ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

م.د حيدر صباح الخفاجي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: اللغة الإنكليزية/ علم اللغة التطبيقي

الجامعة: جامعة الكوفة- كلية التربية للبنات


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Iraqi EFL University Instructor
  • عضو جمعية المترجمين العراقيين النجف الأشرف

الأبحاث المنشورة

A Study of Babylon University's TEFL Postgraduate Candidates and Teaching Staff's Perspectives on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Problems, Challenges and Prospective

المجلة: International Journal of Social Science and Human Research

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-03

ABSTRACT: This paper investigated the perspectives of Iraqi TEFL postgraduate candidates specializing in teaching English as a foreign language, as well as the professors who were enrolled in and instructed in a course on research methodology (including quantitative, and qualitative approaches) concerning different types of research methodologies. Moreover, the researcher aimed to investigate the participants' perspectives towards a qualitative or quantitative research approach for conducting their thesis. In this study, 10 TEFL postgraduate candidates and 10 teaching staff from University of Babil/ Faculty of Basic Education were chosen by convenience and purposive sampling. Researcher created a semi-structured interview for them. According to Strauss and Corbin's (1996) grounded theory approach to qualitative content analysis, both groups of participants exhibited positive views regarding MMR. Participants preferred qualitative approaches over quantitative approaches for their thesis. Qualitative research and MMR can be as effective as quantitative research, depending on the study's objective and subject being researched. KEYWORDS: Quantitative Method, Qualitative Method, TEFL Postgraduate Candidates

The Role of Humor in Iraqi EFL University Classes and Its Effects on Students' Motivation: A Case Study of Kufa University

المجلة: American Research Journal of Humanities Social Science (ARJHSS)

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-02-18

ABSTRACT:- The study of humor is something that everyone ―finds fascinating. Humor in traditional teaching is misunderstood and defined as jokes only, which is considered by most teachers as a time waste, distractive tool to be used in classroom, and only directs students to learn through memorization. This is the main reason why students feel bored, not related to the material, and not willing to learn. Humor is employed in the English language classroom to instruct students on many grammatical ideas pertaining to the four primary skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The instructors of each language item and skill provide suitable examples of humor to the students, facilitating the students' faster assimilation of the content. This research study examines the impact of humor on the motivation and learning of Iraqi (EFL) students at the Faculty of Education for Girls, Kufa University. The relationship between humor, motivation, and learning is analyzed to demonstrate how it can affect them positively and adversely and how it should be utilized. Humor is considered as a safe haven, allowing kids to learn in a comfortable environment, so reducing anxiety, boosting self-esteem, and increasing their productivity. Taking students' personalities and cultures into account, it is the role of the instructor to choose the appropriate style of humor to employ‖. As a result, integrative motivation is fostered, which aids in becoming more proficient English language learners. Keywords:- Humor, Motivation, English Language Learning, Teaching Methods

The Impact of George W. Bush's Political Discourses on the Invasion of Iraq: A Corpus-Based Rhetoric Discourse Analysis

المجلة: International Journal of Social Science and Human Research

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-04-04

ABSTRACT: Through political speeches, the use of language plays an important role in shaping the political goals and activities of politicians. Political speeches have gained a lot of attention in recent years as a result of media coverage, and they have sparked a lot of curiosity. Manipulative language usage allows the speaker to exert influence over others without their will, with the control focusing on the recipients' verbal contributions to the conversation and cognitive processes of reception and interpretation. The current research looked at power dynamics in President Bush's speeches, concentrating on semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic manipulation levels, as well as the impact on the receivers' mental models. In this study, the researcher used Hallidayan Systemic Functional Linguistics to take a close look at George W. Bush's political discourses on the 2003 Iraq War. To accomplish this goal, Ten G.W. Bush interviews and speeches were gathered from various sources. Using Halliday's systemic functional linguistics as the analytical framework, discursive techniques, power relations, hidden meanings beneath the vocabulary, and the structures employed in the speeches were extracted and developed on. The study concentrated on the linguistic choices made only within three functions or meanings of the Hallidayan model. As a result, passive and active voices, nominalizations and emotive language within the ideational meaning, modality within the interpersonal meaning, and thematization (or theme development) throughout textual meaning were chosen to be analyzed in President Bush's comments about the Invasion of Iraq. Following the investigation, the researcher concluded that George W. Bush had manipulated the above-mentioned language traits. He had used these language methods in his favour and against the Iraqi people and Saddam Hussein, the country's president at that time. Furthermore, language research indicated that the previous US president made every effort to convey his country's superiority and hegemony. KEYWORDS: Critical discourse analysis, Discourse analysis, Ideology, Linguistic manipulation, Political speech, SFL.

