain, while only 10% of the control group reported mild pain. In addition, 46% of the study group reported mild fatigue, while 37% of the control group reported the worst fatigue. Conclusion: The results of the present study concluded that children who received the finger handheld relaxation technique exhibited less pain and fatigue compared to children who did not receive it. Recommendations: The finger handheld relaxation technique should be integrated into the care of children undergoing chemotherapy to help reduce pain intensity and fatigue.

Impact of Foot Reflexology on Patients' Post-Craniotomy WeaningfromMechanical Ventilation and Time to Full Consciousness Recovery

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, June 2024 EJHC Vol. 15. No. 2

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-06

Background: After craniotomy, patients with brain tumors face several problems, such as delayedendotracheal tube extubation and diminished consciousness. The present study aimed toevaluatethe effects of foot reflexology on the impact of foot reflexology on patients' post-craniotomyweaning from mechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery. Design: Aquasi-experimental research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was carriedout at the neurosurgery intensive care unit at Beni-Suef University Hospital. Subjects: Apurposivesample of 60 patients post-craniotomy was recruited in this study; the studied patients wereassigned into two groups, with 30 patients in each group (the intervention and control groups). Inthe intervention group, foot reflexology was done twice a day, in the morning and the evening, for30 minutes (15 minutes for each foot), in addition to the patient's regular care. This was doneforaweek. The control group just received standard post-craniotomy treatment. Tools: Four tools wereused to collect data: Tool (1): Patients personal data. Tool (II): Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Tool (III): Time of full consciousness, and Tool (IV): Withdrawal from the ventilator. Results: Thefindings indicated that there was no statistically significant variation in the demographic attributesof the two groups (p>0.05). The findings showed that, in comparison to the control group, theintervention group's mean scores for the amount of time required to regain consciousness andwean off of mechanical ventilation were significantly lower. Conclusion: The results showedthat foot reflexology on the impact of foot reflexology have a positive effect on patients' post-craniotomy weaning from mechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery. Recommendation: Foot reflexology is recommended to be applied as a non-pharmacological strategy and complementary therapy along with routine care to reduce weaning frommechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery.

Effect of Foot Reflexology Massage on Pain and Anxiety Levels regarding Insulin Injection among Diabet

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-03

Background: Anxiety and pain from insulin injections are frequent side effects. Therefore, controlling injection pain aids in reducing anxiety and subsequent health care avoidance behaviors. Foot reflexology massage appears to be useful in decreasing pain and stress as a complementary care that is becoming widely accepted and popular. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of foot reflexology massage on pain and anxiety levels regarding insulin injection among diabetic children. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was carried out at Pediatric Endocrine Department at Mansoura University Hospital Subjects and method: A purposive sample of 100 diabetic children who receiving insulin injection were recruited in this study; the studied children were assigned into two groups, with 50 children in each group (the study and control groups). Tools: Three tools were used to collect data: Tool (1): A structured interviewing questionnaire. Tool (II): Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), and Tool (III): State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC). Results: The present study revealed that more than half of diabetic children in the study group had mild pain compared to only (8%) in the control group after insulin injection. Moreover, there were highly statistical significant differences post foot reflexology massage among the studied diabetic children regarding anxiety level on STAIC between the study and control groups. Conclusion: Foot reflexology massage has an effect on pain and anxiety reduction regarding insulin injection among diabetic children. Recommendation: Foot reflexology massage could be applied as a non-pharmacological method and complementary therapy along with routine care to manage insulin injection pain and anxiety among diabetic children.

