ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

د. أحمد فؤاد محمود النعمه

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: دكتوراه في علوم الهندسة الميكانيكية

الجامعة: جامعة الموصل


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • تصميم وتصنيع مبادلات حرارية مايكروية باستخدام الموائع النانوية لتبريد الاجهزة الالكترونية

الأبحاث المنشورة

An experimental and numerical investigation of chevron fin structures in serpentine minichannel heat sinks

المجلة: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-05-16

Water-cooled micro/minichannel heat sinks are an important component in managing the temperature of electronic components, particularly where high density of heat rejection is required. This study examines the potential to decrease the thermal resistance and enhance convective heat transfer of a serpentine heat exchanger by introducing chevron fins which create secondary flow paths. This novel design is found to significantly reduce both the pressure drop across the heat exchanger and the total thermal resistance by up to 60% and 10%, respectively, and enhance the average Nusselt number by 15%. A three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer model is developed and validated against experimental measurements, before being used to carry out a parametric study involving the chevron oblique angle, secondary channel width and heat flux. The design of the serpentine minichannel with chevron fins is then optimised in terms of the minichannel width, minichannel number and chevron oblique angle. A 50 point Optimal Latin Hypercubes Design of Experiment is constructed within the design variable space, using a permutation genetic algorithm, and accurate metamodels built using Radial Basis Functions. A Pareto front is constructed which enables designers to explore appropriate compromises between designs with low pressure drop and those with low thermal resistance.

An experimental and numerical investigation of the use of liquid flow in serpentine microchannels for microelectronics cooling

المجلة: Applied Thermal Engineering

سنة النشر: 2017

تاريخ النشر: 2017-04-17

This paper presents a combined experimental and numerical investigation of single-phase water flow and heat transfer in serpentine rectangular microchannels embedded in a heated copper block. The performance of four different microchannel heat sink (MCHS) configurations are investigated experimentally, the first having an array of straight rectangular microchannels (SRMs), while the other have single (SPSMs), double (DPSMs) and triple path multi-serpentine rectangular microchannels (TPSMs). Three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer models are developed for both laminar and turbulent single-phase water flows in each of these MCHSs and the governing flow and energy equations solved numerically using finite elements. The numerical predictions of pressure drop ( ) and average Nusselt number ( ) are in good agreement with experimental data, and indicated that the single path serpentine microchannel (SPSM) leads to a 35% enhancement of the at a volumetric flow rate of and a 19% reduction in total thermal resistance ( ) compared to the conventional SRM heat sink. However, this enhancement is at the expense of a large (up to ten-fold) increase in compared to the SRM heat sink, so that a suitable compromise must be struck between heat transfer and pressure drop in practical MCHS designs.

Thermal management of GaN HEMT devices using serpentine minichannel heat sinks

المجلة: Applied Thermal Engineering

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-07-25

An experimental and numerical investigation of water-cooled serpentine rectangular minichannel heat sinks (MCHS) has been performed to assess their suitability for the thermal management of gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) devices. A Finite Element-based conjugate heat transfer model is developed, validated experimentally and used to determine the optimal minichannel width and number of minichannels for a case with a uniform heat flux of 100 W/cm2. The optimisation process uses a 30 point Optimal Latin Hypercubes Design of Experiments, generated from a permutation genetic algorithm, and accurate metamodels built using a Moving Least Square approach. A Pareto front is then constructed to enable the compromises available between designs with a low pressure drop and those with low thermal resistance to be explored and an appropriate minichannel width and number of minichannels to be chosen. These parameters are then used within conjugate heat transfer models of a serpentine MCHS with silicon, silicon carbide, diamond and graphene heat spreaders placed above a GaN HEMT heating source of area 4.8 × 0.8 mm2, generating 1823 W/cm2. A nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) layer with thickness of 2 µm is mounted on the top surface of the GaN HEMT to function as a heat spreader to mitigate the hot spots. The effect of volumetric flow rate and heat spreader thickness on the chip temperature has been investigated numerically and each of these has been shown to be influential. For example, at a volumetric flow rate of 0.10 l/min, the maximum chip temperature can be reduced from 124.7 °C to 96.7 °C by employing a 25 µm thick graphene heat spreader attached to the serpentine MCHS together with a NCD layer compared with a serpentine MCHS without these heat spreaders.

Numerical Investigation of the Hydrothermal Characteristics of Water Flow in Compound Microchannel Heat Sinks

المجلة: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering Innovation

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-06-01

In the present work, three-dimensional numerical simulations of laminar forced convection flow of water in unique compound microchannel heat sinks (MCHSs) were investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. The newly proposed MCHS is made up of circular microchannels slotted from the top within a trapezoidal shape, and its cooling effectiveness was compared to that of traditional rectangular MCHS. Each MCHS under consideration has the same hydraulic diameter and heat transfer surface area. Water volumetric flow rates (Q_in) with a wide range of values are used, ranging from 40 to 90 ml/min, with the fluid inlet temperature set to 20 oC. A constant heat flux boundary condition of 100 W/cm2 is supplied on the MCHS bottom. The results demonstrated that the inclusion of reentrant trapezoidal shapes can disrupt both hydrodynamic (δ_hy) and thermal boundary layers (δ_th), as well as accelerate fluid flow and mixing in the main flow, resulting in a significant heat transfer enhancement. Furthermore, at Q_in= 90 ml/min, the average Nusselt number ([Nu] _avg) of compound MCHS increased by 2.16%, while total pressure drop (∆ P) and total thermal resistance (R_th) decreased by 1.73% and 1.57%, respectively, when compared to the straight rectangular counterpart.