ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

هند عبدالله السيد عفيفي

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: تمريض أمراض النساء والتوليد

الجامعة: بنها


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department - Faculty of Nursing - Benha University,
  • Editor of the Journal of Women's Health Sciences since 2019 until now.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Journal of Medical Care Research and Review since 2019 until now.
  • Reviewer of the Journal of Nursing Sciences, Benha University since April 2022.
  • Editors of the Journal of IFAD of Medical Sciences since June 2022.
  • Reviewer of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, since April 2022.
  • Reviewer of the Journal of Research in Nursing and Health, since July, 2022.
  • Reviewer in the Asian Journal of Research in Nursing and Health, since 2021.
  • Reviewer in the Journal of Advanced in Medicine and Medical Research, since February 2023.
  • Reviewer of Benha Journal of Applied Sciences, since February 2023.
  • استخدامات الذكاء الاصطناعي في البحث العلمي 2024-8-31 حضور دورة تدريبية عن

الأبحاث المنشورة

Pregnant Women Perception Regarding Urinary Tract Infection

المجلة: Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-06-06

To assess pregnant women' perception regarding urinary tract infection.Material and Methods: The descriptive research design was utilized. The study was conducted in the antenatal outpatient clinic at Benha University Hospital, Egypt. A convenient sample of 105 pregnant women diagnosed with urinary tract infection. Two tools were used for data collection; 1) structured interview questionnaire which consisted of three parts; socio-demographic characteristics of the sample, obstetric data and knowledge of pregnant women regarding urinary tract infection, and 2) pregnant women' attitude towards urinary tract infection. Results: the finding illustrated that 69.5% had unsatisfactory knowledge about urinary tract infection. Meanwhile, 30.5% had satisfactory knowledge about urinary tract infection. More than two thirds 67.6% had negative attitude towards urinary tract infection. There was highly positive correlation between of knowledge and attitude regarding urinary tract infection. Conclusion and Recommendation: Two thirds of the studied women had unsatisfactory knowledge and negative attitude regarding urinary tract infection. The study recommended that raising pregnant women perception regarding urinary tract infection during antenatal visits through educational program

Effect of Localized Warm versus Cold Compresses on Pain Severity during First Stage of Labor among Primiparous

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Nursing a nd Health Science

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-07-08

Background: Labor pain is an unpleasant experience of women’s life. Non-pharmacological pain relief methods help parturient to cope with pain. Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of localized warm versus cold compresses on pain severity during the first stage of labor among primiparous. Design: Quasi-experimental, pre-test and post-test control group design. Sampling: A purposive sample of 180 parturient women was recruited and equally allocated into three groups (localized warm compresses, localized cold compresses, and control group) 60 women each. Setting: This study was conducted in the labor unit of Obstetrics and Gynecological department, Benha University Hospital. Tools: Five tools were used for data collection; a structured interviewing questionnaire, partogragh chart, visual analogue scale, pain behavioral observation scale, and women’ satisfaction regarding the utilizing intervention questionnaire. Results: After applying the intervention at 6 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm cervical dilatation, there was a significant reduction in mean pain scores of warm compresses group compared to cold compresses and the control groups (p ≤0.001), a significant increase in mean pain behavioral observation scores of warm compresses group compared to cold compresses and control groups (p ≤0.001). The warm compresses group was more satisfied with the intervention than cold compresses group (p ˃ 0.05). Conclusion: Localized warm and cold compresses were effective in reducing labor pain, duration of the first stage of labor compared to the control group and increased women' satisfaction, warm compresses is more effective than cold. Recommendation: Localized warm or cold compresses should be applied routinely for reducing labor pain severity and increasing women' satisfaction during the first stage of labor.

Effect of Nursing Intervention on Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude, and Health Behaviors among Pregnant Women

المجلة: American Journal of Nursing Research

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-12-05

Background: Good oral health during pregnancy can not only improve the health of pregnant women but also potentially the health of newborn. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of nursing intervention on oral health knowledge, attitude, and health behaviors among pregnant women. Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Sample: A purposive sample of 188 pregnant women was recruited according to inclusion criteria. The sample was allocated to study and control groups (94 women in each group). Setting: The study was conducted at obstetric s and gynecology outpatient clinic affiliated to Benha University Hospital. Tools of data collection: 1) a structured interviewing questionnaire which consisted of three parts; demographic characteristics, obstetric history, and pregnant women's knowledge regarding oral health. 2) Pregnant women's attitude towards oral health questionnaire. 3) Pregnant women's oral health behaviors sheet. Results: The majority of both groups had poor knowledge and negative attitude regarding oral health. In addition, there were no significant differences in health behaviors scores between both groups (P > 0.05) before intervention. However, one month after intervention, 84.0% of the study group had good knowledge compared with 0.0% of the control group, 78.7% of the study group had positive attitude and only 6.4% of the control group. The health behaviors scores were significantly higher in the study group than the control (P

Effect of Health Belief Model-based Educational Intervention on COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Pregnant Women

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-02-03


Effect of Palliative Care Training Package on Nurses' Performance regarding Gynecologic Cancer

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-12-03

Palliative care is currently crucial in nursing care, thus, continuing education in palliative care for practicing nurses is necessary for improving care with a life-limiting illness such as gynecologic cancer. Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of palliative care training package on nurses' performance regarding gynecologic cancer. Sample: A convenient sample of 43 nurses. Research Design: A quasi-experimental (pre-test and post-test) design. Setting: This study was conducted in the Gynecological Oncology Unit of the Maternity Hospital, the department of Gynecology, Outpatient Clinics of the Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Center at Ain Shams University. Tools of data collection: three tools were utilized including 1) a selfadministered questionnaire that encompassed two parts demographic characteristics and assessment of nurses’ knowledge regarding gynecologic cancer palliative care. 2) Nurses’ attitude towards gynecologic cancer palliative care. 3) observational checklist for nurses’ practice. Results: More than three-quarters of studied nurses had poor knowledge, the majority had a negative attitude and unsatisfactory practice regarding gynecologic cancer palliative care before the training package. However, after one month of the training package, nearly the majority of nurses had good knowledge, a positive attitude, and. satisfactory practice. A statistically positive correlation between total knowledge, attitude, and practice scores regarding palliative care for gynecological cancer before and after training package (P ≤0.01). Conclusion: The training package had a favorable effect on nurses' performance regarding gynecologic cancer palliative care. Recommendation: Continuous in-service training on palliative care for nurses is essential to improve performance in the care of women with gynecological cancer.

