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التخصص: علوم التمريض

الجامعة: جامعة الفيوم مصر


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • - Ms Windows, Ms Word & 6Ms Power point, Ms Excel & Internet - Attendance ICDL training course and obtained ICDL certificate on 8 Sep 2014. - Having leadership ability and team management - Ability to work in a systematic, organized manner 11-Present posi

الأبحاث المنشورة

[PDF] من ekb.eg Authentic Leadership as a mediator in the relationship between Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Cynicism among nurses المؤلفون

المجلة: Trends in Nursing and Health Care Journal

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-04

Abstract: The nursing profession is characterized by high levels of psychological contract breach, which occurs when employees perceive a violation of the mutual obligations between themselves and their organization. This breach can lead to negative outcomes such as organizational cynicism, which can have detrimental effects on employee well-being and organizational performance. Therefore, the present study aimed . A descriptive correlation design was used to achieve the aim of this study. A convenience sample of 132 staff nurses was chosen from El-Fayoum University hospitals. To fulfill the purpose of this study, . Results . Conclusion: authentic leadership are effective in improving nurses' psychological contract breaches and organizational cynicism. As well, authentic leadership fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism. Recommendation: Implement leadership training programs to develop authentic leadership skills among nurse leaders.

Relationship between Nursing students' Incivility and Engagement inFacultyof Nursing at El-Fayoum University

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHCVol 13. No.2

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-06

Background: Student incivility is a very serious problem in higher education andmajorchallenges facing educators. It has impact on the teaching and learning process. Aim: This studyaimed to assess the relationship between nursing students' incivility and engagement in facultyofnursing. Subject and Methods: Research design: A descriptive, correlational design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing, El-Fayoum University. Subjects: 400nurse students were included in the study. Tools of data collection: Data were collectedbyusingtwo Tools: incivility in nursing education questionnaire and Classroomsurvey of student engagement questionnaire. Results: More than three quarters of studied nurse students hadahighperception level regarding total incivility behavior, also more than half of nurse students hadanaverage level of classroom engagement dimensions. Conclusion: There was a highly statisticallysignificant positive correlation between incivility behaviors and classroom engagement dimensionsamong nurse students. Recommendations: The faculty has to develop and implement comprehensivecodes of conduct, effective strategiesto handle with students' incivility behaviors.

Relationship between Workplace Violence and Turnover Intentionamong Staff Nurses at EL-Fayoum University Hospitals

المجلة: Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2022 EJHC Vol 13. No.1

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-03

Background: Workplace violence in the medical sector is a worldwide concernwithhealthcare workers being at high risk of becoming victims. Violence is an important issueinmedical settings that influences turnover intention of nurses. Aim: This study was aimedtoassess the relationship between workplace violence and turnover intention amongstaff nurses. Design: A descriptive correlational research design was used. Setting: the studywasconducted at El- Fayoum university hospitals which include surgical and medical hospital. Subjects: The study subjects included a representative sample of 196 staff nurses out of 400staff nurses. Tools of data collection: data were collected by using two tools namelyworkplace violence questionnaire and anticipated turnover scale. Results: the findings of current study revealed that studied nurses reported that societal factors had the highest percentages for factors contributing to workplace violence, while personal factors hadthelowest percentages. The exposure of studied nurses to verbal workplace violence was thehighest, while sexual violence was the lowest with the most common perpetrators of violencewere the patients and their relatives. Also, more than half of them intend to leave work. Conclusion: there were highly statistically significant and positive correlations betweenworkplace violence dimensions and turnover intention. Recommendations: top manager should develop a workplace violence policy for the institution, which explains the process that should occur after an employee has been assaulted and conduct training programs for nursingpersonnel regarding violence and coping strategies to deal with violence.

Knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers about food safety at Fayoum restaurants

المجلة: Tanta Scientific Nursing Journal

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-03

Abstract Background: All food handlers are required to possess adequate food safety knowledge and food handling skills to handle food hygienically during preparation and to ensure that food is safe by the time it reaches the consumer especially during a corona pandemic. The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding food safety among food handlers at local and international restaurants in Fayoum. To determine the correlation between the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food handlers about food safety during the corona virus pandemic. Study design: a comparative quantitative cross-sectional study. Subjects and Method: a descriptive cross-sectional research design was conducted with a convenient sample of 100 food handlers from Fayoum. The data is collected using structured questionnaires arranged by interviews. There are four tools: first; Food handler’s personal and socio-demographic data, second; Food handlers’ knowledge Questionnaire, third; Food handlers’ practices and fourth; Food handlers’ attitude toward food safety scale. Results: More than one quarter of the food handlers had poor knowledge about food safety and less than one fifth of them had good knowledge level. The majority (98.0%) of the food handlers had a positive attitude toward food safety and controlling food temperature. Around two thirds (66.0%) of the food handlers had poor practice level about food safety and controlling food temperature. More than one quarter (30.0%) of the food handlers had fair practices. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge and practices of food handlers are important a potential risk. Therefore, it is recommended that there is an urgent need to train programmers for food handlers and repeat the training at specific time intervals to ensure that the learned data is applied in daily life practice and reduce the occurrence of epidemics.

