ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

فتحيه العقيلي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: علم حيوان

الجامعة: جامعه بنغازي


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • دوره في الباحث المتميز

الأبحاث المنشورة

Antimicrobial Resistance profile of Different clinical Isolates against Rocephin

المجلة: مجله جامعه طبرق للعلوم الطبيه

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-11-01

Antibiotic resistant microorganisms cause for an increase in illness and death as they increase the threat of unsuitable therapy. Therefore, documents on antibiotic resistance assistance describe the best probable treatment for different patients. Some bacteria can produce betalactamase enzymes such as in Gram negative bacteria. This enzyme can hydrolyze the betalactam ring of the ceftriaxone antibiotic so that the antibiotic cannot work. Hence, this study aimed to screen the antibiotic resistant profile rocephin drugs in Al saleem laboratory. Of 206 various samples were collected from patients during September through November 2020. The clinical samples such as wound swab, urine, sputum, and semen, blood, indwelling devices and fluids were collected from out patients, then; bacterial species were isolated and recognized as per the standard microbiological methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were accomplished using rocephin antimicrobial disc by Kirby-Bauer disc TUJMS ISSN No: 27892093 Vol (3): Issue 1 November 2021 2 diffusion method. Totally, 604 bacterial isolates were obtained from 280 (46.3%) female and 324 (53.6%) male patients. Escherichia coli spp (39.7%) and Klebseilla spp (15.9 %) were the predominant organisms isolated from specimens. About 295 (48.8%) of the total bacterial isolates were found to be resistant to ceftriaxone. But, 276 (45.7%) and 33 (5.5%) of the isolates remain susceptible and intermediate to ceftriaxone, respectively.. Bacterial resistance towards ceftriaxone is rising to this drug. Moreover, these strains also showed multidrug resistance mainly against clinically used drug which could reduce therapy ineffective. So, in clinical use correct medications should be carefully chosen based on the data obtained from antibiotic susceptibility tests.