A Comparative Study of the Use of Lexical Bundles in Academic Writing by Iraqi and Expert Authors

المجلة: The Islamic University College Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-11-20

Abstract:- The research piece has gained a lot of attention from linguists who want to share their findings with academic writing instructors and advanced EFL/ESL writers, given the necessity of good communication among members of diverse academic fields. Research article abstracts can be studied in terms of the frequency and use of lexical bundles, this study seeks to achieve a similar goal. Linguists have been fascinated by common word combinations and multiword formulations over the past two decades. The current study focuses on a specific sort of such word pairings known as lexical bundles, which are a set of three or more words that frequently occur in the same register (Biber, 2004). There is a correlation between the frequency of lexical bundles in published research paper abstracts written by Iraqi and Expert writers in two different fields of study. This study's corpus includes over 2000 research papers authored by two sets of writers from the disciplines of engineering and humanities. In the 300,000-word corpus, the analysis showed significant a list of 4-word lexical bundles that appeared at least 30 times per million words (150,000 words for each of the two main corpora by Iraqi and Expert Writers). Furthermore, for each of the bundles in the list, each of the two corpora was searched separately. Iraqi writers use fewer lexical bundles than Expert writers, according to the data. To look at it another way, Iraqi authors used a smaller variety of lexical bundles than Expert authors. However, in the Iraqi corpus of abstracts, lexical bundles had a higher frequency of use. The study found that Iraqi academic writers frequently used a small number of lexical bundles, while experts used a wider range of bundles with a lower token frequency. It was found that the structural and functional use patterns of Iraqi and Expert writers' lexical bundle categories were similar despite the differences between the two main corpora. Keywords: lexical bundles, IR corpus, EX corpus, engineering, humanities discipline, frequency, structural and functional categories

Iraqi EFL University Students’ Problems in Writing Composition

المجلة: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-05-06

Teaching is one of the productive skills of the English language that is writing skill mostly involves developing the students' linguistic competence which many English Second Language instructors may perceive as a challenging assignment. The point of this study is to look into different challenges encountered by Iraqi English Foreign Language students when writing compositions in the context of Kufa University. The data for the study were collected through interviews with undergraduate students and their Teachers. The interview section involved 15 undergraduate students (male=7, Female=8) and 5 Teachers who held PhD degrees (male=3, female=2). Also, the researcher distributed a writing task to 70 respondents to reveal their suffering towards the causes of academic writing problems. Students were given a writing task about a literary topic. The use of computers as writing instruments has not only had a significant impact on the writing practice and the attitudes toward writing, but it has also created modern possibilities for writing research. Another task was given to the students with the keystroke logging process.

Investigating the Impact of Social Media on Iraqi EFL University Students' Performance

المجلة: منظمة الصداقة الدولية مركز زهير شمة الدولي للإعلام والتنمية المستدامة - تونس

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-08-22

Social media is growing among the young generation all over the world. Social media is widely used by university students. Thus, they affect the personal and professional life of students. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate social media's positive and negative effects on the academic performance of Iraqi EFL students at the University of Kufa. A quantitative approach was used to collect the data required for the study. A questionnaire of 23 items was administered to 100 EFL students in the English Department of the College of Education for Women, Kufa University. SPSS software was then used to analyze the data collected from the survey. The results showed no statistically significant differences between the positive and negative effects of social media on students' academic performance. The student knows how to use social media positively versus negatively. Teachers and students can use social media as an information and communication tool to facilitate and enhance learning. Keywords: Social Media, Academic performances, Undergraduates