ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

أمنية محمد محمد عبده وصيف

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علوم تربة

الجامعة: مركز بحوث الصحراء


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Consultant in IFAD, COP ambassador in ISRIC, Representative Member of the Desert Research Center in INSAS follow FAO, head of soil erosion unit in Desert Research Center,soil scientist in desertification, soil conservation, soil reclamation, soil erosion

الأبحاث المنشورة

Types and distribution of calcareous soil in Egypt

المجلة: Springer International Publishing

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-06-01

The calcareous soils cover a considerable portion of agricultural desert lands in Egypt, particularly in the north western coastal zone (NWCZ) and Sinai. The accumulation of carbonates in these soils is closely connected to soil genesis and formation. These soils can be defined as the soils which contain more than 14–17% total CaCO3 or more than 4–7% active CaCO3 in relation to the whole soil hydraulic properties. Some of these soils show the presence of caliche horizons. The particle size distribution of CaCO3 among the soil mechanical separates follows the textural class. These soils have variable texture sandy, loamy sand to sandy loam sandy, clay loam, silty clay loam and clay loam. The CaCO3 content varies from 10 to more than 83%. It is generally slightly and moderately to a strongly alkaline reaction where pH values of soil paste ranged from 7.4 to 9.2; organic matter content is generally low and mostly …

Quantify impact of wind erosion on organic matter content under management practices, Wadi El Raml, NWCZ, Egypt

المجلة: Desert Research Center

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-07-29

Wind soil erosion is one of the land degradation processes in North Western Coastal Zone (NWCZ) of Egypt. It was assessed under condition of wheat crop grown on a sandy loam soil in Wadi El Raml in 2018/2019. Three tillage treatments of no-tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) were assessed with or without organic manuring (30 m3 ha-1) combined with or without mulching (with rice straw covering 60% of soil surface).The aim of the study was assessment the impact of wind erosion on wheat yield and soil organic matter content (SOM) under different tillage practices under rainfed agriculture at Wadi El Raml in NWCZ. The highest bulk density was associated with NT. Losses (kg m-2 y-1) of about 275, 221 and 173 were shown in the CT, MT and NT treatments, respectively.The erodibility average values andloss of OM and TN were highest in the bare soil. Soil loss materials for the bare soil was higher than for the cultivated soils, which gave their the highest loss of 275 kg m-2y-1with non-manured non-mulched CT and the lowest of 16 kg m-2y-1for the manured and mulched NT. The highest wheat yield was obtained with manured and mulched CT. The results of this study showed that the use of 30 m3ha-1of organic manure and 60% of the coverage with rice straw in each cultivation type led to improving the soil content of organic matter and reducing soil loss by erosion by wind. This study emphasized the benefits of conservation tillage, such as improving bulk density as a guide to soil quality, which keeps it from degradation, as happens with conventional tillage. The study also recommended the use of …

Improving of hayany date palm production by using k-humate as soil application and magnetic water irrigation at south Sinai governorate Egypt

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Horticulture

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-08-01

The present investigation was carried out during 2018 and 2019 seasons to investigate the consequences of K - Humate with and without magnetic water irrigation on yield, fruit quality and some mineral composition of Hayany date palm cultivar cultivated in South Sinai Research Station (Ras Sudr), Desert Research Center, South Sinai Governorate, Egypt. Results showed that there was significantly effect by using K – Humate as a soil application and magnetic water irrigation in both seasons. Treatment K – Humate at 300 g/tree with magnetic water irrigation produced higher yield and bunch weight. The same treatment gave the highest fruit weight, flesh weight, fruit size and fruit dimensions in both seasons. Also, data showed that the total soluble solids, reducing sugars and nonreducing sugars content in fruits increased significantly by application of K – Humate and magnetic water irrigation. However results indicated that such treatment gave the highest values of N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents in pinnae of Hayany date palm cultivar in the first and second seasons compared with the control and other treatments.

