ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

ا. د. عيدة مفتاح عبدالكريم الشيلابي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: أنسجة وكيمياء أنسجة

الجامعة: جامعة عمر المختار


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مستشار علمي معتمد
  • تقديم محاضرات علمية في عدة مؤسسات علمية دولية
  • المشاركة في عدة مؤتمرات وندوات وملتقيات دولية
  • الاشراف على عدة رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه
  • تقديم دورات عن البحث العلمي
  • عضو تحرير بعدة مجلات محكمة دولية
  • سفير سلام دولي وسفير نوايا حسنة
  • محاضر وباحث دولي معتمد
  • محكم معتمد في جائزة ليبيا للابتكار 2022
  • محكم معتمد في جائزة التميز العلمي لجامعة سبها -ليبيا 2023/2024
  • مقيم علمي ورئيس جلسات بعدة مؤتمرات محلية ودولية
  • تقديم ورش عمل ومحاضرات بعدة مؤتمرات دولية
  • خبرة أكاديمية 24 سنة
  • عضو بعدة هيئات ومنصات علمية محلية و دولية
  • رئيس قسم العلم والحياة ورئيس تحرير مجلة الأفاق- الاتحاد العالمي للمثقفين العرب
  • سجل اسمي في قائمة عشرة علماء من قبل شركة الأدوية الأوكارنية indomirol الذي أنتج سنة 2018 وذلك بسبب أبحاثي حول المادة الفعالة في منتج indomirolوهي indol-3-
  • قمت بفضل الله بتصميم تحوير لجهاز خاص بتجربة علمية لطلاب الدراسات العليا بإمكانيات بسيطة بالمقارنة مع الأجهزة المتطورة والمستعملة لنفس الغ

الأبحاث المنشورة

The Protective Effects of Indole-3-carbinol on Stomach Injury in Rats

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-08-01

The objective of this research was to analyze the protective effect of indole-3-carbinol against the stomach injury induced by acetylsalicylic acid. Male rats were randomly divided into eight groups of six animals in each group. Control group, OMP group, I3C group, OMP+I3C group, AA group, AA+OMP group, AA+I3C group, and AA+OMP+I3C group. The control rats were received distilled water and the experimental rats were received AA at a dose of 500 mg/kg body weight, OMP at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, and I3C at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight either alone or in combination with each other, orally for seven consecutive days. Results of the present study showed ulcer protection in indole-3-cabinol treated rats was confirmed by histoarchitecture, which was comprised of the reduced size of ulcer crater and restoration of mucosal epithelium. Thus, reduced neutrophil infiltration, antiapoptotic and antioxidant action have a pivotal role in the gastroprotective effect of indole-3-carbinol.

Chemoprotective activity of 3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate on induced gastric mucosal injury in male rats

المجلة: Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-09-17

Mucosal damage in stomach therapy faces a major drawback in modern days due to the unpredictable side effects of the long-term uses of commercially available drugs. The aim of the present investigation study is to evaluate the chemoprotective activities of 3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate against aspirin-induced gastric mucosal damage in male albino rats. Rats were divided into two large groups, control group and ulcerated group. Aspirin (500 mg/kg/body weight for a week), and followed by the beginning of different experimental regimens for a total experimental duration of one month. Results of the present work showed that, the groups were treated with 3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate possessed protective activity by an increase the mucus level, protein granules and a great number of proliferation cells in the stomach. So this study suggests that, 3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate possesses significant gastroprotective and antioxidant activities against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in male albino rats.

The protective effects of rutin and stem cells against the kidney function changes induced by paracetamol in rats.

المجلة: Sirte University Scientific Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01

The aim of study was the evaluation of proficiency of rutin and stem cells on the kidney function changes induced by paracetamol in rats. 70 male rats were divided into two main studies. Primary study was used twenty young rats used as a source of bone marrow-derived MSCs. Secondary study were used fifty adult male rats which divided into 5 groups: Group (1) control group; group (2) were administrated of PCM (750 mg/kg b.w./every 72h) orally for 21 days, then left for 30 and 60 days without treatment, group (3) were administrated of PCM for 21 days then, treated with rutin (25mg/kg b.w/d) for 30 and 60 days, group (4) were administrated of PCM for 21 days then, the rats were injected by BM-MSCs (1.5x 106 cells in 0.5 PBS) in the tail vein for 30 and 60 days, and group (5) were administrated of PCM for 21 days then, the rats were injected by BM-MSCs in the tail vein, then treated with rutin for 30 and 60 days. PCM administration significantly increased the creatinine, urea levels with decreasing the albumin level when compared with normal rats at 30 and 60 days. While, rats treated with Q-3-R and MSCs showed a significant decrease in the creatinine, urea levels with increasing the albumin level when compared with PCM rats at 30 and 60 days. The rutin and BM-MSCs have the effects of the antioxidant activities, anti-inflammation and tissue regeneration on the PCM-induced kidney toxicity in rats

The protective role of ascorbic acid on the testis tissue damage induced by paracetamol in albino rats