Impact of Foot Reflexology on Patients' Post-Craniotomy WeaningfromMechanical Ventilation and Time to Full Consciousness Recovery

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2024 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-06

Background: After craniotomy, patients with brain tumors face several problems, such as delayedendotracheal tube extubation and diminished consciousness. The present study aimed toevaluatethe effects of foot reflexology on the impact of foot reflexology on patients' post-craniotomyweaning from mechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery. Design: Aquasi-experimental research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was carriedout at the neurosurgery intensive care unit at Beni-Suef University Hospital. Subjects: Apurposivesample of 60 patients post-craniotomy was recruited in this study; the studied patients wereassigned into two groups, with 30 patients in each group (the intervention and control groups). Inthe intervention group, foot reflexology was done twice a day, in the morning and the evening, for30 minutes (15 minutes for each foot), in addition to the patient's regular care. This was doneforaweek. The control group just received standard post-craniotomy treatment. Tools: Four tools wereused to collect data: Tool (1): Patients personal data. Tool (II): Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Tool (III): Time of full consciousness, and Tool (IV): Withdrawal from the ventilator. Results: Thefindings indicated that there was no statistically significant variation in the demographic attributesof the two groups (p>0.05). The findings showed that, in comparison to the control group, theintervention group's mean scores for the amount of time required to regain consciousness andwean off of mechanical ventilation were significantly lower. Conclusion: The results showedthat foot reflexology on the impact of foot reflexology have a positive effect on patients' post-craniotomy weaning from mechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery. Recommendation: Foot reflexology is recommended to be applied as a non-pharmacological strategy and complementary therapy along with routine care to reduce weaning frommechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery.



سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-03

Background: A primary cause of blindness that affects about 50,000 children worldwide is prematurity retinopathy. The degree of perinatal care and the presence of screening programs for early diagnosis affect the disease's incidence, which differs among nations. Several antenatal, postnatal, and other risk variables have been found with their relationship to the severity of the disease, including low birth weight, small gestational age, and other risk factors. Aim: This research aimed to determine the incidence and risk factors of prematurity retinopathy among preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Patients and methods: This study included 200 preterm infants admitted to neonatal intensive care units at Sohag University Hospital in the period from April 2021 to April 2022. Fundus examination was done using indirect ophthalmoscopy and a 28 D lens, and fundus images were captured using a wide-field digital fundus camera. Results: Out of the 200 screened preterm babies, (57%) cases had prematurity retinopathy, among whom (43%) had stage 1, (48%) had stage 2, (6%) had stage 3, (and 3%) had aggressive posterior retinopathy. GA, BW, oxygen therapy, sepsis, multiple birth, and cesarean section were factors found to be significantly associated with the disease. Conclusion prematurity retinopathy occurred in 57% of all screened preterm babies. The main risk factors for the development of prematurity retinopathy were GA, BW, oxygen therapy, and sepsis. Keywords: birth weight, gestational age, oxygen, preterm, retinopathy of prematurity


المجلة: AIN SHAMS MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol. 74, No., 2, June 2023

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 0023-12-20

Background: In neonates with moderate-to-severe hypoxia-ischemia encephalopathy (HIE), Therapeutic hypothermia (TH), which can be achieved by either whole-body or localized head cooling, lessens brain damage, offers neuroprotection, and lowers mortality rates, especially if initiated within the first six hours after birth. Moreover, adjuvant therapy like magnesium sulfate (MS) management offers increased neuroprotection. The goal of the interventional, randomized, controlled study was to evaluate the short-term effects of using TH alone or in conjunction for the treatment of newborn infants with MS as a neuroprotective medication with HIE. Aim: to evaluate the effects of whole-body cooling and magnesium sulfate on infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treatment. Patients and methods: 39 newborns who met the HIE criteria and were born in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Sohag University Hospital were enrolled in the study. They were split equally across the three groups; During the first six hours of life, Group 1 (n 13) received whole-body cooling as the only therapy; In addition to MS, Group 2 (n 13) received whole-body cooling as adjuvant therapy, while Group 3 (n 13) received supportive acute care interventions as a comparison. Results: The TH plus MS group (group 2) had significantly better short-term outcomes when compared to other groups managed by TH (group 1) or supportive treatment, as indicated by a brief period of mechanical ventilation and respiratory support (p-value 0.001), a decrease in the incidence of convulsions (p-value 0.001), and an early start to feeding (p-value 0.001) (p-value 0.009) (group 3). Conclusion: In addition to MS, total body cooling is a safe therapy that enhances short-term clinical and radiological outcomes for the treatment of HIE infants. In neonates with moderate-to-severe hypoxia-ischemia encephalopathy (HIE), Therapeutic hypothermia (TH), which can be achieved by either whole-body or localized head cooling, lessens brain damage, offers neuroprotection, and lowers mortality rates, especially if initiated within the first six hours after birth. Moreover, adjuvant therapy like magnesium sulfate (MS) management offers increased neuroprotection. The goal of the interventional, randomized, controlled study was to evaluate the short-term effects of using TH alone or in conjunction for the treatment of newborn infants with MS as a neuroprotective medication with HIE. Aim: to evaluate the effects of whole-body cooling and magnesium sulfate on infants w

