ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

مصطفى خضر حسين

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: الهندسة الميكانيكية

الجامعة: الجامعة المستنصرية


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • التدريس في اختصاص الهندسة الميكانيكية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Improvements of building envelope using passive cooling techniques to reduce the cooling load in hot‐dry regions

المجلة: Heat Transfer

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-09-01

In developed countries, the buildings are responsible for massive energy consumption. When the construction is based on the use of nonsustainable methods, the buildings were dependent on the active systems, for ensuring a maximal indoor comfort. This has increased energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, a reduction technique of cooling load and power consumption in buildings is proposed. This technique involves the combination of three passive cooling techniques, thermal insulation, phase change materials (PCMs), and electrochromic double glazing. These techniques are applied through simulation software “DesignBuilder” to a building envelope model in various areas like walls, roofs, and glazing. For this purpose, a standard building model is compared with 16 other cases that incorporated the passive cooling techniques for determining the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that a combination of PCMs, thermal insulation, and double glazing can reduce the cooling load from 70.37 to 50.53 kW and the energy consumption from 1.51 to 0.90 kWh/m2


المجلة: Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-06-01

awareness of these matters among related stakeholders, including developers, contractors, and architects. The evaluation of residential and commercial properties using the “GBI Rating Tool”, depends on six main criteria: “Indoor Environment Quality (EQ), Sustainable site planning & Management (SM), Materials and Resources (MR), Energy Efficiency (EE), Innovation (IN), and Water Efficiency (WE)” Alternatively, buildings are divided into the following categories: “Non-Residential New Construction (NRNC), Non-Residential Existing Building (NREB), Residential New Construction (RNC), and Residential Existing Building (REB)”. There are four levels of GBI certification: “(more than 86 points) Platinum; (76 to 85 points) Gold; (66 to 75 points) Silver; and (50 to 65 points) certified” (GBI Malaysia, 2011). This study aims to “Greening” the Non-Residential Existing Building (Chancellery Building - University Technical Malaysia Melaka) and achieves the “Certified” rating level of (GBI) classification. Also, estimate the cost of greening procedure of the building and to identify the assessment criteria that most effect on the overall cost and determine the potential overall savings from retrofitting.