المجلة: Al-Kitab Journal for Pure Sciences

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-02-03

Ascorbic acid (AA) plays roles in many biological functions, such as participating in the production of collagen by taking a role in proline and lysine hydroxylation. AA works by removing the reactive oxygen species, thus removing the adhesion of neutrophils to endothelium. The present study investigates the protective effects of AA on the testis tissue damage induced by paracetamol in rats. Thirty-two male rats were equally divided into four groups, with eight rats in each. Group (1) regular control group, group (2) was received 500 mg/kg/b.w. of AA orally for two weeks, group (3) was received 500 mg/kg/b.w. of paracetamol orally for two weeks, group (4) was treated with the AA (500 mg/kg/b.w.) and paracetamol (500 mg/kg/b.w.) orally for two weeks. The histopathological investigations of the testis tissues from the paracetamol group showed atrophy and degeneration of seminiferous tubules with an absence of spermatozoa, presence of cell debris, and loss of the Sertoli cells in some seminiferous tubules when compared with control animals. The testis tissues from a protective group showed less damage in the tubules and germ cells when compared with the paracetamol group. This study indicates that AA protects against paracetamol-induced testis damage in adult male rats

Evaluation of antiulcer activity of indole-3-carbinol and/or omeprazole on aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in rats

المجلة: Toxicology and Industrial Health

سنة النشر: 2014

تاريخ النشر: 2014-01-01

The present work is an attempt to elucidate the antiulcer activity of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is one of the anticarcinogenic phytochemicals found in the vegetables of Cruciferae family such as broccoli and cauliflower, alone or in combination with omeprazole (OMP), a proton pump inhibitor, to diminish the effects of induced acute gastric ulcer by aspirin (ASA) in male albino rats. A total of 48 adult male albino rats were used in the present study. Animals were divided into eight experimental groups (six animals each group). They were given different experimental inductions of ASA at a dose of 500 mg/kg/body weight, OMP at a dose of 20 mg/kg/body weight and I3C at a dose of 20 mg/kg/body weight either alone or in combination with each other orally for a duration of 7 days. Inner stomach features, ulcer index, pH activity, body weight, stomach weight, hematological investigations, serum total protein albumin and reduced glutathione activity were investigated in addition to the histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical stain of cyclooxygenase-2 to the stomach tissue of normal control, ulcerated and treated ulcerated rats. The results of this study revealed that oral administration of ASA to rats produced the expected characteristic mucosal lesions. OMP accelerated ulcer healing but the administration of I3C either alone or in combination with OMP to ASA-ulcerated rats produced a profound protection to the gastric mucosa from injury induced by ASA. Our results suggested that administration of antiulcer natural substances such as I3C in combination with the perused treatment such as OMP is a very important initiative in the development of new strategies in ulcer healing.

Histopathological evaluation of the potential ameliorating effects of stem cells and rutin against acute renal toxicity induced by acetaminophen in male rats

المجلة: International Science and Technology Journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-30

The present investigation aims at a histopathological assessment of the potential ameliorating effects of stem cells and rutin against acute renal toxicity by acetaminophen in male rats. Two main experiments were conducted using seventy rats. Twenty immature rats were used in the primary investigation as a source of bone marrow. In the second investigation, fifty mature rats were split into two groups: G (1) served as the control group, and G (2) received 750 mg/kg b.w./72 hours of oral acetaminophen (APAP) for three weeks. This group was divided into four subgroups: (A) rats receiving APAP for three weeks, then left for two months without treatment; (B) rats receiving APAP for three weeks, followed by treatment with rutin (RUT) (25 mg/kg b.w./d) for two months; (C) rats receiving APAP for three weeks, then the rats were injected in their tail vein by mesenchymal cells (MS) (1.5x 106 cells in 0.5 PBS) for two months; and (D) rats received APAP for three weeks, then MS injected in the tail vein, and received RUT for two months. After taking tissue sections of the kidneys: it was found that the rats receiving APAP alone had perivascular edema with blood vessel congestion, tubular deterioration, glomerulus deteriorating lesions, and inflammatory cell penetration in their renal tissues. Whereas the APAP RUT and APAP-MS-RUT groups showed few tubular deteriorations. Moreover, APAP MS displayed the typical kidney histological structure. The results of the investigation showed that MS significantly lowers acute renal toxicity.

Effects of Acetaminophen on the Reproductive Parameters and the Ameliorative Effects of Rutin and Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Male Rats

المجلة: The Scientific Journal of University of Benghazi

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-15

The present study has been designed to evaluate the effects of acetaminophen on the reproductive parameters and the ameliorative effects of rutin and Mesenchymal stem cells in male rats. The rats were divided into two studies: firstly, twenty young male rats were used as a source of bone marrow-derived MSCs. Secondly, fifty adult male rats were divided into 5 groups: Control group (G1); rats were administrated of AAP (750 mg/kg b.w.) every 72h for 21 days, then left for 30 and 60 days without treatment (G2), rats were administrated of AAP for 21 days then treated with RT (25mg/kg b.w/d) for 30 and 60 days (G3), rats were administrated of AAP for 21 days then the rats were injected by BM-MSCs (1.5x 106 cells in 0.5 PBS) in the tail vein for 30 and 60 days (G4), and rats were administrated of AAP for 21 days then the rats were injected by BM-MSCs in the tail vein, then treated with RT for 30 and 60 days (G5). Administration of AAP produced a significant decrease in the mean value of the Te, LH, and FSH levels after 30 and 60 days as compared to the C groups. Whereas rats treated with RT and MSCs showed a significantly high increase in the mean values of these hormone levels after 30 and 60 days compared with the AAP group. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that RT and MSCs when treated in combination, are protected against the AAP-induced decrease in the hormone level of testicular.