ffectiveness of Applying Finger Handheld Relaxation Technique on Pain Intensity and Fatigue among Children Undergoing Chemotherapy

المجلة: Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, September 2023 EJHC Vol.14 No.3

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-09

Background: Chemotherapy is a standard cancer treatment, but it can cause side effects like pain and fatigue that can affect children's quality of life. Complementary and alternative therapies, including Finger handheld relaxation, have gained popularity as potential solutions to alleviate these symptoms. Aim: Evaluate the effectiveness of applying the finger handheld relaxation technique on pain intensity and fatigue among children undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Setting: This study was carried out at the Oncology Institute in Sohag City. A purposive sample of children receiving chemotherapy which were randomly classified into study and control groups (35 in each group). Tools: Three tools were used to collect data: a structured interviewing questionnaire, the numeric pain rating scale, and a fatigue assessment scale. Results: Children in the study group experienced severe pain at a rate of 4%, while the rate for the control group was 70%. Additionally, 58% of the study group reported mild pain, while only 10% of the control group reported mild pain. In addition, 46% of the study group reported mild fatigue, while 37% of the control group reported the worst fatigue. Conclusion: The results of the present study concluded that children who received the finger handheld relaxation technique exhibited less pain and fatigue compared to children who did not receive it. Recommendations: The finger handheld relaxation technique should be integrated into the care of children undergoing chemotherapy to help reduce pain intensity and fatigue.

Impact of Foot Reflexology on Patients' Post-Craniotomy WeaningfromMechanical Ventilation and Time to Full Consciousness Recovery

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, June 2024 EJHCVol. 15. No. 2

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-06

Background: After craniotomy, patients with brain tumors face several problems, such as delayedendotracheal tube extubation and diminished consciousness. The present study aimed toevaluatethe effects of foot reflexology on the impact of foot reflexology on patients' post-craniotomyweaning from mechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery. Design: Aquasi-experimental research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was carriedout at the neurosurgery intensive care unit at Beni-Suef University Hospital. Subjects: Apurposivesample of 60 patients post-craniotomy was recruited in this study; the studied patients wereassigned into two groups, with 30 patients in each group (the intervention and control groups). Inthe intervention group, foot reflexology was done twice a day, in the morning and the evening, for30 minutes (15 minutes for each foot), in addition to the patient's regular care. This was doneforaweek. The control group just received standard post-craniotomy treatment. Tools: Four tools wereused to collect data: Tool (1): Patients personal data. Tool (II): Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Tool (III): Time of full consciousness, and Tool (IV): Withdrawal from the ventilator. Results: Thefindings indicated that there was no statistically significant variation in the demographic attributesof the two groups (p>0.05). The findings showed that, in comparison to the control group, theintervention group's mean scores for the amount of time required to regain consciousness andwean off of mechanical ventilation were significantly lower. Conclusion: The results showedthat foot reflexology on the impact of foot reflexology have a positive effect on patients' post-craniotomy weaning from mechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery. Recommendation: Foot reflexology is recommended to be applied as a non-pharmacological strategy and complementary therapy along with routine care to reduce weaning frommechanical ventilation and time to full consciousness recovery

