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مروة عبد الحميد محمد محمود

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: التمريض الباطني الجراحي

الجامعة: المنصوره


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • خبرة في تدريس التمريض الباطني الجراحي منذ 13 سنه

الأبحاث المنشورة

Cryotherapy Versus Lavender Oil Inhalation on Alleviating Arteriovenous Fistula Puncture Pain among Patients with Hemodialysis

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-09-01

The management of pain associated with arteriovenous fistula (AVF) puncture is crucial innursing care and is regarded as one of the most challenging situations that nurses and patientsundergoing hemodialysis (HD) face. Aim: evaluate the effect of cryotherapy versus lavender oilinhalation on alleviating arteriovenous fistula puncture pain among Hemodialysis Patients. Thisstudy applied Quasi-experimental research design. Setting: The study was carried out inEgypt's Menoufia University Hospital's dialysis unit. Subjects: The study involved a purposivesample of 60 patients receiving hemodialysis with AVF in the aforementioned setting. Threetools were utilized to gather the data; tool I: a structured interview questionnaire, tool II: Visualanalogue Scale (VAS), and tool III: Physiological parameters assessment sheet. Results revealedthat patients in the two groups (Cryotherapy and Lavender oil inhalation) experienced lower painduring AVF puncture in post application and follow up compared to preapplication. Additionally,patients in the cryotherapy group experienced lower degree of pain during AVF puncture thanpatients in the lavender oil inhalation group in post application and follow up of both, as the meanscore of pain VAS was 2.63 during AVF puncture before application of cryotherapy in the 1stvisit and became 1.56 and 1.16 after application of cryotherapy in the 2nd and 3rd visit,respectively. However, the mean score of pain VAS was 2.46 during AVF puncture beforeinhalation of lavender oil in the 1st visit and became 1.83, 1.8 after inhalation of lavender oil inthe 2nd and 3rd visit, respectively. Conclusion: both cryotherapy and lavender oil inhalationpositively affected AVF puncture pain among HD patients, but cryotherapy was more effectivethan lavender oil inhalation on alleviating AVF puncture pain. Recommendations: Theapplication of cryotherapy for HD patients should be considered part of the routine care in HDunits for alleviating AVF puncture pain (PDF) Cryotherapy Versus Lavender Oil Inhalation on Alleviating Arteriovenous Fistula Puncture Pain among Patients with Hemodialysis. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382453827_Cryotherapy_Versus_Lavender_Oil_Inhalation_on_Alleviating_Arteriovenous_Fistula_Puncture_Pain_among_Patients_with_Hemodialysis [accessed Sep 27 2024].

Efficacy of Preoperative Nursing Education with Kinesio Taping Application on Functional Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty

المجلة: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-05-01

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a successful therapeutic option that can improve function, reduce discomfort, and enhance quality of life for those with symptomatic osteoarthritis. Effective Preoperative patient education combined with Kinesio taping is crucial to speed up recuperation following TKA. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of preoperative nursing education with Kinesio taping application on functional outcomes of patients undergoing TKA. Quasi-experimental research design: was used. The orthopedic departments at Mansoura University Hospital and New General Mansoura Hospital, Egypt served as the study setting. Sample: 80 patients were enrolled to conduct the study. Tools: Demographic characteristics, clinical data, and the knowledge assessment questionnaire (Tool I), Patient's practices following TKA surgery checklist (Tool II), and the Knee Outcome Survey Activities of Daily Living Scale (Tool III). Results: Showed a statistically significant improvement in the intervention group's total mean knowledge scores compared to the control group both immediately after the educational intervention (51.35±12.49, 30.88±11.17) and two months later (49.15±12.76, 30.30±10.19). In addition, the intervention group's overall mean practice scores following TKA and after the application of educational intervention and Kinesio tape (8.63±3.04) were considerably better than those of the control group (5.25±2.23). Furthermore, after applying educational intervention and Kinesio tape, the intervention group's overall mean scores of the KOS-ADLS improved statistically significantly (to 51.28±8.89) c​o​m​p​a​ …

Evidence-Based Practice of Early Post-Operative Mobilization for Whipple Surgery Patients' Selected Outcomes

