ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

عباس فاضل كريعه

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: بحوث العمليات

الجامعة: كلية الامام الكاظم ( ع ) للعلوم الاسلامية الجامعة


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • العمل على عدة برامج احصائية منها spss and Aoms

الأبحاث المنشورة



سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-05-10

Quality Control Charts (control) are important methods to monitor and improve production lines and to detect the efficiency of the quality of products. The research seeks to apply control Charts in the Baghdad Company for soft drinks and aims to identify the reservoir of imbalance in the presence and treatment. Ship A and Miranda are among the products of Baghdad Soft Drinks Company.The quality control Charts (for averages and ranges) were applied to the selected products after processing the duplicates of the data. The results showed that the ship product is within the control limits. The results of the control Charts indicate that the product is not statistically controlled. Control of the product where the results after treatment that the product within the limits of the control (the process is statistically controlled)The most important finding of the researcher is the existence of three readings of the selected products as the company has three limits of control depend on them in addition to the producer ships (7 UP) within the limits of control.either with respect to the product of the Miranda is beyond the limits of control .In addition to the search reached several recommendations.The work of processing the defect in the product line of the Miranda and the control and improvement of product production lines periodically


المجلة: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-12-06

Six-sigma theory is one of the most widely accepted theories in the world as a specification seeking to reach customer satisfaction Where the research seeks to apply the theory six sigma in the Baghdad Company for soft drinks through the disclosure of the quality of one of its products And determine the conformity of the product under study to the specifications of the theory, and aims to identify the reservoir of the imbalance in the presence and treatment The Pepsi product was selected as one of the products of the Baghdad Company for soft drinks, where the calculations of the six sigma theory were carried out using the spss program, it was found that the Pepsi product is not conforming to specifications And that its level of quality is the fourth level of the sigma, indicating that there is a defect in its production line Where a thorough examination of the production line by applying the methodology DAMIC of the definition of the problem and measuring the production line and analysis of problems in parts of the line and improve the line and monitor improvements made A defect was detected in one of the parts of the target production line. The defect section was changed for a period of sampling, the results were completed from the experimental period and the theoretical methods were re-applied to the new results after improvement. The results of the analysis confirmed the improvement in quality from level 4 to level 6 , That the most important finding of the research is the non-conformity of the Pepsi product to the specifications of the theory of six sigma and became identical to the level of six Sigma after correcting the defect in the product production line In addition to several recommendations, the most important of which is the application of the theory of six sigma in the company because of the great importance in reaching the satisfaction of consumers, which is aimed at the international companies and replace the section of the defect in the product line Pepsi for the purpose of improving the level of the product and make it within the level of the sixth theory .

Forecasting the Exchange Rate of the Iraqi Dinar Against the Us Dollar Applied Research in the Secondary Market

المجلة: International Journal of Studies in Business Management, Economics and Strategies

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-03-12

The special circumstances experienced by Iraq have a great impact on the fluctuation in determining the exchange rate, so it was necessary to develop a scientific method that determines the policy of the Central Bank toward the exchange rate, and this is what we noticed after 2020 Iraq turned to an open economy and the Central Bank followed a policy to stabilize the exchange rate because of its great impact on the stability of the economy in general. Where this research was prepared to evaluate this policy towards the exchange rate by estimating the probabilities of change experienced by the exchange rate (decline, stability, and rise) by following the method of prediction and estimation of the probabilities of the causes of the occurrence of the phenomenon and through which the cases of transition from one case to another can be estimated, or to predict the state of stability of the phenomenon in the future. This research consists of two main parts, namely the theoretical side, which contains definitions, and the basis for the existing applied side, where the theoretical side contains the definition of the exchange rate, its objectives, and the factors affecting it. The practical aspect, includes the collection of data, which is represented in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar issued from the secondary market, the data was obtained through the secondary market (the struggling market).