Effectiveness of Simulation-Guided by Intervention on Nurses' PerformanceRegarding Basic Life Support

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, June 2024 EJHC Vol. 15. No. 2

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-06

Background: Nurses' competency level in performing Basic Life Support is critical to improvingthesurvival rate of cardiac arrest patients. As advanced technology and learning ways like simulationcontinue to evolve, it is vital for new as well as old nurse educators worldwide to have effectivenessintheir teaching skills and abilities. Thus, Simulation is an evidence-based learning method andis widelyused in the nursing educational field. Study aim: To determine the effectiveness of simulation-guidedintervention on nurses' performance regarding basic life support. Study design: Aquasi-experimentalresearch design was used. Setting: The study was carried out in Critical Care and EmergencyNursingskill laboratories at the Nursing faculty, at Mansoura University. Study Subject: Convenience samplesof50 nurses were included from the previously selected settings that worked at intensive careandemergency units. Data collection tools: Tool I: structured interview questionnaire which includedtwoparts related to personal data and nurses' knowledge regarding basic life support, and Tool I: nurses' practice regarding basic life support. Results: Showed that there were observed improvements innurses' total knowledge and practice post implementation of simulation-guided by intervention regardingbasiclife support compared to pretest with statistically significant differences. Conclusions: Conclusion:Simulation- guided by intervention improved nurses' knowledge and performance in the field of basiclifesupport. According to the results, integrating conventional training with simulation-guided interventioncan be effective in learning basic life support among nurses as an active learning strategies todevelopnurses' performance in applying clinical skills. Recommendations: The latest guidelines of CPRshouldbe available inwritten format in critical care units and emergency units. In-service educationandtrainingprograms regarding CPR should be taught to all nurses. The use of educational resources suchassimulator manikins allows participants to experience an emergent critical situation, take action, andreview the consequences of choices. Repeat this research on a large sample size and in different settingsfor generalization. Keywords: Basic life support, Nurses' performance, and Simulation- guided by intervention

Effect of Implementing a Designed Rehabilitation Nursing Intervention for BrainSurgery's Patients on their Physical and Psychological Status

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, June 2024 EJHCVol. 15. No. 1

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-03

Background: One of the most critical surgeries performed on the human body is brain surgery. Its concernpotentially results in death or neurological impairment of cognitive, psychological, emotional, and behavioral skillsfrom the brain. Also, mental health issues occur because of some dysfunction of the brain. Aim: This study aimedtoevaluate the effect of implementing a designed rehabilitation nursing intervention for brain surgery's patients ontheir physical and psychological status. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized to achieve theaim of this study. Setting: This study was conducted in Neurosurgery inpatient and outpatient clinics also, oncologyclinics at Beni-Suef University Hospital, Egypt. Sample: A purposive sample of consisted of fifty adult patientsundergoing brain surgery was collected within six months. Tools of data collection: Tool I: Brain Surgery Patients' Knowledge Assessment Sheet, Tool II: Brain Surgery Patients' Practices Assessment Questionnaire, Tool III: Theshort Form 12 (SF-12), Tool IV: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and Tool V: The Impact of Event Scale (IES). Results: Regarding patients' knowledge, anxiety depression, and stress there a highly statisticallysignificant differences and improvements was found between the designed rehabilitation nursing interventionandthe pre-intervention among the studied patients. Conclusion: The results concluded that implementing a designedrehabilitation nursing intervention has a positive effect on improving physical and psychological status among brainsurgery patients. Recommendation: It is recommended that every patient having brain surgery should get arehabilitation program. All patients having brain surgery should have access to the prepared booklet brain surgery. Emotional support should be provided to patients undergoing brain surgery. Further research on a larger sampleisrecommended to achieve generalization. Further study is recommended to evaluate physical and psychological assessment before and after the surgery.

