ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

ألفة بوهلال

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: تسويق

الجامعة: المعهدالعالي للتصرف بسوسة - جامعة سوسة


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Quantitative modelling

الأبحاث المنشورة

An Investigation of Users’ Continuance Intention toward Mobile Banking Applications

المجلة: International Journal of Business

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-01

This research study examines users' continuance intention, adapting satisfaction, trust, and various dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model. The study's results show that perceived usefulness influences trust, satisfaction, and continuance intention toward mobile banking applications. Perceived ease of use has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. In addition, trust impacts satisfaction, which, in turn, influences consumers' continuance intention. Bankers should create favorable perceptions regarding usefulness and ease of use among mobile banking users. Providing clear, precise, and concise content is crucial. To build long-term mobile banking relationships, the bank's staff should focus on both direct and indirect influences on continuance intentions. The research extends the Technology Acceptance Model by incorporating two additional factors, trust, and satisfaction, to investigate mobile banking applications. This study contributes to the research on

E-payment or cash on delivery: Do E-Retailers’ Ethics, Trust, and Value Matter

المجلة: International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2023-12-18

This research aims to explain the relative attitude toward e-payment in an online shopping situation, based on the perception of the online retailer's ethics. Ethics have not been previously verified as a factor explaining the e-payment attitude and choice. The study verifies its indirect impact, via trust and perceived value on the relative attitude toward e-payment. A survey was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire filled by 225 Saudi consumers who used to shop online and who have the possibility to use e-payment tools. One dimension of the perceived ethics is shown to be an indirect determinant factor of the e-payment attitude: the fulfilment/reliability. Perceived value and security are also verified as factors enhancing the positive attitude toward the use of e-payment.

Assessing the Success of Mobile Banking in Saudi Arabia: Re-Specification and Validation of the DeLone and McLean Model

المجلة: International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-01

This study aims at re-specifying and extending the DeLone and McLean information systems success model and verifying the extended model in the context of mobile banking applications. The model integrates a relationship-driving indicator, namely perceived value and a condition that permanently predicts the use of technology: usefulness. This framework derives its originality from the integration of these variables and verification in timely and innovative service, namely mobile banking applications. The results allowed to accept the hypotheses assuming the impact of the perception of usefulness and value, as well as system and service quality on satisfaction. The latter has a significant influence on continuance intention. However, the impact of information quality was insignificant, and hypotheses assuming the dependence of continuance intention on usefulness and service quality are rejected. These results are discussed, and the conclusion deduces managerial recommendations and directions for future research.

An exploratory study on the morphology and measurement of teleshopping trust: A scale development

المجلة: International Journal of Services, Economics and Management

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-07-16

Trust in teleshopping requires more attention from researchers, especially as there is no instrument measuring it. The purpose of this study is the development of a quantitative instrument, the TTS. After a literature review about trust and teleshopping, the stages of Churchill's paradigm have been applied. The research design included three stages: a set of items generated on the basis of a qualitative exploratory study, a scale development, and an assessment of TTS psychometric properties. TTS was developed using a convenience national sample of 380 TV shoppers. Data has been collected via face-to-face interviews. Factor analysis has been used to uncover the underlying dimensions of TTS. The 19-item scale, scored by seven-point Likert-type response options, is a multidimensional construct. TTS shows robust psychometric properties and is expected to be useful for academics and practitioners alike. It can be beneficial to identify trust characteristics that can be used in teleshopping activity.

Singles, An Expanding Market

المجلة: Business Management Dynamics

سنة النشر: 2011

تاريخ النشر: 2011-09-01

The principal objective of this research is to compare specificities of consumption of the single people with those of married through various variables: risk aversion, innovatively, brand consciousness, price consciousness, impulsivity, convenience seeking and variety seeking. This research aims also to examine internal differences within this consumers’ category, while doing call to the socio-demographic characteristics.