Effect of Implementing Continuous Care Model on Health-Related Behaviors and Quality of Life among Women with Preeclampsia

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-03-20

Preeclampsia is the leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide, but it is more prevalent in developing countries. Aim was to investigate the effect of implementing continuous care model on health-related behaviors and quality of life among women with preeclampsia. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic of Benha University Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 70 pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia was recruited and divided equally into study and control groups (35 women per group). Tools: Three tools were used to collect data; a structured interviewing questionnaire, health-related behaviors regarding preeclampsia questionnaire, and World Health Organization quality of life-BREF. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between mean scores of health-related behaviors regarding preeclampsia and quality of life before implementation of the continuous care model in both groups (P ˃ 0.05). After implementing the continuous care model, the mean scores of health-related behaviors and quality of life in the study group were significantly higher than in the control group (p ≤ 0.001). A significant positive correlation between total scores of health-related behaviors regarding preeclampsia and quality of life in both groups before and after implementation of continuous care model (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: Implementing the continuous care model had a positive effect on improving pre eclampsia-related health behaviors and the quality of life for women with pre eclampsia. Recommendations: The continuous care model should be incorporated as a nursing intervention for promoting women's health behaviors and improving quality of life within preeclampsia care.

Effect of Health Belief Model-based Educational Intervention on COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Pregnant Women

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-02-02

Background: Educating pregnant women can improve compliance with COVID-19 prevention behaviors. Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of health belief model-based educational intervention on COVID-19 preventive behaviors among pregnant women. Design: A quasi-experimental research design (pretest/posttest, comparison group) was utilized. Setting: This study was carried out in the Obstetrics and Gynecology outpatient clinic at Benha University Hospital. Sample: A total of 174 pregnant women were enrolled in the study using a purposive technique. Data collection tools included a structured interviewing questionnaire with three sections covering demographic features of the studied woman, obstetric history, and pregnant women’s knowledge about COVID-19. Health Belief Model scale and checklist for self-reported compliance with COVID-19 health preventive behaviors. Results: After one month of health belief model-based educational intervention, the mean scores of the overall health belief model and subscalesfor perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived self-efficacy, as well as cues to action about COVID-19 were significantly increased, while the mean score of perceived barriers was markedly lower in the study group (P< 0.001).The majority of the study group had high compliance with COVID-19 preventive behaviors, compared to more than a quarter of the control group. Conclusion: Health belief model-based educational intervention was effective in improving pregnant women's knowledge, health beliefs, as well as self-reported compliance with preventive behaviors regarding COVID-19. Recommendation: Provide continuous educational programs based on health belief model to enhance pregnant women's knowledge and compliance with COVID-19 pandemic preventive behaviors.

-Effect of Implementing Nursing Intervention Guidelines on Recurrent Vaginitis among Reproductive-Age women

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Nursing a nd Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-12-03

Aim of the research was to investigate the effect of implementing nursing intervention guidelines on recurrent vaginitis among reproductive-age women. Design: A quasi-experimental design (time series) was utilized to fulfill the aim of this research. Sampling: A purposive sample of 196 women was recruited and equally allocated into two groups (study group who receive nursing intervention guidelines and a control group who receive routine care) 98 women in each group. Setting: This research was conducted at Obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic affiliated to the Benha University Hospital. Tools: Four tools were used for data collection; a structured interviewing questionnaire, women' self-reported hygienic practices sheet, health-promoting lifestyle profile II, and a follow-up sheet. Results: After three and six months of the intervention, three-quarters and less than one-quarter versus more than three quarters and less than one quarter of women in the study and control groups respectively had satisfactory practices regarding recurrent vaginitis. The mean difference score for overall and dimensions of health-promoting lifestyle behaviors in the study group was higher than the control group (P ≤ 0.001). Less than half of women in the study group had recurrent vaginitis compared to around three quarters of the control group. A significant negative correlation between the frequency of recurrent vaginitis and total hygienic practices as well as, health-promoting lifestyle behavior scores in both groups (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: The implementation of nursing intervention guidelines has a significant effect on improving hygienic practices, and health-promoting lifestyle behaviors regarding vaginitis. Also, recurrent vaginitis episodes were lower among women in the study group than those in the control group. Recommendation: Applying educational intervention to improve women's awareness about hygienic practices to prevent further recurrence of vaginitis.

Effect of an Educational Intervention on Quality of Life and Sexual Function in Women with Endometriosis

المجلة: International Journal of Studies in Nursing

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-02-20

Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of an educational intervention on quality of life and sexual function in women with endometriosis. Design: Quasi experimental time series research design. Setting: obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic affiliated to Benha University Hospital and Benha teaching Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 138 women diagnosed with endometriosis was eligible in the study and assigned equally into study and control groups. Tools for data collection: A structured interviewing questionnaire, Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 and Sexual Health Outcomes in Women Questionnaire. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between both groups regarding demographic and obstetrical characteristics (p ˃ 0.05). Before implementation of educational intervention, the mean scores of total EHP-30 and SHOW-Q showed impaired quality of life and sexual function in the both groups (p ˃ 0.05). After one and two months of educational intervention implementation, mean total score of EHP-30 was significantly lowered in the study group compared with the control group. The mean scores of satisfaction, orgasm, and desire subscales were significantly higher in study group compared with control group. Whereas, the mean score of the pelvic problem interference subscale was significantly lower in study group compared with control group (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: The educational intervention about endometriosis has a significant effect on the improvement of women's quality of life and sexual function. Recommendation: Provide health educational program for women with endometriosis to improve quality of life as well as sexual function.

