ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

Ibrahim Osman

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Agronomy

الجامعة: University of Khartoum


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Lecturer, more than 8 years in higher education and scientific research.
  • Scientific research
  • Supervision

الأبحاث المنشورة

Impact of Land Use Pattern on Rangeland Vegetation in Blue Nile State, Sudan

المجلة: University of Khartoum Journal of Agriculture Sciences

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-03-10

The study was conducted in‘Elrosieris’area, Blue Nile State, Sudan, at the end of autumn season on Novermber, 2018 to investigate the impact of land use type on natural rangelands vegetation. Two sites were selected; namely rangelands and abandoned croplands. Three transects of 100 m length were placed randomly in each of these sites. Species composition, plants cover and ground cover were determined using Parker loop method along these transects. Plant density (Plant/m2), frequency, biomass productivity (ton/ha) and carrying capacity, Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU/ha/yr) were determined using quadrate method applied along these transects. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and T- test. The results revealed that plant cover was higher in rangeland (87%) compared to abandoned cropland (79%). Bare soil was lower in rangeland (4%) than in abandoned cropland (8%). Pennisetum ramsum was dominant species in rangeland (70.67%) and less so in abandoned cropland (25.33%). Plant density was higher in rangeland (34.67 plant/m2) compared to abandoned cropland (11.58 plant/m2). The difference in productivity and carrying capacity were very slight. The study concluded that Pennisetum ramsum was dominant in terms of cover and composition regardless of land use type. Plant density was better in rangeland. The differences in yield and carrying capacity were close regarding land use pattern.

Some Classical Methods of Vegetation Attributes Measurements in Rangelands

المجلة: Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-13

Around the world in every single country rangeland considers the first animals feed source. Many years ago these sources contributing, supplying and securing animals' feed, besides of, its environmental benefits. Due to misused or unwise utilization; rangeland characters and features facing tremendous changes and degradation. Therefore, management sound and wise plans should be arising to protect, improve and develop its characters sustainably. Undoubtedly, rangeland managers and environmental activists must their mandate and task be in these trends. Rangeland's management and monitoring are based on the evaluation of vegetation attributes (cover, species frequency, species composition, plant den sity, and carrying capacity). To estimate these attributes their are so many tech niques and approaches designed for this purposes. However, the application and selection of suitable methods depend on rangeland characters and vegetation ty pes. Each of those methods has a special considerations. According to this and vegetation features it is being selected. Therefore, this paper is introducing and focusing on the most common using rangeland vegetation attributes sampling methods. That will help young scientists and rangeland managers to pursue their work easily.

Agricultural Production Systems in Sudan

المجلة: Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Economics

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-07-08

Agriculture is one of the strategic elements of any developed or developing country. It's fundamentally related to political and social stability. Sudan is characterized as an agricultural country that has all the extended factors of that. Agriculture and cultivating-related activities are carried out in many different patterns which are adopted and practiced in Sudan. Agricultural production in Sudan is generally practiced through three systems: small-scale farming using a traditional rain-fed system, mechanized rain-fed systems, and irrigated farming systems. Each system produces specific crops and is located in appropriate regions with varying levels of mechanization in the production areas. Manually carried tools and animal power dominate in the traditional rain-fed system. Mechanical energy and sophisticated tools are commonly used in irrigated and mechanized rain-fed systems. Different crops are grown in Sudan regarding of farming system. Here we are presenting the common agricultural practices systems in Sudan, which help those who are unfamiliar and/or interested in this country to get closer by knowing the cropping systems in Sudan.

Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L) Cultivation Form and Potentiality under Konya Conditions, Türkiye

المجلة: Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-13

İncreasing climate change effect with decreaing and limation of food sources, alternative and well adopted pathway should used. Proso millet is one of human food alternative, its dry enviroment crops. Panicum miliaceum is used in human and animal nutrition. Recently it has been grown in the Konya region in an irri gated schemes for its grain. Proso millet grains have vital economic and nutrition potential. Previously were used to feed pet birds and poultary. Under Konya conditions, the farmer obtained about 150-200 kg/da grain yield. Crop seeds are harvested in 90-100 days, using a combined harvester. The crop possesses a vital capacity of being a promising crop that might contribute to human food security.


المجلة: International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-11-12

The Nile and its tributaries give an impression of the life of the population located in these areas. Likewise, the Nile Basin countries lie in tropical, arid, and semi-arid regions. The Nile crosses about 11 countries. All these countries depend on the Nile for their livelihood and well-being. it is one of the largest freshwater rivers in the world. The Nile journey begins in the tropical forest to the semi-desert and ends in the hottest desert. Sudan's economy is based on agriculture and livestock, which contributes about a third of the population's gross domestic product (GDP). About 40% of agricultural activities depend on the Nile for irrigation water. Wetlands have multidimensional ecosystem goods and services that contribute to environmental, social, and economic benefits critical to human well-being and are responsible for a variety of important ecological functions and services. The physical benefits people derive from the Nile and its wetlands include domestic water supply, fishing, grazing, agriculture, grasses, and wild plants for food, handicrafts, and medicinal purposes. In addition, the Nile provides pneumatic services to the local and tourist communities. Sudan has a rich heritage and stunning natural beauty making it an attractive destination for adventure seekers and history experts along the Nile as the tourism potential. The potentiality of the Nile should be planned to exploit this valuable resource wisely. The policy of sustainable use must be the priority of all decision-makers related to the ecosystem services and conservation of the Nile. Currently, we trying to stress the significance of the Nile (ecosystem services) to the Sudanese livelihood and tourism capacity.

Exploiting Indigenous Plants Species to Rehabilitate Degraded Rangelands of Sudan Using Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC.

المجلة: 1st International Conference on Sustainable Ecological Agriculture (1st ICSEA) March 8-10, 2022, Konya, Türkiye

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2033-10-03

Rangelands are renewable natural resources and significantly contributes for mitigating climate change, with CO2 sequestration. Optimum conservation of these resource is a priority of biodiversity manger as rangelands. The improvement of rangelands using adopted species is more efficient and practically. Improving degraded rangelands through reseeding with legumes species is very useful for generating species composition. Therefore, this review reflects the potentiality of Rhynchosia minima (L.) indigenous rangelands species of Sudan flora to be used improving degraded areas. In addition, it reflects the prospective as a promising forage crops.