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صورة الملف الشخصي

سالي فخري خلف عبدلله

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: هندسة عمارة

الجامعة: جامعة بغداد


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • دكتوراه

الأبحاث المنشورة

Urban Land Use Changes: Effect of Green Urban Spaces Transformation on Urban Heat Islands in Baghdad

المجلة: Alexandria Engineering Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-01

Urban sprawl has led to changes in landscaping. For instance, open areas and green urban spaces (GUSs) 1 are replaced by buildings, streets, and infrastructure. Permeable and wet surfaces have also been transformed into non-permeable and dry surfaces. This, unfortunately, creates a major problem known as Urban Heat Islands (UHI). The rise in temperature makes the urban centres warmer when compared to their rural outlying areas. This affects the environmental goodness, energy consumption demands, quality of wellbeing. However, there is limited knowledge concerning the change in the use of GUSs, the relationship between the area of ​​these spaces, and the buildings formation on the exacerbation of the UHI in the cities. The research study aim is to assess the impact of the area of GUSs and the building s formation on the exacerbation of the (UHI) in Baghdad city. The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of an integrated approach for open green spaces by reviewing city‘s experience with a main focus of environmental sustainability, cooler temperature, and thermal comfort. The research selected three typical GUSs in Baghdad (Ziyouna) as a case study. Those spaces were transformed into various types of buildings for different uses. The UHI impact is identified and compared in two scenarios (GUSs and added building) using computer climate simulation (ENVI-met) tool. The tool also assessed and measured surfaces and air temperature (CLUHI & SUHI) at different points in the selection of three typical models. The results demonstrated several factors combined with the change of urban land uses that are responsible for exacerbation of UHI in terms of buildings‘ height, formation, ground coverage, and construction including pavement materials and colour.

Towards Sustainable Revitalization: The Public Squares Characteristics - Led the Adaptive Urban Revitalization Mechanisms

المجلة: Civil Engineering Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-04-01

The public square is a specifically designed urban space that includes many natural and formative elements that achieve communication among the main axes of the city and facilitate the movement of users through it. The public squares (PSs) in many cities, especially Baghdad, need to be revitalized. The Adaptive Urban Revitalization (AUR) strategy, which focuses on improving the quality of urban spaces for PSs to enhance their location, activity, and purpose, can be used for this revitalization. The result is a new space that is adaptive and convenient with regard to the sustainable revitalization of the contemporary city. The main research problem is how to make PSs attractive places for users. There is an absence of clear knowledge about the mechanisms of the AUR strategy, its relationship to the characteristics of PSs, and its influence on the revitalization process. Considering this problem, the main research goal is to reveal the characteristics of PSs as factors that affect the mechanisms of AUR and the role that these influences have in developing a clear approach to the AUR strategy to make PSs attractive places for users. This can be done by improving their conditions and promoting their use more effectively. To achieve this goal, the research will address improving the quality of urban spaces through the application of the AUR strategy. The focus is on addressing urban problems that have an effect on PSs, obtaining the indicators of AUR, applying them to the selected case studies and testing them mathematically. The results of the research produced a clear approach with regard to utilizing the strategy of AUR in PSs. It examined all mechanisms represented by Urban Response, Urban Accessibility, and Dynamic Activities. The results showed a positive relationship of these mechanisms on the characteristics of PSs.

The Effect of Morphological Changes on the Urban DNA Structure in the Historical City Centers: Al-Kadhimiya Historical Centre in Iraq

المجلة: ISVS

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-01

Many historical centers have undergone changes that have affected their urban structure as a result of the pressures they experience. Some of them have been caused deliberately by the urban interventions while others have accumulated over time. Often those accumulated over time are not taken into consideration, in either conservation or development practice. This paper employs the idea called the Urban DNA Structure (uDNAs) in historical centers and examine how uDNAs and its elements can be affected by the morphological transformation in them. It is based on the premise that Local Urban Spaces and Organic Streets (LUSOS) are some of the basic elements that contribute to the formation uDNAs of historical centers and improve the quality of urban life. Undoubtedly however, there is a lack of knowledge about the changes in the uDNAs of the structures of the historical centers due to morphological changes, which have affected that structure, particularly the elements of LUSOS. The study aims to identify the changes in the uDNAs due to the changes of the structures of their basic elements represented by LUSOS which in turn would have affected the morphological changes. The study uses space syntax method to analyze the two morphological phases to identify the changes of the Al-Kadhimiya Historic Center in Iraq. The results emphasize the importance of Local Urban Spaces (LUS) to be effective, attractive, and human-friendly urban spaces and the process of changing their structure and function affecting Organic Streets (OS) and therefore uDNAs in the structure of the historical center.

Urban Resilience in the Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Historic City Centers

المجلة: Association of Arab Universities Journalof Engineering Science

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-12-01

Historic centers are a physiological structure that represents the development of the city and its historical and cultural life. It is the most attractive and visible part of the city's fabric, as well as bearing the burden and the greatest pressure of the city's expansion. These centers have been subjected to a range of influences that have affected their structure and function and led to their degradation, and eventually impacted the urban form, the urban function, and the accessibility to this vital and important part of the city. This was reflected on the spatial use and quality of life of the residents and visitors. Environmental strategies, including the ecological, the green and the sustainable, have played a prominent role in improving the historical center environment within the context of sustainable urban regeneration. However, they failed to reach the optimal status of the historical center as a whole, resulting in unsustainable outcomes. This required the emergence of a new strategy dealing with the city center’s integrated environment, represented by the Urban Resilience. Thus, the research problem was identified by the lack of knowledge concerning the characteristics and indicators of sustainable urban regeneration in accordance with the strategy of urban resilience and its role in improving the quality of life and enhancing the spatial attraction of historical city centers.The research concluded the importance of urban resilience strategy in the environmental-physical dimension, and its role in addressing the urban problems of the historical center environment through targeting diversity in urban form, urban efficiency and urban flow to create a spatial environment that accommodates the inhabitants and achieves their well-being.

Ecopolis Strategy in the Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Historic City Centers

المجلة: Journal of University of Babylon for Engineering Science

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-01

Historical city centers represent the oldest part of the city that reflect its importance and history through a concrete cultural identity with fixed features. These centers maintain their authenticity by maintaining their continuity. However, historical city centers have been exposed to many factors that have affected their structure, especially the physical structure, which required the emergence of a policy to regenerate these vital areas of the city in a sustainable manner. The Sustainable Urban Regeneration Policy has focused on the multiple dimensions of the urban environment of the historical center represented by-the physical dimension, the economic dimension, the social dimension, the cultural dimension and the institutional dimension-, focusing on the physical dimension considering it the most important in the regeneration of historical city centers. Many urban sustainability strategies have focused on regenerating the historical center under the umbrella of sustainable urban regeneration. However, they have not focused on physical aspect as a basis for regenerating the structure of the historical center as a whole. In the 1990s, the Ecopolis strategy has emerged, concentrating on the environmental-physical dimension of the urban structure, that promotes the spatial attraction, thereby improving the quality of life in historic city centers. The objective of the research is to extract the mechanisms and indicators of the Ecopolis strategy in the environmental-physical dimension through three aspects; the urban form, urban efficiency and the flow of elements in the historical center structure, which create a spatial environment that achieves the well-being of the inhabitants. As well as the application of the indicators on an elected environment (Al-Karkh Historical Center).