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-05-01

Background: Early postoperative mobilization is an important aspect of postoperative care, as ithas been demonstrated to improve a range of patient-reported outcomes. Aim of the study: Thepresent study aims to evaluate the effect of evidence-based practice of early post-operativemobilization for Whipple surgery patients' selected outcomes. Subjects and method: Design: Aquasi-experimental research design was used to achieve the purpose of the present study. Subjects:convenience sample consists of 60 subjects who underwent Whipple surgery and were assignedrandomly into two equal groups (study and control), thirty patients in each group. Tools of datacollection: The researchers used four tools to achieve the study aim and collect the required dataas follows: Tool I: Structured interview. Tool II: Visual analog pain scale (VAS). Tool III: Six-Minute Walking Test. Tool IV: Evaluation of the incidence of postoperative complications.Results: There were statistically significant differences between the control and study groups onthe 6th day indicating that the study group had a higher mean distance walk than the control group(14.4 + 2.4 & 3.8 + 0.6) respectively. The study group had lower mean pain scores than controlgroup ( 3.9 + 0.9 &4.7 + 1) respectively. Also, there were statistically significant differencesbetween the control and study groups in relation to occurrence of falls during the 2nd week(X2=4.320, p-value=0.038). Conclusion: the impact of implementing evidence-based mobilizationon patient care outcomes corroborates those documented in scholarly works. Recommendation:post-operative Whipple surgery early mobilization according to the patient individual abilities andhemodynamic stabilization should started to be done by surgical nurses for improving patients’outcomes as falls, distance patient able to walk as well as pain (PDF) Evidence-Based Practice of Early Post-Operative Mobilization for Whipple Surgery Patients' Selected Outcomes. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381763015_Evidence-Based_Practice_of_Early_Post-Operative_Mobilization_for_Whipple_Surgery_Patients'_Selected_Outcomes [accessed Sep 27 2024].

The Effectiveness of Orem-Based Self-Care Education on Knowledge and Self-Care Behaviors among Patients with Heart Failure

المجلة: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-01

ackground: Self‐care is an integral part of managing patients with heart failure. Extensive patient education onself-care is supported by the guidelines for the management of patients with heart failure. The aim of the study is toevaluate the effectiveness of Orem-Based Self-care Education on knowledge and Self-care behaviors among patientswith Heart Failure. One group quasi-experimental Research design was used in this study. Setting: The Cardiologyunit and Outpatient clinic at the Specialized Medical Hospital, Mansoura University Hospitals, Egypt served as thestudy setting. Sample: 65 patients were recruited to conduct the study. Three tools were used in data collection; ToolI: demographic and medical health status data, Tool II: Atlanta Heart Failure Knowledge Test, Tool III: TheEuropean Heart Failure Self-care Behavior Scale. Results validated the study's hypothesis since patients' meanscores of total knowledges improved statistically significantly (P<0.001) both immediately after and 1 month latercompared to before receiving Orem-based self-care education. Furthermore, the mean scores of patients' overall self-care behaviors improved statistically significantly with P<0.001 (1 and 3 months after Orem-based self-careeducation) compared to before. Conclusion: The application of Orem-based self-care education significantlyimproved the knowledge and, consequently, the self-care behaviors of patients with heart failure.Recommendations: The utilization of Orem's philosophy of self-care in self-care education by staff nurses workingin cardiology departments is highly recommended (PDF) The Effectiveness of Orem-Based Self-Care Education on Knowledge and Self-Care Behaviors among Patients with Heart Failure. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377002010_The_Effectiveness_of_Orem-Based_Self-Care_Education_on_Knowledge_and_Self-Care_Behaviors_among_Patients_with_Heart_Failure [accessed Sep 27 2024].


