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إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Family and Community Health Nursing

الجامعة: المنوفيه


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • أستاذ مساعد قسم تمريض صحة الأسرة والمجتمع كلية التمريض جامعة المنوفية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Effect of Using Electronic Mind Maps as a Teaching Strategy on Academic Vitality, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement among Nursing Students

المجلة: IEJNSR

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-05

Background: Electronic mind maps are one of the innovative learning approaches that help to improve students, achievement and self-efficacy. Aim: Examine the effect of using electronic mind maps as a teaching strategy on academic vitality, self-efficacy, and achievement among nursing students. Design: A quasi-experimental design with (pretest-posttests, case, and control groups) was utilized to conduct the study. Setting: The current study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt. Subjects: A convenience sample of 400 new entry students was divided equally into study group and control group. Tools: included (1) Academic vitality questionnaire, (2) Academic Self- Efficacy Scale, (3) Academic achievement questionnaire, and (4) Student Satisfaction Scale. Results: The study revealed that mean scores of academic vitality of electronic mind mapping and conventional groups were 82.85±15.12 & 57.85±18.16 respectively in the post-test. Also, it reported that the mean scores of academic self-efficacy of the electronic mind mapping and conventional groups were175.39±30.97 and 129.76 ±32.21 respectively in the post-test. In addition, the mean scores of academic achievement for the electronic mind mapping and conventional groups are 17.48± 2.76 & 13.98 ± 2.75 respectively in the post-test. In addition, it showed that 86% of the students in the electronic mind-mapping group were satisfied, while only 55% in the conventional group were satisfied. Conclusion: Electronic mind maps are an effective and powerful tool that enhances nursing students, academic vitality, self-efficacy, and achievement Recommendations: Electronic mind maps should be implemented as an acceptable teaching strategy for all courses of nursing students' education.

Effect of Nursing Intervention on Educating Rural women Regarding Snake Bite's Prevention, First Aid, and Treatment.

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-07-21

Background: Snakebite is considered a health problem in Egypt but knowledge regarding snakebites and its care is poor at the population level that requires more attention to increase their knowledge. Aim: The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing intervention on educating rural women regarding snake bite symptoms, first aid, prevention and treatment Methods: Quasi-experimental design with pre-posttest was used. A random sample of 106rural women who came to health centers to provide immunization to their children was taken Setting: This study was conducted at ShobraBakhum and Arab Elraml from Quesna district and Bemam and Elbendaria from Tala district in Menoufia Governorate. Tool of this study was an interviewing questionnaire included five parts as the following a- demographic data b- Knowledge about symptoms of snake bite c- knowledge about preventive measures d- knowledge about first aid e-knowledge about treatment. A computer based educational intervention was used and a booklet was given to the study sample to raise their knowledge about snake bite symptoms, first aid, prevention and treatment. Results: After receiving educational nursing intervention, the level of total knowledge of the studied women about snake bite were high statistically improved in posttest than in pretest at p value <.001. As, the percentage of those who have fair knowledge improved from 0.0% in pretest to be 68.9% in posttest, and good knowledge improved from 0.0% in pretest to be 31.1% in posttest. Conclusions and recommendations: Computer Based Educational Nursing Intervention was successful in improving the overall knowledge of the studied rural women regarding snake bites’ symptoms, first aid, prevention and treatment. So, this study recommended that education programs and guidebooks to increase awareness about snake bites’ symptoms, first aid, prevention and treatment are essential to help people manage snake bite and prevent its complications especially in rural areas. Key words: snake bite, prevention, first aid, treatment

Effect of Tele-nursing on Burden and Coping Strategies among Family Caregivers of Confirmed COVID- 19 Patients