Effect of Centering Pregnancy Model Implementation on Prenatal Health Behaviors and Pregnancy Related Empowerment

المجلة: American Journal of Nursing Science

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-09-07

Background: Centering pregnancy model has been associated with motivating behavior change, increasing women’s empowerment and satisfaction in comparison to standard, individual prenatal care. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of centering pregnancy model implementation on prenatal health behaviors and pregnancy related empowerment. Research design: A quasi-experimental (pre-posttest comparison group). Sample: A purposive sample of 151 pregnant women was recruited for the study and divided into centering pregnancy group was (75 women) and individual prenatal care group was (76 women). Setting: The study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic along with meeting room at Outpatient Clinics' floor affiliated to Benha University Hospital. Tools used for data collection were a structured self-administrating questionnaire, prenatal health behaviors scale, pregnancy-related empowerment scale, and women’s satisfaction visual analogue scale. Results: post intervention, the total mean self-reported health behaviors score in the centering pregnancy group was higher than individual prenatal care group (18.13 versus 13.11) respectively. The mean pregnancy related empowerment score centering pregnancy group was significantly higher than individual prenatal care group (54.32 ± 3.28 versus 40.13 ± 7.74, p ≤ 0.0001) respectively. Two-thirds of the centering pregnancy group reported high satisfaction level compared to one-tenth of individual prenatal care group. Conclusion: A positive effect of centering pregnancy model, including a greater engagement in favorable health behaviors, a higher pregnancy-related empowerment, and higher satisfaction compared to individual prenatal care. Recommendation: Implementing centering pregnancy model of care more widely for promoting healthy behaviors and empowering pregnant women.

Effect of Local Heat Application on Relieving Primary Dysmenorrhea among Nursing Students

المجلة: The 1st international nursing conference '' innovation for changes in health care system '' Beni Suef University , Egypt

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-12-07

Aim: evaluate the effect of local heat application on relieving primary dysmenorrhea among nursing students. Research design: A quasi-experimental design Setting: the study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing at Benha University. Sampling: A systematic random sample of 150 students suffered from primary dysmenorrhea was divided into two equal groups; study group who applied local heat application and control group who used their usual self-care measures. Tools of data collection: three main tools were used; modified dysmenorrhea identification sheet, structured interviewing questionnaire and visual analog scale. Results: There is no statistically significant difference between both groups regarding socio-demographic characteristics, body mass index and characteristics of menstrual pain (P> 0.05). Before local heat application, there was no statistically significant difference between both groups regarding the severity of primary dysmenorrhea. Meanwhile, after local heat application, there was a highly statistically significant difference between both groups, pain decreased in the study group compared to control group (p

Effect of Different Maternal Positions during Non-Stress Test on Maternofetal Physiological Parameters

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Journal

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-05-05

Aim of the study to compare effect of different maternal positions during non-stress test on maternofetal physiological parameters. Design: Quasi-experimental design was utilized. Sample: A purposive sample of 72 women was recruited according to inclusion criteria. Setting: the current study was conducted at fetal monitoring room of obstetrics and gynecology department, Benha University hospital. Three tools were used for data collection;1) A structured interviewing questionnaire. 2) Maternal-fetal physiological parameters sheet. 3) Visual analogue scale of maternal discomfort. Results: There were a highly statistically significant difference in maternal physiological parameters (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate) in the three positions during the non-stress test (p=0.000). Baseline fetal heart rate and number of accelerations in left lateral position were significantly higher than semi-fowler and supine positions (p=0.000 and p=0.030) respectively. Mean number of fetal movements was higher in left lateral position than semi-fowler and supine (p=0.133). Mean time taken for first fetal movement, and reactive non-stress test are significantly less in left lateral position compared to semi-fowler and supine positions (p=0.000). A highly statistically significant difference regarding discomfort during non-stress test the three positions (p=0.000). Conclusion: left lateral and semi-fowler positions during non-stress test demonstrated favorable maternofetal physiological parameters and women felt more comfortable than in supine position. The study recommended that left lateral and semi-fowler maternal positions can be used as alternative positions during non-stress test.

Mobile Technology & Nursing Education, Practice

المجلة: Journal of Distance Learning and Open Learning

سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-08-06

Technology is at every corner of every profession. If the nurses are not learning to adapt to the influences of technology, they can miss out on a lot of inventive and innovative techniques for success. This is true for nursing education as well. Many universities and training facilities are implementing the use of technology in nursing education to improve the quality of health care for patients. Mobile phones are becoming increasingly important in everyday life and now in healthcare. There has been a steady growth of information and communication technologies in health communication and technology is used progressively in telemedicine, wireless monitoring of health outcomes in disease and in the delivery of health interventions. Mobile phones are becoming an important method of encouraging better nurse-patient communication and will undoubtedly increase in application over coming years.