Male Nursing Students Training at Clinical Maternity Nursing Course: Challenges and Proposed Improvement Actions

المجلة: The Egyptian Journal of Health Care

سنة النشر: 2020

تاريخ النشر: 2020-01-03

Background: Increasing numbers of men enter the nursing field. When males enter nursing programs, during their training, they can face challenges, especially in maternity areas. Aim: To determine the challenges facing male nursing students during their training in the maternity department and propose improvement plan of actions to overcome these challenges. Design: A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized, Sample: A convenient sample of (300 participants) composed of (100) male nursing students and (100) female students who just completed their training in the maternity course in the Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University during the two semesters of the academic year 2017-2018. Also 100 of women were recruited in this study. Setting: This study was implemented in the maternity department in the Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University at Obstetrics and Gynecological department in El- Nabawy El-Mohandes Fayoum General Hospital affiliated to Ministry of Health, Egypt. Tool of data collection: Four tools used to collect current data: (I) structured self-administered questionnaire, (II) male students' attitudes towards maternity nursing clinical training (III) female nursing students’ attitude towards their male colleague companionship during clinical training in the maternity department, and lastly (V) Women’s attitude towards involvement of male student in providing maternity care during training in the maternity department. Results: the majority of studied male students (84%) facing a variety of problems and embarrassing situations during their training in clinical maternity course, there were moderate statistical significant relation between total attitude of studied male, female students, participant women and their residence P-value 0.010, 0.019. and 0.012 Conclusion: A strong positive correlation reported between male student attitude and their total self-evaluation, women’s and female students’ attitude was statistically significance P-value ≤ 0.05. Recommendations: Further research should be conducted to compare the experiences of male nurses in different maternity training settings, residence and culture.

Relationship between the Leadership Behaviors, Organizational Climate, and Innovative Work Behavior among Nurses

المجلة: American Journal of Nursing Research

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-07-08

Abstract Healthcare organizations, because of their distinctive structure and management conduct, vary from other institutions. The organizational climate is the main building blocks for organizations that promote innovation. This research aimed to explore the relationship between leadership behaviors, organizational climate, and innovative work behavior among nurses at Zagazig University Hospitals, Egypt. A descriptive correlation design has been used for this study. From the above-mentioned settings' a stratified random sample of 384 nurses was selected. A questionnaire sheet was used to obtain information for this research, which consisted of three tools: I. Modified multifactor leadership behaviors questionnaire, II. Organizational climate questionnaire, and III. Modified innovative work behavior questionnaire. Results indicated that 83.9 % of nurses had a positive perception of transformational leadership behavior. On the other side, 81% of nurses had a positive organizational climate perception. Likewise, 49.2% of nurses had a high level of innovative work behavior. Furthermore, the organizational climate was highly significantly and positively correlated to laissez-faire leadership behavior, where p-value < 0.001. Besides, there were significant and positive correlations between innovative work behavior as regards all multifactor leadership behaviors and organizational climate. Conclusion: Transformational leadership was the most influential and predictor type of innovative work behavior. Besides, there was a significant and positive correlation between organizational climate and innovative work behavior. Recommendation: To conduct a workshop on creative thinking and design approaches to enhance the behavior of innovation among nurses and promote it.

Organizational Culture Perception as a Predictor of Organizational Commitment and Attitude toward Organizational Change among Nurses25

المجلة: Biomedicine and Nursing

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-02-25

Abstract: Culture within an organization is very crucial; it plays an important role in the hospital and is considered a main predictor of the organizational commitment; subsequently, the organizational changes can be managed successfully. The present study aimed to assess the organizational culture perception as a predictor of organizational commitment and attitude toward organizational change among nurses at Al-Ahrar Teaching Hospital, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. For this research, a descriptive correlation design was used. A simple random sample of 221 nurses were chosen from the above mentioned setting. To fulfill the purpose of this study three tools were used in data collection, organizational culture inventory, organizational commitment scale, and attitude toward organizational change instrument. Results showed that 91.90 % of nurses had a positive perception of the constructive culture. On the other hand, 76.9% and 74.7% of them had negative perceptions of aggressive defensive and passive defensive cultures, respectively. Likewise, 57.50% of nurses had high level of organizational commitment. Moreover, 76% of studied nurses had positive perception about attitude toward change. Furthermore, organizational commitment was significantly and positively correlated to all types of the organizational culture, where p-value < 0.01. Besides, there were significant and positive correlations between organizational attitude toward organizational change as regards all types of the organizational culture and organizational commitment where p-value < 0.01. Conclusion: The constructive culture was the most influential and predictor type of the organizational commitment; however, the passive defensive culture was the most influential and predictor type of the attitude toward organizational change. Recommendation: The nurse manager should schedule regular meetings with staff nurses to define and communicate the organizational culture before the initiation of the change process.

Effect of Talent Management on Nurses' Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Performance

المجلة: Biomedicine and Nursing

سنة النشر: 2019

تاريخ النشر: 2019-01-07

Abstract: Talent management is becoming the precious strategic choice that ultimately enhances organizational performance. As well, intelligent hospitals use emotional intelligence as an approach to motivate their nurses to enhance their productivity and performance. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of talent management on nurses' emotional intelligence and organizational performance in two selected private hospitals. A descriptive correlation design was used to achieve the aim of this study. A convenience sample of 92 staff nurses were chosen from the selected private hospitals. To fulfill the purpose of this study three tools were used in data collection, talent management questionnaire, emotional intelligence instrument, and organizational performance instrument. Results showed that 79 % of nurses were satisfied with the talent management process in their workplaces. As well, 67% of nurses had a high level of emotional intelligence. Likewise, 92% of the studied nurses were satisfied with their organizational performance. Furthermore, there were significant and positive correlations between talent management as regards nurses' emotional intelligence and organizational performance, where p-value < 0.01. Conclusion: Talent management was a significant predictor of nurses' emotional intelligence and organizational performance. Recommendation: The human resources management department should develop new strategies to retain nurse talents in organizations such as increased salaries, continuous training, career enhancement and promotions.