ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

جميلة موسى علي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: فيزياء نووية

الجامعة: عمر المختار


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • 16 سنة

الأبحاث المنشورة

Estimation The Heavy Metal Contents of (Soil, Rock, Plant and Water) Samples Collected from Gandula Region (Libya)

المجلة: Ecology & Conservation Science: Open Access

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-08-23

This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb). The obtained results showed high levels of Na and Ca in water samples with average concentration of (154.08 and 84.4 ppm), respectively, and the high average concentrations of potassium was recorded in the plant samples (10.83 ppm). On the other side the high concentrations of Cu was recorded in rock samples with average (1.03 ppm). The results also recorded that the high concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were recorded in soil samples (65.76 and 2.97 ppm), whereas the average values of, Zn and Pb were (1.36 and 0.97 ppm), respectively, in water samples. Levels of heavy metal were lower than the reference doses recommended by USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and JECFA (Joint FAO /WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

Estimation The Heavy Metal Contents of (Soil, Rock, Plant and Water) Samples Collected from Gandula Region (Libya)

المجلة: Ecology & Conservation Science: Open Access

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-08-23

This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb). The obtained results showed high levels of Na and Ca in water samples with average concentration of (154.08 and 84.4 ppm), respectively, and the high average concentrations of potassium was recorded in the plant samples (10.83 ppm). On the other side the high concentrations of Cu was recorded in rock samples with average (1.03 ppm). The results also recorded that the high concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were recorded in soil samples (65.76 and 2.97 ppm), whereas the average values of, Zn and Pb were (1.36 and 0.97 ppm), respectively, in water samples. Levels of heavy metal were lower than the reference doses recommended by USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and JECFA (Joint FAO /WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

Concentration of Naturally Radioactive Elements in Rocks and Its Radiological Risk around El-Beida City, Libya

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences (LJBS)

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-04

as measured in this study by determining the The radioactivity concentrations of Radium (2 Ra), Thorium (?32Th), and Potassium( "K) in six samples collected from the Lussaitah and Massa regions around El-Beida city, using spectroscopic techniques of gamma rays by the sodium iodide detector NaI (TI). It was found that the highest values for Radium (?2GRa), 'Thorium (32Th), and Potassium ("K) concentrations are (20.74, 39.51, and 38.06) Bq/Kg respectively, while the lowest values for them are (12.06, 17.75, and 13.20) Bq/Kg respectively. With average values of (16.73, 27.15, and 23.10) Bq/Kg. By knowing these concentrations we were able to calculate the average values of radiation hazard indicators using these concentrations: the radium equivalent dose of 57.34 Bq/Kg, the absorbed dose of 21.18 nGy/h, the annual effective dose of 0.04 mSv/y, the cancer risk factor of 0.11x10%, the external hazard index of 0.17, and the external gamma radiation of 0.40. All of the measured average values of radiation hazard indicators were found to be less than the global permissible values

Annual effective dose and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk in soil samples from a sits around the city of Al-Bayda, Libya

المجلة: (STDI) مجلة النماء للعلوم والتكنولوجيا

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-01

All living organisms are exposed to natural radiation in the air, water, andsoil. Since the radiation is transmitted through the water to the plant that is irrigatedwith it ,or through the soil in which it is grown, or both of them ,has been measured. Samples are collected from a site around the city of Al-Bayda, Libya. The study wascarried out using a gamma ray spectrometer (NaI (TI)) with a crystal detector of 3"x3" to measure the specific activity of the radionuclides as well as the calculation of radiation hazard indices. Three natural radionuclides; k-40, Bi-214(Ra-226), and Ti-208(Th-232) have been detected in the studied samples with various specific activitiesSeveral hazard indices have een calculated also depending on the specific activitiesmeasured in each sample; The radiological parameters such as indices: indoor absorbed gamma dose rate (nGy/h), annual effective dose and Cancer risk factor. Almost of them results are more than the recommended values given by (UNSCEAR,2000)

