ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

د.محمد محمود رجب الحديني

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: اقتصاد زراعي

الجامعة: الزقازيق


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مدرس اقتصاد زراعي - كلية التكنولوجيا والتنمية - جامعة الزقازيق - مصر

الأبحاث المنشورة

Measuring the impact of the change in the exchange rate on Egyptian agricultural foreign trade

المجلة: مجلة الاسكندرية للتبادل العلمى

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-03

The research aimed to measure the trend of agricultural foreign trade and its development during the period from 2000-2021, through: studying the development of the volume of agricultural exports and imports, as well as the agricultural trade balance and its relative importance, as well as measuring the impact of the change in the exchange rate on the volume of agricultural trade and its growth rates. The results showed that the following was confirmed. Significant from a statistical point of view, for the value variables of total exports, total imports, and total trade volume, as well as the deficit in the total trade balance, as well as the value of exports and imports, and the agricultural trade balance. The results also showed that a rise in the exchange rate against the Egyptian pound leads to a rise in the prices of imports of goods. Foreign products, which leads to a decrease in demand for them. As for the impact of the change in the exchange rate on the value of imports of the crops under study during the period (2000 - 2021), the following has been shown: With regard to the value of imports of maize, soybeans, and wheat, it has become clear that they increase by about 7.7, 17.4, and 6.5 pounds/dollar, respectively, during the period the study The study recommends the following: 1- Taking advantage of the decline in the value of the Egyptian pound to improve the competitiveness of Egyptian agricultural exports in foreign markets 2- Reviewing the current methodology for explaining differences in exchange rates and activating a more appropriate exchange system for the Egyptian economy in proportion to the available resources. Keywords: Exports - Imports - Exchange rate- Egypt.

An Analytical Study of the Production and Export of Green Beans in the Arab Republic of Egypt

المجلة: مجلة الاقتصاد الزراعي والعلوم الاجتماعية - المنصورة

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-07

The research aimed, in general, to study the production of green beans in Egypt, in addition to studying foreign trade in the most important global markets for green beans during the period (2001-2021). The results of the research concluded that the average cultivated area of green beans amounted to about 55.38 thousand feddans, and the average production of summer, indigo, and winter grapes, and the total production was about 75.99, 44.15, 120.39, and 244.84 thousand ton, respectively, during the same period, and the general average productivity of the bean crop. About 4.40 ton/ feddan. And by studying the most important variables affecting the amount of Egyptian exports during the period (2010-2021), it was found that an increase in the exchange rate of the dollar by one pound leads to a decrease in the amount of exports of green beans by about 1.14 thousand ton, and that an increase in the export price by one thousand dollars leads to a decrease in the amount of exports of green beans. green beans by about 7.43 thousand ton, and the increase in UAE imports of green beans by about 1 ton leads to an increase in Egyptian exports of green beans by about 1.2 ton. The research is recommended to take advantage of the close distances between Egypt and both the UAE and Saudi Arabia to increase exports to these countries and work to facilitate all export procedures. Keywords: Green beans, Production, Exports, competitiveness,

Egyptian Foreign Fish Trade: Current Conditions, Effects, and Export Efficiency

المجلة: Aquatic Science and Fish Resources

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-07-25

The research aimed in general at identifying the current situation of foreign Fish Trade and the most important Factors affecting it during the period (2001-2021), the Results showed that there is a deficit in the Fish Balance throughout the study period, with an average value of about 363.38 million dollar, with an annual growth rate of about 8%, during the same period. By studying the variables most affecting the value of Egyptian fish imports and Exports, it was shown that the variables most affecting the value of Imports are the population and the Fish Gap, where an increase in the population by one million people leads to an increase in the value of Egyptian fish imports about 11.82 million dollar. The Egyptian Fish industry increased the value of Imports about 0.71 million dollar. It was also as previous that the most influencing variables on the value of Egyptian fish exports are the population of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Imports of fresh and chilled fish. An increase in the population of Saudi Arabia about 10% leads to an increase in the value of Egyptian Fish Exports about 50.05%. Increasing Saudi Imports of fresh and chilled fish about 10% will lead to an increase in the value of Egyptian fish Exports about 8.20%. Also, the Export Efficiency is low, reaching about 51.07%, which indicates a low feasibility of fish export. The research recommends the need to open new Export Markets


المجلة: Agricultural Economics and Social Science

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-28

The research aimed primarily to estimate the Marketing efficiency of the mango crop in Ismailia Governorate. The problem of the study was the low Marketing efficiency of mangoes in Ismailia Governorate. To achieve its objectives, the research relied on the use of descriptive and quantitative analysis methods, published and unpublished secondary data, and primary data with a random sample estimated at about 100 merchants in the Abu Khalifa and El-Mostaqbal Markets, and it reached The results indicate that the average area, production, and productivity in Egypt during the period (2000-2021) amounted to about 167.9 thousand feddan, 670.38 thousand ton, and 4.11 ton/feddan, respectively, and in Ismailia governorate it reached about 68.21 thousand feddan, 201.17 thousand tons, and 3.42 tons/feddan, respectively, and with a study The structure of Marketing cost per ton in Market of El-Mustaqbal, Abu Khalifa, and the total study sample for the wholesaler was found to be about 1458, 1530, and 1494 thousand LE, respectively, while for the retailer it amounted to about 2332, 2246, and 2289 thousand LE, respectively. By studying the net Marketing return per ton in Market of El-Mustaqbal, Abu Khalifa, and the total study sample. It was found that for the wholesaler it amounted to 2041, 1969, and 2005 thousand LE, respectively, while for the retailer it amounted to about 3168, 3754, and 3461 thousand LE, respectively. By studying the Marketing difference (producer - consumer) in Market of ElMustaqbal and Abu Khalifa and the total sample, it was found that it amounted to 9000, 9500, 9250 thousand LE, respectively. A study of marketing efficiency showed that it reached 33.68%, 28.08% and 30.78%, respectively. The research recommends reducing the number of intermediaries in the Marketing process, which improves the farmer’s income and provides the product to the consumer at acceptable prices. Keywords: mango fruit, marketing differences, marketing efficiency, Ismailia Governorate.