ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

م. إدريس صالح جليل

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علوم حياة / ماجستير أحياء مجهرية

الجامعة: جامعة ديالى / كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • تدريس في جامعة التقنية الوسطى/ المعهد تقني بعقوبة/ القسم تقنيات المختبرات الطبية.

الأبحاث المنشورة

Inhibitory activity of Mentha spicata oils on biofilms of Proteus mirabilis isolated from burns

المجلة: Biomedicine

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-04-06

Introduction and Aim: Proteus mirabilis is an opportunistic pathogen, infecting humans, through the release of endotoxins and enzymes such as urease, hemolysin, protease, DNase etc. One of the factors contributing to its virulence is its unusual ability to form crystalline biofilms. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Mentha spicata volatile oil on P. mirabilis biofilm formation. Materials and Methods: P. mirabilis was isolated from infected wound of burns of patients using conventional biochemical tests. Vitek 2-Compact System was used to confirm the diagnosis of bacterial isolates. The isolates were tested for their susceptibility to 11 antibiotics. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts as well as Volatile Oil and natural Menthol extracted from M. spicata were tested for their ability to inhibit biofilm formation by P. mirabilis. Results: In this study 16 out of the 45 burn injury samples were tested positive for P. mirabilis. Bacterial isolates were found to be resistant to the drugs Levofloxacin and Norfloxacin, with percentages of 10.2% and 11.8%, respectively. Majority of these isolates had the capacity to produce several virulence factors, including biofilm in variable amounts and the enzymes protease, hemolysin, DNase, and gelatinase. The volatile oil and natural component menthol extracted from M. spicata inhibited the formation of biofilm at increasing concentrations. Conclusion: The volatile oil and the natural menthol compound of M. spicata are effective in inhibiting biofilm formation by P. mirabilis.

Immunization against multi drug resistance uropathogenic E. coli Isolate from urinary tract infection in pregnancy

المجلة: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-16

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is characterized by complex natures with ceaselessly developing for virulent from non-virulent isolates cause strong illness. Vaccines against UPEC are not widely available, leading to exceeding the incidence of these isolates impervious for the antimicrobial agent. This requires constant efforts to control diseases and to know the development of infection and immune response. After infection and immunization, ninety clinical isolates identified as UPEC were obtained from hospitalized patients from three hospitals in south Iraq and identified by the biochemical test. All isolates were tested for susceptibility testing. One isolate was chosen for the immunization and vaccine model, the one remittent for most antibiotics. ELISA was used to assessments of immunoglobulin (IgG) level to serum mouse at 14, 28 and 42 days of immunization. Results proved that isolate showed …

Isolating and diagnosing the Campylobacter Bacteria Types from Raw Milk and its Products and its Relation to Children Diarrhea

المجلة: Journal of Global Pharma Technology

سنة النشر: 2009

تاريخ النشر: 2019-02-16

The study comprised Isolating and diagnosing the Campylobacter Bacteria Types from Raw Milk and its Products and its Relation to Children Diarrhea. The study is conducted in the Graduate Studies Lab. In the College of Pure Sciences. The researcher compiled (164) samples from various sources comprising of (40) raw milk samples,(40) local white cheese samples,(40) local cream samples compiled from local markets in Baqubah city during the period of time from (1/11/2017 to 15/9/2018), and (44) samples of feces from children with diarrhea (watery, mucoid, bloody) of ages between (3 months to 5 years) in Al-Batoul Hospital for Maternity and Children. Results of the study exposed that (44) samples, with a ratio of (37.0%), showed negative growth to the bacterial plantation, and (90) samples, with a rate of (62.19%) mirrored positive growth to the bacterial plantation. Moreover, it is founded that (65) samples with a ratio of (51.829%) were Campylobacter bacteria as the ratio of isolated bacteria from raw milk reached up to (20) samples with a rate of (50%),(9) samples from local white cheese with a rate of (22.5%) and (8) samples from local cream in a ratio of (20%). It is worth noting that bacteria were diagnosed in terms of ability to live on selective media (Skirrow-Preston) and the second method which is planting on nonselective media (Blood agar, Chocolate agar, Macconkey agar). In addition, the ratios of isolated bacteria from feces samples were,(5) samples of bloody sustenance (11.36%),(19) samples of mucoid sustenance (43.18%) and (20) watery samples (45.45%). The bacteria were also diagnosed by means of micrography which …

Isolation and identification of Fecabacterium prausnizii and its relationship with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