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-12-12

Background: Coronavirus or COVID-19 disease is not only disrupt patients' lives, but they also affect their family caregivers. Aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of tele-nursing on burden and coping strategies among family caregivers of confirmed COVID-19 patients. Methods: Research design in this study: A Quasi- experimental research design was used to conduct the current study. Setting: The study was carried out at family health center of Mastay village followed Quesna district, Menoufia governorate. Subjects: A convenient sample of 90 family caregivers of patients with confirmed COVID-19 were taken and divided randomly into study group and control group. Tools: The tools of this study used were (1) An interviewing questionnaire included four parts; I- Sociodemographic data and medical history for patients and their family caregivers. (2)- COVID-19 knowledge questionnaire (3) Zarit Burden Interview Scale. (4) Coping Inventory for stressful situation scale. Results: The study revealed that 41.4% of the studied family caregivers were among age group 41-50 years old, 53.3% main family caregivers were female, 64.4% of them were married. After application of tele-nursing intervention, there was statistical significance improvement in the total mean score of knowledge about COVID-19 among study group than the control group at (p <0.001). Also, there were a statistical significance differences among both group on total score of burden at (p <0.001). Finally, there were highly statistical significance differences among two group on the total score of coping strategies at (p <0.001). Conclusions: Using of telenursing was effective in decreasing burden, improving knowledge about COVID-19 disease and improving coping strategies among family caregivers of patients with confirmed COVID - 19 .Recommendation: Continuous providing of knowledge and skills about family caregivers’ burden and effective coping strategies in the crisis of COVID-19 should be a part of the nursing care.

Occupational Health Hazards and the Use of Safety Protective Measures among Municipal Solid Waste Collectors

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-01-06

Background: Solid waste collection is a dangerous job that exposes the waste collectors to different occupational health hazards and certain occupation related morbidities. Aim: This study aimed to examine the relationship between exposure to occupational health hazards and the use of safety protective measures among municipal solid waste collectors. Methods: Correlational descriptive study design was used Sample: A convenient sample of 140 municipal solid waste collectors were included. Settings: The study was carried out at Local Council of 10 villages followed Birket Elsaba district, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Tool: An interviewing questionnaire was used which included five parts: (1) Demographic data. (2) Work related factors. (3) Current health problems. (4) Safety protective measures.(5) Knowledge of the municipal solid waste collectors about occupational health hazards in the work place. Results: The study reported that two thirds of the municipal solid waste collectors were exposed to physical hazards, 63.6% of them were exposed to psychological hazards. 55% were exposed to chemical hazards, 59.3% were exposed to ergonomic hazards while who were exposed to biological and accidental hazards were 60% and 59.3% respectively. Also, It reported that 42.9% of the sample used safety boots, 24.3% of them used gloves. Moreover, 7.1% of the sample used head covers and as same used special uniform. In addition, none of the them used goggles and mask while 18.6% of the them not used any personal protective equipment. Also, it reported that more than three quarters of the study sample washed their hands before eating while 7.1% of the sample change clothes before and after the shifts. So, the present study indicated that there were statistical significance difference between exposure of the study group to occupational health hazards as (physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, psychological and accidental) hazards and the use of safety protective measures. Conclusions: This study concluded that there were statistical significance difference between exposure of the study group to different occupational health hazards and the use of safety protective measures (p<0.05). Recommendations: Periodic health education and awareness programs are needed to increase knowledge of municipal solid waste collectors on different occupational health hazards, ergonomic principles and importance of using safety protective measures

Nursing Intervention Protocol to Reduce Urinary Incontinence among Adult Women

المجلة: Bioscience Research, 2020 volume 17(4): 4079-4091

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-12-27

The present study aimed to examine the effect of nursing intervention protocol to reduce urinary incontinence among adult women. A quasi-experimental design with (pre/post-test) was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at obstetrics and gynecological clinics at selected hospitals in Menoufiya governorate , Egypt. Sample: A simple random selection of (150) adult women with urinary incontinence was chosen. Tools: four instruments were used to collect the data; Structured interviewing questionnaire, Incontinence severity index (ISI), The Incontinence Symptom Severity Index (ISSI) and Physical & psychological assessment questionnaire. Results: The current study revealed that there was statistically significant improvement among the study group than that of the control group at the post test of all items of physical, psychological and social complications after intervention. Conclusion: This study conclude that application of nursing intervention protocol for three months was effective in reducing urinary incontinence among adult women and succeeded in improving symptoms and severity of UI in the study group than that of the control group. Recommendation: Continuous assessment of physical, psychological and social effects of women suffering urinary incontinence is recommended as a part of the nursing care protocol.

