ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

تامر جمال ابراهيم منصور

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: الارشاد الزراعي

الجامعة: National Research centre


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • استاذ الارشاد الزراعي المساعد بالمركز القومي للبحوث
  • Head of the Egyptian research team for the international project "Increasing Resilience of Smallholders with Multi-Platforms Linking Localized Resource Sharing (RESILINK)," funded by PRIMA and the European Union 2022-2026. Principal researcher: Pr. Congdu
  • الباحث الرئيسي لمشروع تحديث وإصلاح منظومة الإرشاد الزراعي في جمهورية مصر العربية 2019-2022، الممول من المركز القومي للبحوث
  • عضو المعهد الدولي للمهندسين والباحثين
  • عضو هيئة تحرير ومحكم للعديد من المجلات العلمية المصنفة ضمن سكوبس كلارڤيت
  • عضو الجنة العلمية والثقافية والدولية بالمركز القومي للبحوث
  • عضو لجنة التنمية الريفية بالاتحاد العام للجمعيات والمؤسسات الاهلية بجمهورية مصر العربية
  • عضو الفريق البحثي لمشروع التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للمرأة الريفية من خلال تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة القائمة على بعض النباتات الطبية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Job satisfaction among extension workers in north Sinai governorate, Egypt

المجلة: International Journal of Management and Applied Science

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-04-01

Abstract : The research aimed to identify job satisfaction degree Among Extension Workers in North Sinai Governorate, determine the relationship between Extension Workers job satisfaction degree and the studied independent variables, and finally to recognize the most important problems facing respondents . Research data were collected through personal interviewing questionnaire with 96 respondents representing 80% of the total extension workers in the Governorate , Numerical data , tables and percentages were used in data presentation , arithmetic means ,standard deviation, Pearson`s correlation coefficient , and Chi-Square Test were used to analyze data statistically. Results showed that 40.6 % of respondents were in the age category of (46 years and above), and about two thirds of respondents (64.6 %) were University graduates, more than half of respondents (57.3 %) were non-specialists in agricultural extension , and that more than half of respondents (55.2 %) were rural upbringing . Results showed that More than two fifths of respondents extension workers (44.79 %) had a high job satisfaction level , More than one third of them (35.42%) were in the middle category of job satisfaction level , while About one fifth of the respondents (19.79%) fall into the low job satisfaction category. A significant relationship at 0.01 level, were found between the level of Job satisfaction for the respondents and academic qualification, academic specialization, There were a significant correlation between the age of the respondents and the degree of job satisfaction at 0.05 level, A negative significant relationship at 0.01 level, were found between the total degree of respondents Job satisfaction and each of the following variables : the scope of supervised area , the distance between the workplace and place of residence for extension workers Keywords - Job Satisfaction, Extension Workers, Agricultural Extension.

The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Economic Development, Case of Egypt. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology

المجلة: The International Journal of Business Management and Technology

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-09-05


The Tunisian Experience in Olive Production and Marketing and How to Benefit From it in the Egyptian Case

المجلة: Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, Volume: 07 | Issue: 03

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-09-09

Olive and olive oil production, which is widespread throughout the Mediterranean region, plays an important social, economic and environmental role in producing countries. Although Egypt has a comparative advantage in the production olive crop, which generates a distinct economic return, whether marketed locally or exported, Egypt occupies the 10th place in the global ranking of the countries producing less than 1% of Global production of olive oil. In order to achieve a qualitative leap in the production and marketing of olives, it is necessary to identify the leading countries in this field and study their experience in order to benefit from them; Tunisia is one of the leading countries in the field of olive production and marketing therefore its experience should be studied carefully. The results showed that the most important reasons for Tunisia's superiority over Egypt in the production and marketing of the olive crop were the superiority of the Republic of Tunisia over Egypt in the olive area, increased rainfall in Tunisia, Provide support structures such as the encouragement funds it has established for the exporters of olive oil, increasing storage capacity, The existence of a advanced quality control system. Opening new markets. The results also showed that there are many determinants face Olive production in Egypt that can be classified into environmental, technical and human determinants, economic and legislative determinants.

