ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

د. محمد محمود أحمد مهدي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: إستشاري الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية

الجامعة: جامعة أمدرمان الأهلية


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • أستاذ مساعد جامعة أمدرمان الاهلية - السودان
  • إستشاري الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية بمستشفى الصداقة أمدرمان - السودان
  • إستشاري الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية بمستشفى علياء التخصصي أمدرمان - السودان
  • إستشاري الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية بمستشفى دنقلا التخصصي - السودان

الأبحاث المنشورة

The 2020 International Alliance for the Control of Scabies Consensus Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies

المجلة: British Journal of Dermatology

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-11-01


The 2020 International Alliance for the Control of Scabies Consensus Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies

المجلة: British Journal of Dermatology

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-11-01

Summary Background Scabies is a common parasitic skin condition that causes considerable morbidity globally. Clinical and epidemiological research for scabies has been limited by a lack of standardization of diagnostic methods. Objectives To develop consensus criteria for the diagnosis of common scabies that could be implemented in a variety of settings. Methods Consensus diagnostic criteria were developed through a Delphi study with international experts. Detailed recommendations were collected from the expert panel to define the criteria features and guide their implementation. These comments were then combined with a comprehensive review of the available literature and the opinion of an expanded group of international experts to develop detailed, evidence-based definitions and diagnostic methods. Results The 2020 International Alliance for the Control of Scabies (IACS) Consensus Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies include three levels of diagnostic certainty and eight subcategories. Confirmed scabies (level A) requires direct visualization of the mite or its products. Clinical scabies (level B) and suspected scabies (level C) rely on clinical assessment of signs and symptoms. Evidencebased, consensus methods for microscopy, visualization and clinical symptoms and signs were developed, along with a media library. Conclusions The 2020 IACS Criteria represent a pragmatic yet robust set of diagnostic features and methods. The criteria may be implemented in a range of research, public health and clinical settings by selecting the appropriate diagnostic levels and subcategories. These criteria may provide greater consistency and standardization for scabies diagnosis. Validation studies, development of training materials and development of survey methods are now required.

Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of scabies: A Delphi study of international experts

المجلة: PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Journal

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-05-24

Author summary Scabies causes rash and severe itch and predisposes to serious infection and chronic diseases of the heart and kidneys. Despite scabies being an ancient disease found in all parts of the world, we currently lack reliable laboratory tests. Clinicians generally make an assessment based on history and skin examination. Variation in diagnosis causes problems when trying to determine the prevalence of scabies in a region, or when trying to investigate the effectiveness of a treatment or control strategy. We aimed to establish consensus among experts on how to diagnose scabies. Thirty-four international experts responded to anonymous questionnaires on how tests and clinical features of scabies should be used to form a diagnosis. Draft criteria were developed and refined, incorporating three levels of diagnostic certainty–Confirmed Scabies, Clinical Scabies and Suspected Scabies. After three rounds of surveys, 82% of participants supported the criteria. After four rounds, consensus was reached with very high agreement for all criteria (Confirmed Scabies, 96%; Clinical Scabies, 93%; Suspected Scabies, 100%) and 96% supported adoption of the criteria. It is hoped the 2018 IACS Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies will allow harmonization of diagnosis and reporting, and comparison between studies of scabies burden and treatments.

Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of scabies: A Delphi study of international experts

المجلة: National Library of Medicine

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-05-24

Author summary Scabies causes rash and severe itch and predisposes to serious infection and chronic diseases of the heart and kidneys. Despite scabies being an ancient disease found in all parts of the world, we currently lack reliable laboratory tests. Clinicians generally make an assessment based on history and skin examination. Variation in diagnosis causes problems when trying to determine the prevalence of scabies in a region, or when trying to investigate the effectiveness of a treatment or control strategy. We aimed to establish consensus among experts on how to diagnose scabies. Thirty-four international experts responded to anonymous questionnaires on how tests and clinical features of scabies should be used to form a diagnosis. Draft criteria were developed and refined, incorporating three levels of diagnostic certainty–Confirmed Scabies, Clinical Scabies and Suspected Scabies. After three rounds of surveys, 82% of participants supported the criteria. After four rounds, consensus was reached with very high agreement for all criteria (Confirmed Scabies, 96%; Clinical Scabies, 93%; Suspected Scabies, 100%) and 96% supported adoption of the criteria. It is hoped the 2018 IACS Criteria for the Diagnosis of Scabies will allow harmonization of diagnosis and reporting, and comparison between studies of scabies burden and treatments.