ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

أ. م. محمود حسين عبد الرحمن حسين

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Plastic Arts

الجامعة: University of Baghdad


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Arts, Cultural, Heritage, Heritage, Science Arts and Humanities Museum Studies Protection of Cultural Heritage Cultural Studies Visual Culture Museum Exhibition Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
  • إدخال العناصر الطبيعية الحية في قاعة معروضات مركز بحوث ومتحف التاريخ الطبيعي العراقي.

الأبحاث المنشورة

The Icon of The Purebred Islamic Arab Horses and their Reflection in the Visual Aesthetic Discourse of the Artist Jameela Al Shraim

المجلة: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-14

This study aims to introduce the symbolism and aesthetics of the Islamic Arabian horses, which have become an icon, and its reflection in the visual discourse of the artist Jamila Al Shuraim. This study contained an introduction. This introduction included the research problem that was formulated in the form of questions: What is the concept of horses? What is its place in the Holy Qur’an, the Noble Prophet’s Hadith, and the Arab-Islamic heritage? What is the evidence for this? Who is the State of Qatar? What is the status of horses in Qatar? Has art immortalized her in Qatar? Who is the artist Jamila Al-Shraim? How did Arabian horses embody Islam in their artistic achievements? What are the most important topics? This introduction also included the objective limits of the study: the icon of the original Islamic Arabian horses and its reflection in the visual discourse of the artist Jamila Al Shuraim. Then the time limits are from 2018-2020, and the spatial limits are the State of Qatar, then this study contains two axes (theoretical and applied). The first (theoretical) axis contained four sections: The first section: A historical introduction to horses. The second section: Horses in the Holy Qur’an and the Arab-Islamic heritage. The third section: Who is the State of Qatar? Then the fourth section: studying the style of the artist Jamila Al Shuraim. As for the second (applied) axis, it contained: the research community, the research sample and justifications for its selection, the research tool, then the methodology followed in applying the tool, after that analysis of the research sample models. Then the conclusion, and a list of sources. This study showed the great spiritual and emotional impact of the Islamic Arabian horses, their great status in the Great Qur’an and the Arab-Islamic heritage, and the extent of their influence on the style of the artist Jamila Al Shuraim, which showed a great artistic product that the artist specialized in due to the extent of her attachment to her noble legacy represented by the icon of the Islamic Arabian horses. Keywords: icon; horse; thoroughbred; Reflection; visual discourse

The Beauty of Iraqi Shrines and Their Reflection in Iraqi Painting

المجلة: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-12-31

This research deals with the study of (the aesthetics of the Iraqi shrines and its reflection in modern Iraqi painting) and is located in two axes: The first theoretical axis is devoted to (a statement of the research problem and its importance, its objectives, its limits, and the definition of terminology). The research problem is summarized in answering this question: What are the aesthetic features of the Iraqi shrines? What is the extent of its reflection in modern Iraqi painting? The importance of this research was evident in addressing the artistic and emotional beauty of the shrines' status on the individual and their great impact on it, which prompted Iraqi artists to master their simulation to be reflected in their many artistic achievements in different ways, so there was a necessary and urgent need for this study represented in leadership in some of its aspects, and it was not studied in this way. And to occupy an important place in the national, Arab and Islamic libraries that deal with this type of study. This axis also included two topics: The first section dealt with the aesthetic features of Islamic architecture represented by domes and minarets, their decoration, sanctity and distinctive colors. However, the second topic dealt with the styles of artists (Ismail Al Sheikhly, Widad Al-Orfali, Salman Abbas and Ayath Al-Doori). But the second axis (applied) was concerned with the procedures, as it included (the adult research community and its sample models, its method and tool, and the analysis and discussion of the sample models). Then the conclusion, which contained the results of the research, conclusions, recommendations, and proposals. Then he mentioned the margins and the most important sources that were adopted in this study.