The Economic Effects of Endemic Diseases in the Egyptian Countryside

المجلة: Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, Volume: 07 | Issue: 04

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-10-04

The problem of the study was conspicuously represented in the low standard of living of a large sector of farmers, and consequently the spread of endemic diseases in Egypt, which impact the health of citizens and their ability to work and produce. The diseases of liver (virus C) and schistosomiasis head the list of health problems in Egypt. Thus, these diseases badly affect the efficiency of worker productivity and national output. Additionally, this leads to a decline in the educational level of these children and preventing them from education where the father is forced to remove them from schools and forcing them to work. This is on the personal level of the individuals. This is in addition to the burden upon the public budget of the state of the expenses of treating citizens from endemic diseases including abdominal medicine; such as C virus by about 3.2 billion pounds as a budget for treatment at the expense of the state for 2015-2016. The percentage of public expenditure on health to the public expenditure of the state, according to the general budget of the state in 2014, is about 5%. There is a hope to eliminate schistosomiasis since the numbers of the inflected people through out the Republic in 2018 is only 8% according to the Ministry of Health report and hopes to completely eliminate it by 2030.Therefore, the study recommends the importance of paying attention to awareness campaigns, which show the seriousness of infection of these diseases, and which proved to be effective in the sample of the study through the home visits of rural leaders.

Environmental SWOT Analysis for Agricultural Extension in North Sinai Governorate, Egypt

المجلة: Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-03-10

North Sinai governorate is one of the largest desert areas in terms of intensity of agricultural extension work, In spite of efforts by state agencies to bring about agricultural development in the governorate, agriculture is still somewhat characterized by primitive traditional methods, making agricultural development rates almost indistinguishable, And with the scarcity of extension research carried out in North Sinai in the field of environmental SWOT analysis, It was necessary to conduct the study that is trying to analyze the current situation of agricultural extension in North Sinai governorate through identifying the strengths; weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). A participatory SWOT analysis study using open-ended qualitative-type instrument was conducted; Research data were collected through personal interviewing questionnaire with 90 respondents representing 75% of the total extension workers in North Sinai Governorate, during the period from May till October 2018. The results showed that the most important strengths of these were that a large proportion of the extension workers are specialized in agricultural extension, more than half of the guides were from rural areas and the high job satisfaction degree among of the majority of the extension workers while the most important weaknesses were Weak budget and inadequate funding for extension work, Absence of job description for the extension workers, and Lack of financial and material resources. On the other hand the most important opportunities were Availability of research institutes in the governorate, NGO-Public Sector Collaboration. While the most important threats were Decreased investments targeting the agricultural sector in general and the extension system in particular, Poor Farmer Organization, Security instability in the governorate. Depending upon SWOT outputs, some relevant strategies were discussed to develop agricultural extension system in the governorate through some dimensions that uses strengths and opportunities to overcome weaknesses and to avoid threats or minimize their effects.

Extension Methods Used with Olive Crop Farmers in North Sinai Governorates, Egypt

