ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

د. ألفت شاهين

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: Agricultural of Extension

الجامعة: دمنهور


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • تقييم البحوث للاكاديميين للنشر في المجلات العلمية
  • - الإشراف الأكاديمي على الرسائل العلمية للدراسات العليا
  • المشاركة في إعداد المؤتمرات وورش العمل والمحاضرات والندوات واللقاءات العلمية
  • نائب رئيس تحرير وعضو هيئة التحرير في مجلات عديدة علمية محلية ودولية
  • مراجعة البحوث العلمية والتدقيق اللغوي والعلمي باتباع المنهجية العلمية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Requirements for Agricultural Business Entrepreneurship Education among University Youth at the College of Agriculture and their Attitudes Toward Business Incubators

المجلة: Agriculture Economic and social sciences journal

سنة النشر: 2023

تاريخ النشر: 2023-11-01

Research aimed to determine the requirements for agricultural entrepreneurship education among the university youth surveyed and their attitude towards business incubators. important results were:46.7% have a strong degree leadership quality. most abundant entrepreneurial qualities are ambition, innovation, and creativity, and the least are information technology, 89.3% have a medium to high knowledge about entrepreneurship, and 78.9% have a neutral attitude towards it. also 71.5% have an average knowledge about business incubators and accelerators, and 67.4% have a neutral attitude, 32.6% have a negative attitude towards the academic regulations and its connection to the labour market, Ambition and exposure to information sources explain 13.2% of the total variance in their knowledge of entrepreneurship, and Exposure to information sources, leadership, and the presence of problems contributed to explaining 10.7% of the total variance in their attitude toward it. - Exposure to information sources, innovation and creativity, and the presence of problems contributed to explaining 16.7% of the total variance in their knowledge of business incubators and accelerators, and Exposure to information sources and cultural openness contributed to explaining 9.8% of the total variance in their attitude toward them. Most problems were academic 30.2%, financing 26.8%, societal, 23%, and organizational, 20%.

The current status of farmers' adoption of some recycling techniques for secondary products of the most important main crops In Some Villages In Beheira Governorat

المجلة: Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-11-10

: The research aimed to study the current situation of farmers adopting the techniques of secondary products recycling for the important main crops in three villages of the Beheira Governorate. The simple random sample amounted to 180 respondents, representing 5% of the total. The results: 51.1% have low exposure to agricultural knowledge sources, 68.9% have a negative and neutral attitude towards environmental protection, 41.7% have high knowledge of secondary products recycling techniques, their most important knowledge sources are parents and neighbors 93.3%, their own experience 87.8 65.56% of them adopted low crop by-product recycling techniques, hay ranked first in adoption with average 20.55, secondly silage work 17.13, the technique of cutting fodder in the third rank with average 16.01, in the fourth rank came the technique of composting with an average 14.96, then the technique of treating waste with urea solution in the fifth with an average 7.64 and then the technique of treating waste with ammonia gas in the sixth rank with an average 6.5. The results of the regression function showed that the six independent variables that are significantly related to the second dependent variable together explain 43% of the total variance in the respondents' adoption of the techniques of recycling for secondary products of the main crops as a second dependent variable. In order to find out the most influential independent variables in the second dependent variable - the respondents’ adoption of the techniques of recycling by-products of the main crops - the model of progressively ascending multiple regression analysis was used, through which it was found that four independent variables combined together explain 42% of the total variance in the degree of respondents’ adoption of technologies recycling secondary products of the main crops.

Planning of Extension Program for The Maintenance and Improvement of Agricultural Lands in Beheira Governorate

المجلة: Alex journal for scientific exchange

سنة النشر: 2021

تاريخ النشر: 2021-09-10

The main objective of this research is building an extension Program for the maintenance and improvement of agricultural lands in Al-Behaira Governorate, through : Studying the current situation by identifying some of the respondents distinctive characteristics, studying the knowledge and skill level of them with recommendations, Identifying there sources of communication information , problems facing them and possible solutions in these field ,and Suggest an agricultural extension program according to the research results. The sample research was determined by all the holders of agricultural lands in El- Buheira governorateit ,it is one of the largest agricultural governorates, occupies the first place in the percentage of infringements on agricultural lands, who numbered 484895, and a random sample was 382 respondents taken using the Kersji and Morgan equation, from the three largest centers in the governorateزThe most important results were represented by studying the current situation : that only 6.8% of the respondents have a low knowledge degree and 39.8% have a low implementation degree of the extension recommendations related to the maintenance and improvement of agricultural lands, while 29.3% and 38% of them Those with average knowledge and implementation of those recommendations, while 63.9% and only 22.3% of them have ahigh degree ofknowledge and implementation of the recommendations, Which shows discrepancy between the knowledge and implementation level of the respondents for these recommendations. Accordingly, a proposed action plan was designed for an extenstion program to develope the knowledge and skills of agricultural land holders in the research area