المجلة: Journal of Applied Science

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-04-01

The study aimed to investigate the histological and histochemical changes on the duodenum tissues induced by vinegar acid (VA) at a dose of 1 ml/kg/day (5 % and 10 %) in female rats for two weeks. Thirty rats were used, they were divided into three groups, the first group was given distilled water as the control group, the second group was given VA with a dose [1 ml/kg (5 %)] and the third group was given VA with a dose [1 ml/kg (10 %)] for two weeks. Histopathological statement of the duodenum tissues showed many vacuolations in epithelial cells, decrease in the number of goblet cells, erosion of mucosal epithelium, inflammatory cells infiltration in lamina propria, and submucosal oedema in all treated groups. Although that the histochemical study with PAS-reaction and bromophenol blue technique showed a decrease in the carbohydrate content and protein content in treated rats as compared with the control group. In conclusion, this study showed that vinegar acid was a harmful agent associated with histopathological changes that caused acute duodenum lesions and ulcers.

Effects of Benzodiazepine Treatment (Xanax) on Cerebellar Cortex of Male Mice: Histopathological and Ultrastructure Studies

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-07-01

The present study aims to illustrate the effects of Xanax on the histology and ultrastructure of the cerebellum tissue on male mice. Thirty male mice were randomly assigned into two groups (15 mice/each) according to their approximately equal mean body weight. Mice that received orally 0.5 ml saline solution of 0.9 % NaCl by gavage were considered as control mice. Other experimental mice were daily administered 0.5 ml of Xanax at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg b. w. orally by gavage for 8 weeks. Light microscopic examination of the cerebellar tissues of Xanax treated mice revealed histopathological alterations and showed wide spread neuronal affection specifically of the Purkinje cell layer which was reflected on the other two layers. A prominent hemorrhage in the vicinity of the Purkinje and the granular cell layers was also noticed. More conspicuous pathological changes were observed in the Purkinje cells, where they revealed disturbed normal linear organization with marked disarrangement. Prominent ultrastructural alterations of the Purkinje cells were obvious, where most of them appeared deformed and shrunken losing their characteristic pyriform shape, The Bergmann astrocytes revealed as swollen cells with pale nuclei and clear cytoplasm contained increased number of organelles specially mitochondria, filaments and autophagosomes. Ultrastructure of cerebellar tissues of Xanax treated mice confirmed the light microscopic observations. In conclusion, mice administered of 1.5 ml of Xanax revealed different symptoms of toxicity in cerebellar tissues.

Effects of omeprazole on healing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced peptic ulceration in rats and protective role of indole-3-carbinol

المجلة: مجلة العلوم والدراسات الإنسانية

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-04-01

Gastric hyperacidity and gastroduodenal ulcer is a very common global problem today. It is now generally agreed that gastric lesions develop when the delicate balance between some gastroprotective and aggressive factors are lost. The objective of present study is to evaluate the effects of omeprazole on healing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (aspirin) induced peptic ulceration in adult male albino rats and gastroprotective role of indole-3-carbinol. Male albino rats were randomly divided into two main groups; control group administrated distilled water and ulcerated group administrated aspirin at a dose of 500 mg/kg/body weight for seven consecutive days. Aspirin administration was stopped after 7 days representing the initial duration for the experiment and was followed by the beginning of different experimental regimens for a total experimental duration of 26 days. Results of the present study showed that, groups treated with omeprazole alone accelerated ulcer healing by inhibiting gastric acid secretion but indole-3-carbinol (I3C) possessed protective activity possibly as evidenced by the reduction of histopathological alteration of stomach and duodenum tissues and inhibition of gastric acid secretion. This study provides a strong evidence of indole-3-carbinol which showed significant gastroprotective and antioxidant activities against aspirin induced peptic ulceration in male albino rats.

Antioxidant properties of indole-3-carbinol on hepatotoxicity induction in experimental animals

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-06-01

Indole-3-carbinol was found to have possible anticarcinogenic, antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects on the organism. The aim of the present study investigation is to evaluate the protective effect of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) against aspirin (ASA) induced effects on rat liver. Male albino rats were randomly divided into four groups of 6 animals in each. The control rats (group 1) were orally administration of distilled water for seven days and the experimental rats (groups 2-4) were treated with ASA at a dose of 500 mg/kg/body weight and I3C at a dose of 20 mg/kg/body weight either alone or in combination with each other orally, once daily for seven consecutive days. Results of the present study showed that groups treated with indole-3-carbinol possessed protective activity possibly as evidenced by the reduction of histopathological alteration and showed normal histological structure of liver. This work suggest that I3C possesses significant hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties on hepatotoxicity induction by ASA in male albino rats.