Impact of conservation agriculture system on combating water erosion hazards at Wadi El-Raml, northwestern coast of Egypt

المجلة: Haya Saudi J Life Sci

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-05-25

Conservation agriculture practices (CA) is a management for available organic matter resources and considered important measures to enable farming in accordance with the principles of sustainable agriculture. The two-years experiment were performed on the soil under wheat crop. CA practices can help to decrease the area and duration for exposed soil to water erosion by increased soil aggregate size distribution, soil porosity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important indicator of soil fertility and productivity because of its crucial role in soil chemical, physical and biological properties. CA leaves a soil organic mulch at the soil surface, which decreases runoff and soil loss. On other hand, soil mulch with plant residue as a component of CA is increased soil content of SOM. The least total cost for cultivation wheat crops under rainfed agriculture of Egypt achieved at conservation agriculture with No-tillage treatment (CANT) while the highest cost achieved at traditional agriculture (TA) treatment. The best results of decreased soil loss, increased SOM and wheat crop yield obtained when continue to apply conservation practices for more than one season. Indeed, our results showed the soil loss decreased about (56%) while wheat grain yield and SOM increased about (7% and 45%) respectively when using CA at the second season compared to TA. Conservation agriculture signifies environmentally friendly technologies reduce of climate related risks.

from academia.edu Efficiency of Some Traps to Measure Flux Dust Suspension Particles by Wind Erosion

المجلة: Universal Journal of Agricultural Research

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-25

This study was to analyze the efficiency (E) of traps in holding suspended soil particles that cause dust, environmental and agricultural problems by wind erosion in NWCZ, Egypt. These vertical and passive sediment traps with different design in rotary and fixed reservoir box and different methods of measured soil loss. Rotary Distance (RD), Fixed Distance (FD), Rotary Point (RP) and Fixed Point (FP) traps were compared with traditional trap Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE). The variation between traps’ efficiency as a function of height was significantly (P≤ 0.05) and was as follow: RD, FD, RP, and FP more increase than BSNE. The performance of the trap types as an efficiency of suspension particles (assumed to possess E= 1 for suspended particle sizes) was as follow RD> FD> RP> FP> BSNE; 99%, 98%, 88%, 85%, 65% respectively. The efficiency of traps in suspension particles size (< 45, 45-63 and> 100 µm) were significant (P≤ 0.05) and the best efficient were RD and FD. Therefore, RD and FD traps have direct methods for measuring soil loss by wind erosion and have the most acceptable, accurate, fastest and easiest in soil particle analyzed and therefore the most effective way to discriminate suspension particles.

Sustainable soil management to mitigate soil erosion hazards in Egypt

المجلة: Springer International Publishing

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-06-01

Egypt is divided into three rainfall belts some regions are subjected to both soil erosion types and others are subjected to only wind erosion. The hazards of soil erosion take a variety of forms. In the Northwestern Coast Region (NWCR), few effective events are characterized by high rainfall intensity causing excessive runoff and soil loss. The annual runoff and soil loss were related to the number of them. Runoff also occurred when individual rainfall storm exceeds 10 mm/h. There are different indicators for rainfall erosivity differed in their significance. Concerning soil erodibility indicator for water erosion, there are different classes for it depend on the region. The power function is the best fitted relationship between soil erodibility indicator and estimated soil loss by USLE model. In NWCR, measured soil loss varied according to slope percent and increased with increasing the slope steepness, at the same rainfall …

