ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

Khalfalla Maha

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Food Sciences

الجامعة: University of Debrecen


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Nutritional Science and Enzymology Specialist Introduction: Researching the complex world of cereal grains and the dynamic influence of agricultural practices on their elemental composition has been a driving force in my career as a nutritional scientist

الأبحاث المنشورة

Implications of husking process on the nutritional composition of sorghum grains: diverse varieties and regions

المجلة: International Journal of Food Science & Technology

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-09

Sorghum, known for its nutritional value, health benefits and gluten-free status, is now widely producedand suitable for human consumption in developed regions due to advancements in sorghum research andprocessing techniques. The research looked at how well the husking fraction time unit (HFTU) techniqueworked by examining its effects on the nutritional value of three varieties of sorghum grain. The efficiencyof the husking process was assessed at 87% for concentrated and redistributed nutritional contents and60% for variation of mineral contents based on bran/ endosperm. The technique reduced the T.K.W.compared to whole grain to the endosperm (grits). Moreover, the redistribution of the crude protein %showed the precision of the HFTU procedure by demonstrating an average of 26.6% as a variation ratioof the bran/endosperm in the data set. Contrary to the content of the total dietary fibre content, forexample, the variation of TDF % attributed to bran/endosperm was 10.9%. On the other hand, the aver-age ash % of whole grains (hummer) and husked products (TM05C) was increased by 33.2% based onaverages of 1.5% and 2.1%, respectively. Accordingly, it was approved that the HFTU procedure effec-tively separated the endosperm (grits) and bran. This study also found that minerals such as Ca, Cu, Fe,K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S and Zn changed over 30-to-80-time units by 29%, 13%, 8%, 4%, 17%, 18%, 1%,13%, 6% and 12% in the bran and endosperm. The HFTU process has influenced the colour attributesof variation sorghum varieties, particularly within a time scale of 80 (S) units. The research revealed thatthe husking technique substantially impacted the different sorghum grain varieties’ nutritional composi-tion and colour properties. The method can be useful for developers in enhancing sorghum grain prod-ucts’ nutritional properties attributed to various varieties and regions, allowing them to provide highnutritional quality sourced from sustainable products. (PDF) Implications of husking process on the nutritional composition of sorghum grains: diverse varieties and regions. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379795834_Implications_of_husking_process_on_the_nutritional_composition_of_sorghum_grains_diverse_varieties_and_regions [accessed Aug 25 2024].