Effect of Head Lift Exercise on Knowledge, Practice, and Swallowing Function among Patients with Dysphagia

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, June 2024 EJHCVol. 15. No. 2

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 0024-12-20

Background: The head lift exercise is a head-raising workout aiming to improve the opening of this segment, and ultimately to reduce aspiration. The aim of the study: Was to evaluate the effect of head lift exercise on knowledge, practice, and swallowing function among Patients with dysphagia. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to achieve the aim of the study. Settings: The study was conducted at the neurological department at Beni-Suef University Hospital. Subjects: A convenient sample of all 50 patients with dysphagia was included in the study within six months from the previously selected setting. Tools of data collection: Tool I: Patient's Structured Interview Questionnaire, Tool II: Dysphagic Patients' Knowledge Assessment Sheet, Tool III: Dysphagic Patient's Reported Practice Assessment Sheet, and Tool IV: Gugging Swallowing Screening (GUSS) Scale. Results: The study revealed that there was an improvement with highly statistically significant differences detected between dysphagic patients' knowledge regarding head lift exercise pre-, post-two weeks, and one-month post-implementation. There was a highly statistically significant difference in the GUSS score of dysphagia level among patients pre and postimplementation of head lift exercise (P<0.001). There was a highly significant positive correlation between dysphagic patients' total knowledge, practice, and swallowing function pre-, post two weeks, and one-month post-implementation (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The study concluded that head lift exercise has a positive effect in improving knowledge, practice, and swallowing function among patients with dysphagia. Recommendation: It is recommended that head lift exercise be used in clinical settings for Patients with dysphagia in the neurological ward to improve their swallowing function. Replicate the study on a larger group; selected from different geographical areas in Egypt to obtain more generalized findings about the current study

Effect of Benson Relaxation Technique versus Foot MassageonPostpartum Blues among Postnatal Mothers

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-20

Background: Mood changes in the early days of postpartum are particularly common. Postpartum blues are a common mental health problem during the early postpartumperiod. Thereare many alternative therapies to treat this. However, many studies reported that non-pharmacological and complementary interventions are easy to perform without any risk, andwithminimal expenses, They decrease the cortisol level in the bloodstream which causes stress andleadsto a decrease in the postpartum blues. Therefore current study aimed to evaluate the effect of theBenson relaxation technique versus foot massage on postpartum blues among postnatal mothers. Study design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to accomplish this studypre-test post-test control group design. Methods: the study was carried out at the PostpartumUnit at Damietta University Hospital and home visit. Subject: the study included a purposive samplingtechnique was 200 postnatal mothers, they were divided into three groups (foot reflexology, Bensonrelaxation, and control group). Two tools were used: The postnatal mother's assessment sheet andthe postnatal mother's Obstetric and Postpartum data. Results: a statistically significant differencebetween the groups was reported regarding postpartum blues at (P=0.001) post-Benson relaxationtechnique versus foot massage application and the improvement was more significant inthereflexology group than the Benson group. Also, a statistically significant difference betweenthegroups was reported about postpartum blues levels. Conclusion: Benson relaxation techniqueversus foot massage application has a significant reduction in mean post-test postpartumbluesscores among postnatal mothers and was found to be cost-effective, non-invasive, non-pharmacological management used to reduce postpartum blues. A higher significant improvement was observed in the reflexology group compared to Benson’s relaxation group. Recommendations:Applying a training program for postnatal mothers during the antenatal period about the importanceof the Benson relaxation technique versus foot massage applying to be able to use themas a part ofroutine care during the postpartum period.