Manufacturing and assessing new samplers to measure wind soil erosion

المجلة: Journal of Applied and Natural Science

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-12-16

Wind soil erosion is one of the most important causes of soil degradation that impede the process of sustainable agricultural development. The first step to mitigating wind erosion hazards is to find an effective and accurate way to assess its severity. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to raise and evaluate the efficiency of the new four traps to measure eroded soil, Fixed Distance trap (FD), Fixed Point trap (FP), Rotary Distance trap (RD) and Rotary Point trap (RP). The study traps RP and FP compared with the Big Spring Number Eight trap (BSNE) (traditional trap) and the traps RD and FD compared with the Bagnold trap (traditional trap). The results indicated that the order of study traps in terms of soil collection efficiency and soil retention efficiency were RD>FD>Bagnold>RP>FP>BSNE and FP>RP>RD>FD>Bagnold>BSNE, respectively. Results proved that the best traps in collecting eroded soil were RP trap followed by FP trap, compared to BSNE trap. Also, the best traps in collecting eroded soil were RD trap, followed by FD trap, compared to the Bagnold trap. The most important results showed that the relative efficiency of RP and FP traps were 181% and 159%, respectively, compared to BSNE and the relative efficiency of RD and FD traps were 186% and 172%, respectively, compared to the Bagnold trap. The study proved high accuracy of new traps in measuring soil eroded material, separating soil particles according to their size directly inside traps and determining the direction of the wind compared to traditional traps.

Barley Productivity and Soil Quality in Response to Sowing Methods and Two Agricultural Buried Drain Tile Network Designs in Salt-Affected Soils

المجلة: Alexandria Science Exchange Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-06-30

The productivity of barley crops is significantly constrained globally by salt stress. Agriculture in salt-affected soils requires managing salinity to reduce its risks. Sowing practices and a sufficient drainage system are crucial mitigation measures for such risks. Soils that have been impacted by salt are typical of the Al-Tina Plan area in North Sinai, Egypt. The main purpose was to select an appropriate and efficient drainage system and sowing method to overcome salinity hazards and obtain superior and sustainable barley productivity. The current study included field experiments carried out for two winter seasons, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 at Al-Tina plan area. The experiments included two sowing methods broadcast sowing (BS), ridge sowing (RS), and three types of drainage (two types of buried drainage Tiles Limited drains (LD), Intense drains (ID), and traditional open drainage as a control (TD). Broadcasting sowing method and ridge sowing performed a significant increase in barley grains, straw and biological yield and its components parameters i.e., germination %, plant height, spike length, No. of spikes /m2, No. of grains /spike, grain weight kg / m2, harvest index %, as well as carbohydrates %, and protein % of barley as compared with the broadcast method. These results were similar for both seasons. Moreover, ridge sowing caused a significant increase in all chemical compositions of barley grains. The highest values of barley yield and their component parameters were obtained at intense drains as compared to control (traditional open drains) in both seasons. Intense drains had a significant effect on the chemical composition of grains …

Improvement of Hyany Date Palms Production as Affected by Magnetite Soil Application and Magnetic Water at South Sinai

المجلة: J. of Plant Production, Mansoura Univ.

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-01

At the Experimental Station at Ras Sudr Egypt's South Sinai Governorate, this study was successfully carried out during two seasons (2018 and 2019) on fourteen years – old Hyani dates palm cultivar planted at 8 X 8 meters apart grown with drip irrigation in sandy soil. (EC= 9.19 dS m−1). This work included two factors first magnetite (Mag.) levels (0, 250, 500 and 750 g/tree/year) as a soil treatment second two types of water irrigation first magnetic water (MW) second non-magnetic water (non-MW) arranged in a completely randomized design. From the acquired results, it was shown that applying magnetite to the soil and irrigating with magnetic water had a substantial impact on all the analyzed attributes over both seasons. MW enhanced all studied parameters, components of the production, fruit properties, and leaf mineral content compared with non-MW irrigation during each season. Magnetite soil application at 750 g/tree with MW irrigation had the maximum yield, fruit and flesh weight, fruit length and diameter, total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars and leaves mineral contents (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) compared with the control and other treatments in the two seasons and reduce leaf proline content than the control ones.