المجلة: Plant Archives

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 0219-02-05

The success of the Agricultural extension work depends on choosing the best and most effective methods according to the farmer’s needs and the educational situation. This research aimed to identify extension methods used by agricultural extension staff with olive farmers in North Sinai Governorate, and farmer’s preference for these methods, Research data were collected through personal interviewing questionnaire with 100 respondents representing 25% of the total olive farmer in the village of Meriah from October to December 2015. Results showed that 47% of respondents fall in the Middle age group, 51% of them had an Intermediate education qualification, 87% were Part-time agricultural workers, The degree of social participation for the majority of respondents (76%) was low, And Only 37% of respondents had a positive attitude towards agricultural. In the forefront of extension methods used by agricultural extension, was farm visit (53%), followed by group meetings (25%), while the least methods used was by extension workers were Organize harvest day (5%) and Conducting practical demonstration experiments (5%), and about the farmers' preference for these methods were as follows: Farm visits came in the first place, followed by group meetings with the farmers, conducting practical demonstration experiments, office visits, supplying the farmers with publications, Followed by the use of guide posters, and the field day was ranked in the last order of these methods. In the end we can say that agricultural extension usage of these methods by agricultural extension with olive farmers was weak as the vast majority of these farmers were not exposed to any of these methods during the past year, and this reflecting the lack of use of these methods by agricultural extension, which requires from the extension system to focus on the use of these methods as channels for the transmission of extension messages in the future treatment with olive growing, Moreover, agricultural extension in its future plans should be concerned with the methods preferred by farmers and these methods are Farm visits, group meetings, and conducting practical demonstration experiments So that it can achieve the objectives of the extension communication

The Role of Egypt Agricultural Channel in the Enhancement of Farmers' Agricultural Knowledge in KafrEl-Sheikh Governorate

المجلة: Bioscience Research

سنة النشر: 219

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-04

Today's media plays an important role in the development and modernization of societies in various aspects of life, Television is acknowledged as the most important medium for communicating with the rural populations in developing countries Accordingly, Egypt Agricultural Channel was established to serve the agricultural sector in the Arab Republic of Egypt. This channel targets a at least 20 million Egyptians working in the agricultural sector directly and indirectly. The study was carried out to examine the impact of Egypt Agricultural Channel (EAC)and to evaluate its role as an educational tool in the enhancement of farmers’ agricultural knowledge, Descriptive research design was used, This research was conducted in Kafr El Sheikh Governorate, A multi-stage sampling technique was used, Research data were collected through personal interviewing questionnaire with 331 respondents representing13.4% of the total number of holders of the three chosen villages, Research data were collected through personal interviewing questionnaire during the period from February till May 2017. Results showed that 30.2 % of the respondents obtain agricultural information from television, and 59 % of them did not watch EAC before, Results also showed that 35.3% of the channel's followers saw channel programs as not useful ,This clearly indicates that the channel did not succeed in reaching a large segment of the farmers, which is the purpose for which the channel was established. Results also showed that 42 % of them prefer programs in the dramatic format, and 24 % of them prefer talk shows programs, which necessitates channel operators to pay more attention to the Agricultural programs formats Preferred by the respondents. Results also revealed that many problems facing the respondents who watched EAC programs, lack of content attractiveness as mentioned by 76.5 %, Followed by the Poor-coverage for farmers’ knowledge needs (72.8%), Which requires the intervention of officials to solve these problems So that the channel can play its role in serving development issues to the fullest extent.

Relationship between Physicochemical Properties and Microbial Biodiversity with small project at Wadi El-Natroun Lake

المجلة: Plant Archives

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-09-09

Increasing agricultural production through agricultural and stock development, improving income distribution, and generating employment through the settlement of smallholders and graduates from among the rural population of the over-populated areas of Egypt. Sandy soils have different problems: low fertility and inadequate water retention. Wind erosion, water erosion, drought, loss of irrigation water, salinity and plant nutrients are also expected, El-Hady et al. 2009. Aquatic bacteria are classified according to their salt optima for growth as non-halophilic, slightly, moderately or extremely halophilic and halotolerant according to ElSheikh, 1998. Blue-green algae / cyanobacteria are the most common inhabitants of salinealkaline lakes in different parts of the world (Grant, 2004) as in El-Khadra Lake at Wadi El-Natroun. Although NaCl is the major soluble salt which determines changes in salt osmolarity in the natural environment, it has been shown that other less penetrating solutes like potassium chloride, ammonium and potassium sulphate, potassium and sodium phosphate induce the mechanisms of osmosis in organisms including Azotobacter chroococcum and Klebsiella pneumonia (Parsons, 1997, Madkour, et al. 1990, Miller and Wood, 1996 and Malin and Lapidot, 1996) Azospirillum brasilense (Shahaby, 1997) cyanobacteria (Apte and Thomas, 1997). Many species of bacteria respond and adapt hyperosmotic conditions in environment by the intracellular accumulation of low molecular weight organic solutes that are called osmolytes (Csonka and Hanson, 1991). These