المجلة: Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-02-16

The main objective of this study to identify the current and prospective role of agricultural exten- sion in the field of vegetable cultivation under green- house in Al-Noubaria area of Beheira Governorate. Questionnaire through personal interviews was used to collect data from 196 farmers representing research samples. Percentages, arithmetic mean, the frequency tables, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient (person) and the regression coefficient were used to analyze data. The research results showed that: The most of farmers 81.6% had low and medium level of knowledge related to the main practices of agriculture in Greenhouse 94.9% of farmers had low and medium levels of implementation of the main practices under greenhouse. 74% of farmers were of low and medium awareness of the role of agricul- ture extension. There is a significant correlation be- tween the knowledge level of the respondents to cultivating vegetables under greenhouses as a de- pendent variable, and between the educational level, the degree of trend towards export of green- house products, the degree of participation in com- munity organizations, the degree of satisfaction with work in greenhouse, the degree of exposure to sources of information on vegetable cultivation un- der Greenhouse, the degree of openness to the out- side world and the role of agricultural extension, re- spectively as independent variables. There is a sig- nificant correlation between the degree of the exec- utive level of the respondents by planting vegeta- bles under greenhouse as a dependent variable and between the educational level of the respondents and the degree of exposure to sources of infor- mation on growing vegetables under greenhouse, the trend towards export and the role of agricultural extension provided to the respondents as independ- ent variables. The educational level, the trend to- wards export, the degree of openness to the outside world, the degree of participation in various societal organizations, the degree of satisfaction with work under greenhouse, the degree of exposure to sources of information on growing vegetables under greenhouse, and the role provided by the agricul- tural extension to farmers under greenhouse as Variables responsible for the interpretation of 30,2% in the overall variance of the general knowledge level of the respondents cultivating vegetables un- der greenhouse. The educational level, the trend to- wards export, the degree of exposure to sources of information about growing vegetables under green- house, and the role provided by agricultural exten- sion to vegetable farmers under greenhouse, varia- bles responsible for the interpretation of 26.7% in the overall variation of the executive level of re- spondents to the practices of growing vegetables under greenhouse

Rural Women's Behavior towards Food Safety and Quality at Damanhour District, Beheira Governorate

المجلة: Alex journal for scientific exchange

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-30

The research aimed to identify the behavior of rural women towards food safety and quality at Damanhour Distrct, the simple random sample amounted to 240 respondents, representing 5% of the total. The data were collected through a personal interview by questionnaire. The most important results were: 47.9% of the respondents have a low and medium total level of knowledge of food safety and quality, and 59.5% of them have a low and medium level of implementation of those practices, 52.1% have a negative and neutral attitude towards these practices, 68.3% believe that they have not been previously infected with Covid 19, and 49.2% have not taken the vaccine for Covid 19, the All agreed on the availability of the vaccine, 35% of the respondents have a low and medium level of knowledge of practices related to food safety and quality under Covid 19, and 50.8% have a low and medium level of implementation of those practices. Also, five independent variables together explain 65.4% of the total variance in the respondents’ knowledge of practices related to food safety and quality, four independent variables together explain about 62.3% of the total variance in the implementation of practices related to food safety and quality by the respondents. And seven independent variables together explain about 55.4% of the total variance in the attitudes of the rural women respondents towards food safety and quality

Digital agricultural extension reality according to the visions of agricultural extension workers in Beheira Governorate

المجلة: Agriculture and investmental sciences journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-10

