ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

سوزان عبد الجبار عبد العزيز

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علوم الحياة-الطفيليات

الجامعة: البصرة


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • تشخيص وتصنيف الطفيليات على المستوى الشكلي والجزيئي
  • تشخيص وتصنيف الطفيليات على المستوى الشكلي والجزيئي

الأبحاث المنشورة

Evaluation of the Sensitivity of Three Immunological Diagnostic Techniques for the Diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis in Aborted Women in Kirkuk/ IRAQ

المجلة: Passer Journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-05-13

Background: Toxoplasmosis is widely recognized as a highly widespread parasitic infection in humans, capable of vertical transmission from mother to fetus. Clinical problems associated with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy include spontaneous miscarriage, premature labor, stillbirth, and fetal abnormalities. Objective: to evaluate the sensitivity of three immunological methods for the diagnosis of Toxoplasma. gondii in serum and placental tissue of aborted women. Materials and Methods:80 blood and placental Specimens were obtained from women who underwent abortion and were admitted to the Maternity ward and Child hospital in Kirkuk City. Blood samples were analyzed for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies IgM and IgG using ELISA and Combo Rapid test and placental samples were tested for T. gondii antigen in the placental tissue using the Immunohistochemistry technique. Results: The presence of anti- T. gondii antibodies in women who have undergone abortions was 30% (IgG) when the Combo Rapid test was used and 16.3% (IgG) when ELISA was used. In all cases, neither the combo rapid test nor the ELISA demonstrated seropositivity of IgM. IHC examination revealed that 60% of tissues had toxoplasmosis infection, whereas 40% of tissues were negative. Conclusion: the finding of this study indicates that IHC is a more sensitive immunological technique than a serological assay for the direct diagnosis of T. Gondii in the placental tissue of aborted women.

Molecular Prevalence and Genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii from Pet Cat Using PCR-RFLP


سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-06-01

Toxoplasma gondii is the most dangerous parasite found in humans and cats. The strong relationship between cats and their owners compelled us to explore the incidence of these parasites in companion cats and genotyping of T.gondii strain of the infected pets. 54 blood samples and 54 fecal samples collected from pets in order to ascertain the prevalence of T. gondii. The GRA6 gene was targeted in the feces and blood of examined pets and the genotypes of T. gondii were determined using the GRA6 gene loci by PCR-RFLP assay. The GRA6 gene amplification showed that 6% of pets were infected with T.gondii. PCR-RFLP assay revealed the predominance of genotype II at a rate 67% and type III at a rate 33% while type I not detected in infected pets. The incidence of toxoplasmosis in domestic felines can cause contamination of environment through excreting of oocyst in the feces which may lead to infection to cat owners specially who taking care of feeding and cleaning of pets.

Molecular Identification of Fasciola gigantica in Cattle by Using a Conventional PCR in Basrah Governorate


سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-02

Fascioliasis represents an ignored zoonotic disease that results from liver flukes that belong to the genus Fasciola spp. It results in substantial financial damages in the cattle sector. In the current investigation, liver flukes were taken from cattle in two places. The Basrah abattoir and the Aljazeera region. The flukes were found in buffalo and a cow. The nuclear marker genes were used to identify the species and learn about the past of Fasciola spp. spread. From a total number of examined Buffalo (11) and Cow (11), the infection with Fasciola spp. were in Buffalo and in Cow the percentage of infection was 18.18 % (2/11), 81. 82% (9/11) respectively. The Polymerase chain reaction results showed that all examined samples by PCR were found as Fasciolagigantica, with an identity of 100% according to GenBank. In the current study, we isolated Fasciola spp. Two worms from sheep and PCR were done, and it showed that it is F. gigantica. This indicates that the distribution of the parasite is emerging from the host specificity, which means it might be molecularly done in detail studies in all types of cattle, not only in Basrah city but all over Iraq.