ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

Walaa Abdelkader Mohamed Drag

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: صحة الاسره والمجتمع

الجامعة: Ain shams university


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • منسق وحدة الجوده بالقسم العلمي ٤ سنوات

الأبحاث المنشورة

Awareness of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus toward Prevention of COVID-19

المجلة: ejhc.journals.ekb.egl

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-06-01

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect any organ in the body, and those affected are at risk of COVID-19 due to underlying immune conditions and immunosuppressive medications. Aim: Assess awareness of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus toward prevention of COVID-19. Study Design: A descriptive exploratory design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Rheumatology outpatient clinic at Desouk General Hospital which affiliated to Ministry of Health in Kafr El Sheikh Governorate. Sample: Simple random sample composed of 220 patients, were selected according to age from 15-60 which already have been diagnosed with SLE. Tool of date collection: A structured interviewing questionnaire that consisted of five parts, socio demographic characteristics, clinical history of patients, knowledge, Reported practices, and attitudes of patients about Systemic Lupus Erythematosus toward preventive measures of COVID-19. Results: The study results proved that 76.8% of study sample were female and 43.2% of sample's age ranged from. 30 to less than 45 years with mean = 37.2 & S. D ±10.9years, 31.8% of them had infected with COVID-19. According to Knowledge, 37.7% of them had a poor level of total knowledge about COVID-19 and 69.1% about Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. While 3.2% had negative attitude and 62.3% had inadequate reported practices towards COVID-19 prevention. Conclusion: there was a highly statistically significant relation between total knowledge, reported practices, and attitude toward preventive measures of COVID-19 and socio-demographic characteristics of patients with systemic lupus such as age, gender, educational level, and marital status with p value ˂ 0. 001.Recommendations: Design a health education program about prevention of COVID-19 for patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and disseminating it in autoimmune diseases clinics.

Women's Awareness about Post Covid-19 Syndrome

المجلة: ejhc.journals.ekb.egl

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-01


Quality of Life among Elderly People with Peptic Ulcer at Geriatric Home

المجلة: ejhc.journals.ekb.egl

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-01

Background: peptic ulcer has a major impact on the health status and continues to be a considerable cause of morbidity and mortality among elderly people. The aim of this study is to assess quality of life among elderly people with peptic ulcer at geriatric home. Design: descriptive study design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at 3 geriatric homes in the Fayoum Governorate and Cairo Governorate. Sample: purposive sample was used; they were 60 elderly people aged 60 years old and more of both genders. Tool: The tool consists of 4 parts: 1st part, demographic characteristics of elderly people. 2nd part is the medical history of elderly people related peptic ulcer. 3rd part, elderly people knowledge regarding peptic ulcer. 4th part, quality of life scale to assess the effect of peptic ulcer on quality of life among the elderly people. Results: The study results showed that 32.2 % of elderly people were aged 70 to less than 80 years old, 50.8 % of them were female, and 54.2% of elderly people were widowed. Regarding level of education 44.1%of them had primary education and 42.4% of them were illiterate, also 83.1 % of elderly people lived in urban areas and 39% of elderly people had a job. Regarding medical history 66.1% of elderly people were nonsmokers, 55.9%of them suffered from gastric ulcer. Additionally, 39% of them had family history of peptic ulcer previously, 45 % of them had epigastric pain. In relation to knowledge 79% of the elderly people had poor knowledge about peptic ulcer, and 91.5% of them had poor quality of life. Conclusion: it was concluded that; there was statistically significant relation between gender, marital status of the studied elderly people and their total knowledge about peptic ulcer and there was no statistically significant difference between other demographic characteristics of the studied elderly people and their quality of life, also there was statistically insignificant relation difference between total knowledge of the studied elderly people and their total quality of Life. Recommendations: Health educational program should be developed and implemented for elderly people with peptic ulcer to improve and update them with the most current information about the disease, practices, and quality of life.

Nursing Protocol to overcome Obstacles that Facing Nurses during Family Planning Counseling

المجلة: International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-06-01

Background: A nurse as a family planning Counselor helps women choose and use family planning methods that suit their needs. Nursing protocol improves nurses’ knowledge and skill regarding family planning counseling which in turn helps in overcoming obstacles facing nursing counsellors Aim: assess the effect of nursing protocol on overcoming obstacles that face nurses during family planning counseling. Subject and Methods: A quasi-experimental research (pre/post-test) design; sampling: A purposive sample of 80 nurses at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital in family planning clinics were recruited in the current study. Tools: Data was collected using 1) a Structured Interviewing Arabic questionnaire which included 3 parts nurses' demographic data, nurses’ knowledge regarding family planning counselling and Obstacles facing nurses' during family planning counselling:2) observational checklist used for assessment of the quality of family planning counseling sessions. Results: 22.5% of nurses had good knowledge of pre-nursing protocol implementation which improved to 87.5% post-implementation. While 14.2% of nurses had good practice regarding family planning counseling compared to 74.2% post-implementation of the nursing protocol. Concerning obstacles that facing nurses' during family planning counseling the high obstacle was 35.0% pre-nursing protocol implementation which decreased to 22.5% post-implementation. Conclusion: the study concluded that the implementation of the nursing protocol has a positive effect on nurses' total knowledge, practice, and overcoming obstacles regarding family planning counseling. Recommendation: Implementation of nursing protocol at family planning clinic at different family planning services.

