ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

فاطمه محمد عبدالله الشوبري

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: تمريض صحه الام وحديثي الولاده

الجامعة: المنوفيه


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Quality of health

الأبحاث المنشورة

Effect of Drugs for Hepatitis c C Virrusnursing intervention on sex health of women under DirectActing antiviral

المجلة: Egyptian journal of health

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-11-13

HCV infection is a global health problem that has an impact on women's quality of life, including sexual function. Since 2014, Direct-Acting Antiviral Drugs (DAAS) have been introduced and approved as novel HCV therapies. Nurses had an important role in sexual health promotion. This requires the use of the proper communication style, diplomacy, and patience at times. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the nursing intervention on the sexual health of women undergoing Direct-Acting Antiviral Drugs for Hepatitis C virus. Method: A quasi-experimental design (study/control) was implemented to conduct the study. Setting: This study was conducted in the Outpatient Clinic at National Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Egypt. Sample: A purposive sample of 300 women with chronic HCV. Women were divided into two identical groups; a study group of 150 women who received Acting Antiviral Drugs for treatment of Hepatitis C virus and routine Outpatient Clinic care in addition to routine nursing intervention (safe sex instructions, measures that improve psychological status, and measures that improve sexuality) and the control group of 150 women who received only Acting Antiviral Drugs for treatment of Hepatitis C virus and routine outpatient clinic care. Two instruments were used for Data Collection: Instrument1 included part1 related to Socio-demographic characteristics of studied women and part2 related to women’s knowledge of sexual health. Instrument II related to Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) Results: The study revealed that the study group had statistically significantly lower FSFI scores than the control group before DAAS and nursing intervention. While there was an improvement in all FSFI Scores in the study group after treatment and nursing intervention than before treatment and that was statistically significant. Conclusion: Chronic HCV infection occurring before the development of cirrhosis had negatively affected all the domains of FSFI Scores. After DAAS and nursing intervention there was an improvement in all FSFI Scores Recommendations: Assessment of sexual health should be a part of the evaluation protocol for all women with HCV before and after using DAAS. Also, a nursing intervention program should be applied to all HCV women for sexual health promotion. Replication of the study on husbands with HCV who are undergoing

Effect of evidence base Edecution Program of nursing Preformance R Regarding ReRetinopathy OfPrematurity in knew natel intence care

المجلة: International journal noval research of health care and nursing

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-04-01

Despite advances in neonatal care, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) remains a serious problem in premature neonates. Retinopathy is a major consequence of prematurity and very low birth weight newborn. The purpose was to assess the effect of an evidence-based education program on nurses’ knowledge & practice regarding retinopathy of prematurity in neonatal intensive care units. Design: A quasi-experimental was utilized for this study. Setting: This study was conducted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at National Liver Institute, El Menoufia University Hospital, and Shebin El Kom Teaching Hospital. A convenient sample of 60 nurses working in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) at the previously mentioned setting was selected. Two tools were utilized for this study. Tool one: a structured interview questionnaire was used to assess nurses’ knowledge about ROP. Tool two: an observational checklist was used to assess nursing practice. Results revealed there was an improvement in nurses’ knowledge in the post-test than pretest. Total knowledge score and standard deviations were 15.52±4.04 and 24.58 ±1.49 on the pre, and post-tests respectively. There was high statistically significant difference between nurses' practices at 1% level of statistical significance. Conclusion: There was a statistically positive correlation between nurses' knowledge and practices on the post-test. Recommendation Ongoing in- service education programs must be designed and implemented at NICUs to improve nurses' knowledge and practices about the prevention of ROP.