ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

دشيماء محمد جبير

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: الزراعة

الجامعة: بغداد


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • تدريسي في جامعة بغداد

الأبحاث المنشورة

Effect of nanofertilizers and application methods on vegetative growth and yield of date palm

المجلة: The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-07-21

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of nano fertilizers and application method on growthand yield of date palm. The experiment was carried out at AL- Rabeaa date palms station -Department of Horticulture - Ministry of Agriculture on 10 years old of Khastawi date palm cultivarduring 2016 - 2017. Factorial experiment (3×6) within randomized complete block design with threereplications .carried out using two factors: the first was three application methods; foliar application,injection with trunk and soil fertilization (A1, A2, A3) respectively. The second factor was differenttypes of fertilizer, seaweed extract of the nanotechnology product with two concentrations: first (F1)(1,0.5,2)ml.L-1and the second (F2) (2,1,4) ml.L-1 respectively, depending on the method of applicationand optimus-plus fertilizer the product of nanotechnology with two concentrations: first (F3) (1,0.5,2)ml.L-1 and the second (F4) (2,1,4) ml.L-1 respectively depending on the method of application also usedNPK fertilizers (F5) (2,1,4) g.L-1 and control treatment (F0).The results showed that treatment (F1)was increased fruit weight (5.26 g). While (F2) produced 36.75 kg yield. The highest percentage ofmaturity appeared in (F3) (73.56%). Treatments F4 and F5 showed an increase of amino acids infruits (9.68 and 10.88 mg-1 dry weight).injection treatment superior in the percentage of dry matter inleaves (38.60%), chlorophyll content (32.19 mg, 100 g-1),and yield (36.07 kg). we could be concludedthat using nutrients and injection fertilizer improved vegetative growth and increase yield of datepalm.

Effect of supplement source and caseing layer on yield and biological efficiency of White buttons mushroom (Agaricus bisporu)

المجلة: Overview Stats Comments Citations References (33) Share More Abstract This study was conducted in the mushroom production project / Department of Horticulture/ College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad for 2010 - 2011 season . This study to dete

سنة النشر: 2012

تاريخ النشر: 2012-07-21

Overview Stats Comments This study was conducted in the mushroom production project / Department of Horticulture/ College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad for 2010 - 2011 season . This study to determine the effect of supplement source in the production and biological efficiency of white button mushroom using three sources of supplement a wheat bran , dates juice (Dibis) and sucrose, and study four types of casing layers , Peat moss (peat moss 90% + 10% CaCO3) , clay soil and peat moss (clay soil 45% + peat moss 45% +10% CaCO3) , sandy soil and peat moss (sand 45% + peat moss 45% + 10% CaCO3) and mixture of three soils (peat moss 30% + Sand soil 30% + clay soil 30% +10% CaCO3) The Compost was prepared using the long method and filled in 10 kg plastic bags and the spawn was added to each bag (1%) and the bags were moved to the incubation room at 25 ± 2 oC with 90 – 95 % relative humidity .Casing soil (5cm) was added after the complete growing of the mycelium on the compost in the bags. Incubation room was changed to growing room by reducing room temperature to 16 oC and the reduction of CO2 concentration to 600 ppm by ventilation . Fruiting bodies were harvested. The results showed that wheat bran raised the yield to 1297.69 g/ bag ad 12.97 kg/m2 and increased the biological efficiency to 51.9 % and increased the percentage of dry matter to 8.69 % and the protein to 43.97 % and reduced the respiration rate to 20.95 mg CO2 /kg /hr compared with using sucrose and date juice which gave less than the above results. Phenolic compound were higher in the fruiting bodies due to the use of dates juice . Casing with sand and pet moos, increased the number of flashes , the average flash weight , the total fresh yield and fruiting body weight, the biological efficiency and the protein content .

Effect of duration and type of bagging on fruit characteristics of date palm cv. Khastawi

المجلة: Research on Crops

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-07-21


Effect of duration and type of bagging on fruit characteristics of date palm cv. Khastawi

المجلة: Research on Crops

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-07-21

Despite being historically renowned as a significant date producer, both the Arab world and Iraq have experienced a noticeable decline in date palm production in recent years. This decrease in output can be attributed to the sluggish integration of advanced techniques that could enhance and maintain high-quality yields. In this regard, an experiment was conducted at the Al-Rabee station on date palm cultivar Khastawi under the randomized complete blocks design with three replications, to study the effect of four treatments of bagging: B0 - Without bagging, B1 - Rocklin, B2- Agryl and B3 - Paper bags and four bagging periods: T0 – 0, T1 - 40, T2 – 50 and T3 - 60 days, and their interactions on the fruits characteristics of date palm cv. Khastawi. The results showed that T1B3 treatment gave the highest values in fruit set (86.55%), while T3B2 treatment was superior in respect to fruit weight (7.260g), seed weight (0.6300g), fresh weight (6.630g) and fruit diameter (1.8533cm). The lowest values of fruit characteristics were recorded in the control treatment. Therefore, we recommend using bagging fruits to improve fruit set, bunch yield and fruit quality.