Knowledge and attitude of maternity nurses regarding cord blood collection and stem cells: An educational intervention

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Education and Practice

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-05-02

Background: Cord blood collection and stem cell research are the most important and controversial topics of science and technology today. Nurses need to understand stem cell research so they can enter the debate on this issue. Aim was to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention on maternity nurses’ knowledge and attitude regarding cord blood collection and stem cells. Method: Quasi-experimental design (pre and post intervention) was utilized. A total sample of 53 staff nurses were recruited in the study. The study was conducted at two settings; labour unit in obstetrics department at Benha University Hospital and Maternity Hospital at Zagazig University Hospital. Data were collected through two main tools: A structured interviewing questionnaire, and nurses’ attitude toward cord blood collection and stem cells. Results: The results revealed that 88.7% of nurses had poor knowledge before intervention. However, 90.6% and 81.2% of them had good knowledge immediately and after three months of intervention respectively. As well as, only 1.9% of the studied nurses had positive attitude toward cord blood collection and stem cells before intervention. Meanwhile, immediately and after three months of intervention the positive attitude changed to 66.0% and 69.8% respectively. Conclusion and recommendation: The implementation of an educational intervention was effective and significantly improved nurses’ knowledge and attitude towards cord blood collection and stem cells. The study recommended that adequately planned in-service training programs related to cord blood collection and stem cells must established to develop nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and practices in order to fit newly developed concepts in care.

The Effect of Sexual Health Education on Sexual Beliefs, Behaviors and Function for Pregnant Women

المجلة: The 7 th international scientific nursing conference '' Evoluation of nursing : Apathway to excellence'' , Helwan University , Egypt

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-09-05

Aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of sexual health education on sexual beliefs, behaviors, and function for pregnant women. Design: A quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: the current study was conducted at antenatal clinic at Benha university hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 230 women was included and randomly allocated into two equal groups study and control. Three tools were used for data collection; 1) a structured interview questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric history and women’s beliefs towards sexual health during pregnancy. 2) Sexual health behaviors of pregnant women. 3) Arabic version of Female Sexual Function Index. Results: There was no significant difference between both groups in general characteristics. There was a significant improvement in women' beliefs toward sexual health during pregnancy in the study group after education p ≤ 0.001. Health behaviors were improved in the study group compared to the control group after the sexual health education. Female sexual function mean scores were slightly similar in both groups with no statistically significant difference before the sexual health education. Meanwhile, the mean of total scores of sexual function was significantly higher in the study group compared with the control group at follow-up periods p ≤ 0.001. Conclusion: Sexual health education during pregnancy was effective in improving women's beliefs and health behaviors as well as sexual function during pregnancy. The study recommended that provide sexual health education during pregnancy as a routine antenatal care.

Effect of Nursing Intervention on Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-02-05

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nursing intervention on pelvic organ prolapse symptoms. Design: A quasi experimental design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at Gynecological Outpatient Clinic affiliated to Benha University Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 45 women recruited in the study according to inclusion criteria. Tools: Four tools were used for data collection; 1) a structured interviewing questionnaire which comprised of four main parts: general characteristics of the studied women, obstetric and gynecological history, women knowledge about pelvic organ prolapse, and women' perceived change in prolapse symptoms. 2) Women' compliance toward recommended nursing instructions sheet, 3) pelvic organ prolapse symptoms scale and 4) pelvic organ prolapse impact questionnaire. Results: There was a significant improvement in women' knowledge regarding pelvic organ prolapse and compliance toward recommended nursing instructions (p˂0.000). Additionally, mean scores of pelvic organ prolapse symptoms and quality of life measured by pelvic organ prolapse impact questionnaire were remarkably reduced after one month and three months compared to before nursing intervention (p˂0.000). Conclusion and recommendation: Nursing intervention was effective in reducing prolapse symptoms and improving quality of life. The study recommended that provision of nursing instructional booklets to women with pelvic organ prolapse for improving knowledge, compliance and reducing symptoms.

Effect of Self Learning Package Based on Health Belief Model on Cervical Cancer Prevention among Female University Students

المجلة: IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)

سنة النشر: 2014

تاريخ النشر: 2014-02-05

Aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-learning package based on health belief model on cervical cancer prevention among female university students. Design: Experimental design was utilized. Sample: A purposive sample of 314 married female students out of (n=1463) and randomly divided into an intervention group (157) and control group (157). Setting: The study was carried out at 13 Faculties in Benha University. Tools: Data were collected through three main tools: A self-administered questionnaire to assess students’ general characteristics and knowledge regarding cervical cancer prevention, health belief model, and questionnaire to assess intention to practice cervical cancer prevention behaviors. Results: There was highly statistically significant difference after self learning package implementation observed between two groups regarding knowledge about cervical cancer prevention. The mean scores of perceived susceptibility and severity of cervical cancer, as well as perceived benefits of early detection and HPV vaccination were significantly higher in the intervention group compared to control group. 38.2% and 53.5% of the intervention group respectively compared with 3.2% and 5.7% of the control group have intent to take HPV vaccination and do Pap smear respectively. Conclusion: The self learning package based on health belief model enhances student’s knowledge, change positively health beliefs and intention regarding cervical cancer prevention. Recommendation: Dissemination of cervical self learning package based on health belief model among female university students to prevent the risk of cervical cancer.

Effect of Spontaneous versus Directed Pushing during Second Stage of Labor on Birth Outcomes and Early Maternal Postpartum Fatigue

المجلة: The 6 th international conference advances in nursing profession (education and practice) , Helwan University , Egypt,

سنة النشر: 2014

تاريخ النشر: 2014-02-05

Aim: This study aimed to compare the effect of spontaneous versus directed pushing during second stage of labor on birth outcomes and early maternal postpartum fatigue. Method: Quasi-experimental design was utilized. A purposive sample of 112 primiparae was randomly allocated to spontaneous and directed pushing groups. The study was conducted at labor room and postpartum unit, Benha University Hospital. Data were collected through five main tools: structured interviewing questionnaire, delivery and maternal assessment sheet, neonatal assessment sheet, Modified Fatigue Symptom Checklist and Visual Analogue Scale for maternal satisfaction about pushing technique during labor. Results: Mean duration of the second stage of labor in spontaneous pushing group was significantly shorter than the directed pushing group (p≤0.001). There was statistically significant difference between the spontaneous and directed pushing groups regarding Apgar score in 1st and 5th minutes (p≤ 0.001 and p≤ 0.05 ) respectively. A highly statistically significant difference between both groups regarding the postpartum fatigue score at 60 minutes and 24 hours after delivery (p≤ 0.001). Spontaneous group experienced higher satisfaction level about pushing technique than directed group. Conclusion and recommendations: Spontaneous pushing technique shortened the second stage of labor, decreased postpartum fatigue, enhanced maternal satisfaction, and improved newborn outcome compared to a directed pushing technique. The study recommended that preparing simplified guidelines about effective pushing technique during labor and distributing it to pregnant women at antenatal clinic and labor wards.