Evaluation of Radioactive Elements in some Vegetables Samples Collected from Different Regions around Al- Guba City- Libya

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences (LJBS)

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-08-01

This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb). The obtained results showed high levels of Na and Ca in water samples with average concentration of (154.08 and 84.4 ppm), respectively, and the high average concentrations of potassium was recorded in the plant samples (10.83 ppm). On the other side the high concentrations of Cu was recorded in rock samples with average (1.03 ppm). The results also recorded that the high concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were recorded in soil samples (65.76 and 2.97 ppm), whereas the average values of, Zn and Pb were (1.36 and 0.97 ppm), respectively, in water samples. Levels of heavy metal were lower than the reference doses recommended by USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and JECFA (Joint FAO /WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

Measurement of Radium and Radon Exhalation Rate in Marble Samples used in Al-Bayda City Market-Libya

المجلة: This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-08-30

The aim of the present study is to measure the activity concentrations of 26Ra, 22Rn, the mass exhalation rate of 22Rn, and the annual effective dose of radon in marble samples collected from Al-Bayda city local market -Libya. Samples were measured by using a low-background,Nal (TI) detector. The average activity concentrations of 22Ra and 222Rn were 72.57 Bq.kg' and 597.85 Bq.m3.The radon exhalation rate in marble samples vary from S 9.05-0.30 Bq.kg'"S" with an average of 0.13 Bq.kg The annual effective dose of radon was calculated in samples under investigation. For most samples, the values were lower than he maximum permissible dose limits, It can be concluded that marble samples under investi- gation do not pose any radiological hazard to the dwellers of buildings used in their construc- tion.

Evaluation of Radioactive Elements in some Vegetables Samples Collected from Different Regions around Al- Guba City- Libya

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences (LJBS)

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-08-01

This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb). The obtained results showed high levels of Na and Ca in water samples with average concentration of (154.08 and 84.4 ppm), respectively, and the high average concentrations of potassium was recorded in the plant samples (10.83 ppm). On the other side the high concentrations of Cu was recorded in rock samples with average (1.03 ppm). The results also recorded that the high concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were recorded in soil samples (65.76 and 2.97 ppm), whereas the average values of, Zn and Pb were (1.36 and 0.97 ppm), respectively, in water samples. Levels of heavy metal were lower than the reference doses recommended by USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and JECFA (Joint FAO /WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

The Natural Activity Concentration And Transfer Factor Of Radionuclide In Soil-Plant In North Eastern Libya

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-08-15

This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb). The obtained results showed high levels of Na and Ca in water samples with average concentration of (154.08 and 84.4 ppm), respectively, and the high average concentrations of potassium was recorded in the plant samples (10.83 ppm). On the other side the high concentrations of Cu was recorded in rock samples with average (1.03 ppm). The results also recorded that the high concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were recorded in soil samples (65.76 and 2.97 ppm), whereas the average values of, Zn and Pb were (1.36 and 0.97 ppm), respectively, in water samples. Levels of heavy metal were lower than the reference doses recommended by USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and JECFA (Joint FAO /WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

Effect of Steel Fiber Addition on Mechanical Properties and y-Ray Attenuation for Ordinary Concrete Used in El-Gabal El-Akhdar Area in Libya for Radiation Shielding Purposes

المجلة: This study was carried out on forty one samples collected from different locations at Gandula region (Libya). The samples included (soil, rock, plant and water samples) afferent elements were selected in this study including (Na, Ca, K, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and

