ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

سليم أحمد

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: أستاذ جامعي تخصص كيمياء

الجامعة: الحسن الثاني الدار البيضاء المغرب


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • انا أستاذ باحث بجامعة الحسن الثاني لي مجموعة من التجارب العلمية لا من حيث نشر البحوث او تأطير الطلبة

الأبحاث المنشورة

Study of techniques improving the Domestic Wastewaters Treatment

المجلة: African Journal of Biotechnology

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-01

The purpose of this article was to show the treatment capacity of bioreactors and their purification performance regarding the improvement of oxygen transfer by removing dissolved matter and suspended solids from domestic wastewater. For this purpose, three sets of tests were performed: Bacteria Adaptation in an aerated biological filter, Adsorption/Biosorption in anon-aerated Biological Filters and percolation in a trickling filter with three packed plastic media for evalued their performance. The results showed that for the adaptation tests DO concentration varied between 0.2 and 9 mg / L, which allowed a good aeration in the bioreactor. The removal performances of the organic material was 96.9% with an initial COD of 3200 mgO 2 /L, the turbidity has reached an abatement rate of 97.4% with an initial value of 625 NTU. For the Adsorption/Biosorption tests in a non-aerated Biological Filter, the performances of COD and turbidity reached a yield between 24 and 61%. For percolation, the yields found varied between 41 and 68% for the COD and turbidity. The OD concentration for his two tests varied from 0.2 to 1 mg/L. These results showed the use of several wastewater treatment techniques in a bioreactor.

Study of oxygen transfer processes improvement for domestic wastewaters treatment

المجلة: African Journal of Biotechnology

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-03-01

In aerated processes, the oxygen transfer was limited by the presence of the suspended matter as colloid and the dissolved matter, which might decrease the biological degradation effectiveness. In this publication, three series of tests were conducted to study possibilities to reduce these matters: bacterial adaptation which was conducted in a biological aerated filter, adsorption/biosorption conducted on a biological aerated filter with a biofilm of adapted bacteria and percolation in a bioreactor with a packed plastic media. All the tests carried out gave convincing results concerning turbidity and chemical oxygen demand, as parameters limiting the oxygen transfer for a better biodegradation. The advanced adaptation improved their elimination. So, all these treatment techniques could be used as pretreatment processes; in addition, they required very little energy, particularly adsorption/biosorption and percolation.

Toward the discovery of an effective method for treating industrial effluents: Application of adsorption on activated carbon based on argan kernels

المجلة: Journal of Materials and Environmental Science

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-11-01

Water pollution caused by industrial effluents is a pressing issue in many countries, posing a threat to the environment. To combat this problem, scientists employ various methods, including physico-chemical processes like adsorption, to purify effluents. The present study focuses on the application of a naturally biodegradable adsorbent derived from argan trees located in southern Morocco, aiming to reduce the harmful effects of pollutants through a physico-chemical adsorption process. To highlight the purification power of the investigated natural adsorbent, an aqueous solution of dye methylene blue was prepared and used as synthetic effluent. The conducted experiments showed a significant removal rate within the first 15 minutes. In addition, the influence of adsorbent mass and concentration on the purification rate were also explored, and the results highlight the effectiveness of argan powder in adsorbing MB. By promoting pollution reduction, waste recovery, and water recycling, this research underscores the potential of argan kernels to benefit local communities. Keywords: Wastewater; Carbon, Water Treatment; Argan, Adsorption; Coloured Discharge; Isotherms.