The Effect of Counseling on Women’s Infertility-Related Stress

المجلة: Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

سنة النشر: 2013

تاريخ النشر: 2013-03-05

Objective was to evaluate the effect of counseling on women’s infertility-related stress. The study hypothesis was there is a statistically significant difference in the level of stress of infertile women between pre and post counseling. Intervention design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study settings were in the gynecological clinics at Benha University Hospital, and Benha Teaching Hospital. A purposive sample of (67) infertile women who attended to the previous settings and fulfilling the study inclusion criteria were recruited to participate in the study. Data were collected through three main tools: Infertility structured interviewing questionnaire, Fertility Problem Inventory, the instructional guideline related infertility. The GATHER approach for counseling was followed for each woman. Results revealed that there was highly statistically significant difference pre and post counseling regarding all dimensions of stress and global score (p≤0.001). The mean scores showed a drastic improvement with all dimensions of stress and global score as the higher score revealed to higher stress. Conclusion: counseling can decrease the infertile women's perceived infertility-related stress. Thus, it could be suggested as one of the stress management strategies in infertile women. The study recommended establishment of counseling sessions and developing a support groups for the infertile couples and group therapy to minimize suffering and promote health condition.

The Impact of a Designed Educational Program on the Quality of Life for Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis

المجلة: Not Available

سنة النشر: 2010

تاريخ النشر: 2010-09-05

Background: postmenopausal osteoporosis is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and reduction in quality of life. Aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a designed educational program on the quality of life for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. It hypothesized that postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who will receive an educational program will have improved quality of life. Quasi-experimental design (pre and post intervention) was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study. A total sample of (118) a primary osteoporosis (type I) women in absence of fracture, and free from any other chronic diseases or medical conditions known to affect bone were recruited in the study. The study was conducted at two settings; orthopedic clinic at Benha University Hospital and rheumatoid clinic at Benha Teaching Hospital. Data were collected through three main tools: structured interviewing questionnaire, health practices of osteoporosis sheet (designed by the researcher), and osteoporosis quality of life questionnaire (The ECOS-16) (Badia et al., 2000). The procedure passed through four phases; assessment, planning, implementation and follow up and evaluation, it took place during the period of one year started at October, 2008 and ended at September, 2009. Results: the meanSD of age was 57.773.23 years, mean age of menopause was 48.281.83 years, and time elapsed since menopause was 9.482.21 years. A significant improvement in the studied women’ knowledge and practice after implementation of educational program and follow up periods p value


المجلة: Not Available

سنة النشر: 2006

تاريخ النشر: 2006-03-06

In recent years, many developing countries have been actively seeking to improve the outputs and outcomes of their health care delivery system by engaging in process of reform. Furthermore, obstetric care of high quality continues to be a key requirement for reducing maternal mortality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to improve the quality of immediate postpartum nursing care. This aim would be achieved through, 1- teaching nurses about immediate postpartum nursing care to improve their knowledge, 2- training nurses about immediate postpartum nursing procedures to improve their practice, 3- evaluating nurses’ outcome knowledge and practice. A quasi-experimental design was utilized. The study included all nurses working in the obstetric ward at Benha University Hospital (40) nurses. Data was collected through a sheet to cover general characteristics of nurses, a handout about immediate postpartum nursing care, and tools of evaluation divided into (a) interviewing questionnaire, included questions of nurses knowledge about quality of immediate postpartum nursing care (b) observation checklist included standards of nursing care during postpartum period. Both tools of evaluation were used to assess nurses’ level of knowledge and practice before / after three months of implementing the study. The main findings were improvement in nurses’ knowledge and practice regarding care provided during immediate postpartum period, except some aspects of care such as infection control measures and immediate care of newborn. Lack of equipment and supplies in postpartum unit. The study recommended putting clear guidelines (policies, protocols and standards) of the different services that should be offered to the mothers and newborns in the postpartum ward in order to achieve, maintain and advance good quality health services. Keywords: Quality improvement, nursing care, postpartum period, standard, knowledge and practice.

Effect of Benson Relaxation Technique on Intensity of Post Cesarean Section Pain among Primipara Women

المجلة: journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-04

Background: Benson relaxation technique is an effective and safe method for reducing the intensity of post cesarean section pain. Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate effect of Benson relaxation technique on intensity of post cesarean section pain among primipara women. Design: A quasi experimental design was used to fulfill the aim of the present study. Setting: Post-partum unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Benha university hospital. Sample: A Purposive sample consisted of 120 primipara women after cesarean section which divided into two groups study and control group (60 for each). Tools: Data was collected through two main tools; I-A structured interviewing questionnaire, II-The short-form McGill pain questionnaire. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed in pain intensity between two groups after application of Benson relaxation technique at the four phases (p< 0.05) as pain intensity decreased in the study group more than the control group. Conclusion: Practicing of Benson's relaxation technique had a positive effect on reducing the intensity of post cesarean section pain among primipara women. Recommendation: Benson relaxation technique should be recommended as non pharmacological routine of care in maternity hospitals for reducing intensity of post cesarean pain.