Toxicopathological evaluations of the ethanoic acid on liver tissues and blood parameters in albino rats

المجلة: Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-08-20

The liver is affected by hazardous substances, exhibiting different degrees of toxicity. This study aimed to investigate the toxicopathological changes on liver tissues and blood parameters induced by ethanoic acid in rats. Female rats (n = 20) were divided randomly into two groups of 10: a group 1, control group and group 2, treatment group which were oraly administered the ethanoic acid (EA) at a dose of 1 ml/kg/day (10 % EA). Following fourteen days of treatment. There were no significant changes in the mean values of MCH, MCV and PLT, on the other hand, a significant lower in the mean values of RBC, HCT and Hb. Whereas, a significant increase in WBC, MCHC, AST and ALT were found in treated group when compared to control. Furthermore, the treated group showed bi-nucleated and apoptotic nuclei hepatocytes, loss of hepatic architecture and dilated sinusoidal areas. In conclusion EA consumption was found to have adverse effects on hepatic function in rats, hence the quantity of EA should be discouraged or reduced

The therapeutic effects of Sidr honey in healing the testicular and sperm damage of rats exposed to cigarette smoke

المجلة: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01

This study was designed to investigate the therapeutic effects of Sidr honey on testes and sperm damage by rats that were exposed to cigarette smoke. The four groups of adult male rats were as follows: (G1) control group, (G2) For four weeks, rats were given 100 mg/kg b.w./d. of Sidr honey orally (G3) For four weeks, rats were given five lit of Karelia red cigarettes five times a day. For two weeks, the (G4) rats were given 100 mg/kg b.w./d. of Sidr honey orally. Following this, the animals were treated by Karelia red cigarettes made by a machine smoking with the Sidr honey for a duration of four weeks. Rats in CS group showed a significant decrease of sperm count, and increase of ratio of motile sperm, testis weights as well as a higher ratio of abnormal sperm, and many abnormalities of sperms morphology as compared to control and TP groups. The testis tissues from the CS group showed atrophy and degeneration of some seminiferous tubules with spermatozoa absence, cell debris present, and Sertoli cell loss in certain seminiferous tubules. While the testis tissues from TP group had less damage to the tubules and germ cells as compared to the CS group. This study indicates that Sidr honey has the therapeutic effects on testes and sperms damages by exposed to cigarette smoke in rats

Effect of hepatoprotective of aqueous extract of Ganoderma lucidum against ketoprofen-induced damage in male rats.

المجلة: The International Innovations Journal of Applied Science

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-07-15

This study's objective was to assess the protective impact of an aqueous extract of G. lucidum against ketoprofen-induced liver damage in male albino rats. Twenty-eight healthy adult male albino rats were divided into four groups (7 rats in each). Group 1: normal control group; Group 2: rats were given ketoprofen (50mg/kg body weight) daily for two weeks, Group 3: rats were given G. lucidum (300mg/kg body weight) daily for four weeks, and Group 4: rats were given ketoprofen (50mg/kg body weight) daily for two weeks, then were given G. lucidum (300mg/kg body weight) daily for four weeks. The histological result of the liver of rats treated by ketoprofen showed degenerating hepatocytes, widened with congested central vein with inflammatory cell infiltration, necrotic areas, widened with congested portal vein, thickening wall of central vein enclosed by fibrotic area, and sever haemorrhage. Whereas, the rats which treated by therapeutic dosages showed improved of hepatic architecture with hepatocytes structures, normal sinusoids, minimal congested central vein, improved in the portal area with few inflammatory cell infiltrations, normal sinusoids, and minimal congested portal vein. In conclusion, this study shows that the G. lucidum has protective effects against ketoprofen induced hepatic injury in adult male albino rats

تأثير إضافة الروبندين مضاد الكوكسيديا وبعض المضادات الحيوية في بعض أنسجة فروج اللحم

المجلة: مجلة الزراعة العراقية

سنة النشر: 2009

تاريخ النشر: 2018-05-21

استهددف ذت ه الدراستة تأثتير إضتافة الروبنتدين كمضتاد للكوكستيديا والهتراستاكلن كمضتادات حيويتة في بعتض صفات الدم ونسيج الكبد لفروج اللحم . أجري الهجربة على 180 فرخ ا من سلالة Rose , وقسم إلى:- 1 مجموعة السيطرة - أعطي فيدا الطيور مياه شرب وعلف خا ل من المضادات. 2 مجموعة - Rob) ( أعطي فيدا الطيور مياه شرب خالية من المضادات الحيوية وعلف يحهوي على مضاد الكوكسيديا. 3 مجموعتة ) - (Tcs+Rob أعطيت فيدتا الطيتور ميتاه شترب لمهتوي علتى المضتادات الحيويتة وعلتف يحهتوي علتى مضتاد الكوكسيديا. أعطي الطيور مضادات حيوية الهتراسايكلن ) Tcs ( بجرعة 500 ملغم/ 0,5 كغم من وزن الجسم. أما مضاد الكوكسيديا ) Rob ( فكان الجرعة 0,5 كغم / طن علف. أخ ت عينات الدم والمقاطع النسيجية للكبد من الطيور خلال أربع مدد عمرية 20 , 35 , 41 , 48 يوما. أظدرت نهائج مجموعة ) Tcs+ Rob ( ارتفاع معنتوي ) p ≤ 0.05 ( في وزن الطيور بعمر 48 يوم ا , بينما سجل انخفاض ا معنويا ) p ≤ 0.05 ( في وزن الطيور لمجموعة ) (Rob مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة. تبن من خلال نهائج صورة الدم وجود ارتفاع معنوي في نسبة خلايا الدم البيضاء المهغايرة Heterophils لمجموعتي الدراسة, صاحبه انخفاض معنوي في نسبة خلايا الدم اللمفاوية lymphocytes في الأعمار 35 , 41 , 48 يوما مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة. في حن لم تظدر الأنواع الأخرى لخلايا الدم البيض وجود أية فروق معنوية بن المعاملات. أظدرت نهائج الاخهبارات الكيميائية الحيوية للمصل عدم وجود فروق معنوية في فعاليتة إنزيمتي الكبتد ALT ، AST بينما ظدر ارتفاع معنوي في مسهوى الكولسترول الكلي عند عمر 48 يوم ا . أما فيما يخص الفحص النسيجي لعينات الكبد, فقد لوحظ وجود تغيرات مرضية نسيجية في الكبد بوجود احهقان دموي وك لك ظدور الخلايا الالهدابية داخل نسيج الكبد في مجموعتي الدراسة , حيث لوحظ أن الاحهقان الدموي كان شديدا في مجموعة ) Tcs + Rob ( عند عمر 41 يوما, بينما ظدرت الخلايا الالهدابية بشكل اكبر في مجموعة ) (Rob عند العمر نفسه. خلاصة ماسبق إن ذ ه الدراسة تؤكد وجود تأثيرات جانبية للروبندين والهتراساكلن في نسيجي الكبد والدم.

