ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

سراب نصر فاضل

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: maternal and neonate nursing

الجامعة: University of Baghdad


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • research evaluation
  • practical trining

الأبحاث المنشورة

Assessment of Levels of premenstrual psychological and physical Problems (Premenstrual Syndrome-PMS) of Students of the Colleges of Bab Al-Mua’dham Complex/ University of Baghdad

المجلة: Iraqi National Journal of Nursing Specialties

سنة النشر: 2017

تاريخ النشر: 2017-02-01

Abstract Objectives: To assess levels of premenstrual psychological disorders of the students in Bab Al-Mua’dham Complex and to find out the relationship between the levels of premenstrual psychological and physical disorders and some demographic characteristics of the students. Methodology: A descriptive study was accomplished throughout the period from the 1st of October, 2015 to the 8th of July, 2016 to assess the psychological and physical problems. A purposive sample of 313 students distributed among different colleges of Bab Al-Mua’dam complex distributed as following: 82 students are from college of Arts; 79 students are from College of Languages; 48 students are from college of Islamic Sciences: and 104 are from College of Nursing. For the purposes of the study a questionnaire was constructed which represents the premenstrual symptoms screening tool (PSST) by Steiner et al. (2003)(1). This questionnaire consists of three parts: first, the demographic characteristics of students agreed to participate in the present study; Second part contains 16 items represents the psychological problems and the third part is supposed to measure the physical problems and contains 11 items. Levels of severity of problems were determined by using the quartiles step. The data of the study were analysed by applying descriptive data analysis: frequencies, percentages and tables of distribution; and inferential data analysis: Pearson coefficient correlation and Chi square, using the statistical analysis program of SPSS 19th version. Results: The present study reveals that more than half of the students are 20 and 21 years old; the majority of them are unmarried; one third of the sample are from the first class; more than three quarters have different levels of severity of psychological and physical problems distributed among slight level to the levels which interrupt the daily activities and/ or change the life style. The study has not found any differences between married and unmarried students. Also, the study does not find significant association between demographic characteristics and psychological problems but there is a significant relationship between the study stage and physical problems and age and psycho-physical problems. Recommendations: The present study recommends that medical and health follow up for students with levels which interrupt the daily activities and/ or change the life style of those students. Further studies concerning the impact of psychological and physical problems upon the academic achievement and also upon social relationship and the way the student deals with her family and society. Further studies aimed to discover the mood fluctuations which might result to suicidal ideation. Keywords: Assessment, psychological, physical, students, Bab almua’dam, colleges, university, Baghdad,

Effects of Spontaneous Abortion on Women's Psychological Domain of Quality of Life

المجلة: Iraqi National Journal of Nursing Specialties,

سنة النشر: 2013

تاريخ النشر: 2013-01-20

Abstract Objective: To find out the association between psychological domain of Quality of life with study variable (demographic &reproductive). Methodology: A descriptive Analytical study was conduct on Non-probability (purposive sample)of (200) women who have suffering from spontaneous abortion in maternity unit from four hospitals which include Al-Elwyia maternity teaching hospital, and Baghdad teaching hospital at Al-Russafa sector. Al –karekh maternity hospital and Al-Yarmook teaching hospital at Al-karekh sector. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection for the period of February 3rd 2013 to April 26th 2013 and consisted of four parts, including demographic, reproductive characteristics, and psychological domain of quality of life. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability of the questionnaire and content validity was carried out through the 20 experts. Descriptive statistical analyses were used to analyze the data. Results :The results of the study revealed that (26.5%) of women their age range (25-29) years, (48%) within the normal body weight,(27.5%)graduated from primary school, (25%) of their husband graduated from college or institute, (80%) housewives, (54.5%) of their husband were employee, (48%) within low category of socioeconomic status. And about the reproductive information (66%) of women were primi or multi gravida, and (25%) have previous two delivery, and (52.5%) have previous one abortion, also there are association between psychological domain of quality of life and sociodemographic status(Age groups)at (p=0.006), and with reproductive parameters (gravid) at (p=0.031). Recommendations: The study recommended Conduct Structured Teaching Programmed (STP) to pregnant women's with history of miscarriage included meaning, causes, and prevention of miscarriage, and Reinforce the role of the psychological care for the women by primary health center. the study recommends to collaborative action can Ministry of Health take in distribution of awareness for women towards the problem by conducting a booklet or lectures about miscarriage. Keywords: Spontaneous Abortion, Psychological effects, Quality of life 75