Effect of Sitting Pelvic Tilt Exercise on Low Back Pain among Primigravidae Women

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-04-02

Background: Low back pain is frequent and disabling condition in pregnancy and causes problem in daily activities such as walking, lifting, sleeping and sitting. Aim of this study: Was to evaluate the effect of sitting pelvic tilt exercise on low back pain among primigravidae women. Design: Quasi–experimental (one group pre/ post/ test) design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at obstetrics and gynecological out-patient clinic at Benha University Hospitals. Sampling: A purposive sample of 152 primigravidae was selected according to inclusion criteria and was equally divided into two groups (study group = 76 women who was practice setting pelvic tilt exercise and control group= 76 women who received routine hospital antenatal care. Tools of data collection: Three main tools were used for data collection. I: A structured interviewing questionnaire. II: Visual analogue scale. III: Modified Oswestry Disability Pain Index. Results: The mean pain score and modified oswestry disability pain score were significantly decreased in the study group compared to in the control group after 4 weeks of application of sitting pelvic tilt exercise (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: The findings of the present study were concluded that sitting pelvic tilt exercise was effective in reducing low back pain in primigravidae women. Recommendations: Pelvic tilt exercise should be performed regularly as a part of the routine antenatal care and distribution of a designed brochure about sitting pelvic tilt exercise for all pregnant women who attended the antenatal clinic as a part of the routine antenatal care.

Effect of Simulation Training on Intern Nurses’ Competence and Self-Confidence regarding Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-01-01

Background: Simulation training have been recommended for promoting intern nurses’ competence in maternal care delivery. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate effect of simulation training on intern nurses’ competence and self-confidence regarding primary postpartum hemorrhage. Design: Quasi-experimental (pre-post design), was used to fulfill the aim of the study. Setting: The study was conducted in the clinical obstetrics skill lab and the classroom of faculty of Nursing at Benha University. Sample: A systematic random sample of (56) intern nurses. Tools: (I) A self-administrated questionnaire, (II) Creighton competency evaluation instrument, (III) observational checklists regarding primary postpartum hemorrhage, (IV) satisfaction and self- confidence in learning scale. Results: There was a highly statistically significant improvement in relation to all competency domains related to assessment, communication, clinical-judgment and patient safety after simulation training than before (P ≤ 0.001). Moreover, there was a higher satisfaction and self-confidence after simulation training than before (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: Intern nurses would have higher competent level of practices, satisfaction and self-confidence after simulation training than before. Recommendations: Implementing of periodical simulation training programs for intern nurses to enhance competent skills for achieving advanced nursing care regarding prevention and management of primary postpartum hemorrhage.

Effect of Educational Program on Knowledge and Practices of Maternity Nurses regarding Cardiotocography

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-02-07

Background: Monitoring and recording fetal heart rate by cardiotocography is to detect any changes that might occur that put the fetus at risk of fetal distress or death due to lack oxygen. Aim of study: Was to evaluate the effect of educational program on knowledge and practices of maternity nurses regarding cardiotocography. Design: A quasi-experimental design (Time series design) was utilized to fulfil the aim of the study. Sample: A convenient sample of 40 maternity nurses were included in the present study. Setting: The present study was conducted at Labor and Cardiotocography room of the Obstetrics and Gynecological department at Benha University Hospital. Tools of data collection: Self-administered questionnaire, and nurses' observational checklist regarding cardiotocography. Results: The majority of nurses were had poor level of knowledge and unsatisfactory practice during pre-program, while during post program, and follow- up the majority of nurses were had good level of knowledge and satisfactory practice, with slightly decline during after 3 months follow-up. Conclusion: Educational program had a positive effect on improving knowledge and practice of maternity nurses regarding cardiotocography. Recommendations: Applying of continuous in-service training program for maternity nurses to improve performance regarding cardiotocography.

Sexual Dysfunction in Women with Diabetes: Counseling intervention

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-06-02

Background: Sexual dysfunction is common gynecological complaint among diabetic women due to its complication effect on sexual function. Aim of this study: Examine the effect of counseling session on female sexual dysfunction regarding diabetic female. Research design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized to carry out this study. Sample: A purposive sample of 132 diabetic women who had sexual dysfunction was recruited in this study. Setting: The study was carried out at six October University Hospital which located at Giza. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used to collect data: (1) Structure interviewing questionnaire to assess female demographic data, medical history and the obstetrical and sexual history (2) Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI): The FSFI is a validated 19-item, self-administered, screening questionnaire that measures the aspects of sexual function in women (desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm satisfaction, and pain). Results: The result showed that the mean age of the participant was 34.17 ± 5.5 years. There was no significant relation between some factors such as age, duration of diabetes, marital characteristics, and frequency of sexual dysfunction. Most of participants had enhancement of total FSFI scores post counseling intervention compared to pre counseling intervention Conclusion: Counseling intervention have positive effect on the sexual function enhancement among diabetic female. Recommendation: This study recommended carry out further researches to explore the relations between diabetes and female sexual dysfunction to determine the possible pathway of this association and increase awareness of Egyptians about sexuality through counselin

Knowledge and Quality of Life of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-07-02

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with hormonal disturbance and adverse cosmetic, reproductive, metabolic and psychological consequences, resulting in reduced quality of life. Research aim: Was to assess knowledge and quality of life of women with polycystic ovary syndrome Research design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Research setting: The current research was conducted at Obstetric and Gynecological outpatient clinic in Benha University Hospital. Research sampling: A purposive sample included 231 women. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used. Tool (I): A structured interviewing questionnaire to assess women's general data, menstrual, obstetrics and family history, present history of studied women about polycystic ovary syndrome and women's knowledge regarding polycystic ovary syndrome. Tool (II): Polycystic ovary syndrome quality of life questionnaire. Results: More than three quarters of studied women had poor level of knowledge and more than two thirds of studied women had low quality of life. There was a highly significant positive correlation between women's total knowledge and quality of life scores (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: Nearly most of the studied women had low level of knowledge regarding polycystic ovary syndrome. More than two thirds had low quality of life. Recommendations: Implementing integrated health education to support the women with polycystic ovary syndrome to improve the quality of life.