Effect of Play Intervention on Aggression Behavior and Social Skills among Elementary School Children

المجلة: International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-01

Background: Play is critical for the healthy development of elementary school children. Play intervention assists children to reduce aggression tendencies while also build of social skills in a healthy manner. Aim: Assess the effect of play intervention on aggression behavior and social skills among elementary school children. Design: A Quasi-experimental research design was utilized to carry out the current study. Setting: The study was conducted at three governmental elementary schools at Ezbet Elwalda, which is affiliated to Helwan district Sample: A multi-stage random sample of 120 children was taken from three schools. Tools: Included (1) An interviewing questionnaire involved three parts; part I- Child demographic characteristics, part II- Plays data and history of the child, and part III: Aggressive behavior scale. (2) Social skills observational checklist. Results: The mean age ± SD of the children was 11.66±1.6, 51.7% of them were males and one-third of them were in the fifth grade. After the application of play intervention, there was a statistically significant difference in aggressive behavior among elementary school children at (p <0.001). Also, the result revealed that there was a statistical improvement in the mean score of social skills and all its sub-items among the studied sample at (p <0.001). Conclusions: Using play intervention was effective in decreasing aggressive behavior and improving social skills in all items among elementary school children. Recommendation: Continuous education programs should be applied in the school to raise the awareness of school children's parents and the teachers regarding the prevention of aggressive behaviors.

Audio- Drama Nursing Intervention: Utilizing Peer Education on Menstrual Hygiene and Sickness Management among Blind Adolescents

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-01-02

Adolescence is a critical developmental stage. Blind adolescent girls are a group of disabled girls who needs a special care specifically during the menstruation.The study aimed to examine the effect of audio- drama nursing intervention utilizingpeer education on menstrual hygiene and sickness management among blind adolescents. Design: Quasi- experimental design (pre and posttest) was used to accomplish the present study. Setting: Al Noor institute for visually impaired students at Shebein El-kom City in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Subjects: A Convenient sample of 40 blind girls aged between (12-18years) was recruited in this study. Tools: four instruments were used for data collection; I: Structured interviewing questionnaire which consist of two parts; first part:Socio-demographic data; second part: Menstrual data. II: An interviewing questionnaire on knowledge about menstruation; Knowledge about menstrual hygiene questionnaire; andKnowledge about management of menstrual sickness questionnaire. III: Non - observational checklist on practice of menstrual hygiene and management of menstrual sickness. IV: An interviewing questionnaire on satisfaction level. Results: There were lack knowledge and practices regarding menstruation before implementing the audio drama nursing intervention using peer education sessions. Also, there were an improvement and highly statistically significant differences in the totalscores of knowledge and practices of blind adolescent girls regarding menstruation after provision of the audio drama nursing intervention using peer education (P<0.001). Conclusion: The audio drama nursing intervention using peer education were effective in the improvement of the blind adolescent girls’ knowledge and practices regarding menstrual hygiene and menstrual sickness management. Recommendation: Continues health education programs should be applied to raise the awareness of blind adolescent girls regarding menstruation in different setting.

The Effect of Instruction with Visual Materials on Stigma Reduction Regarding Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome among University Students

