ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

زياد احمدي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علوم اقتصادية و طرق كمية

الجامعة: المعهد العالي للادارة المؤسسات


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • استاذ بجامعة ڨفصة
  • مؤسس نادي للبحث العلمي
  • عضو بجمعية قدماء المعهد العالي لادارة المؤسسات بقفصة تونس

الأبحاث المنشورة

تحليل حجم النمو المالي والاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر وآثارهما التقنية على استخدام الطاقة المتجددة

المجلة: اقتصاد المعرفة

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-21


Consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions and their impact on energy productivity in the G7 countries

المجلة: Springer

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-05-03


Developing a green economy and investing in renewable energy along with green credit Zied Ahmadi

المجلة: Journal of Smart Economic Growth

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-06-01

3 / 20 link.springer.com Decomposing the Magnitude and Technical Effects of Financial Growth and FDI on Renewable Energy Use Zied Ahmadi Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-21, 2023 This research contributes to the literature by revealing the nature of scale and method impacts on renewable energy consumption, with foreign direct investment (FDI) and financial development as important elements influencing renewable energy demand. For empirical study, data from 38 nations from 2001 to 2020 are used. Second-generation methodological techniques are used to dissect scale and technique effects in this way. In the presence of cross-sectional dependency and structural breaks, the empirical results reveal the presence of co-integration between the model parameters. Furthermore, financial progress is tied to the use of renewable energy. Foreign direct investment and demand for renewable energy are favorably related. The composition effect has a detrimental impact on the usage of renewable energy. Economic growth and the use of fossil fuels have a beneficial influence on the use of renewable energy. Long-run estimate findings show that the relationships between renewable energy and FDI and renewable energy and financial development are U-shaped. It suggests that the scale impacts of FDI and financial development are outweighed by technology and composition effects, and hence the demand for renewable energy and, as a result, renewable energy consumption grows as economic growth progresses. Based on this, policy recommendations are made for these countries to achieve sustainable development by implementing changes to their energy policies. Voir sur link.springer.com [PDF] researchgate.net Autres articles Les 2 versions jseg.ro Developing a green economy and investing in renewable energy along with green credit Zied Ahmadi Journal of Smart Economic Growth 6 (2), 41-66, 2021 By analyzing 146 Chinese companies listed in renewable energy, this paper constructs a model effect threshold to study the non-linear relationship between investment in renewable energy and the economic development index from a green credit perspective. The results mainly show that: First, the impact of renewable energy investments on the green economy development index involves double-threshold effects of green credit, the effect is divided into three stages: promote, restrict and promote successively. Second, for large companies, the impact of renewable energy investments on the green economy development index involves a green credit threshold, with effect coefficients at each stage of 0.1034 and 0.0113, successively. However, for medium, small and micro enterprises, the impact of investments in renewable energies on the development of the green economy index involves the double-threshold effects of green credit, with the effect coefficients at each stage being 0.1308, 0.0033 and 0.0243, successively, and the inhibitory effect is not significant. Third, our results also show that improving spending on environmental pollution control and adjusting the industry structure contribute to increasing the rate of green economy development.