Effect of Gum Chewing on Gastrointestinal Problems among Primipara Women Immediately after Cesarean Section

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-02-03

Background: Cesarean section is most common surgical procedure affect the autonomic nervous system which lead to gastrointestinal problems. Aim of study: Was to evaluate effect of gum chewing on gastrointestinal problems among primipara women immediately after cesarean section. Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Setting: Postpartum unit of Obstetrics and Gynecological department at Benha University Hospital. Sampling: A Purposive sample of 204 primiparous women were included in the study and divided into control and study groups. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used: A structured interviewing questionnaire, postoperative intestinal function parameters evaluation form and numerical rating scale. Results: Mean time of postoperative intestinal function parameters and hospital stay were significantly shorter in the study group than in control group (P ≤ 0.001). Additionally, after 4, 6, and 8 hours post cesarean section, mean of severity of post-cesarean section gastrointestinal problems were significantly decrease in the study group than in the control group (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: Chewing sugar free gum immediately after cesarean section had a positive effect on the intestinal function parameters in terms of time related to the first intestinal sound, first passage of flatus, feeling comfort, and early initiation of breastfeeding. As well as short duration of hospital stay. Also, a significant reduction in severity of post-cesarean section gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and abdominal distention) in the study group compared to control group. Recommendation: Chewing gum should be recommended as non-pharmacological routine of care in maternity hospital for relieving gastrointestinal problems immediately after cesarean section.

Perception of Pregnant Women regarding Folic Acid Intake

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-02

Background: Folic acid plays a basic role in fetal growth, development and prevents fetal malformations. Pregnant woman's perception regarding folic acid supplementation is critical. Aim: This study aimed to assess perception of pregnant women regarding folic acid intake. Design: A descriptive design was utilized to fulfill the aim of the current study. Setting: The study was conducted at Obstetric and Gynecological Outpatient Clinic in Benha university Hospital. Sampling: A Purposive sample of 240 pregnant women. Tools: Two tools were used: A structured interviewing questionnaire which consisted of four parts: Demographic characteristics, obstetrics history, knowledge of pregnant women about folic acid intake and Modified likert scale to assess attitude towards folic acid intake. Results: More than two thirds of studied pregnant women had poor knowledge regarding folic acid intake. Only less than one third had positive attitude regarding folic acid intake. Conclusion: There was highly positive correlation between total knowledge and total attitude score regarding folic acid intake among pregnant women. Recommendations: Application of an educational program to improve perception of pregnant women regarding folic acid intake. Containing education program for pregnant women regarding benefits and safety of folic acid supplementation during pregnancy

Effect of Educational Program Based on Health Belief Model regarding Safe Childbirth on Selected Mode of Delivery among Primigravida

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-03-02

Background: Despite the advantages of natural childbirth and complications associated with cesarean section, rate of cesarean delivery had increased dramatically in recent years. Therefore, educational program is essential to reduce this trend. Aim of study: Was to evaluate the effect of educational program based on health belief model regarding safe childbirth on selected mode of delivery among primigravidae. Design: Quasi - experimental design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at out-patient clinic at Obstetrics and Gynecological department in Benha University Hospitals. Sample: A purposive sample of 300 women divided into two equal groups (study group=150 women who received educational program based on health belief model regarding safe child birth and control group= 150 women who received routine hospital care. Tools: Three tools of data collection were used, a structured interviewing questionnaire, Champion's health belief model scale and women's choice mode of delivery sheet. Results: There was an increase in total mean score of five constructs of health belief model toward vaginal and cesarean delivery in study group compared to control group with highly statistically significant differences after educational program (P≤ 0.001). More than one third of study group pre educational program preferred vaginal delivery compared by more than half of study group post educational program. While less than two thirds of study group preferred cesarean delivery pre educational program compared by less than half post educational program. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences between control group pre and post educational program. Conclusion: The educational program based on health belief model had improved primigravidae's knowledge and health beliefs regarding mode of delivery and also improved the selection of vaginal delivery. Vaginal delivery was chosen more in study group after educational program compared by pre educational program. Recommendations: Health belief model could be used as a routine model in health care sitting to empower women with comprehensive information on the benefits and severity of the different modes of delivery

Knowledge, Attitude and Reaction of Newly Married Women toward the First Gynecological Examination

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-07-02

Background: The gynecological examination is an essential part and the most performed procedure in gynecological care. Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude and reaction for newly married women toward the first gynecological examination. Setting: The study was conducted at obstetric and gynecological outpatient Clinic in Benha university hospital. Design: A descriptive study design. Sampling: A Purposive sample of 327 of newly married women. Four tools were used: Tool I: A structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, tool II: Likert scale to assess women's attitude for gynecological examination, tool III: Emotional stress reaction questionnaire and tool IV: Visual analogue scale. Results: More than three quarters of the studied women had inadequate knowledge about first gynecological examination. Only less than one third of the studied women had positive attitude toward first gynecological examination. The higher mean of total reaction score was irritability while the lower mean of total reaction score was cooperative. Less than half of the women were complaining moderate pain during gynecological examination. Conclusion: More than three quarters and two thirds of the studied women had inadequate knowledge and negative attitude about first gynecological examination respectively. Most of studied women were irritability during gynecological examination. Recommendation: Improving knowledge and attitude about gynecological examination through counseling session and disseminating booklet among newly married women

Effect of Teaching Program about Fetal Movement Counting on Primigravida’s Prenatal Attachment