المجلة: Annals of forest research

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-07-01

n young and middle-aged people, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most frequentreason for disability. MS affects the central nervous system and is a long-term, inflammatory,demyelinating condition. Aim: evaluate the effect of implementing Cohesive Model of Nursingcare on treatment adherence and Self-efficacy among patients with multiple sclerosis. Apre/posttest quasi-experimental research design was adopted. Mansoura University Hospital'sneurology outpatient clinics and department, Egypt serves as a Setting for the study. Sample: 81patients were recruited to conduct the study. Data were collected through 4 tools; Tool I: astructured interviewing questionnaire, Tool II: Multiple Sclerosis Knowledge Questionnaire(MSKQ), Tool III: Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Adherence Questionnaire, Tool IV: MultipleSclerosis self efficacy scale (MSSS). Results showed improvement in mean scores of knowledge,adherence, and self-efficacy in the studied periods pretest, posttest and follow up and found self-efficacy improvement in from pretest with mean 20.70 to 66.48 in posttest and 63.63 in follow up,for level of knowledge in pretest 9.70 and improved to 16.22 in posttest then to 14.67 in followup. Mean score for adherence improved from pretest with mean 44.83 to 54.30 in posttest and50.90 in follow up. Conclusion: Cohesive nursing care implementation had a significant impactand improvement on fostering knowledge level, treatment adherence, and self-efficacy among MSpatients and can be adopted as a standard model of care. Recommendations: Establishing aconsistent nursing care approach through the cohesive model of nursing care to further MS patientsin other MS units (PDF) © ICAS 2022 COHESIVE MODEL OF NURSING CARE: IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION FOR PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382060857_C_ICAS_2022_COHESIVE_MODEL_OF_NURSING_CARE_IMPLEMENTATION_AND_EVALUATION_FOR_PATIENTS_WITH_MULTIPLE_SCLEROSIS [accessed Sep 27 2024].

COVID-19 Related Fear, Knowledge, and Protective Behaviors among Middle-aged and Older Adults: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-11-01

ackground: COVID-19 is a highly contagious new virus infection. The World HealthOrganization officially declared it a public health emergency on January 30, 2020. Its progressionmay be influenced by human behavior, which is affected by knowledge and perceptions. Individualsmay be affected by its physical, psychological, and social repercussions. Fear is a psychologicalconsequence affecting individuals, especially older adults. People need to be well-informed andadopt protective behaviors to dispel this fear and halt the infection's spread. Aim: Assess andcompare COVID-19 related fear, knowledge, and protective behaviors among middle-aged andolder Adults. Research design: A cross-sectional comparative research design was employed.Setting: The study was conducted at the Specialized Medical Hospital outpatient clinics affiliatedwith Mansoura University Hospitals. Subjects: A convenience sample of 246 patients; 123 wereaged 20 to less than 60 years (middle-aged), and 123 were 60 and older (older adults) were eligibleto participate in the study. Tools: Four tools were utilized: Demographic Characteristics and Health-related Data Structured Interview Schedule, Fear from COVID-19 Scale, COVID-19 KnowledgeQuestionnaire, and Self-reported COVID-19 Protective Behaviors Checklist. Results: Both themiddle-aged and older adult groups had poor knowledge of COVID-19 (46.3% & 56.9%,respectively) and had unsatisfactory COVID-19 protective behaviors (55.3 % and 64.2%,respectively). As for the comparison between both groups, there was a statistically significantdifference between middle-aged and older adult groups (p=0.000*) in which the older adult group had alower level of knowledge, unsatisfactory health behaviors, and higher level of fear related toCOVID-19 than middle-aged group (16.422±7.794, 20.211±6.731); (20.430±5.502, 23.813±4.123);(11.853±4.698, 21.325±6.327), respectively. Conclusion: The study’s findings concluded that bothage groups had poor knowledge, unsatisfactory health behaviors, and fears related to COVID-19. Atthe same time, the older adult group had lower mean scores of knowledge and health behaviors andhigher levels of fear related to COVID-19 when compared with the middle-aged group.Recommendations: There is an urgent need for public health education through instructionalprograms for different age groups in Egypt to correct misconceptions and improve their knowledgeand protective behaviors regarding COVID-19, as well as alleviate distressing feelings and fear (PDF) COVID-19 Related Fear, Knowledge, and Protective Behaviors among Middle-aged and Older Adults: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378441710_COVID-19_Related_Fear_Knowledge_and_Protective_Behaviors_among_Middle-aged_and_Older_Adults_A_Comparative_Cross-Sectional_Study [accessed Sep 27 2024].