Effect of Educational Guidelines on Mothers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice regarding Dengue Fever Complications Prevention among their Children

المجلة: Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care,

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-03

Background: Dengue (break-bone fever) is a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to children. It is more common in tropical and subtropical climates. Assessing mothers' knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) is deemed necessary, yet, at present, to the best of knowledge, attitude, and practices. Aim: To determine the effect of educational guidelines on mothers' knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding dengue fever complications prevention among their children. Subjects and method: Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to fulfill the aim of this study. Setting: The study was carried out in Pediatric outpatient clinics at Sohag University Hospital. Subjects: A purposive sample of 100 mothers involved in the current study from the previously selected settings. Four tools were used: Tool (I) a structured interview questionnaire, was composed of two parts: Part (1): Mothers' personal data, Part (2): Children's personal data; Tool (II) Mothers' knowledge regarding dengue fever, Tool (III) Mothers' attitude regarding dengue fever, (pre/post), and Tool (IV) Mothers' practice regarding dengue fever. Results: A statistically significant difference was detected between pregnant mothers' level of knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding dengue fever complications prevention among their children after educational guidelines implementation at (P= <0.001). Conclusion: Educational guidelines implementation has positively affected mothers' knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding dengue fever complications prevention among their children. Recommendations: Educational instruction implementation regarding dengue fever is recommended in various maternity healthcare settings. Educational booklets should be provided about dengue fever complication prevention for mothers and taught using the booklet and illustrated pamphlets for each one to improve their knowledge

Impact of Instructional Guidelines on Knowledge and Practices of Mothers HavingChildren with Cochlear Implantation

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: Pediatric cochlear implantation significantly improves various qualityof lifeaspects for hearing-impaired children by influencing communication. Aim: determine the impact ofinstructional guidelines on knowledge and practices of mothers having children withcochlearimplantation. Design: A quasi-experimental research design. Sample: A convenient sample of atotal200 of mothers and 200 children after cochlear implantation, divided equally into two groups (control&study group). Setting: Ear, Nose, and Throat outpatient clinics at Sohag University Hospital. Tools:Tool I: Structured interview questionnaire sheet: it is composed of two parts; mothers' personal data, and children's personal data, Tool II: Mothers' knowledge about cochlear implantation (pre/post); ToolIII: Mothers' self-reported practice for their children with cochlear implantation (pre/post). Results:The majority of the mothers in the study group had a satisfactory level of knowledge and adequatelevelof practice toward caring for their children who have cochlear implantation post-instructionalguidelines. There was a highly statistically significant difference between mothers in the studyandcontrol group regarding knowledge and self-reported practice after instructional guidelinesimplementation. Conclusion: The instructional guidelines improved knowledge and reportedpracticeof mothers having children with cochlear implantation. Recommendation: Instructional guidelinesformothers about caring for their children after cochlear implantation are highly recommended.

Effect of Coaching Program on Mothers' Knowledge RegardingMicronutrients and Their Children's Development Under Five Years

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-12

Background: Micronutrient deficiency is one of the major problems commonly seen inchildrenbelow 5 years of age. Aim: to determine the effect of a coaching program on mothers' knowledgeregarding micronutrients and their children's development under five years. Design: a quasi-experimental design (pre/post-test). Setting: The study was conducted at Pediatric Outpatient Clinicat Sohag University Hospital and Dar El Salama Abdallah Maternal and child health center inSohagCity. Subjects: convenience sampling technique consisted of 100 mothers and their childrenfromthe above-mentioned setting recruited in this study. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection: Tool I: Structured interview questionnaire; Tool II: Bayley Scales of Infant andToddlerDevelopment; Tool III: Brief Infant Toddler Socio-Emotional Assessment sheet, Tool IV: Childrenblood test assessment sheet. Results: The study result revealed that (80%) of mothers possessedunsatisfactory knowledge levels regarding micronutrients. The analysis showed that thereisnoassociation between the level of knowledge of mothers regarding micronutrients with their selecteddemographic variables. Pre coaching program there were no statistically significant differencesbetween mothers related to their level of knowledge about micronutrients (p > 0.05). Whiletherewere significant differences in post-knowledge scores regarding micronutrients pre andpost-coaching program (p< 0.001). There was a significant improvement in children's socioemotional development. Conclusion: A coaching program regarding micronutrients had a positive effect onmothers' knowledge regarding micronutrients and their children's development under fiveyears. Recommendations: Continuous application of the coaching program for mothers of childrenunderfive years to improve their knowledge regarding micronutrients which reflected positivelyontheirchildren's development.

