ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

جمال صالح

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: أحياء التربة المجهرية

الجامعة: الأنبار


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • أستاذ في أحياء التربة المجهرية والتدريس الجامعي لمدة 30 سنة
  • عضو اللجنة العلمية في قسم التربة \ كلية الزراعة \ جامعة الانبار
  • عضو لجنة التعضيد والترقيات العلمية في كلية الزراعة \ جامعة الانبار

الأبحاث المنشورة

Effect of bio, vermicompost and mineral fertilizers on some soil properties and soybean (Glycine Max L.) growth and productivity

المجلة: AIP Conference ProceedingsVolume 3079, Issue 1

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-11-04

Abstract This study includes pot experiment, using silty clay loam soil to evaluate the effect of three types of fertilizer, Bio fertilizer wich include soybean Rhizobia especilize as (Brady rhizobium Japonicum and Bacillus megaterium), Vermicompost and Mineral fertilizer on soybean growth, prouductivity and some soil properties after cultivation. The CRD application was connected with three replications. The first factor includes two Isolated Bacteria, Rhizobia and Bacillus the second factor was 8 Mg ha-1 of vermicompost (with and without). While the third factor was mineral fertilizer as complete recommendation (100N, 160 P2O5, 80 K2O) kg ha-1 and a half of complete recommendation. the inoculated soybean seeds were cultivated at 18-5-2021. The result shows that, the best treatment was at the two Isolated Bacteriata with Vermicompost and a half recommendation of Mineral fertilizer wich symbolize at (T8). This treatment improve some parameters of soybean growth, yield and gave significant effect in compare with separately addition of Isolated Bacteria, vermicompost and mineral fertilizer. This Interaction gave highest plant hight (89.8 cm), beast leaf area (68.4 dcm plant-1), highest dry weight (58.6 gm plant-1), highest dry root weight (12.8 gm plant-1), high number of pods (195.6 pod plant-1), highest number of pod seeds (2.96 seed pod-1) and Total yield (110.8 gm plant-1). the result also shows, significant effect of interaction between Isolated bacteria, vermicompost and half mineral fertilizer of complete recommendation decrease soil pH and Ec wich was (7.25 and 2.26 dsm-1), respectively. This treatment T8, also increase the Total Nitrogen value wich gave as percentage increase 198.2% available phosphear 28.7 ppm and available potassium 188.2 ppm. The increase in root nodules were showed in this treatment T8 wich obsarve 60.3 nodules plant-1, also there was increasing in O.M. percentage to 2.96%. T7 treatment (Isolated bacteria with vermicompost) followed T8 in those parameters. T4 and T6 alone or with half recommendation of complete mineral fertilizer followed by T7. T3 and T5 (Isolated bacteria alon and vermicompost alon) followed T7 and followed by T2 (miner fertilizer alone) and T1 (control) which gave lowest value in those Parameters.

Effect of Different Local Agro-residuals Extract in Growth Parameters of Lentinula Edodes in Solid and Liquid Cultures

المجلة: AIP Conference ProceedingsVolume 2862, Issue 1

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2024-12-12

Abstract Lentinula edodes known as shiitake mushroom is one of famous type of edible and medical mushroom in the world. The aim of these study was to test the Lentinula edodes mycelium growth parameters for the first time in Iraq, An extracts of different local agricultural wastes were used in this study and applied in to ways, as solid culture media and liquid, which were four cellulose resource: sawdust (w1), sawdust of wooden desks (w2), vegetative stage of Phragmites australis (W3) and Maturity stage of Phragmites australis (W4), sugar supplements were added in form of: dates residual (S1) 5%, whey (S2) 5% and nitrogen resource where: urea (N1) 2%, Sesbania sesban (N2) 20% and Trifolium (N3) 5%. Studied parameters were: Diameter of mycelium (DM), Weight of mycelium (WM), nitrogen content (NC), carbon content (CC) and pH. Results showed that W4 was highest in DM, WM and NC however it showed lower CC. N1 was highest in DM, WM and highest in NC as nitrogen supplements. S2 was superior showing highest DM, WM, NC and CC as sugar supplements. For the interaction; W4S1N2, W3S1N1, W3S2N2, W4S1N1, W1S1N1 gave the highest values of DM, while W4S1N3 had the highest WM. © 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved.

Effect of Mushroom Residues, Date Residues and Bacterial Inoculum (A. Chroococcum, P. Putida) on the Growth and Yield of Broccoli

المجلة: International Collaborative Conference of Modern Agricultural Technologies 2023, ICCMAT 2023Erbil

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-04-05

Abstract An experiment was conducted in sandy clay loam textured soil at the research station of the College of Agriculture / University of Anbar to find out the effect of adding white Spent mushroom residues Agaricus bisporus, date residues and bacterial inoculum on the growth and yield of broccoli. A three-level factorial experiment was designed for this purpose: the first is white mushroom residues with three levels [0, 10, and 20 tons ha-1] and symbolized by symbols [M0, M1, and M2], and the second date residues with three levels [0, 10 and 20 tons.ha-1] and symbolized by symbols [D0, D1, and D2] and the third factor is bacterial inoculum [Azotobacter chroococcum+Pseudomonas putida] which included two levels; No addition [B0] and inoculum addition [B1], added with all the mentioned treatments half of the fertilizer recommendation. The experiment was designed with a randomized completely blocks design [RCBD] and three replications. The results showed that the triple interaction of the treatments at the highest levels [B1D2M2] gave the best results and significantly for Plant height [PHA], Leaf Area [LA], number of leaves [NOL], number of secondary heads [NOSH], weight of the main flower disc [NOMF] and diameter of the main flower disc [DOMFD] ]75.30 cm, 1182.70 cm2 plant-1, 70.22 leaf-1, 13.53 plant heads-1, 1515.50 g and 26.49 cm] respectively. The control treatment with no residues and no bacterial inoculum [B0D0M0] was added reveal the lowest rates for all the mentioned properties. © 2023 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.