ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

مروه محمد أحمد عبد الحافظ

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: هندسة

الجامعة: اسيوط


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

الأبحاث المنشورة

An Analytical Study of the Current Status of Managing Change Orders during the Construction Phase of Governmental Projects in Egypt

المجلة: MEJ Mansoure Engineering Jornal

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-06-01

Due to the unique nature of the construction industry and the various factors affecting its performance, construction projects are rarely end up without changes or modifications to the work of the original contract, especially during the implementation phase. Despite the positive effects of change orders in terms of responding to emerging client requirements. Meeting user needs, coping with regulatory changes. Exploiting business opportunities, adapting to technology improvement, adding more values, and managing associated risks, they have negative effects on increasing the project cost and delay the estimated duration. This problem could be attributed to the lack of a sound strategy to overcome the disputes arising from change orders in particular during the implementation phase, which may lead to project failure. Accordingly, this research aims to investigate the current status of managing change orders during the construction phase of government projects in Egypt. To achieve this aim, a research methodology is designed to achieve two objectives. Firstly, literature review is used to build a comprehensive background about change orders in construction. Secondly, a survey questionnaire is designed and implemented to determine the methods used in the real practice to manage change orders and their limitations. Data analysis revealed that the current determinants of managing change orders in Egypt are inadequate and cause a lot of conflicts and disputes up to 67% of the cases, and burden the contractor up to 83% of the risk of change orders, this highlighted the need to reconsider the current determinants to reduce the extent of disputes between the parties of the contract. The research concludes that the management of change orders in Egypt needs a sound strategy to minimize disputes, conflicts, and damage to any of the parties of the contract

knowledge Management as an Approach for Enhancing the Performance of Construction Firms: An analytical study

المجلة: JES Journal of Engineering Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-06-01

Knowledge management is one of the latest administrative concepts because of its human and intellectual capital, and it represents the basis on which project management and development are based and the basis of competitive advantage in construction companies. This is what causes managers and building experts to light and attention to managing knowledge to improve performance and better practicing the construction industry. However, many construction companies, especially medium and small enterprises, still do not effectively manage knowledge, with much lost financial burden and waste much experience, information, and knowledge without realizing the importance of lost knowledge and also what it takes to redefine lost knowledge. Therefore This paper aims to study the role provided by knowledge management to improve the performance of construction companies by reviewing the relationship between knowledge management and improving the performance of construction companies in the light of the available literature and previous studies using the descriptive analytical approach to stand on two main axes for any knowledge system applied in The two construction companies are: the effective supporting factors in the knowledge management systems, and the second is the obstacles facing the implementation of the current knowledge management systems. The result of the study is that supporting the culture of knowledge management, support from senior management, supporting information technology, and training continuous of employees are among the most important critical success factors shown by previous field studies. The obstacles differ according to the work environment and place of study. The research hypothesis was confirmed, which is that knowledge management improves the performance of construction companies, as it affects project performance, affecting project performance, company performance, employee performance, and knowledge effectiveness within the company. This research is the nucleus for decision-makers and those working to develop the performance of construction companies and the setters of strategies and knowledge systems to improve performance and achieve the required final output in the construction industry. تعد إدارة المعرفة من أحدث المفاهيم الإدارية لما تضمنته من رأس مال بشري وفكري ويمثل الأساس الذي يرتكز عليه تقدم إدارة المشروعات وتطورها وأساس الميزة التنافسية في شركات البناء. هذا ما يجعل المدراء وخبراء البناء يلقون الضوء والاهتمام لإدارة المعرفة لأجل تحسين الأداء وممارسة أفضل لصناعة البناء. ولكن لا يزال الكثير من شركات البناء بخاصة المتوسطة والصغيرة لا تفعل دور إدارة المعرفة بشكل فاعل مما يكبدها الأعباء المإلىة الكثيرة الضائعة وتهدر الكثير من الخبرات والمعلومات والمعرفة دون إدراك لأهمية المعرفة المفقودة وأيضا ما يتطلبه الأمر لأجل إعادة تعريف المعرفة المفقودة. لذا تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية إلى دراسة الدور الذي تقدمه إدارة المعرفة بغية تحسين أداء شركات البناء وذلك من مراجعة العلاقة بين إدارة المعرفة وتحسين أداء شركات البناء في ضوء الأدبيات المتاحة والدراسات السابقة باستخدام المنهج التحليلي الوصفي من أجل الوقوف على محورين أساسيين لأي نظام معرفي يطبق في شركات البناء وهما: العوامل الفاعلة الداعمة في أنظمة إدارة المعرفة، والثاني هو المعوقات التي تواجه تطبيق الأنظمة الحإلىة لإدارة المعرفة. اثمرت الدراسة إلى أن دعم ثقافة إدارة المعرفة ودعم الإدارة العليا لها ودعم تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتدريب المستمر للموظفين من أهم عوامل النجاح الحاسمة التي أظهرتها الدراسات الميدانية السابقة. وتختلف المعوقات باختلاف بيئة العمل ومكان الدراسة. وتم تأكيد فرضية البحث وهي أن إدارة المعرفة تحسن من أداء شركات البناء، حيث تؤثر على أداء المشروع وأداء الشركة وأداء الموظفين وأيضا الفاعلية المعرفية داخل الشركة. ويعد هذا البحث هو نواه لمتخذي القرار والعاملين على تطوير أداء شركات البناء وواضعي الإستراتيجيات ونظم المعرفة من أجل تحسين الأداء وتحقيق المطلوب من الناتج النهائي في صناعة البناء

An Analytical Study of Key Performance Indicators for Knowledge Management in Construction Companies

المجلة: ERJ Engineering Research Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01

The construction and building industry plays a pivotal role in both national and global economies, necessitating a fo-cused approach in knowledge management (KM) strategies amid current market disruptions and economic uncertainties. For construction companies to plan and develop effective KM strategies, they must be measured and incorporated within the key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to construction companies. This research paper aims to review literature on knowledge management performance indicators (KM PIs) and rank their importance within the KPIs of contracting companies. Statistical analysis revealed that previous studies neglect KM PIs, such as, as some important techniques for KM, such as lessons learned, workshops, meetings, brainstorming sessions, and technology measurement for KM, such as databases and internal and external communication networks. KPIs related to KM which was found in previous research were communication, technological development, company website design, training, workforce competencies, and standard measurement. However, these indicators ranked lowest in importance, suggesting a need for companies and future research to reconsider their focus on measuring KM strategies within construction firms. The results of this research are of utmost significance for the construction and building industry, shedding light on the importance of adopting effective KM strategies to enhance the overall performance of construction companies