ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

م٠م معصومة صادق عبد هاشم

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علوم الحياة

الجامعة: جامعه الكوفه


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مسئول وحده معادله الشهاده
  • تدريس في كليه العلوم لمده 3 سنوات
  • شعبه الدراسات العليا

الأبحاث المنشورة

Nutritional Assessment of Under Five Years of Age Child in Al-Najaf City

المجلة: Jurnal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-05-18

Since a single measurement cannot determine a person's nutritional status, nutritional assessment consists of multiple components. Anthropometry, body habitus/composition, food intake, and gastrointestinal function are crucial factors. The objective is to identify undernutrition and obesity and to offer an objective evaluation of nutritional status. Malnutrition and obesity are defined by weight for height or weight for age limits, according to the WHO and other authors. Design of the Study: the descriptive (cross-sectional) study design is used throughout the present study to achieve the study's objectives. The study began on 18/10/2022 and continued until 11/5/2023. Study Sample: A probability (disproportional strata sample) study sample of (166) children was included in the current study. Study Setting: The study is conducted in Al-Najaf City, which has PHC centres from both the northern (Al-Jawad, Al-Askari, and Al-Karama) and southern care sectors (Al-Ansar, Al-Adala, and 15 Shaaban). Results: Study results presented that there is a non- significant association (P>0.05) between the overall Assessment of children's nutritional and health status and their demographic data, except (birth weight, first feeding, and child weight) in which there was a significant association (P<0.05) with children' their nutritional and health status. Conclusion: The study concludes that the overall Assessment of children's nutritional and health status has an essential effect on birth weight, first feeding and current child weight


المجلة: ISAR Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-30

Health promoting is taken into consideration a part of number one health care and prevention, because primary prevention takes area earlier than ailment or infection occurs. The health promoting is geared towered elevating the overall degree of health and well-being of person and family, or community. The reason of this study is to evaluate the teaching body of employees health promoting behavior thru use 5 domain names of bodily activities, nutrition patterns, drugs use, intellectual wellbeing, looking for of health care. And moreover to determine the connection amongst health promoting behaviors and demographic characteristics(age, gender, and degree of education). descriptive design, cross-sectional study was followed to benefit the research objective. the study started out from 16th December to May 26, 2022. A non-probability sampling technique (convenience sample) of (54)teaching body of employees in university of kufa. The study turned into used a power analysis method (Cohen's method) for identifying the size of the samples beneathneath study. An assessment device is observed and advanced through the researchers to assess the health promoting behavior of teaching staff of university of kufa. look at of data strategies is employ through statistically package deal deal of social science copy 23. descriptive data assessment frequency and percentage, Statistical mean and standard deviation, Measure of ; mean, mean of score. Inferential Data Analysis use chi square test to find out the relationships among variables. Regarding the results of the modern study, popular assessment for subscales of health promoting behaviors among teaching is moderate. There is a non-big relationships amongst health promoting behavior and socio-demographic data. According to the findings of the prevailing study, the study recommends to Conduct a non- prevent work shop that inspire teaching body of employees in the direction of health promoting behavior. Administrative staff need to create an environment in which teaching staff can include in periodic research which includes test for infectious disease. Provide work region safety , schooling program to increase safety measures. Encourage teaching staff to vaccinate and are searching out treatment at the same time as be afflicted by disease or injury.