Production and marketing problems facing olive farmers in North Sinai governorate, Egypt

المجلة: Bulletin of the National Research Centre

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-01-08

Background Although North Sinai Governorate has a comparative advantage in the production of some crops as olive crop, which generates a distinct economic return, whether marketed locally or exported. This governorate occupies the twentieth place for the productivity of this crop in Egypt. The research aimed to identify the most important production and marketing problems facing olive farmers in North Sinai Governorate. Research data were collected through personal interviewing questionnaire with 100 respondents representing 25% of the total olive farmers at Meriah village from October to December 2015. Results Results showed that there are many production and marketing problems faced by farmers. The most frequent of the production problems were the problem of increasing fertilizer prices (64% of the surveyed farmers), and the problem of irrigation water high salinity (52% of the respondents). Where the majority of the respondents mentioned that these problems are the most important productive problems they are facing, followed by problems of poor level of extension services (48%), high cost of irrigation wells (47%), difficulty in owning land (46%), and lack of agricultural mechanization (39%), while the most important marketing problems were the problem of the exploitation of traders (62%), the absence of agricultural marketing extension (59%), the high prices of trained labor to collect the crop (59%), and lack of olive presses present in the area (57%). Conclusions In spite of the efforts exerted by the Agricultural Extension Agency in the Governorate of North Sinai to assist olive farmers and raise their knowledge and skills level in relation to this crop, and despite the fact that this Governorate has a comparative advantage in terms of cultivated area and the quality of the final product, olive farmers face many production and marketing problems such as increasing fertilizer prices, irrigation water high salinity, poor level of extension services, high cost of irrigation wells, absence of agricultural marketing extension, and lack of agricultural mechanization. So that agricultural extension as a free educational service should assist farmers through targeted extension programs aimed at guiding them in the best way to address and overcome these problems.

Productivity and Economic Efficiency of Maize Using Several Irrigation Methods in Egypt (Case Study- Beheira Governorate)

المجلة: American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 15 (2): 56-64, 2020

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05

Abstract:The current study aimed to to evaluate the current situation of maize production and consumption, with an indication of the most important factors affecting production and how to achieve productivity and economic efficiency of crop producers through a sample of the crop cultivator’s specification, different methods are used to irrigate maize. The study depended on published and unpublished data from government agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture, in addition to preliminary data from a survey sample consisting of 100 products of maize crop, The statistical treatment of the data included descriptive and quantitative analysis to analyze data and achieve the goals of the study as well as using the method of simple regression analysis and stepwise regression in logarithmic double function. The results showed that the production functions of flood, lined and sprinkler irrigation methods indicated that the nitrogenous and phosphates' fertilizers are the most important factors then followed by the amount of irrigation water, the amount of seeds and manure fertilizer, so these factors must be taken care, despite the producers working in a non-economic stage but they have an opportunity to increase their production. It was clear from the results that efficiency of the productive factors affecting the production of maize, the inefficiency of the seed component, manure fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer in case of different irrigation systems.