Effects of acetylsalicylic acid on histological structure of myocardial tissues in rats.

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-01-01

Acetylsalicylic acid has an antiplatelet effect and is used in long-term at low doses to prevent heart attacks, strokes and blood clot. The aim of the study was to investigate whether ASA could have pathological effects on heart tissues. Rats divided into three groups: Group 1 were given distilled water as controls, group 2 treated with ASA (500mg/Kg/d) by gastric gavage for 7 days and group 3 were received 500mg/Kg/d of ASA once daily for 7 days, then ASA was stopped for this group after 7 days and completed for a month. The histologicalsectioning of the control group was performed after 7 days and one month later, the second group after 7 days, and the third group after one month, then the result was observed. Histological examination of heart sections showed focal hyalinization in association with congestion in the myocardial blood vessels in rats treated with ASA for 7 days. While, sections of group three, revealed focal few inflammatory cells infiltration associated. It was concluded that, acetylsalicylic acid should be used only in limited amounts for limited periods as its signs of toxicity appeared even with its therapeutic dose.

Biochemical investigationsof the effect of Xanax on the cerebellar tissues of male mice


سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-05-01

Xanax is an agent with hypnogenic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties and has generally been used as a hypnotic/tranquilizer. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of Xanax on acetylcholinesterase and glutathionestransferase enzyme activities on the cerebellar tissues of male mice. Sixty male mice were randomly assigned into four groups (15 mice/each) according to their approximately equal mean body weight. Mice that received orally by gavage 0.5 ml saline solution of 0.9% NaCl were considered as a control mice. Other experimental mice were daily administered orally by gavage with 0.5 ml of different three doses of Xanax (0.5, 1 and 1.5 mg/kg bw), for two months. Biochemical analyses revealed significant decreases in the activities of acetylcholinesterase and glutathionestransferase enzyme in the brain tissues of mice administered with the three doses of Xanax. The major mechanism involved appears to be the result of oxidative stress scavenging action on the neuronal cells of cerebellar cortex of male mice

The histopathological and histochemical alterations of the gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid in rats

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-09-01

The pathophysiology of gastric ulcer has centered on an imbalance between aggressive and protective factors in the stomach. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histopathological and histochemical changes in the rat's gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid (AA). For this purpose, thirty albino female rats were divided into three groups, each group carried ten rats. Group I was given distilled water for 14 days and served as the control group, while group II was given 1 ml/ kg/ day (5 %) of AA and group III was given 1 ml/ kg/ day (10 %) of AA orally by gavage for 14 days. Results showed the appearance of some histopathological changes including exfoliated dead cells appear in the lumen in the stomach, deeper ulceration with the onset of necrosis and focal necrosis of epithelium with the disrupted cell membrane in AA-5 %. Furthermore, the AA-10 % showed dilatation of the glandular lumina and hemorrhagic lesions in the mucosa of the glandular stomach with the aggregation of inflammatory cells near the bases of the gastric pit and the muscular mucosa. Although the histochemical studies with PAS-reaction and bromophenol blue technique showed a decrease in the carbohydrate and protein content in treated rats. In conclusion, this study showed that acetic acid was a harmful agent associated with histopathological changes that caused acute gastric lesions and ulcers

Physiological Changes in Hematological Parameters and Nutritional Awareness of Pregnant women in Al-bayda city.

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-09-01

Pregnancy is characterized by a deep modification of physiological functions of the pregnant woman's body. Indeed, during the pregnancy, there is a considerable increase of the metabolic needs, as well as modifications of the hormonal balance. These phenomena provide enough justification for the hematological disorders. Low hemoglobin or anemia is one of the most commonly encountered medical disorders during pregnancy. The study was descriptive cross sectional study, conducted during the period from October 2017 to December 2017, aimed to assess the anemia status and nutritional awareness in pregnant women in Al-bayda city. Fifty pregnant women were enrolled in this study, from each woman, 2 mL of venous blood was collected for measuring the RBCs count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume the data were collected using questionnaire. The main result showed that significant decreased in RBCs count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume of pregnant women who have poor nutrition compared with pregnant women who have excellent and medium nutrition. The study concluded that the prevalence of pregnancy-related anemia was significantly higher in pregnancy women that have low economic status.