سنة النشر: 2009

تاريخ النشر: 2009-01-14

This work deals with the study of ordinary concrete reinforced with steel fibers where the concrete was prepared from limestone ores as coarse aggregate, and sand as ine aggregate, in El-Gabal El-Akhdar in Libya order to study some mechanical properties and gamma ray attenuation. For mechanical properties, compressive and tensile strengths have been studied, where tensile strength improved by a factor 1.189 at 3% steel fiber content in comparison with reference sample (0%), whereas the compressive strength improved by a factor of 1.012 at 1% steel fiber content. In relation to the concrete density, it is found that the optimum density was 2.217g/em at 3% For where the gamma factor ray attenuation, ofimprovementy the was 1.1. measurements haye been obtained by a collimated beam of gamma ray from sources Co, 22Na and 37CS using a gamma ray spectrometer MCA cassy with inorganic scintillator Na(TI). The total linear attenuation coefficient ( cm mean free path length (2), HVT (t1n2) and TYT (t1o) are all evaluated in this study. The study reveals that concrete sample with 3% steel fiber content has the optimum values of all these nuclear parameters.

Estimation of Heavy Metals levels (Lead and Cadmium) in some soils of Libya

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences (LJBS)

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-04-06

The distribution of Lead and Cadmium (Pb and Cd) in contaminating soils from three different locations in Libya, Allhadba. Aboshiba Agricultural project and Tripoli, Zawia Highway were investigated. The study samples were preparation, degustation and measurement for Pb and Cd using Atomic absorption spectrometry (6601F). The mean values of Pb concentration in p.p.m at the three locations were 0.137, 0.222 and 4.490 for Allhadba, Aboshiba and Tripoli-Zawia Highway respectively. Also for Cd the mean values were 0.075, 0.097 and 0.027 p.p.m at Allhadba, Aboshiba and Tripoli - Zawia Highway respectively. The contamination by Pb and Cd were degreased in the agricultural location compared with Tripoli - Zawia Highway, indicating that the effect of the Pb and Cd source was related to automobile traffic


المجلة: roceedings of the 4" Environmental Physics Conference,

سنة النشر: 2010

تاريخ النشر: 2010-03-15

Sm factor, the half value thickness Xin, and The mass attenuation coefficient , the build tenth value thickness Xnno Xnno of of fiber concrete, 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% by weight fiber content were measured at different gamma ray energies in Mev: 0.511, 1,274 from Na-22, 1.17, 1.33 from Co-60 and 0.662 from Cs-137. Appreciable variations were noticed in the former nuclear parameters, due to the changes in the fiber content and gamma ray energies .A comparison of shielding properties of concrete with fiber content and reference sample(concrete without fiber) have proven that the addition of steel fibers by weight to concrete have a potential application as a radiation shielding.


المجلة: International Journal f Recent Scientific Research

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-08-07

Five tends using ratios( while? samples the activity activity uranium equal t 1O SHu uranium samples Clark HPGe to are ratios reach, is except the of high omembx concentrations value) detector isotopes with one member between in activity sediments time, all of sample, are of iesdlard of with also the in "Ra/ thes its e a sediment the where first 2U collected state "U radionuclides estimated. n state specially of for are the decay samples, of nuclide. from The in secular present activity sediment secular series designed and The sediment uranium southwesterr the 234U/ When nuclides were equilibrium radioactive shield. concentrations activity 2U of samples Isotopes decay in calculated. Sinai two The activity which - were series of E equilibrium values "K concentrations the Egypt, independent ratio occur & are determined of and have In activities of to low obtained activity BU decay by in closed been of thorium Uranium are y-ray all most series indicated s system are found series investigated. of concentrations samples. high that the spectrometer concentration t 1sotopes, naturally in member these series The

Assessment of Natural Radioactivity and Radiological Hazards in Ceramic Samples Importer for the Local Market in Benghazi-Libya

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences (LJBS)