Impact of Simulation-Based Training on Nurses' Performance andSatisfaction regarding Blood Transfusion at Neonatal Intensive CareUnit

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: A blood transfusion is an emergency operation for very ill newborns. Nursingcareisrequired for preparation before, during, and after the procedure in addition to ongoingmedical competence for life-saving interventions. Clinical practice and classroom learning are connectedthrough simulation-based education. It helps nurses become competent before dealingwithnewborns in a real-world setting, raising the standard of care and assuring the safety of the infants. This study aimed to determine the impact of simulation-based training on nurses' performanceandsatisfaction regarding blood transfusion at the neonatal intensive care unit. Method: Aquasi-experimental research design was used to achieve the aim of the current study. Setting: Thestudywas conducted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit affiliated at Sohag University Hospital. Subjects: Included all nurses (50) who are working in the neonatal intensive care unit. Tools fordatacollection: (1) Structured interview questionnaire sheet (2) observational checklist, and (3) Nurses' satisfaction scale was used to collect data. Results: In terms of knowledge, practice, and satisfaction, there was a very statistically significant difference among the nurses. The study's findings showedthat, before the implementation of the simulation-based training, more than two-thirds of the nurseswere poorly informed about blood transfusions, and more than half of them had incompetent levelsof practice in this area. Following the implementation of simulation-based training, the vast majorityof the examined nurses had a good level of knowledge and the majority of themhad a competent level of practice. When compared to pre-training, nurses' performance showed a very statisticallysignificant difference and improvement. Conclusion: According to the findings of the current study, simulation-based training enhanced nurses' performance and satisfaction with blood transfusion. Recommendations: The study suggested that simulation-based training be used as an effectivetechnique for teaching nurses about blood transfusion

Effect of Whats App's Education regarding Wound Massage on Post-ThyroidectomyPatientsWound Adhesion and Voice Changes

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2023 EJHC

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-12

Background: Neck discomfort and voice change are common complications after thyroidectomy. These symptoms might be due to damaged laryngeal nerves, intrinsic structures, or extra laryngeal muscles. They can also occur without injury to any structure as with wound adhesionafterthyroidectomy. This study aimed to determine the effect of Whats App's education regardingwound massage on post-thyroidectomy patients' wound adhesion and voice changes. Design: Aquasi-experimental research design was used to accomplish this study (study/ control). Setting: Thestudy was carried out at the General Surgical Department and General Surgical Outpatient ClinicatSohag University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: A convenient sampling technique of 50postthyroidectomy patients within six months, admitted to the previously mentioned settingweredivided into two groups as study (n = 25) and control (n = 25). Tools: Data was collectedbyusingfour tools; Tool (I): A structured interview questionnaire, Tool (II): The patient and observer scarassessment scale (POSAS), Tool (III): Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10) questionnaire &Tool (IV):Compliance assessment sheet. Results: The present study revealed that Following the applicationofWhats App's wound massage education (2 and 4 weeks postoperatively), there were highlystatistically significant differences regarding wound adhesion between the two groups (P-value<0.001**) .Following the application of Whats App's wound massage education (2 and4weekspostoperatively), there were highly statistically significant differences in voice changes betweenthetwo groups (P-value <0.001**) . Also, there were highly statistically significant differences betweenstudy and control groups regarding post-thyroidectomy patients' wound adhesion and voice changesafter applying the Whats App's education regarding wound massage (2 and 4 weeks postoperatively)(P-value<0.001**). Conclusion: The application of Whats App's education regardingwoundmassage post-thyroidectomy significantly reduced wound adhesion and improved voice changesinthe study group compared to the control group. Recommendations: wound massageisrecommended to be an integral part of the pre-operative nursing teaching for patients undergoingthyroidectomy. There is a need to develop comprehensive simple Arabic printed educational materials that can be a reference for them. Keywords: Post-thyroidectomy patients, Voice changes, Whats App education, Woundmassage,