المجلة: The Seybold Report Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-09-03

Salinity is one of the most important threats to agriculture especially in Sinai. So, this study was carried in North Sinai for one season to evaluate the effects of Magnetite Iron soil conditioners with and without magnetic water irrigation on Date Palm tree under salt stress conditions. There is not much research carried out the combination effects of magnetic water and Magnetite Iron as a soil amendment to improve soil properties and crop yield under saline conditions at North Sinai, Egypt. The treatment of Magnetite or Magnetic Iron was 0, 300, 550 and 800 gm/tree with and without magnetic water irrigation. From the results, the best treatment was 800gm/tree magnetite iron with magnetic water which decrease EC, SAR and pH by 14 %, 5% and 2% consequently. On the other hand, it was improved soil properties such as OM and CEC as follow 29 % and 31% consequently. The macronutrient (N, P, and K) was increased by 40%, 14% and 7% consequently when compared with nonmagnetic water. Also, there was increased soil content of micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Fe, and Cu) as follow 20%, 12.5%, 22% and 17% consequently when compared with nonmagnetic water. In addition, it is consequently enhanced yield components compared with nonmagnetic water irrigation which increased by 60%.


المجلة: futurejournals

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-20

Two experiment was conducted for two consecutive summer seasons of 2021 and 2022 summer seasons at saline soil in Sahl ElTena, North Sinai governorate, Egypt to investigate the response of some maize hybrids (MH) (Zea maays amylaceae L.) under new reclaimed conditions on plant density (PD). Each experiment included 12 treatments which were respectively to study the effect of foliar potassium silicate concentrations (1%, 2%, 3% K2SiO2 and tap water as a control) with three yellow maize hybrids (Giza 168, T.c 32 and pioneer 2055). This experiment was arranged in a split plot design with three replications, where foliar application of potassium silicate was randomly arranged in the main plots and maize hybrids were randomly distributed in the sub main plots. The obtained results showed significant differences among some maize hybrids treatments in all studied traits in both seasons. Also, results cleared that values of grain and biological yields were increased by each. In addition, results revealed that significant differences between maize hybrids for plant height (cm), total chlorophyll, flag leaf area, ear weight (g), 100-grain weight (g), grain weight/ ear (g), number rows/ ear, number grains/ row, grain yield ton/ ha, straw yield ton/ ha, biological yield ton/ ha, crop index (%), harvest index (%), grain yield (LE/ ha), straw yield (LE/ha), total gain (LE/ ha) and net gain (LE/ ha). The main results showed that pioneer 2055 hybrid surpassed Giza168 and Giza 352 hybrids in yield and yield components in the two seasons respectively. Moreover, increasing potassium silicate concentration increased yield and its components, the highest value of grain yield ton/ ha obtained from pioneer 2055which spraying by 3% K2SiO2.


المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Applied Science

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-11-01

Little is known about how future climate change may impact soil erosion is critical for developing appropriate management strategies, food security and significant hazards to human food and health. This study expected to have regionally variable effects in the studied area of Sinai on important how can controls of wind erosion phenomenon by using biofertilizers. Wind erosion assessed by BSNE traps. Panicum crop was cultivated on sandy soil in Baloza area, North Sinai. This study was carried out during the period from Nov.2020 to Oct. 2021. Five treatments were conducted, two added rate (15 -30 m3/ha) for compost added individually and combination with biofertilizers. From the results, the best treatments were 30 m3/ha of compost with biofertilizers which decreased annual quantity of soil loss by wind erosion about 60% as compared to control and about 42% with compared to compost individually. Also, the effect of biofertilizers substances such as Exopolysaccharide (EPS) and Fungi haiphi increased dry stable aggregate >0.84 and decrease of erodibility factor about 39% when compared with control. On the other hand, the addition of 30m3/ha compost with biofertilizer increased soil moisture about 97%, and reduced Enrichment Ratio (ER) of soil organic matter and total nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium nutrients in eroded material as follow 83%,48%,62% and 57% respectively. Therefore, it significantly increased the total yield of Panicum about 70% when comparing with control. These potential biological fertilizers would play a key role in productivity and sustainability of soil and also in protecting the environment as eco-friendly and …


المجلة: Xi'an ShiyouDaxueXuebao (ZiranKexue Ban)/ Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-04-01