Brand Personality’s Influence on the Purchase Intention : A Mobile Marketing Case

المجلة: International Journal of Business and Management

سنة النشر: 2011

تاريخ النشر: 2011-09-01

This study underlines the value of the brand personality and its influence on consumer’s decision making, through relational variables. An empirical study, in which 380 participants have received an SMS ad, confirms that brand personality does actually influence brand trust, brand attachment and brand commitment. The levels of brand sensitivity and involvement have also an impact on the brand personality and on its related variables.

An Investigation into the Consumers’ Sensitivity of the Logistics Efficiency

المجلة: International Journal of Business Administration

سنة النشر: 2011

تاريخ النشر: 2011-01-01

This research’s objective is to verify the relationships between the consumer’s perception of logistics' efficiency, satisfaction and behavioral intention. The logistic components perceived by the consumer were identified by a qualitative research. A questionnaire was conducted nearby 290 participants in order to check the impact of loyalty and mood on the sensitivity to the logistic function’s efficiency and the influence of the latter on satisfaction and the patronage intention. Results show that the sensitivity to logistics efficiency is found to be three dimensional. It is subdivided into sensitivity to merchandising, availability of products and associated information, logistical sensitivity at the department level and logistical sensitivity at the tills level. This research found that loyal consumers are less sensitive to logistics efficiency. The latter is positively influenced by shopper’s mood. Satisfaction and patronage intention are influenced only by the logistical efficiency at the tills level.

Online Purchase Intention : Understanding the Blogosphere Effect

المجلة: International Journal of e-Business Management

سنة النشر: 2010

تاريخ النشر: 2010-06-01

This study examines consumers' attitude toward the blog and the effect of the blog on the purchase intention. The research model developed by the authors on the basis of previous research can be used as a reference schema for predicting future choices of bloggers. It integrates perceptual variables such as the credibility, the interactivity, the ease of use, the usefulness, the attitude toward the blog, and the purchase intention. Using the model, the study surveyed 245 Internet users. The results show that the credibility, the usefulness and the ease of use of the blog generate a positive attitude toward the blog. The attitude toward the blog had a positive impact on the purchase intention. The findings provide some answers to marketers about the blog phenomenon and the behaviour of consumers in this context. They will help managers to understand the consumer assessment process in this particular field of the web.

Customers’ Evaluations After a Bank Renaming Effects of Brand Name Change on Brand Personality, Brand Attitudes and Customers’ Satisfaction

المجلة: Innovative Marketing Journal

سنة النشر: 2009

تاريخ النشر: 2009-11-06

The objective of the current work is to contribute to the understanding of customers’ evaluations after a bank name change. The empirical study was done nearby a Tunisian bank:“Banque du Sud”(ie Bank of the South), renamed into “Attijari Bank”(ie The Commercial Bank) after acquisition. Two surveys were administrated, just after the bank renaming. 383 clients of all the Attijari agencies in the region of Sousse, Central East of Tunisia (North Africa) responded to the administrated surveys. Student’s t-tests of means comparisons were conducted. The findings show that both customers’ satisfaction and brand attitudes were not affected by brand renaming, whereas the bank personality perception was to some extent modified.

E-procrastination: A Netnographic Approach

المجلة: Journal of Customer Behaviour

سنة النشر: 2008

تاريخ النشر: 2008-06-01

This article proposes a conceptual framework that explains online purchase delay through the trait of procrastination. A netnographic study was undertaken in order to identify the antecedents and the consequences of e-procrastination. One major finding of this research is that online procrastination can be explained by negative attitude toward online shopping, perceived risk, locus of control, Internet experience, online shopping experience, price perception and purchase task complexity. Impulsive online purchase, abandonment, buck-passing and offline purchase are its main consequences.

Online Procrastination : A Predictive Model

المجلة: Journal of Internet Business

سنة النشر: 2007

تاريخ النشر: 2007-09-01

This study develops a model predicting e-procrastination. Factors that would influence consumers to postpone their online transactions as well as the consequences of the delay were identified on the basis of a netnographic study. Then, questionnaire data were collected from 261 respondents in order to validate the conceptual framework. Results confirm that negative attitude toward online shopping, complexity of the electronic transaction, price perception, and most types of perceived risk explain online consumer delay. Following the empirical findings, the paper provides some insights about the strategies of decreasing online procrastination.