Protective Effect Of Indole-3-carbinol Against Aspirin Induced Duodenal Damage In Rats.

المجلة: Libyan Journal Of Basic Sciences

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-12-01

The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of indole-3-carbinol on aspirin induced duodenal damage in male albino rats. Animals were divided into four groups. The first group was received distilled water and served as normal control group, the second group was received the aspirin (ASP) at a dose of (500 mg/kg/body weight), third group was received indole-3-carbinol (I3C) at a dose of (20 mg/kg/body weight), and the fourth group was received ASP (500 mg/kg/body weight) + I3C (20 mg/kg/body weight) for seven consecutive days. Histopathological study of duodenum tissue of rats administrating aspirin for 7 days showed desquamation in the lining mucosal epithelium associated with inflammatory cells infiltration in the underlying lamina propria of the mucosa, submucosa and muscularis. Sections of duodenum from rats treated with I3C or ASP+I3C showed the normal mucosa with no histopathological alteration. The present study provides a strong evidence of indole-3-carbinol produced a deep permanent protection from aspirin induced duodenal damage

Histopathological changes in rats administered acetylsalicylic acid and ameliorative effect of indole-3-carbinol

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Basic Sciences

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-12-01

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a major derivative of glucobrassicin (3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate), a plant product common to vegetables of the class Cruciferae. I3C is both an anti-initiator and a promoter of carcinogenesis depending on the timing and dose of administration. This work aimed to evaluate the protective effect and curative role of indole-3-carbinol against acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) induced effects on rat kidney. Male albino rats were divided into four groups of six animals in each group. They were given different experimental inductions of ASA at a dose of 500 mg/kg/body weight and I3C at a dose of 20 mg/kg/body weight either alone or in combination with each other orally for four weeks. The first group (control group) was administrated distilled water for 4 weeks, the second group was administrated ASA, third group was received I3C and fourth group was administrated ASA+I3C. The results of the present study showed that I3C possessed protective activity as evidenced by the inhibition or reduction of histopathological alteration and showed normal histological structure of the glomeruli and tubules at the cortex. The present work provides a strong evidence of I3C produced a permanent protection from ASA induced kidney damage in animal models .

Effect of Libyan Sidr honey on thyroid gland damage induced by cigarette smoke in male rats

المجلة: Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-02

The toxicity of cigarette smoke (CS) products is through vast production of reactive oxygen species. So, this study aimed to evaluation the effect of Libyan Sidr honey on thyroid gland damage induced cigarette smoke in male rats. 28 adult male rats were divided into four groups; Group 1: Control group (NC); group 2: rats were received the Libyan Sidr honey (LSH) orally (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) for 4 w.; group 3: rats were exposed to 5 lit of the Karelia red cigarette smoke (KRC) (5 times/d.) by a machine smoking for 4 w.; and group 4: (LSH+KRC) rats were received the LSH orally (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) for 2 w., then the rats were exposed to the KRC generated by a machine smoking for 4 w. with the continuation of LSH doses. The result revealed that T4 showed, non-significant decrease in the KRC group compared to the NC group. While, it was significant declining in T3 with a significant increase in TSH levels as compared to NC group. Moreover, the (LSH+KRC) group showed a noticeable improvement in T4 & T3 as compared with the KRC group. Furthermore, the (LSH + KRC) group showed a significantly positive change in TSH as compared with KRC group. The histopathological examination of the thyroid of rats after exposure to KRC alone showed different histopathological changes when compared with control group. Whereas, the (LSH + KRC) group showed, improve thyroid arrangement with normal thyroid follicles when compared with KRC group. Conclusion, results indicate that the Libyan Sidr honey antioxidant activity against thyroid tissues damage induced cigarette smoke in adult male albino rats.

The potential protective effect of Sidr honey on some hematological changes caused by exposure to cigarette smoke on male albino rats.

المجلة: AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01


مرض التكيسات الليفية في الثدي لدى النساء

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-11-01


ظاهرة التصحر في الوطن العربي

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-11-01


مضادات الأكسدة

المجلة: مجلة ثقافتك

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-01


الاكتئاب (من علم النفس المرضي الي الفسيولوجيا المرضية)

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-03-01


النفايات والبيئة

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-03-01


. الضغط النفسي وتأثيره على الصحة

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-05-01


خطر التدخين السلبي على الحامل وجنينها

المجلة: مجلة أطوار للمرأة العربية

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-02-01


. الأجهزة الإلكترونية العدو الخفي

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-02-01


التصحر وخطره على التنوع الحيوي في بلدية الجبل الأخضر

المجلة: مجلة الوطن العربي التنمية المستدامة

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-08-01


التداخلات الدوائية مع الغذاء

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-05-01


القرحـــة، الأنواع والأسباب

المجلة: مجلة الأفاق

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-05-01


Effect adding anti-coccidian and some antibiotics on some tissues of broiler chickens.

