ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

د. ولاء كمال شديد

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: تمريض صحة المجتمع

الجامعة: بنها


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مدرس تمريض صحة المجتمع، كلية التمريض جامعه بنها
  • محرر بمجلة العلوم التمريضية جامعة بنها
  • .
  • - عضو في مجلس قسم تمريض صحة المجتمع/ كلية التمريض/ جامعة بنها منذ العام الجامعي 2022/2023 حتى الان
  • - عضو في مجلس ادارة مركز الخدمة العامة للتدريب والتعليم المستمر (وحدة ذات طابع خاص) منذ العام الجامعي 2023/2024 حتى الان.
  • - المشاركة في تدريس الجزء النظري لمادة تمريض المسنين للفرقة الرابعة من العام الجامعي 2021/2022 حتى الان.
  • - المشاركة في تدريس الجزء النظري لمادة تمريض صحة المجتمع للفرقة الرابعة من العام الجامعي 2021/2022 حتى الان.
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الأبحاث المنشورة

Breast Cancer Preventive Program among Women According to Sustainable Development Strategy 2030

المجلة: International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-01

Breast Cancer preventive program was succeeded in increasing knowledge, changing attitude, enhance active participation in sustainable development strategy 2030

Evidence Based Obesity Prevention Program among Primary School Students according to 100 Million Health Initiative

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science Benha University

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-07

Background: Childhood obesity considers a global health problem; 100 million health initiative was launched for early detection of non-communicable diseases such as obesity. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of evidence based obesity prevention program among primary school students according to 100 million health initiative. Research design: A quasi experimental design was carried in this study. Setting: This study was conducted at seven Governmental Primary Schools in Benha City. Schools selected randomly one from each sector from total 108 schools that distributed into 7 sectors. Sample: Systematic random sample was used to select 180 primary schools students. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used. I: A structured interview questionnaire which included demographic characteristics of the primary school students, family and medical history, knowledge regarding obesity and 100 million health initiative. II: Practices of primary school students regarding prevention of obesity. III: Attitude scale regarding prevention of obesity. Results: 10.0% of primary school students had good knowledge regarding obesity and 100 million health initiative pre-implementation of program which improved to 75.0% post- implementation of program, 9.4% of them had satisfactory practices regarding prevention of obesity pre-implementation of program which improved to 72.8% post-implementation of program and 27.8% of them had positive attitude regarding prevention of obesity pre-implementation of program which improved to 82.2% post-implementation of program. Conclusion: Evidence based obesity prevention program had a significant positive effect in improving knowledge, practices and changing attitude of primary school students. Recommendations: Continuing evidence based obesity prevention program for primary school students to increase their knowledge and practices to prevent obesity.

Smartphone App Based Preventive Program for Mothers regarding Chemical Substance Injuries among their Children

المجلة: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-01

Background: Availability of smartphones has opened opportunities for expansion and application of mobile-based educational programs which facilitate mothers' education regarding chemical injuries as these injuries significantly affect children` health. Aim: This research aimed to assess the impact of smartphone app based preventive program for mothers regarding chemical substance injuries among their children. Research design: The study's aim was achieved by using a quasi-experimental design. Setting: The research was carried out at Pediatric Outpatient Clinic of Benha University, Benha Teaching, and Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospitals. Sample: A purposive sample was used to select 90 mothers. Tools: Two tools were used. I: A structured interview questionnaire that included characteristics of the studied sample, knowledge and self-reported practices regarding chemical substance injuries and prevention. II: Scale to measure attitude of mothers regarding prevention of chemical substance injuries and smartphone app-based preventive program. Results: Positive statistically significant correlations were found between mothers' knowledge, reported practices and attitude regarding chemical substances injuries and prevention of complications at pre and post implementation of smart phone app based preventive program. Conclusion: Smartphone app-based preventive program have significantly helped to improve knowledge, enhance practice, and modify attitude of mothers regarding chemical substance injuries among their children. Recommendations: Smartphone app-based preventive program should be provided to mothers to improve their knowledge and practices regarding other home injuries.

Effect of Health Promotion Intervention on Daily Living Activities among Older Adults with Frailty

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-11

Background: Frailty is considered as a complex concept involving a variety of physical, mental, nutritional, and social aspects that are linked to adverse health outcomes in older adults. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of health promotion intervention on daily living activities among older adults with frailty. Subjects and Method: Design: A quasi- experimental design was utilized. Setting: The study was carried out at Medicine and Cardiology Outpatient clinics at Benha Teaching Hospital at Benha City in Egypt. Subjects: A purposive sample of 133 older adults was included. Tools: Three tools were used in this study; I: An interviewing questionnaire composed of four parts as older adults’ socio-demographic characteristics, medical history, older adults’ knowledge about frailty and older adults reported practices for health promotion. II: Frailty scale to assess frailty degree among older adults. III: Barthel index scale to assess older adults’ activities of daily living. Results: There was a highly significant improvement in the older adults’ total levels of knowledge, reported practices and dependency levels of activities of daily living post and after three months of health promotion intervention. Also, there was a highly statistically significant correlation between total reported practices, dependency levels of activities of daily living and frailty degree among older adults pre, post and after three months of health promotion intervention. Conclusion: Health promotion intervention was efficient in improving frail older adults’ knowledge, reported practices, and enhancing dependency levels of activities of daily living. Recommendations: Developing continuous health promotion intervention for all older adults to enhance their knowledge and practices regarding prevention of frailty.

Mothers' Awareness regarding Vitamin D Deficiency among Their Infants in Kalyobia Governorate

المجلة: Menoufia Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2017

تاريخ النشر: 2017-01-01

Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem that is largely unknown by majority of population and its prevalence is high even in developed and sunny countries. The purpose of the study was to assess mothers' awareness regarding vitamin D deficiency among their infants in Kalyobia Governorate. Design: Descriptive correlational research design was utilized in this study. Setting: This study was conducted at 4 Health Care Centers in Kalyobia Governorate :Benha 1, Toukh, Bahtem 1 and Begam Health Care Center. Subject: Purposive sample was used in this study; the total sample included 362 mothers. Instruments of data collection: I): An interviewing questionnaire which consists of three parts to assess a): Social characteristics b): Knowledge about vitamin D and its deficiency and, c): Practices regarding prevention of vitamin D deficiency, II): Scale to measure attitude about importance of vitamin D and its supplementation. Results: Regarding mothers' knowledge, 56.9% of the mothers had poor knowledge, 76.8% of mothers had unsatisfactory practices regarding prevention of vitamin D deficiency, and 64.4% of the mothers had positive attitude regarding importance of vitamin D and its supplementation. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically significant relation between total knowledge score of mothers and their age, educational level, occupation, monthly income, and residence. There was a positive statistically significant correlation between total knowledge score, total attitude score and total practice score about vitamin D deficiency. Recommendations: All health care professionals are encouraged to educate mothers the importance of vitamin D and the consequences of its deficiency through health educational program during postnatal or well-baby visits to assure healthy population.