المجلة: International Journal of Central Banking

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-08-01

4 / 20 jseg.ro Developing a green economy and investing in renewable energy along with green credit Zied Ahmadi Journal of Smart Economic Growth 6 (2), 41-66, 2021 By analyzing 146 Chinese companies listed in renewable energy, this paper constructs a model effect threshold to study the non-linear relationship between investment in renewable energy and the economic development index from a green credit perspective. The results mainly show that: First, the impact of renewable energy investments on the green economy development index involves double-threshold effects of green credit, the effect is divided into three stages: promote, restrict and promote successively. Second, for large companies, the impact of renewable energy investments on the green economy development index involves a green credit threshold, with effect coefficients at each stage of 0.1034 and 0.0113, successively. However, for medium, small and micro enterprises, the impact of investments in renewable energies on the development of the green economy index involves the double-threshold effects of green credit, with the effect coefficients at each stage being 0.1308, 0.0033 and 0.0243, successively, and the inhibitory effect is not significant. Third, our results also show that improving spending on environmental pollution control and adjusting the industry structure contribute to increasing the rate of green economy development. Voir sur jseg.ro [PDF] jseg.ro Cité 2 fois Autres articles Les 4 versions ijocb.com THE EFFECT OF NUCLEAR ENERGY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY ON GDP AND CARBON EMISSIONS Zied Ahmadi, Mouna Chatti International Journal of Central Banking 20 (1), 82-97, 2024 At the international level, the importance of clean energy is highly appreciated in the context of development and for the protection of the atmosphere. Therefore, the objective of this article is to determine the effect of the consumption of renewable energy and nuclear energy on economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions in the ten most CO2 emitting countries in a multivariate context for the period 1995-2019. The panel cointegration test, the completely modified ordinary least squares panel and the Dumitrescu and Hurlin heterogeneous causality evaluation panel are used to analyze the long-term estimation of elasticity, as well as the evolution of causality between variables. The panel cointegration test confirms the existence of a long-term equilibrium correlation between the variables. The results of long-term elasticity and causality tests reveal that renewable energy does not contribute to economic growth and CO2 reduction like nuclear power. However, with the exception of renewable energy and nuclear energy is vital to prevent global warming and climate change, as well as to promote economic growth.


المجلة: Acta biomed

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2024-08-16


RSE et gestion de résultat

المجلة: https://www.amazon.fr/RSE-gestion-r%C3%A9sultat-Zied-Ahmadi/dp/6203433772

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-12-07


Una questione di intermediazione bancaria islamica: Banca islamica

المجلة: Édition en Italien https://www.amazon.fr/Una-questione-intermediazione-bancaria-islamica/dp/6204454315

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-09-08


La gouvernance d'entreprise et la divulgation volontaire d'information

المجلة: https://www.morebooks.shop/store/fr/book/la-gouvernance-d%E2%80%99entrprise-et-la-divulgation-volontaire-d%E2%80%99information/isbn/978-620-3-43396-8

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-09

Suite à l’exposition des entreprises, et particulièrement les banques, à une forte pression en matière de divulgation par rapport à des périodes précédentes, l’objectif principal de notre étude est d’examiner l’effet des mécanismes internes de la gouvernance sur la divulgation volontaire d’information évaluée à partir d’un indice de divulgation.Afin de tester cet impact, nous nous sommes basés sur un échantillon de 18 banques islamiques commerciales cotées en Bourse dans les pays du golfe (Arabie saoudite, Emirats arabes Unis, Koweït, Oman, Bahreïn et Qatar).Les résultats montrent que la taille du conseil d’administration, l’indépendance des administrateurs, la taille et le nombre des réunions au sein du conseil sharia influent sur le niveau de la divulgation des banques islamiques. En revanche, les résultats démontrent que la dualité et la proportion de doubles compétences des membres au conseil sharia n’ont pas d’impact significatif sur la variable dépendante.

investissements directs étrangers, consommation d'énergie et la croissance

المجلة: Éditions universitaires européennes

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-05

La relation entre les investissements directs étrangers, l’énergie renouvelable et la croissance économique a été le centre des débats ces dernières années. Dans ce contexte, notre travail est un essai pour déceler la nature de cette relation, dans le cas de la région MENA. Notre étude constituée de deux grands chapitres : d’abord un premier, consacré au cadre théorique et conceptuel des IDE, énergie renouvelable et la croissance économique en pays MENA. Alors que la deuxième partie représente une étude empirique qui suit une méthodologie récente à travers laquelle en remarque qu’il s’agit d’un lien positif entre les IDE et croissance économique qui traduit l’importance des IDE dans la création de la richesse, les résultats montrent qu’il s’agit d’une relation de causalité bidirectionnelle entre la consommation des énergies renouvelables et la croissance économique.


المجلة: International Journal of Central Banking

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-04

This study empirically analyzes the potential role of institutional quality in absorbing the spillover effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) flows on growth in a collection of Arab nations. The analysis is carried out using system GMM estimate on panel data from 11 Arab countries from 1994 to 2018. It creates overall indices of conducting business and measures of economic freedom using principal components analysis (PCA) as weights. According to the study, the quality of institutions has a vital role in improving economic growth indirectly by absorbing spillovers from FDI inflows. On the one hand, the study finds that higher macroeconomic stability and financial development boost growth. The findings of this study have various policy implications.