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صورة الملف الشخصي

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إرسال رسالة

التخصص: كيمياء حياتية

الجامعة: النهرين


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • دكتوراه /كيمياء حياتية

الأبحاث المنشورة

A study of apelin-36 and GST levels with their relationship to lipid and other biochemical parameters in the prediction of heart diseases in PCOS women patients

المجلة: Baghdad Science Journal

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-09-08

This work studies the role of serum apelin-36 and Glutathione S-transferases (GST) activity in association with the hormonal, metabolic profiles and their link to the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in healthy and patients' ladies with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A total of fifty-four (PCOS) patients and thirty-one healthy woman as a control have been studied. The PCOS patients were subdivided on the basis of body-mass-index (BMI), into 2-subgroups (the first group was obese-PCOS with BMI≥ 30 and the second group was non-obese PCOS MBI< 30). Fasting-insulin-levels and Lipid-profile, Homeostatic-model assessment-of-insulin-resistance (HOMA-IR), follicle-stimulating-hormone (FSH), luteinizing-hormone (LH), testosterone and serum Apelin-36 (AP-36) levels, GST-Activity were done for all groups. PCO patients showed higher concentricity of apelin-36 than healthy (160.43±20.81 (pg/ml) versus 85.49±17.85 (pg/ml), P= 0.008), while GST-activity decreased in PCOS patients and was higher in the control (7.99±1.19 (IU/L) versus 12.96±1.90 (IU/L) respectively, with a P-value= 0.022). Apelin-36 levels are directly interrelated with BMI and Very-low-density-lipoprotein (VLDL) in PCOS patients, but GST-activity levels correlated significantly negatively with (BMI) in PCOS patients. Moreover, obese-PCOS patients show increased AP-36 levels more than non-obese PCOS (185.76±92.0 (pg/ml) versus 123.59±27.65 (pg/ml), P= 0.127) respectively, whilst the GST-activity was exhibited to be lower in obese-PCO patients more than in non-obese PCOS (6.99±1.4 (IU/L) versus 9.44±2.0 (IU/L), P= 0.102).

Effect of COVID-19 on the Role of Renin Enzyme and ACE2 and Hormones in PCOS Females

المجلة: Baghdad Science Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-12

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most endocrine problem in women of regenerative age. PCOS women typically belong to an age and sex group which is at higher risk for severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19). COVID-19 targets cells through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor presents on cells in veins, lungs, heart, digestion tracts, and kidneys. Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) over activity has likewise been described in metabolic disorders; type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and conditions shared by women with polycystic ovary condition. The point of this study is to know the job of renin and ACE2 in PCOS and coronavirus and its relationship with hormones and other metabolic parameters related. The study groups consist of 120 sample subjects consisting of 80 PCOS-women divided into two groups:-(40 PCOS-women infected with COVID-19 and 40 PCOS-women non-infected with COVID-19) and 40 healthy-women divided into two groups:-20 women-COVID-19 infected, and 20 women non-COVID-19 infected, ranging in age from 15–40 years old. Renin and ACE2, FBS, lipid profile, level of insulin, HOMA IR, FSH, LH, and testosterone, were measured for all participants. There was an increase in the levels of renin, ACE2, insulin, HOMA-IR, LH, LH/FSH ratio, and testosterone, except HDL and FSH were low when comparing PCOS patients groups with healthy groups. There was a decrease in renin and ACE2 in PCOS women infected with COVID-19 compared with PCOS women non-infection with COVID-19. Infection of COVID-19 and low ACE2 levels lead to respiratory damage and problem in reproductive in

Assessing the Activity of Renin and GST in the Serum of Ladies Suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and COVID-19 to Predict the Danger of Cardiac Disease

المجلة: Baghdad Science Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-06-20

The coronavirus-pandemic has a major impact on women's-mental and physical-health. Polycysticovary-syndrome (PCOS) has a high-predisposition to many cardiometabolic-risk factors that increase susceptibility to severe complications of COVID-19 and also exhibit an increased likelihood of subfertility. The study includes the extent of the effect of COVID-19-virus on renin-levels, glutathiones-transferase-activity and other biochemical parameters in PCOS-women. The study included 120 samples of ladies that involved: 80 PCOS-patients, and 40 healthy-ladies. Both main groups were divided into subgroups based on COVID-19 infected or not. Blood-samples were collected from PCOS-patients in Kamal-Al-Samara Hospital, at the period between December until June. Some biochemical parameters were measured for all study-groups, which included: determination of serum renin levels by using the ELISA-technique, GST-activity, lipid-profile. FBS was assessed manually, and hormones were assessed using VIDAS-analyzer-hormones. The result showed a possible relationship between FBS-levels and renin in PCOS-ladies (Stein-Leventhal-Syndrome), while GST-activity were inversely associated with BMI in PCOS-ladies. Also, it was found that the renin-levels were higher in PCOS-patients groups compared with healthy-groups. On the other hand, the renin levels and Glutathione-S-Transferase-activity were lower in PCOS-patients-infected-with-COVID-19 than female-patientswithout-COVID-19. The statistical-data-displayed that the level of renin is associated negatively with glutathione-s-transferase-activity in PCOS-cases.