A standard analysis of Egyptian foreign trade structure for wheat

المجلة: Bulletin of the National Research Centre

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-08-05

Background Wheat is one of the most important food and strategic crops because it is the main food for most Egyptian people; the research aimed to analyze the structure of the Egyptian foreign trade for wheat by determining the most important economic factors affecting the production, consumption, and imports of wheat. By building a standard model for analyzing the foreign wheat trade market in order to narrow the gap between production and consumption so as not to negatively affect the development rates in Egypt and to alleviate the deficit of the Egyptian trade balance, the research was based on descriptive and quantitative analysis using various measures such as relative importance and averages, simple regression analysis, and Simultaneous Equation System. Results There is a positive correlation between the quantity of wheat consumed as a dependent variable and the quantity of imports, local production, real national income, and the population as independent variables. For example, the increase in wheat imports by 1 million tons led to an increase in the quantity consumed by 0.243 million tons; the import equation estimates that the decrease in domestic consumption of wheat by 1 million tons, the import price of wheat by one dollar, and the quantity of wheat stock by 1 million tons each lead to an increase in the quantity of imports of wheat at a rate of 0.97, 0.002, and 0.156 million tons, respectively, while the increase in real national income by 1 billion pounds increases the quantity of imports by about 0.005 million tons. Conclusions The study concluded that while the factors affecting Egyptian imports of wheat remain the same, the probability of an increase in the Egyptian import bill increases year after year with a consequent increase in the deficit of the Egyptian trade balance, as well as the agricultural trade balance.

Economics of Fish production and Marketing in Egypt

المجلة: Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-18

ABSTRACT: Two field experiments were carried out during 2016 and 2017 summer seasons in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five replicates under the ecological conditions of Noubaria District, Beheira Governorate, Egypt to evaluate the applicability potential of Bradyrhizobium and humic substances fertigation for improving soil fertility and productivity of peanut grown on a dripirrigated sandy soil compared to compost and mineral fertilizers applications. Physicochemical analysis revealed the high nutrients content of humic substances as well as their nano-sized diameter and abundance of active functional groups. Organic inputs (compost in particular) improved water retention and the lateral water movement in the rhizosphere compared to the prevalence of gravitydominated vertical movement in the mineral fertigation treatment. Compost application recorded the highest soil organic matter content, which decreased soil pH value. However, Bradyrhizobium and humic substances fertigation exhibited the highest concentrations of available nutrients (N, P and K) and nodulation parameters (nodules number and their dry weight) compared to compost and mineral fertilizers. Although mineral fertigation induced the highest vegetative growth characters, Bradyrhizobium and humic substances fertigation elicited the highest quantitative and qualitative yield indices. The current study, provides insights into the potential fertigation of N-fixing bacteria alongside with humic substances for maximizing water and nutrient supply potentials of drip-irrigated sandy soils.

The Problems of Small Enterprises Establishment for Rural Youth at Bir El Abd Center in North Sinai Governorate