المجلة: EurAsian Journal of BioSciences

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-05-08

This study was conducted in Diyala province–Baqubah city in the period between 7/August/2019 to 12/January/2020. It is regarded as the first study in Iraq that includes isolating and diagnosing the bacterial flora Faecabacteium prausnizii which was isolated from colon mucous membrane through endoscopy and examination of feces. The study included 100 samples 50 of them were in colon biopsy form taken from patients whose ages are from 18-80 years in Baquba teaching hospital, a section of internal medicine, endoscopy department. The other 50 samples were taken from the feces of children whose ages are between 3 days and 10 years who were the patients in an al-Betool Teaching hospital. After planting the samples in specialized media like Maconky agar, Nutrient Broth Brain & Heart infusion agar, YCFA, blood agar, it was found that YCFA was the best among the chosen media to raise the bacterial breed Faecabacteium prausnizii. It was found that this type of bacteria formed 97% for the healthy and 3% negative result in the cases of the endoscopy clinic in the hospital who are diagnosed with colon cancer. Endoscopy samples were 50; 29 patients and 21 healthy people, the sample was divided between 17 male and 12 female patients, while the healthy people were divided between 16 males and 5 females. The feces samples were 50, of which 42 patients and 8 healthy people were distributed among 15 male patients and 27 female patients. The eight healthy people were 3 males and 5 females. This bacteria was positive to Gram stain. They don’t form spores and don’t usually compile in colonies and they'd rather be scattered …

A review: Biosocial Study of the Causes Spread the Varicella-zoster Virus Disease among School Students in Diyala Governorate

المجلة: International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-01-16

Varicella-zoster elementary (VZV)(chickenpox) causes 2 clinically afterward epidemiologically surprising types as regards diseases. Chickenpox (varicella) is the disease concerning according to hope consequences past quintessential contamination along the VZV. Herpes zoster (HZ) consequences oversea about the reactivation regarding VZV latently infecting the dorsal backside ganglia. They had a archives upon advice together with a patient forlorn HZ infection. Investigation in relation to the neighborhood was once obtained overseas as much as like greatness as regards guidelines. Better dissemination regarding facts involving sickness transmission, isolation related filthy sufferers inward the, amongst Primary faculties university college students yet ample safety (including vaccination) appropriate according to the reality concerning prone rank are quintessential in consequence alongside quit absolute outbreaks toughness.

A Review Onplants-Mediated Synthesisof Nanoparticles And Their Biocidal Properties And Anticancer Activity

المجلة: international Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-08-30

During the last few decades, metal nanoparticles have elicit much interest due to their distinct physical, chemical and biological properties and had become most active area of research during past few decades. Nanotechnology are finding their applications in various fields fields with effective applications, ranging from traditional chemical techniques to medicinal and environmental technologies The nanoparticles were common in nature due to various events occurring in the environment among them human activities were of prime importance that result production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) showing negative impact in biological systems.

The Effect of Pathogenic Bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis on some Biological Parameters for Dacus ciliatus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

المجلة: Academic Science Journal

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-01-16

This study included the isolation of pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis from different environmental sources in Diyala province, diagnosis biochemical ways, Mar 50 samples of the bacteria collected from different soils, namely,(agricultural soils and garden soils and non-agricultural soils) as well as from the water, from five districts in the province of Diyala (Baquba, Khalis, Muqdadiyah, Khanaqin, Balad Ruz) for the period from 1 9 2014 to 20 11 2014. the biochemical results Showed diagnosis and the presence of four samples and by percent 7.8% It was of a negative for transplantation bacterial and 46 sample growth by percent 90.1% It was of a growth positive for transplantation bacterial and found that 41 samples of which by percent 80.3% belong to the genus Bacillus and the species of Bacillus thuringiensis and the percentage of bacteria isolated of agricultural soils 94% and soils garden 93% and water 75%, and soils non-agricultural 44%. The results of test the effect of bio-preparation of these bacteria on the eggs of age (1-2) was significant, Since the highest rate of hatchling (1-2) and by (89%) at a concentration of 1 g/l of bio-preparation for the bacteria B. thuringiensis and lowest hatchling (0.6) and by (19%) at a concentration of 5 g/L of bio-preparation B. thuringiensis in comparison with control (3.2) and by (96%), and The results of test the effect of bio-preparation of these bacteria on the last larval phase was significant, The highest the value of the rate of highest (2.0) and by (99%) at a concentration of 5 g/L of bio-preparation for the bacteria B. thuringiensis and The less the value of the rate of loss (0.5) and by (26%) at 1g/L of bio …