المجلة: Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences

سنة النشر: 2005

تاريخ النشر: 2005-01-01


Gastroprotective role of indole-3-carbinol and omeprazole in male albino rats with aspirin induced ulcer

المجلة: Journal of Scientific Research in Science

سنة النشر: 2012

تاريخ النشر: 2012-06-01



المجلة: Bani Waleed University Journal Humanities and Applied Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-01

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of exposure cigarette smoke on the cardiac tissues in male rats and the improvement role of Sidr honey. Twenty eight male rats were divided into four groups; Group 1: control rats; group 2: rats were given Libyan Sidr honey (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) orally for 4 weeks.; group 3: rats were exposed to the five lit from sidestream of the Karelia red cigarettes (5 times/d.) by a machine smoking for 4 weeks.; and group 4: rats were received the Sidr honey (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) orally for 2 weeks, then the rats were exposed to the Karelia cigarettes generated by a machine smoking with given the Sidr honey for 4 weeks. The X-Ray radiography of rats showing, heart mildly enlarged size in the KC-exposed rats as compared with the NC rats. While, the POR rats showed normal heart size when compared with KC rats. Moreover, the KC group showed a significant increase (P < 0.05) in CK, CK-MB, and LHD as compared to the NC group, whereas the POR group showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the CK, CK-MB, and LHD when compared with the KC group. Histological investigation of the heart tissues of the KC group showed different histopathological changes as compared to the NC group. Nevertheless, the POR group showed the marked improvement in the heart tissues as compared to the KC rats. Conclusion, results demonstrated that Libyan Sidr honey significantly reduced the toxic effects of KC-exposed on the heart structures

Cardioprotective Effects of Rutin and Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Acetaminophen Induced Cardiac Enzymatic Damage in Rats

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01

The aims of study to determine the cardioprotective effects of rutin and mesenchymal stem cells on acetaminophen induced cardiac enzymatic damage in rats. seventy male rats were divided into two studies. One: twenty young male rats were used as a source of bone marrow-derived MSCs. Two: fifty adult male rats were divided into five groups: G1: control group; G2: rats were given of PARA (750 mg/kg b.w.) every 72h orally for 21 days, then left for 30 and 60 days without any treatment; G3: rats were given of PARA then, administrated of rutin (25mg/kg b.w/d) for 30 and 60 days; G4: rats were given of PARA then, injected by BM-MSCs (1.5x 106 cells in 0.5 PBS) in the tail vein for 30 and 60 days, and G5: rats were given of PARA then, injected by BM-MSCs in the tail vein, and then administrated of rutin orally for 30 and 60 days. Treated by the PARA showed, a significant increased the CK-MB and LDH levels when compared with normal rats at 30 and 60 days. While, the PARA+MSCs+RTN group showed, a significant decrease in the CK-MB and LDH levels as compared with other groups rats at 30 and 60 days. Rats treated with both MSCs and RTN after treated by PARA showed, a markedly improved in cardiac enzymes activity.

Histopathological study on the protective effect of vitamin C against paracetamol-induced acute hepatic damage in rat.

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-10-01

Paracetamol (PCM) as analgesic drugs makes hepatotoxicity damage. Vitamin C (VC) has been recognized as an antioxidant and has shown protective effects against hepatotoxicity damage caused by paracetamol. The current investigation aims to study the possible protective effects of VC against hepatic damage induced by PCM in rats. Forty male rats were divided into five groups: The primary group as control; receiving distilled water orally, the second group; receiving 500 mg/kg of VC. The third group; receiving 500 mg/kg of PCM. The fourth group (protective group); receiving VC for 7 days, and then PCM for another 7 days, and the last group treated with a combination of VC and PCM for 14 days. The liver tissues after administration of PCM alone showed different changes such as disrupted lobular architecture with degenerating hepatocytes, dilated congested central vein, and mononuclear cellular infiltration. While the protective group preserved the general architecture and lacked evidence of major morphological. Additionally, VC with PCM showed some alterations in the liver architecture. In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that VC was effective in reducing the hepatic damage caused by PCM in male albino rats

Evaluation of effects of white vinegar- induced gastric mucosal ulceration in rats

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-01

This study was aimed to investigate the effects of white vinegar (WV) induced gastric mucosal ulceration in rats. Thirty rats were divided into three groups, group (1) was given distilled water as control group, group (2) was given WV with a dose [1 ml/kg (5%)] and group (3) was given WV with a dose [1 ml/kg (10%)] for 14 days. Results presented a significant decrease in the body weights and pH value of the gastric juice whereas, a significant increase occurred in gastric acid volume levels, total acidity, ulcer index and an ulcer score of stomach. Measurement of ulcer area of stomach showed, sever haemorrhagic areas covered with coagulated blood in group (3) while, group (2) showed, some spot ulcer and slight of haemorrhagic streaks compared with normal control group. The results of this study reveal that white vinegar has an effect on gastric mucosa from injury and ulcers in rats.

Histological and physiological changes in kidney tissues induced by ethanoic acid in albino rats

المجلة: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-01-01

Ethanoic acid (EA) is a widely used organic acid with corrosive properties. A small amount of its concentration may cause serious poisoning with a fatal outcome. This study aimed to investigate the histological and physiological changes on kidney tissues induced by EA in female albino rats. Thirty female rats were used, they were divided into three groups, one group serves as control group and the other groups were administered the EA as follows: Treated group (1); animals received EA (1 ml/ kg/ day) with concentration of 5 % and treated group (2); animals received EA (1 ml/ kg/ day) with concentration of 10 % orally by gavage for fourteen days. The mean values of creatinine observed in treated animals do not differ significantly from the corresponding values observed in controls. Whereas, the results showed a significant increase in urea levels in rats that received EA-10% as compared to EA-5 % rats and control rats. Histological observations in kidney tissues showed degeneration of renal glomerulus with widening of Bowman’s space, hyalinization of glomerular tuft and tubular basement membrane degeneration in glomerulus, indicating dilated tubule in EA-5% rats. Moreover, the EA-10% groups showed degenerative lesions in glomerulus with lymphocytic infiltration cells, severe dilatation and vascular congestion with clogging of RBCs. In conclusion, ethanoic acid consumption have adverse effects on renal function in rats, hence quantity of ethanoic acid should be discouraged or reduced in making of meals

The effects of cigarette smoke on the epididymal tissues in adult male albino rats and the ameliorative effect of the Sidr honey.