المجلة: Mansoura Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-05-05

إستهدف البحث التعرف علي أهم المشکلات التى تعوق إقامة مشروعات صغيرة لدى الشباب الريفى بمرکز بئر العبد فى محافظة شمال سيناء، ومقترحاتهم المتعلقة بسبل دعم وتطوير المشروعات الصغيرة بالمنطقة. وقد تم تجميع البيانات بواسطة إستمارة إستبيان بالمقابلة الشخصية مع الشباب الريفى الذين إستطاعوا الحصول على تمويل من المشروع القومى للتنمية المجتمعية والبشرية والمحلية (مشروعک) الذي تنفذه وزارة التنمية المحلية بقرى مرکز بئر العبد، وبلغ عددهم 80 مبحوثاً وذلک خلال شهرى نوفمبر وديسمبر 2019. وتمثلت أهم النتائج فيما يلي: 1) تعددت المشکلات التى تواجه الشباب الريفى سواء أکانت هذه المشکلات مالية أو مشکلات متعلقة بالتشغيل أو تسويقية أو تقنية وقد کانت صعوبة حصول المبحوثين على التمويل من المصادر الرسمية، يليها مشکلة إرتفاع فوائد القروض للمبحوثين من أهم المشکلات المالية. وفيما يخص أهم مشکلات التشغيل فکانت إرتفاع أسعار مستلزمات الإنتاج. کما إتضح أن نقص القدرة الرأسمالية للإنفاق على الترويج والمشارکة في معارض ومهرجانات التسوق الداخلية والخارجية مثلت الترتيب الأول فى قائمة المشاکل التسويقية. بينما أولى مشکلات التقنية التى تواجه المبحوثين تمحورت فى عدم توافر فرص تدريبية لهم فى مجال إدارة المشروعات الصغيرة. 2) وأشارت النتائج أيضاً إلى بعض مقترحات الشباب المبحوثين لتطوير المشروعات الصغيرة بالمنطقة وکانت أهمها بالترتيب: المساعدة فى الحصول على قروض مالية بأسعار فائدة مخفضة، وتوفير برامج إقراض طويلة الأجل، والتعريف بمصادر التمويل الملائمة للمشروع، وتوفير إستشارات خاصة بدراسات الجدوى الإقتصادية والفنية. لذلک وصى البحث بتسليط الضوء على کل من مخططي ومنفذي البرامج الإرشادية بتقديم برامج تدريبية إرشادية لأصحاب المشروعات الصغيرة تهتم بتعريفهم بکيفية إدارة العملية التسويقية والإنتاجية، والتعامل مع المؤسسات الحکومية والبنوک بهدف إقامة مشاريعهم الإنتاجية الصغيرة بالمجتمع السيناوى.

Challenges Facing Dissemination of Dialogue Values in the Egyptian Rural Society and Methods of Confrontation Egypt

المجلة: J. Argon

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-07-17

DISSEMINATION of dialogue values such as justice, tolerance, freedom, humility and other positive dialogue values should not be viewed unilaterally, but should be viewed through a broad system of vision and thought. It represents about 57.3% of the total population in Egyptian society. This means the importance of attention to the problems facing the dissemination of dialogue values in rural society and ways to address them. The most important of these problems are the increase of illiteracy among the rural population, the high rate of poverty, the lack of renewal of religious discourse, the multiplicity of obstacles that hinder the ability of rural NGOs to achieve their goals, increase the divorce rate, the ineffectiveness of political party work, the phenomenon of revenge and retaliation in the rural community, and the phenomenon of smoking, and addiction. The study recommended activating the efforts exerted to confront the problem of illiteracy in the rural society, pushing more investments by the state, businessmen and the rural civil society, renewing the religious and emphasizing the decision of Al-Azhar and the Ministry of Endowments to establish two international academies to prepare an enlightened religious preacher capable of confronting terrorism and extremism in modern ways that are compatible with Variables of our contemporary reality, Speeding up the issuance of the new law of the Egyptian civil work, activating the role of family and community counseling before marriage to reduce the phenomenon of increasing the divorce rate, raising social awareness of the importance of political party work to establish the rules of democracy in Egypt, and the development of integrated rural development as a main entry to face the phenomenon of revenge, and activating the role of work And volunteer in rural areas to face the problem of smoking and abuse and addiction.

Farmers' knowledge level and related variables towards olive production and marketing recommendations in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt

المجلة: International Journal of Agricultural Technology

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-07-16

The olive farmers' knowledge relative to production and marketing recommendations in Matrouh Governorate was identified from 260 respondents during October to December 2019. The results showed that 51.5 % of the farmers had a low level of knowledge related to the production and marketing recommendations for olive crop. farmer's knowledge degree was significantly associated (P<0.01) with all the studied independent variables. It was also found that the decline in extension services and performance, exploitation and greed of middlemen and merchants, the high cost of establishing irrigation networks, and the absence of agricultural marketing extension revealed the most important constraints affecting production and marketing practices for olive culture in the region. Therefore, it was recommended that training programs and extension services should be implemented to farmers that could contribute towards increasing olive productivity and marketing in Matrouh government, Egypt.

