ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

ليندة حسيني

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: الري. معالجة المياه

الجامعة: مركز البحث العلمي و التقني في المناطق القاحلة. الجزائر


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • رئيس فريق بحث حاليا
  • باحثة منذ 2013 بمركز بحث علمي
  • تأطير عدة بحوث و مشاريع بحث : مهندس دولة، ماستر، دكتوراه
  • عضو هيئة تحرير لأكثر من مجلة
  • متحصلة على الجائزة الثالثة لافضل مشروع مبتكر في مجال معالجة المياه بملتقى دولي بالجزائر لسنة 2023

الأبحاث المنشورة

The removal efficiency and reaction mechanism of the aluminum coagulant on phenolic compounds in the presence of hardness salts


سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-09-28

This study is the evaluation of the coagulation efficiency of the aluminum sulfate on the removal of catechol and pyrogallol. The study has focused on the impact of inorganic components of hardness Algerian waters. Jar-test trials were conducted on the two phenolic compounds dissolved in distilled water only, which was later enriched with minerals. Several reaction parameters varied, including the effect of pH and the influence of the salt content, and this approach yielded a better understanding of interaction between phenolic compounds and calcium/magnesium salts. The results indicate that the process efficiency depends on the number and position of OH in molecules. The main mechanisms would be either a physical adsorption, an exchange of ligand, or complexation on the floc surface of aluminum hydroxide. Moreover, the addition of inorganic salts appears to improve removal efficiency of tested phenolic compounds and have an effect on the optimal pH range for coagulation.

Development of a novel and efficient biochar produced from pepper stem for effective ibuprofen removal

المجلة: Bioresource Technology

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-01-02

A potential biochar from pepper stems (PS-biochar) was developed via a one-stage pyrolysis process of precursor at 700 °C and employed to adsorb ibuprofen (IBP) in water media. Results showed that PS-biochar was a carbonaceous mesoporous adsorbent with well-developed porosity (SBET = 727.5 m2/g and VTotal = 0.36 cm3/g) and rich surface functional groups. Mechanism of IBP adsorption consisted mainly of π- π interaction, pore filling, and H-bonding. The Langmuir monolayer capacity (569.6 mg/g) was very high compared to values reported in similar studies. The successful PS-biochar regeneration after four cycles in the batch system confirmed the high performance of the NaOH (0.1 M) as a desorbing agent. Therefore, the prepared biochar can be considered as a cost-effective and high-performance material for water decontamination.

Incidence of calcic, sulfates and phosphates salts on the coagulation-flocculation of organic compounds by aluminium sulfate L Hecini, S Achour

المجلة: International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa

سنة النشر: 2018

تاريخ النشر: 2018-03-01

The objective of this work is to evalute the coagulation-flocculation efficiency of the aluminum sulfate for the elimination of aromatic organic molecules (phenylalanine and catechol) in the presence of mineral salts of Ca2+ , SO4 2- and PO4 3- . Trials were conducted on the one hand on synthetic solutions of aromatic compounds in distilled water enriched by ions of calcium, sulphates and phosphate ions introduced in various forms (CaCl2; CaSO4; MgSO4; Na2SO4; NaH2PO4; KH2PO4), and on the other hand on Algerian drilling waters of different physicochemical characteristics. Results show that the addition of minerals salts seems to improve the yields of elimination of aromatic compounds tested and affects the optimal pH range of coagulation. The application of this process on mineralized waters (water drilling) leads to improve yields compared with those obtained in distilled water. It was also found that the process efficiency depends on the nature and the number of functional groups on the molecules and on their position relative to each other. The main mechanisms would be either a physical adsorption ,an exchange of ligand or a complexation on the floc surface of aluminum hydroxides.

Single and binary adsorption of paracetamol and diclofenac onto biochar produced from pepper stem: Which adsorption properties change in the binary system?

المجلة: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-08-05

The importance of combating the contamination of water resources with emerging pollutants must be kept all the more in view by scientists, since such pollutants are harmful and pose challenges for traditional water treatment methods. The current study was designed to scrutinize the adsorption properties of a low-cost biochar for two pharmaceuticals in both single and binary systems. The work was focused on understanding how paracetamol (PARA) and diclofenac (DIC) co-adsorb, and it can serve as a beacon for similar studies, especially in modeling the adsorption processes of such systems. Using a low-cost biochar from pepper stem (PS) with a high surface area = 727.5 m2/g as adsorbent, experiments were carried out in both the single and binary systems to investigate the adsorption behavior of the mentioned pharmaceuticals. Results showed that, in the single system, the PS biochar demonstrates a …

Softening of groundwater in the eastern region of the northern Algeria Sahara: case of the Biskra region.


سنة النشر: 2016

تاريخ النشر: 2016-09-21

In Biskra drinking water supply for inhabitants and the irrigation of crops are based on the exploitation of the groundwater aquifers of the northern Sahara. One of the major challenges for the sustainability of use of this resource is water quality of some aquifers (phreatic and Miopliocene). These are highly mineralized (between 2 and 3 g.L-1 of dissolved salt), the dominant chemical facies being sulphate-chloride with an excess of chlorides higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) standard (250 mg.L-1). To remedy this problem of salinity and in order to develop a reliable and economically sustainable softening technique, we have tested two partial softening processes in this work, coagulation-flocculation with aluminum sulphate on the one hand and precipitation with slaked lime Ca(OH)2 on the other. The main results confirm that the removal of chloride ions is low for both tested processes, 29.7% and …

Impacts of grazing, restoration by planting on the pastoral potential, floristic richness and diversity of a the southwestern steppe of Naâma (Algeria), in the context of climate change

المجلة: Livestock Research for Rural Development

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-07

This study is an analysis of the overgrazing effect, restoration by plantation on three steppe formations in the region of Naâma southwest of Algeria. It is a formation in Aristida pungens and Atriplex canescens, formation in Stipa tenacissima and another based on a plantation of Atriplex canescens; located respectively in the sites of, Swiga, Nofikha and Touifza. These steppes constitute a poor floristic procession subjected to strong anthropozoic pressure and to severe drought effects, despite restoration operations after replanting with the perennial Atriplex canescens shrub to maximize capture of atmospheric carbon and thus have been on the way of regression for many years. The reasons for this phenomenon seem to be linked to excessive man actions and his main livestock activity and the practice of a rainfed cereal crop are at the origin of this degradation coupled with a harsh climate and irregular and rare rainfall have been stumbled for several decades, against a demographic increase and inadequate use of natural resources. Our study deals with an analytical characterization through evaluating the pastoral potential, floristic richness and diversity of the three large existing formations in these regions and the main factors that threaten them, to lead at the end of this contribution to a sustainable approach that includes the necessary recommendations aimed at the restoration and rehabilitation of the entire steppe regions in the context of climate change.

Study of the impact of wastewater treatment plant discharges on the water quality of lake Mellah by the organic pollution index method

المجلة: Journal Algérien des Régions Arides

سنة النشر: 2022

تاريخ النشر: 2022-07-03

In wet area, the problem arises in a more serious way in front of the wastewater rejections in the lakes, case of the lake Mellah in North Algerian. It is from this point of view that this work is registered, bearing on the determination of the capacity of elimination of the micropolluants in the purification plant. Also to evaluate the impact of water of rejection the purification plant on water of the lake Mellah. A prospection of the site from a physicochemical point of view at summer undertaken in order to evaluate the water quality of lake Mellah. The statistical and graphic data processing by the organic pollution index method highlighted a very strong organic contamination at the right of the rejection of the station which tends to be dissipated in the lake. This phenomenon plays a central role in the balance of the biological hydro assessment of the ecosystem.