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-03-04

Background: Fetal movement counting may be associated with improvement in maternal fetal attachment. Aim of the study: To evaluate effect of teaching program about fetal movement counting on primigravida's prenatal attachment. Setting: The study was conducted at outpatient clinic of obstetrics and gynecology in Benha university hospital. Methods: A purposive sample included 60 primigravida. Tools: Of data collection three tools were utilized (1) A structured interviewing questionnaire included three parts general characteristics of the studied pregnant women, Obstetrics history of the woman and assessment of woman's knowledge about fetal movement counting. (2)Women’s self-reported practices regarding fetal movement counting. (3) Cranley's Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale. Results: Less than one third of the studied pregnant women had adequate knowledge teaching pre teaching program while, the majority had adequate knowledge post teaching program and most of them after one month of implementation of teaching program (P≤ 0.001). Less than one quarter of studied pregnant women had satisfactory self-reported practices regarding fetal movement counting preprogram, the most of them had satisfactory self-reported practices post program and after one month of implementation of teaching program (P≤ 0.001). One tenth of the studied pregnant women had high attachment pre teaching program while, majority had high attachment post program and after one month of implementation of teaching program (P≤ 0.001). Conclusion: The application of the teaching program about fetal movement counting had a positive effect on improving primigravida's knowledge, self-reported practices and prenatal attachment. Recommendations: Designing of health education program to improve pregnant women's awareness and self-care practices regarding fetal movement counting and maternal attachment.

Knowledge and Attitude of Late Adolescent Girls regarding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-06-06

Background: Lack of knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome and poor lifestyle choices are considered to be the major factor leading to polycystic ovarian syndrome. Aim of study: Was to assess knowledge and attitude of late adolescent girls regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome. Design: Descriptive research design was utilized. Setting: This study was conducted at Technical Institute of Nursing at Benha University. Sampling: A purposive sample of 239late adolescent girls met the inclusion criteria. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used. I) A structured interviewing questionnaire which consisted of three parts: demographic characteristics, menstrual history of girls and knowledge of late adolescent girls regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome. II) Late adolescent girls` attitude towards polycystic ovarian syndrome. Results: More than half of late adolescent girls had unsatisfactory knowledge about polycystic ovarian syndrome. More than half of late adolescent girls had negative attitude toward polycystic ovarian syndrome. There was positive correlation between total knowledge and total attitude scores regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: There was unsatisfactory knowledge and negative attitude regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among late adolescent girls. Recommendation: Implementing an educational program about risk factors and preventive measures of polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls.

Nurses' Knowledge and Attitude regarding Women’s Sepsis during Postpartum Period

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-04-03

Background: Puerperal sepsis is an infective condition of the woman following childbirth and one of the leading causes of death. Aim of study: Was to assess nurses' knowledge and attitude regarding women's sepsis during postpartum period. Design: A descriptive study design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at obstetrics and gynecological department in Benha university hospital. Sample: A convenient sample included 70 maternity nurses. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used. Tool (I): Self- administered questionnaire sheet to assess demographic characteristics of the studied nurses and knowledge of maternity nurses regarding women's sepsis during postpartum period. Tool (II): A modified likert scale to assess nurses' attitudes regarding women's sepsis on postpartum period. Results: More than half of the studied nurses had poor knowledge while a minority of them had good knowledge regarding women's sepsis during postpartum period. Also, less than half of the studied nurses had positive attitudes, While, more than half of them had negative attitudes about women's sepsis during postpartum period. and negative attitude regarding women's sepsis during postpartum period respectively. Conclusion: There was positive statistically significant correlation between total knowledge and total attitude scores of the studied nurses. Recommendations: Developing a periodical training and educational program for nurses working at obstetrics department for improving their knowledge and acquiring positive attitude regarding control of women's sepsis during postpartum period.

Application of Four Phases Teaching Method regarding Care of Labour among Nursing Students and its Effect on their Emotional Intelligence

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-04-03

Background: Four phases teaching method affects emotional intelligence, satisfaction, self- confidence and practice. Aim of the study: Was to investigate the effect of application of four phase teaching method regarding care of labor among nursing students and its effect on their emotional intelligence. Design: A quasi-experimental study was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at technical Nursing Institute at Benha University. Sample: A purposive sample included 170 nursing students and divided equally into two groups control and intervention groups. Tools of data collection: Four tools were used, I: A structured interviewing questionnaire, II: Bar-On emotional intelligence Quotient Inventory, III: The student satisfaction and self-confidence in Learning Instrument and tool and IV: Observational check list. Results: The mean scores of emotional intelligence was statistically higher in the intervention group compared to control group (P ≤ 0.05) post implementation of the four- phase teaching method. Also, the intervention group had significant higher scores in satisfaction, self- confidence and practice compared to control group (P ≤ 0.05). Additionally, there was a positive statistical correlation between total emotional intelligence and total practice scores in both groups (P ≤ 0.05). Finally, it was observed that there was significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence, satisfaction and self-confidence scores among intervention group (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: The four-phase teaching method was effective on improving student's emotional intelligence, satisfaction, self-confidence and practice related to care of labour. Recommendations: Replication of the present study with more participants and at several universities for generalization of the results and evaluation the effect of application of four phases teaching method for maternity nursing students on improving labour outcome.

Effect of Educational Program on Nurses' Perception regarding Obstetric Triage

المجلة: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-06-03

Background: Obstetric triage is one of the most important management and decision- making. Aim of the research: Was to evaluate the effect of educational program on nurses' perception regarding obstetric triage. Research setting: The study was conducted at obstetrics and gynecological emergency department at Benha University Hospital. Study design: A quasi- experimental design (one group, pre-posttest) was followed to fulfill the aim of the study. Study sampling: A convenient sample included 40 nurses. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used of data collecting data, self- administered questionnaire and modified likert scale for nurse's attitude toward obstetric triage Results: The minority and less than one tenth of the studied nurses have good knowledge and positive attitude regarding obstetric triage before implementation of educational program which improved to most of the studied nurses have good knowledge and positive attitude after one month from implementation of educational program, with highly statistical significant difference (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: The educational program has a positive effect on improving nurses’ knowledge and attitude regarding obstetric triage. Recommendation: Implementing continuous educational training programs about obstetric triage for maternity nurses should be provided.