ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

Mahmoud Abd Ella Ahmed

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Agriculture

الجامعة: Alazhr university


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • محاضر ومدرب فى مجال الغذاء والتغذية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Physicochemical properties of functional yoghurt fortified with microencapsulated moringa and black cumin oils

المجلة: Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-10-30

Microcapsules of Moringa oleifera (moringa) and Nigella sativa (Black Cumin oils) were formed by using maltodextrin (MD), whey protein concentrate and gum Arabic (GA) as carrier agents using freeze drier. Microcapsules were added to yoghurt. The characteristics of either the microcapsules or the functional fortified yoghurt were studied. The characterization of micro emulsions with different concentrations of moringa and Nigella sativa (Black Cumin oils) revealed stable emulsions with negative zeta potentials (-31.4 to -41.8 mV for moringa oil and -32.1 to -37.0 mV for black cumin oil detected). Particle sizes ranged from 442.5 to 550.7 nm for Moringa oleifera oil and 312.5 to 642.1 nm for Nigella sativa (Black Cumin oil). Encapsulation efficiency was highest at 5% oil concentration but decreased at higher concentrations. Adding encapsulated Moringa oleifera and Nigella sativa (Black Cumin oils) to yoghurt affected its viscosity, pH, and acidity. The fortified yoghurt with the oils showed microbiological properties and absence of harmful bacteria. Sensory evaluation indicated that an optimal concentration of 4% for both oils enhanced flavor and texture. Generally, the addition of encapsulated oils improved the nutritional value and potential health benefits of yoghurt.