Women's Awareness about Post Covid-19 Syndrome

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-01

Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, is leading to unknown and unusual health conditions that are challenging to manage. Post-COVID-19 syndrome is one of those challenges, having become increasingly common as the pandemic evolves. Post-COVID Conditions are a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems that people experience after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.the WHO is a set of ‘signs and symptoms that emerge during or after an infection consistent with COVID-19, persist for more than 12 weeks, and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis’ Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess women's knowledge, practice, attitude related to post covid-19 syndrome. Design: A descriptive analytical study design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at two health unit (Ebheet Elhagr and Sennors medical units) at Fayoum governorate. Sample: A purposive sample of (230) women according certain criteria; who aged 20-50 years and contracted covid-19.Tools of data collection: three tools was used for data collection. An Interviewing questionnaire to assess knowledge, reported practice of women regarding Post covid-19 syndrome and attitude Likert scale to assess attitude of women regarding Post covid-19 syndrome. Results: The study revealed that the 80% had unsatisfactory level of knowledge about Post covid-19 syndrome, about 90.4% had satisfactory practice towards Post covid-19 syndrome, 43.5% of the study group had a positive attitude towards Post covid-19 syndrome, 56.5% had negative attitude. Conclusion. There were a statistical significant difference between women's education, occupation, family income and total women's knowledge. And women with satisfactory knowledge show a satisfactory level of practice while there was no significant association between attitude and knowledge level and there was no significant association between attitude and reported practice level. Recommendation: health educational program for women's to enhance knowledge, practices and attitude regarding to COVID syndrome through design health educational program, brochure and booklets.

Modifying Unhealthy Behaviors among Primary School Children

المجلة: International journal of health sciences

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-08-01

Background: Unhealthy behaviors among primary school children arise during childhood, which often persist into adulthood, affecting health and well-being in later life. These unhealthy behaviors are represented in the misuse use of technology, bullying, smoking and anxiety. Aim of the Study: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the educational health program on modifying unhealthy behaviors among primary school children. Design: Quasi-experimental was utilized to achieve the aim of the study. Setting: The study was conducted in the Sharabeya area affiliated to the Sharabeya Educational Administration of the Directorate of Education in Cairo, which includes many primary schools. Sample: A Multistage sample was selected randomly it compromised of 124 primary school children. Tools: Two tools were used for data collection, first tool: An interviewing questionnaire for primary school children including two parts; Part I:Demographic characteristics of the children, Part II: children's knowledge about unhealthy behaviors. Second tool: Assessing children reported practices about unhealthy behaviors. Results: the main results of the study revealed that, significant improvement in children knowledge and their reported practices regarding unhealthy behaviors. Conclusions: the study concluded that the educational health program remarked improvement all items of knowledge and reported practice of children related to unhealthy behavior.

Training Program for Nurses to Enhance Competence Level Regarding COVID 19 Prevention

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-06-01

COVID 19 is an emerging respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus. Globally spread of Covid-19 had a momentous consequence on people of all nations, races, and socio-economic groups. Competency is the state of possessing qualities and abilities that are required for a particular role or task. Training programs equip nurses with specialized knowledge and competency to better manage infectious diseases in a competent level in order to support the response to the epidemic. Aim: the study aimed to evaluate the effect of training program for nurses to enhance competence level regarding COVID 19 prevention. Setting: the study conducted at outpatient clinic (antenatal, gynecological and family planning units) at Ain Shams Maternity University Hospital. Sample: A convenient sample included one hundred forty nurses. Method: A quasi experimental design was used. Tools: two tools were used. First tool: Self-administered questionnaire, second tool: Observational checklist sheet was used to assess nurses’ performance regarding Protective Measures and Compliance with Standard Precautions. The result of the study shows that Pre-program knowledge scores for nurses were lower (32.9%), but they improved to (90.0%) in the post-program with a statistically significant improvement. In addition, pre-program incompetent practise was higher (84.3%) than post-program incompetent practice, with highly statistically significant differences (P - value.0001). Conclusion: Applying a COVID-19 training programme to nurses was successfully effective in improving their knowledge and practices for covid19 prevention. Accordingly, the following recommendation is proposed: Apply training programs for whole nursing staff to enhance their competency level regarding covid19 prevention.