Training needs of agricultural extension agents regarding climate change in Egypt

المجلة: International Journal of Agricultural Extension

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-01

his study aimed to identify the training needs of agricultural extension agents in the Kafr El-Sheikh governorate regarding climate changes, their sources of knowledge, the role they played, and the challenges that hindered their role coping with climate changes. Data were collected through a questionnaire from 105 respondents from August to September 2021. Findings unveiled that 55.2% of the respondents fell into the age group 48-54 years, 81.9% of respondents had University Education, and 81.9% of respondents were specialized in agricultural extension. Colleagues were the most important sources of information about climate changes for the respondents., Newspapers, magazines, and radio programs came in lagging ranks as an information source. The results further showed that the respondents had good knowledge about climate change. Agricultural extension agents have undertaken many activities to reduce the negative effects of climate change including, raising farmers' awareness about the dangers of burning agricultural waste 67.6%, the importance of preserving and maintaining natural resources 61%, and the importance of planting adapted varieties to climate change 2.55%. The most important obstacles facing the respondents were the difficulty of accessing weather information promptly, lack of training courses, and lack of a clear extension policy to confront this phenomenon.

Faba Bean farmer's implementation of Orobanche integrated control techniques in the old lands at El Beheira Governorate

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-01

This research aimed to identify the degree of farmers’ implementationof Orobranchial integrated control techniques in the old lands at El Behira Governorate, their sources of information, the most important problems facing them, and their suggestions for the advancement of the crop. the 3 largest administrative districts in terms of the area planted with the faba bean in 2021 were selected. These districts were Abu Homs, Adku and Dillingat, in three villages, namely, Tolimbat Bersiq, Debono, and Qamaha. Data were collected from November 2021 to January 2022 using a personal interview questionnaire with 269 respondents. The results showed a low level of respondents' implementationof integrated control techniques. Agricultural control techniques came at the fore, followed by chemical and biological control, whose implementationrate was very low among the respondents. The most important constraints facing implementing these techniques were lack of knowledge about the extension recommendations related to these methods (88.48%) and lack of confidence in the agricultural extension recommendations (85.36%), the absence of the extension role (75.09%), and lack of tools to implement these methods (69.14%). Their most important suggestions were to devise resistance varieties with high productivity to Orobranche (78.81%), set an indicative selling price before planting time (77.32%), support the cooperatives' role by providing production requirements at an appropriate price (75.09%), and apply the contract farming system 64.06%. In the end, the study recommends planning extension programs aimed to learn farmers about integrated control methods for Orobanche and implementing extension activities based on practical clarification in farmers’ fields.

Agricultural Extension Systems Response to COVID-19 Outbreak, in Egypt and Nigeria

المجلة: International Journal of Agricultural Extension

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-01

COVID-19 pandemic has brought setbacks to all human endeavours globally, in the sectors of health, education, tourism, and agriculture. African agriculture is greatly affected by the pandemic and lockdown, in particular the peasant farmers. In this regard, the agricultural extension service which has been responsible for the dissemination of innovation to the farmers becomes an indispensable platform to sensitize farmers on COVID-19 and preventive measures. Hence, this paper aimed to investigate the agricultural extension systems' response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Egypt and Nigeria. A questionnaire was administered to 200 extension agents randomly selected from the government institutions in Egypt and Nigeria. The results showed that the degree of agricultural extension staff commitment to the precautionary measures for the COVID-19 epidemic in Nigeria (x̄ = 6.32) was higher than that in Egypt (x̄= 2.59). Nigerian agricultural extension agents recorded a higher contribution (x̄=8.82) at reducing the spread of COVID-19 than Egyptian counterparts (x̄ = 5.52). Although the demand for agricultural extension service in Nigeria is twice that of Egypt, extension service delivery during COVID-19 in the two countries was affected by frequent changes in the operating plans, poor funding, and inconsistent internal work system. The study recommends, establishing an electronic extension platform and coordinating agricultural extension services (AES) actors including private and public sectors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), producer organizations (POs) and the ministry of health (MOH) to face this crisis, especially in Egypt.