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-04-16

The natural radioactivity of 15 ceramic samples imported from Italy, China, and Egypt to the local market of Benghazi city-Libya, was measured by the means of a gamma-ray spectroscopy system with an HPG detector. The activity concentrations of 22Ra, 232Th and "K were ranged from 75.75 to 85.63 Bq.kg 44.10to 65.20 Bq.kg" and 819.52 to 959.27 Bq.kg ,, respectively. 'The radium equivalent, external hazard index, gamma radiation index, absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose, and cancer risk factor were calculated using the above measurements in order to assess the radiological hazard associated with the studied ceramic samples. The average values of hese radiological indices for the ceramic samples were found to be 232.29 Bq.kg", 0.63, 1.71, 107.11 nGy.h", 0.13 mSv.y" and 0.43, respectively. In general, the average value of radium equivalent for ceramic samples is not exceeded the recommended value of 370 Bq.kg-1, the external hazard index is lower than unity, and for all samples the annual effective dose below the recommended world limits. On the other hand, some radiological hazard indices were reported to be higher than the recommended world limits. The ceramic samples concerned in this study might be recommended to be utilized as building materials for dwelling construction

Measurements of Radioactivity Concentrations in Granites and Sedimentary Rocks and their Leaching Components in Egyptian Deserts

المجلة: Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-01-30


Estimation of Annual Effective Ingestion Dose in Tomatoes cultivated in sub-regions of El-Beida city -Libya

المجلة: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology Gokainthith Journal home page: http://www.ijmsat.com

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-09-01

The natural radioactivity of 22Ra,2"U, 232 Th, and #9Kin 6 tomato samples collected from two regions in sub-regions of in of values, El-Beida of city -Libya, naturalradionuclides were measured 'Ra,' 238U, by #ine Th, and gamma OK ray in the spectrometer tomato samples NaI(TI) was detector. 30.25, The 30.97, average 34.40 and concentration 184.05 6 3q.kg",respectively. The average value of the annual effective ingestion dose due to intake of tomato samples were 0.48 present study were lower than mSv.y`".The concentrations of natural radionuclides in the tomato samples found in the world average values suggested by the UNSCEAR. The average annual effective ingestion dose was found higher han total exposure per person resulting from the ingestion of natural radionuclides

Determination of Radionuclide's Levels and Absorbed Dose for Soil, Rock, Plant and Water in Gondola - Libya

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-08-07

The levels fO natural radioactivity in some soil, rock, plant and water samples collected from different locations of Gandula-Libya were measured. The radioactivity levels of 2 Ra, 23% U, 232Th and :"K were measured by direct y-ray spectrometry using HPGe detector. Based low background gamma-ray counting $6.07 system and with $17.92 specially Bq.kg"' designed for shield. 2Ra The 235 U, average 252Th and radioactivity "K, respectively. concentration in For soil rocks samples mhne are average 66.32, activity 59.52, concentrations of same radionuclides are 26.01, 23.39, 25.13 and 100.97 Bq.kg"" respectively. In addition the average activity of 22Ra, 238U, 232Th and "K for plants are 106.22, 95.49, 143.22 and 1255.82 Bq.kg respectively.The activity concentrations in water of previous radionuclides 19.24, 16.78, 19.32 and 102.78Bq.L'", respectively. The absorbed dose rate D, the outdoor effective dose Eou and excess lifetime annual cancer risk ELCR in this study are calculated. The results from this study have been compared with different countries of the world and the world average radioactivity in the same samples

The natural radioactivity of 22Ra,2"U, 232 Th, and #9Kin 6 tomato samples collected from two regions in sub-regions of in of values, El-Beida of city -Libya, naturalradionuclides were measured 'Ra,' 238U, by #ine Th, and gamma OK ray in the spectrometer t

المجلة: Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-07-20

The natural radioactivity element type sand their concentrations of some sediment samples collected from Benghazi coast (Libya)were determined by used high pure germanium (HPGe) gamma-ray spectroscopy. The radioactivity contents of the radionuclides were used to calculate the radiological hazard values. 'The results showed that the average activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and "K were 11.03, 4.185 and 7.94 Bg/kg respectively. The external radiation hazard values were ranged betweer (0.039 - 0.137 Bq/kg). The recorded values which obtained in the this study for the sediment samples under investigation were less than the recommended of safe values and permissible limits which given by UNSCEAR.