المجلة: Libyan Journal of Medical Research

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01

The present study investigated the effects of cigarette smoke (CS) on the epididymal tissues and the protective effect of Sidr honey in adult male rats. 24 adult male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: normal control group; Group 2:rats received Sidr honey orally (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) for 4 weeks; Group 3: rats were exposed to five lit cigarettes per day (5 times per day) for 4 weeks; and Group 4: rats received Sidr honey orally (100 mg/kg b.w./d.) for 2 weeks, then the rats were treated with cigarette smoke generated by a machine after taking the Sidr honey for 4 weeks. The results presented the gross morphology of the vas L deferens of rats in the group 3was smaller than that of the other groups. Moreover, the testes in group 3 were bigger as compared to all other groups. In addition, results demonstrate the rats in group 3 showed many histopathological changes in epididymal tissues when compared with the group 1. While the epididymal tissues from the rats in the group 4displayednearly normal histological structure of the tubules with normal sperm density as compared to the group 3. This study indicates that Sidr honey has a protective effect against CS-induced epididymal damage in adult male albino rats.

Effects of white vinegar on Carbohydrate Contents in Hepatorenal Tissues in Rats

المجلة: Scientific Journal for the Faculty of Science-Sirte university

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-10-01

White vinegar is mildly acidic with a pH of 2-3 that has long been used as a relish and traditional medication that depends on its concentration. Yet even a small amount of white vinegar in a small concentration may cause serious poisoning. Recently, many sorts of white vinegar have been developed using fundamental sources and technologies to satisfy customer needs. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of white vinegar on carbohydrate contents in hepatorenal tissues in rats. Thirty female rats were used, they were divided into three groups, group 1 was given distilled water as the normal control group, group 2 was given white vinegar with a dose (1 ml/kg (5 %)) and group 3 was given white vinegar with a dose (1 ml/kg (10 %)) for two weeks. PAS stain in all treated tissues showed a decrease in carbohydrate contents when compared with the control group. In conclusion, white vinegar consumption has adverse effects on carbohydrate contents in hepatic and renal tissues in rats, hence the quantity of white vinegar should be discouraged or reduced

Changes in Sexual Hormone Induced by Cigarette Smoke and the Potential Protective Role of Sidr Honey on Male Albino Rats

المجلة: Global Libyan Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-01

The present study investigated the effect of cigarette smoke on male sex hormones and some of the stimulating hormones in adult male rats and the protective effect of the Sidr honey. Twenty-four adult male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: Normal control; group 2: received Sidr honey orally (100 mg/kg b. w./d.) for 4 weeks; group 3: exposed to five lit cigarette smoke (5 times/d.) for 4 weeks; and group 4: received Sidr, honey, orally (100 mg/kg b. w./d.) for 2 weeks then treated with cigarette smoke generated by a machine smoking after taking the Sidr honey for 4 weeks. The results indicated that treatment with cigarette smoke caused significantly decreased concentrations of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), while it resulted in a significant increase in the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, and cortisol compared with normal control. On the other hand, the protective group showed a clear improvement in the levels of these hormones compared to the cigarette smoke group. This study indicates that Sidr honey has a protective effect against CS-induced physiological changes in sex hormones and some of its stimulating hormones in adult male albino rats.

The effect of paracetamol on the kidney tissues of male albino rats and the protective effect of vitamin C

المجلة: مجلة البيان العلمية

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-10-01

Vitamin C (VC) is a natural antioxidant found in citrus, soft fruits and leafy green vegetables and has shown protective effects against nephrotoxicity damage caused by different drugs. This study aimed to the possible protective effects of VC against renal damage induced by PCM in rats. Forty male rats were divided into five groups: Group (1) as control; receiving distilled water orally, group (2); receiving 500 mg/kg of VC. Group (3); receiving 500 mg/kg of PCM. Group (4) (protective group); receiving VC for 7 days, and then PCM for another 7 days, and group (5) treated with a combination of VC and PCM for 14 days. Renal tissue of PCM rats showed degeneration of renal corpuscles with the widening of Bowman’s space, peritubular capillary dilatation and congestion, desquamation renal tubular epithelium with damage to the brush borders of the cell and presence of debris in the tubular lumen, and pyknotic nuclei of tubular cells. However, protective rats showed the nearly normal renal structure of both cortex and medulla, but VC + PCM rats showed some modifications in kidney structures ranging. In conclusion, VC as an antioxidant can protect kidney from PCM induced tissue damage.

Effect of sidestream cigarette smoke on the testicular tissues of rats and the possible protective role of Sidr honey

المجلة: دار نشر رقمنة الكتاب العربي

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-02-20