Little is known about the impact of contour tillage in NWCZ under different water harvesting methods on soil erosion hazards. The purpose of this research was studying the effect of contour tillage by conjunction with conservation tillage and catchment area of water harvesting on reduce runoff depth, decrease soil loss rate, increase soil moisture retention, improve soil properties, and increase crop yield. The treatments of contour tillage were more reduced of runoff depth and soil loss by water erosion rate than treatments of perpendicular tillage on slope. The results of contour tillage methods achieved its benefits in preserving soil from nutrient depletion; improve of some soil properties such as soil moisture and bulk density and removing some of the obstacles facing conservation tillage by perpendicular tillage system. In addition, the ratio of catchment area to cultivated area (2:1) led to an increase in the efficiency of contour tillage in retention moisture and increasing its percentage in the soil, thus improving the efficiency of conservation tillage. The results reported that the conservation tillage (No tillage and Minimum Tillage) by conjunction contour cultivation method and water harvesting catchment area had improve crop yield without affecting soil quality as compared with conventional tillage. Grain and straw yield consequently improve in biological yield as caused by contour tillage system by 12%, 14%, 13% respectively compared with perpendicular tillage system. Therefore, contour tillage system is a solution to overcome the soil water erosion hazards, water scarcity and climate change.


المجلة: 2021International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-10-01

Sustainable development can be possible in rainfed agriculture by integrated approach of soil management measures. Soil quality in the form of a quantitative index is used as an indicator of environmental quality and sustainability. Twelve farms selected to achieve the targets of the present investigation (six farms under traditional rainfed agriculture system and six farms under rainfed with supplemental irrigation) at Northwestern Coastal Zone (NWCZ). These farms varied in land use and management practices concerning fertilization practices, tillage system, crop type and cultivated period. This study selected some soil indicators vis-à -vis soil physicochemical properties of the selected farms of studied areas at NWCZ. The rating of soil quality index (SQI) and relative of soil quality (RSQI) values in this study were higher towards to rainfed agriculture with supplement irrigation farms than in traditional rainfed farms. In addition, most of the values of soil quality change (∆RSQI) were moderately increase (class II) and most of these farms were under traditional rainfed management. The results of cumulative rating index CRI showed a negative correlation and significant relationship with RSQI (R2=0.82, p<0.05). concerning the impacts of soil quality on productivity, the relationship between relative yield (Ry %) and RSQI was positive significant correlation (R2=0.78, p<0.05). Also, CRI showed negative significant correlation with Ry% (R2=0.81, p<0.05). Moreover, the highly soil quality class I, highly sustainability, low changes in soil quality and highly crop yield observed was in the farms under rainfed with supplemental irrigation system and good fertilization practices (NPK+organic manure). So, this study recommended to expansion rainfed with supplemental irrigation management system and add suitable dose of NPK application with manure along scientific lines to encourage crop yields that can be achieved on a sustainable basis, but it need a long time to reach class I quality and highly sustainable status.

The future and agricultural sustainability and the challenge in Egypt

المجلة: Dry Lands Biodiversity, Management and Conservation New York : Nova Science Publishers Inc.,2019. Series : Environmental Research Advances

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-09-01

This book Drylands: Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, edited by Victor R. Squires, Mahesh K. Gaur and Salah Attia Ismail, fills a gap in the literature admirably. It gets away from ‘species lists’ and designation of species and habitats as ‘endangered’ or ‘at risk’. Instead, it opens up discussion on a range of issues relating to the important matters of biodiversity, land management and efforts at conservation (wise use) of natural resources that support an area’s biodiversity. Dryland ecologists, land use change specialists, policy makers from UN agencies or from bilateral and multilateral donors and other natural resource management agencies will find the book very useful. It is also a valuable reference book for university students in ecology, geography, environmental studies and development studies in general.

Evaluation of soil quality indicators of long–term management systems at El-SHARQIA governorate, EGYPT.

