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صورة الملف الشخصي

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إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Agriclutural Engineering

الجامعة: المركز القومى للبحوث


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Research Experiences 1. Planning, designing and evaluating irrigation systems 2. Management and rationalization of irrigation water 3. Irrigation scheduling and irrigation techniques 4. Using of soil amendments and its applications in saving

الأبحاث المنشورة

A combined bio-system to improve effluent water quality from sewage wastewater plants for agricultural reuse

المجلة: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-01

A continuous lab-scale integrated bio-system was conducted to treat sewage wastewater from Abu-Rawash wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The bio-system showed high efficiency in removing chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), and total suspended solids (TSS). The experimental analysis results indicated that the maximum COD removal and methane yields were 97.6 and 13.74 mmol CH4/Kg COD at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6 h, respectively. Zn, Mn, and Fe were removed at a high rate of up to 96.6%. The sponge bio-carriers have improved overall treatment performance and substantially improved mixed liquor volatile suspended solids/mixed liquor suspended solids (MLVSS/MLSS) ratio at an appreciated range, and the total pathogenic organisms were removed up to 99.8% in the second stage. Because the innovative bio-system enables a rapid startup process, is simple to use, and is inexpensive, it can provide an economically feasible alternative for wastewater management and could be extended to full-scale applications for agricultural purposes. © The Author(s) 2023.

Estimating ETO and scheduling crop irrigation using Blaney–Criddle equation when only air-temperature data are available and solving the issue of missing meteorological data in Egypt

المجلة: BIO Web of Conferences

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-03

Accurate assessment of evapotranspiration is essential for crop irrigation planning. In developing countries and given the cost of evaluating evapotranspiration based on the Penman-Monteith equation, this research is an attempt to provide a simple equation that depends only on temperature to estimate evapotranspiration and serve as an alternative method to FAO56-PM when only air temperature data are available and the problem of missing meteorological data is solved. Four reference methods for evapotranspiration (ET) were compared under the local climatic conditions of the El-Nobaria region in northern Egypt. The Blaney–Criddle method was found to have the highest correlation with the FAO56-PM method. Using the simple equations to calculate ETo for irrigation scheduling of peanuts had a positive effect on the yield and yield components of peanuts. The highest productivity value was obtained when the Blaney–Criddle equation was used to estimate peanut irrigation scheduling, while equation resulted in lower productivity. When the equation was used, the differences in productivity between the equations were highly significant. It is worth noting that when the Blaney–Criddle and Thorthwaite equations were used, followed by the FAO56-PM equation, the superiority of the water productivity value became evident, as the increase in nutrient concentration in the root zone led to increased nutrient uptake, resulting in an increase in the productivity of peanut yield, oil and protein. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences.

Improving the Performance Efficiency of the Cutting Drum in the Agricultural Waste Cutting Machine

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Agronomy

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-01

ONE of the most crucial mechanical operations for maximizing the use of agricultural waste is the cutting and chopping process. As consequently, a palm waste cutting machine was assessed and then developed to treat for treating processing defects and increase its working performance. The evaluation and development processes were mainly focused on the cutting tool of sharp angle (SA), the clearance (C) (between the shear rod and the cutting roller), the nature of the shear rod, and as well as the life span of the cutting knives. The productivity and cutting efficiency (ηc) of agricultural waste shredder machine (AWSM) increase to highly significant levels when the sharp edge of the knives is lowered to a 25-degree of SA. Additionally reducing the fuel consumption (FC) of cutting machines down to an appropriate level. The best machine productivity and ηc were attained, together with the lowest consumption of fuel, by reducing the C to a minimum of 1 mm. The optimum performance of AWSM was maintained by changing from a fixed to a moving shear rod and a 1 mm of C value. By using a double-edged sharpening instead of a single one, the cutting knives' lifespan was extended. Enhancing the cutting knife's material's mechanical and corrosion-resistant qualities allowed for better sharpening and longer life spans. © 2024 National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC).

Field and modelling study for deficit irrigation strategy on roots volume and water productivity of wheat

المجلة: Journal of Water and Land Development

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-01-01

In many regions of the world, including Egypt, water shortages threaten food production. An irrigation deficient strategy in dry areas has been widely investigated as a valuable and sustainable approach to production. In this study, the dry matter and grain yield of wheat was decreased by reducing the amount of irrigation water as well as the volume of the root system. As a result of this, there was an increase the soil moisture stress. This negatively affected the absorption of water and nutrients in the root zone of wheat plants, which ultimately had an effect on the dry matter and grain yield of wheat. The values of dry matter and grain yield of wheat increased with the Sakha 94 variety compared to the Sakha 93 class. It is possible that this was due to the increase in the genetic characteristic of the root size with the Sakha 94 variety compared to the Sakha 93 class, as this increase led to the absorption of water and nutrients from a larger volume of root spread. Despite being able to increase the water productivity of wheat by decreasing the amount of added irrigation water, the two highest grain yield values were achieved when adding 100% and 80% of irrigation requirements (IR) needed to irrigate the wheat and no significant differences between the yield values at 100% and 80% of IR were found. Therefore, in accordance with this study, the recommended irrigation for wheat is at 80% IR which will provide 20% IR. When comparing the water productivity of two wheat varieties in study, it becomes clear that Sakha 94 was superior to Sakha 93 when adding the same amount of irrigation water, and this resulted in increased wheat productivity for Sakha 94. The SALTMED results confirmed good accuracy (R2: 0.92 to 0.98) in simulating soil moisture, roots volume, water application efficiency, dry matter, and grain yield for two varieties of wheat under deficit irrigation conditions. Whilst using sprinkler irrigation system under sandy soils in Egypt. © 2021. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences (ITP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).