19. Factors Affecting Mobile Phone Usage by Farmers as a Source of Agricultural Information in Sharqia Governorate, Egypt

المجلة: Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-06-19

Mobile phones are one of the most important ICTs that contribute to farmers’ adoption of agricultural innovations around the world, this study was conducted to identify the factors influencing mobile phone usage as a source of agricultural information for farmers in Sharqia Governorate, Egypt. A random sample of 355 respondents was interviewed during the period from January to April 2021. The results showed the diversity of sources that farmers depend on to obtain agricultural information such as fertilizer and supplies dealers, experienced farmers, relatives, and neighbors which were the main sources of agricultural information for respondents. Results indicated that only 9.9% of the respondents had a high mobile phone usage as a source of agricultural information, while 69.3% of them had a low degree of usage. A negative statistically significant relationship was found between the total degree of respondents' use of mobile phones as a source of agricultural information and their age at a 0.01 level of significance. while the relationship was positive with variables such as educational level, farm size, possession of a smartphone, and membership in social organizations. The mobile network's weak coverage in the village, lack of knowledge about agricultural applications, lack of knowledge about mobile phone operation, and the high cost of internet services were at the forefront of these problems facing the surveyed farmers who use mobile phones for agricultural purposes. Therefore, this study recommends the agricultural extension to make greater efforts to spread the use of ICT tools, including mobile phones technology among farmers.

Challenges facing fishermen in Bardawil Lake, Arab Republic of Egypt

المجلة: International Journal of Agricultural Extension

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-03

Bardawil Lake is considered one of the most important and purest Egyptian lakes. However, in recent years, a relative decrease in the quantity and value of production and a qualitative change has been observed in the fish produced by the lake. Hence, this study aimed to identify the most important problems facing the fishermen in Bardawil Lake and their suggestions to overcome them. This study was conducted in North Sinai Governorate, Data were collected using a focus group discussion method with 90.6% of the board's members of fishing associations (58 respondents). in addition, A random sample of 346 fishermen through a personal interview from May to December 2020. The results indicated the high age levels of fishermen (X̅ = 50.44) and the high illiteracy rate among them (58.57%) despite their high experience in the fishing profession, but unfortunately, it was not based on a training background as 69.65% of the respondent fishermen did not receive any training courses. only 13.45% of them depended on the agricultural extension as the main source of technical information, which indicates a clear absence of the agricultural extension role with the fishermen in the lake. The most important obstacles facing the respondent fishermen were the weak income from the fishing profession 89.88%, the weak role of agricultural extension 86.42%, the insufficiency of the role of fishing cooperatives 83.82%, While their most important suggestions were to activate the laws regulating the fishing process 90.17% and to prevent illegal fishing 84.68%. The study recommends developing fish extension and providing it with specialists in the fields of fisheries development to play a more effective role in this field.

22. An economic study of wheat crop production using improved wheat varieties and Laser Leveling Technology in Egypt

المجلة: International Journal of Social Studies

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-11-11

The main objective of the paper was to conduct an econometric analysis of the technologies used in wheat production, whether it was in individual form or in technological packages, with a statement and clarification of the effect of using the technology of modern varieties of seeds and the use of lasers on increasing wheat productivity. Descriptive and quantitative analysis was used, where production functions were estimated, which showed, that the most important factors affecting wheat production were the amount of municipal fertilizer, the number of seeds, the amount of human labor and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, as increasing the previous elements by one unit leads to an increase in wheat production by about 0.078, 0.014, 0.029, 0.075, ardeb respectively. There was an extravagance in the use of phosphate. This study suggests increasing interest to provide good extension service, providing agricultural requirements to associations in the appropriate time and place, providing agricultural associations with mechanical technology from modern agricultural machines, and working to increase supply prices to encourage producers to increase their wheat production.