المجلة: Environ. Sci

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-01-01

The objective of the current research was to evaluate the changes of soil quality indices as a result of long term organic and conventional management systems. The study included 12 farms at Bilbeis district, five and seven farms were subjected to conventional and organic farming respectively. The farms were varied in cultivation period and land use. Disturbed soil samples at different depths 0-20; 20-40 and 40-60 cm depth were taken and each field was represented by one composite soil sample for each depth. Moreover, undisturbed surface soil samples at 0-20 cm soil depth were taken from each field. The total data sets (TDS) were composed of available water (AW), bulk density (BD), texture, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), soil organic carbon (SOC), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, effective porosity (Pe), wilting point (WP), coarse fragment fraction (CFF) and CaCO3. Minimum data sets (MDS) were composed of SOC, EC, pH, SAR, BD, and CFF. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to select MDS for each soil depth for evaluating soil quality. The soil samples under consideration were varied in the most above soil properties. The degree of variability in soil physical and chemical properties was described by descriptive statistics for each soil depth as well as for weighted means of some soil properties. The results of principal component (PC) showed that PCs only gave in both farming in 0-20 cm soil layer with eigenvalues> 1 explained that the five principal


المجلة: J. Biol. Chem

سنة النشر: 2010

تاريخ النشر: 2010-01-01

he current study aims at evaluating the impact of compaction on some physical properties and productivity of soils in El-Fayoum governorate. Twenty four farms, 14 in Tamia and 10 in Fayoum, differing in their soil characteristic and management practices were chosen for this study. The obtained data of the penetration resistance (PR) for the two areas under study were relatively high and ranging from 1.06 to 3 MPa, and thus indicate relative difficulty of root–elongation through such soils. The study also indicated highly significant negative relationships between PR and both of soil organic matter and soil porosity. It also indicated a highly significant negative relation between soil productivity and the values of PR (MPa), most probably due to the limited supply of water, oxygen and nutrients, with consequent limited root growth as a result of soil compaction.


المجلة: Xi'an ShiyouDaxueXuebao (ZiranKexue Ban)/Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Editi

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-01

The experiments were carried out under rainfall simulator DRC lab conditions and field conditions in the North Western Coastal Zone (NWCZ). The aim of this study evaluate the susceptibility of Guar Gum and Polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) stabilizers by two application methods (spray and mixed application method) to mitigate water erosion hazards as one of the risks of climate change. At the same time, how to sustainably enhance sandy soil properties without environmental side effects. The best treatments under lab conditions were C, D, F, G, I, J, L, and M. The optimal stabilizer concentrations were 1% and 0.5% Guar Gum (C, D, I, and J) for both application methods. Otherwise, the infiltration rate decreased with increased concentration of two types of stabilizers. Its reduction percentage reached about 24%, 28%, 32%, and 39% for I, J, L and M treatments, respectively. The results of the evaporating rate Ee% decreased with increased time to 96 hr for D and J. Furthermore, Guar Gum has a stronger effect on increasing MWD than PVAc for the two application methods. On the other hand, the field experiment results showed a non-significant increase in I and J plant vegetation than C and D. Therefore, the best reduction treatment for the ER was arranged in order D< J < C < I. From an economic point of view, the best treatments were C and I treatments. Overall, the 0.5% stabilizer concentration gave a sufficient concentration for mitigating water erosion hazards and increased crop yield with a higher net profit, particularly for Guar Gum, than PVAc.

Annual Review of Environment and Resources The Crisis in Oases: Research on Ecological Security and Sustainable Development in Arid Regions

المجلة: Annual Review of Environment and Resources

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-06-07

Arid areas cover approximately 41% of Earth's land surface and support more than 38% of the global population. As an important part of drylands, oases are the main carriers of human production, socioeconomic activity, and the ecological environment. Oases typically sustain nearly all of an arid region's human population and produce nearly 95% of its gross domestic product. The ongoing intensification of global warming and human activities has resulted in water stress and water-related environmental problems in arid areas, along with land degradation and desertification. The risk of water shortage and natural disasters in these regions has also increased. The solution to mitigate these environmental issues and achieve ecological security and sustainable socioeconomic development is to accelerate the modernization of oasis ecological agriculture. This can be accomplished by coordinating the contradictions between agricultural, industrial, and domestic water use and ecological water use in arid areas, thereby improving the level of management in oases and strengthening their ability to cope with climate change.