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-10

Background:Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) remains one of the major public health challenges in the world, particularly in low- and middle income countries like Egypt. HIV/AIDS related stigma is a crucial social factors expanding HIV/AIDS prevalence and hindering its prevention and treatment. Aim:The study was aimed to examine the effect of instruction with visual materials on stigma reductionregardingHIV/AIDS among university students. Methods:A quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test was utilized. Sample: Systematic random sample of 200 university students was included. Setting:The study was carried out at two faculties in El Sadat city, Sadat University. Tools:two tools were used for data collection. Tool one: Self-administered structured questionnaire which involved socio-demographic data and knowledge of university students regarding HIV/AIDS general knowledge, modes of transmission , misconceptions and modes of prevention. Tool two: HIV/AIDS-related stigma attitude instrument which were used to measure HIV/AIDS related stigma. Results:The study showed that after instruction with visual materials there was statistically significant improvement in the knowledge of university students' about HIV/AIDS compared to before instruction. Also, there was statistically significant improvement in stigma attitude related HIV/AIDS of university students after instruction with visual materials compared to before instruction. Additionally, there was significantrelation betweenstudents' total knowledge scores and total stigma scores regarding HIV/AIDS. Conclusion:The study concluded thatinstruction with visual materials was succeeded in achieving significant improvements in the students’ knowledge and stigma attitude about HIV/AIDScompared to before instruction. Recommendations:The need for developing and implementing of HIV/AIDS prevention programs toimprove awareness of university students and reduce the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.

Effect of Mobile Application Intervention on Health Literacy Regarding Antenatal Care among Primigravida Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic

المجلة: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-10-01

Background: Mobile application is an innovative opportunity for pregnancy self-care and health literacy is crucial for primigravida’s pregnancy self-care. Aim: This study aimed to examine the effect of mobile application intervention on health literacy regarding antenatal care among primigravida women during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to assess the satisfaction level of primigravida toward mobile application utilization. Methods: A quasi- experimental design (pretest/posttest for one group) was adopted. A purposive sample of 90 primigravida women was recruited and allocated to study group. The current study was conducted at outpatient antenatal clinic in Maternity hospital, Port Said Governorate, Egypt. Three tools were used for data collection: Structured interviewing questionnaire schedule, Maternal Health Literacy and Pregnancy (MHLAP) and satisfaction level tool. Results: There were highly statistically significant differences among primigravida women on total score of health literacy regarding antenatal care and practice pre and post mobile application intervention . Fortunately, there were 86.7% of primigravida were satisfied toward mobile app utilization while only 13.3% of primigravida were dissatisfied. Conclusion: Mobile application intervention is effective on health literacy regarding antenatal care among primigravida women during the COVID -19 pandemic. Recommendation: Utilizing mobile application intervention on health literacy regarding antenatal care among pregnant women during the COVID -19 pandemic by nurses should be encouraged.

Lifestyle Modification on Symptoms Reduction and Quality of Life Improvement among Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2012

تاريخ النشر: 2021-12-01

Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that require more attention. Lifestyle modification intervention is an important strategy to improve health, symptoms and quality of life of IBS patients. Aim of the study was to examine effect of lifestyle modification on symptoms reduction and quality of life improvement among adults with irritable bowel syndrome. Methods: Research design: A quasi experimental design (pre-posttest) was used to conduct the present study. Setting: This study was conducted in internal medicine clinic at University Hospital in Menoufia governorate, Egypt. Subjects: A convenient sample of 75 adults were recruited in this study. Tools: (1) An interviewing questionnaire consisted of three parts; I- Adults' socio- demographic data II- Adults' clinical data. III- Adults, knowledge questionnaire about IBS (2) IBS- severity symptom scale. (3) IBS-QOL questionnaire. Results: The current study reported that irritable bowel syndrome were prevalent among age group between 30-40 years (50.7%), female (69.3%), married (80.0%) ,adults who had diplom education (34.7%) and also, it occurred among not workers (58.7%). After implementation of lifestyle intervention, there were a highly statistical significance improvement in total mean knowledge score about IBS and total IBS- Quality of life score among study sample at (p <0.001). Also, there was a highly statistical significance reduction among study group on total IBS- symptoms score at (p <0.001). Conclusions: lifestyle modification intervention for three months had a positive effect in increasing knowledge about irritable bowel syndrome , decrease IBS symptoms and succeeded in improving quality of life among studied adults. Recommendation: Continuous patients' education about IBS disease should be planned regularly in outpatient clinic to control the disease symptoms and reduce its unwanted effect on quality of life