ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

محمد البوزيدي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علم الاجتماع

الجامعة: المعهد العالي للمهن التمريضية وتقنيات الصحة


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Sociologie de la santé et la maladie
  • Analyse séquentielle
  • analyse des trajectoires de vie
  • logiciels: SPSS; R et RStudio; Jamovi

الأبحاث المنشورة

Students perceptions of distance learning effectiveness among nursing students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

المجلة: Electronic Journal of Medical and Educational Technologies

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-02-20

Abstract Background: During COVID-19, the majority of higher education institutions in Morocco adopted distance learning. In this sense, the High Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Techniques (ISPITS) used alternative teaching/learning methods to ensure continuity of studies in case of health crises. Materials & methods: This is a quantitative cross-sectional study. A questionnaire survey was conducted among the students (n=109). The results were analyzed using statistical software Jamovi. Results: We found that distance learning is not suitable for 67% of the students, distance learning does not allow learning more than presential learning for 75% of the participants, half of the students find this learning method difficult and 48% of the students specify a low level of satisfaction. Significant relationships were confirmed between satisfaction and level of study (p=0.01), as well as for the student’s perception of e-learning (p<0.001). Conclusions: The results seem legitimate given unexpected adoption of this training mode without any prior preparation. Keywords COVID-19e-learningISPITS Tiznitnursing studentsatisfaction

GUIDE de Rédaction d'un PFE -ISPITS Tiznit- -Première Edition 2022-2023-

المجلة: researchgate

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-01

Ce guide, destiné aux étudiants du Cycle Licence à l’ISPITS de Tiznit, a pour but de présenter les règles standards d’élaboration et de présentation d’un rapport de mémoire de fin d’études (PFE). Il résume les règles de base qui ne présentent pas une référence complète, mais aideront l’étudiant à structurer son rapport et l’uniformiser dont l’objectif est de présenter un mémoire clair en bonne et due forme.

The life course of caregivers of patients with chronic disease in Tiznit- Morocco: Case of hemodialysis.

المجلة: (IJRE) International Journal of Research and Ethics (ISSN 2665-7481)

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-04-01

Abstract Chronic diseases, including end-stage renal disease, are a health problem. Without the voluntary involvement of caregivers and their assistance, the management of these diseases is beyond the capacity of the health care system. Although the caregiving function offers a sense of usefulness and satisfaction, it can be a heavy burden. This can hurt all aspects of the caregiver's life course. our study aims to describe the life course of caregivers of patients with a chronic disease, the case of hemodialysis patients, in Tiznit, Morocco. Data collection is carried out by a semi-structured interview guide with 37 participants. The main results show that the life course of caregivers of people with chronic disease is impacted by hemodialysis. Indeed, the disease influences negatively all spheres of their daily life including the physical sphere with sleep disorders and fatigue, the psychological sphere with a feeling of shock and fear, and the social sphere with the feeling of isolation. In this sense, this paper aims to highlight the importance of the problem of caregivers of people with hemodialysis in Tiznit, Morocco. Similarly, to improve the care of patients with chronic diseases, it is important to take into account the life course of family caregivers. They play an essential role in the care of patients and make a considerable contribution through their emotional, moral, and material support to the person being cared for, as well as through the time they devote to the patients, in the tasks and acts of daily life that they perform for them. Keywords: caregivers, chronic illness, Life course, hemodialysis patients.

The epidemiological profile of women with breast cancer at the Reference Center Lalla Salma of Tiznit

المجلة: (IJRE) International Journal of Research and Ethics (ISSN 2665-7481)

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-02-01

Abstract Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. It occupies first place in most countries. To describe the epidemiological profile of breast cancer at the Lalla Salma Tiznit reference center. A retrospective study was conducted at the said center. Based on the exploitation of the files of patients with breast cancer. The data were collected over four years with a stratified sample of140 cases. The main obtained an average age of 60 years, 60% were married, the average age of the first menstruation was 12 years, 36% of patients were on the pill and 18% had a history of hormonal treatment. Multiparous women represented 34% and pouciparous women 42%. In addition, 90% of the cases had been breastfed. In this sense, the study proposes to promote a better organization of health care systems for isolated populations, emphasizing the importance of early detection to avoid advanced and metastatic stages that can be fatal.Keywords: epidemiological profile, breast cancer, women, Tiznit

The caregiving experience of cancer patients

المجلة: (IJRE) International Journal of Research and Ethics (ISSN 2665-7481)

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-01-01

Abstract The present work reports on a research carried out in 2017 on the experience of caregivers of cancer patients in the SOUSS-MASSA-AGADIR region. This study has highlighted that the function of caregiver has repercussions on all dimensions of life of caregivers, including emotional, which is characterized, inter alia, by the shock at the announcement of the disease from their loved one. Physically, they are affected by fatigue, sleep disorders and lack of appetite as for the social and economic, caregivers face a range of problems ranging from the unbearable cost of care, to cessation even work to devote himself totally to the person being helped. All these repercussions occur in a climate of lack of help, information and the scarcity of support aggravating their experiences.

Sequential analysis as a method for studying life courses: The Case of caregivers’ well-being trajectories, Tiznit Morocco

المجلة: SHS Web of Conferences 119, 06002 (2021)

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-08-24

Abstract Being a caregiver offers a sense of usefulness and satisfaction. Similarly, this caregiving function hurts all areas of the caregiver's life. In this vein, we believe that approaching this topic based on the sequential approach is of great importance. Indeed, we will first present the life-course approach as a method for analysing longitudinal quantitative data while highlighting the different stages of sequence analysis as an appropriate analysis method. We will then discuss the importance of studying the life trajectories of caregivers as units of research in the life course approach. The empirical demonstration of this paper originates from doctoral research in sociology on the life course of informal caregivers in the province of Tiznit in Morocco. Through this demonstration, we have crossed quantitative and qualitative analyses of life courses. This work will also show the relevance of sequence analysis and its adaptation to the life course approach of caregivers. Key words: sequence analysis / trajectories / caregiver / life-course approach.