The research aimed to study digital agricultural extension reality according to the visions of agricultural extension workers in Beheira Governorate. 220 respondents were selected from agricultural extension workers in Beheira Governorate to represent the research sample by 43.7% of the total. Data were collected during June and July 2023 using a personal interview questionnaire. Using frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, weighted average, Pearson correlation coefficient, chi-square and stepwise regression coefficient as statistical tools using the SPSS program, results were: - 48.2% of the respondents had high knowledge of agricultural pages on Facebook, while their knowledge of electronic applications, agricultural websites, and mobile phone applications was low, 67.3%, 77.3%, and 90.5%, respectively. - 51.8% of them had a medium level of use of agricultural pages on Facebook. Their level of trust in electronic applications and Facebook pages was an average of 75% and 53.6%, respectively. While it was low for agricultural websites and mobile. 69% of them have positive attitudes towards using digital technology. education level and the degree of ownership of electronic devices used in counseling work had an impact of 12.1% on the total variance of the respondents’ knowledge of technology means and digital applications, and both of them had an impact of 11.3% on the total variance of the level of respondents’ confidence in the means of technology and digital applications, and educational level and the degree The use of electronic devices in counseling work had an impact of 13% on the total variance in the level of respondents.

Digital agricultural extension reality according to the visions of agricultural extension workers in Beheira Governorate

المجلة: Agriculture and investmental sciences journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-04-10

The research aimed to study digital agricultural extension reality according to the visions of agricultural extension workers in Beheira Governorate. 220 respondents were selected from agricultural extension workers in Beheira Governorate to represent the research sample by 43.7% of the total. Data were collected during June and July 2023 using a personal interview questionnaire. Using frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, weighted average, Pearson correlation coefficient, chi-square and stepwise regression coefficient as statistical tools using the SPSS program, results were: - 48.2% of the respondents had high knowledge of agricultural pages on Facebook, while their knowledge of electronic applications, agricultural websites, and mobile phone applications was low, 67.3%, 77.3%, and 90.5%, respectively. - 51.8% of them had a medium level of use of agricultural pages on Facebook. Their level of trust in electronic applications and Facebook pages was an average of 75% and 53.6%, respectively. While it was low for agricultural websites and mobile. 69% of them have positive attitudes towards using digital technology. education level and the degree of ownership of electronic devices used in counseling work had an impact of 12.1% on the total variance of the respondents’ knowledge of technology means and digital applications, and both of them had an impact of 11.3% on the total variance of the level of respondents’ confidence in the means of technology and digital applications, and educational level and the degree The use of electronic devices in counseling work had an impact of 13% on the total variance in the level of respondents.

Current and prospective role of agricultural extension under condition of climate change in Behiera Governorate

المجلة: J. Agric& Env. Sci. Damanhour University

سنة النشر: 2015

تاريخ النشر: 2015-12-10

The main objective of this study to identify the current and prospective role of agricultural extension under condition of climate change its in Behiera governorate and to achieve this goal was the formulation of following research goals: -determine the level of knowledge of the respondents from the agricultural extension organization and agricultural researchers in terms of : the concept of climate change, the causes of climate change and its effects on the agricultural sector and public health - Identify the prospective role of agricultural extension's future in the face of the negative effects of climate change from the perspective of the respondents from the agricultural extension organization and agricultural researchers. -Recognize the role of scientific research in the face of the negative effects of climate change in the study area.- Study relationships between each of the independent variables and the dependent variables The study was conducted in Behiera governorate as one of the largest governorates in Egypt, about 9% of the total Egypt area. Agriculture is the primary economic sector. Data was collected using a questionnaire and personal interview on two categories: the first includes the respondents from the agricultural extension organization (130 respondents), while the second category includes the agriculturalresearchers (45 researcher). Major findings of this study could be summarized as follows: - Television programs were considered the first of climate change information sources from the perspective of both two categories, while the rest of information sources to different at each. -The more than one-third of the respondents from agricultural extension organization with low knowledge of the general concepts of climate change and manifestations of climate change and global warming, while the agricultural researchers that nearly two-thirds of the sample with high knowledge. -The nearly half and that just over two-thirds of the respondents from agricultural extension organization and agricultural researchers mention the causes of climate change due to human and natural together, respectively. -Differed significantly of the level of general knowledge of respondents to climate change in terms of the concept and the causes, effects on the agricultural sector and public health as the dependent variable and between each of the independent variables: -The results showed that both of the respondents from agricultural extension organization and agricultural researchers have agreed on the lack of a management unit of emergency arising from the climate change in the study area, while the current role of agricultural extension was weak in all items mentioned. -The two categories were agreed on the expected role of agricultural extension and the expected role of scientific research under condition of climate change consists of several items different arranged between the two categories.