ملف المستخدم
صورة الملف الشخصي

ا.د. فائق محمد سرحان الزويني

إرسال رسالة

التخصص: اداره مشاريع

الجامعة: جامعه النهرين


معامل الإنتاج البحثي

الخبرات العلمية

  • مدير مركز التعليم المستمر في جامعة النهرين
  • خبرة في تقييم بحوث الترقيات العلمية
  • خبرة في مناقشة رسائل واطاريح الدراسات العليا والاشراف عليها
  • خبرة في رئاسة المؤتمرات العلمية
  • خبرة في ادارة الجلسات البحثية في المؤتمرات والدورات والندوات والورش والحلقات النقاشية
  • مستشار وخبير تدريب دولي في مجال ادارة المشاريع
  • خبرة في ادارة المجلات العلمية المحكمة
  • خبرة في التدريس لأكثر من 28عاما في كليات الهندسة في الجامعات العراقية والعربية

الأبحاث المنشورة

Diagnostic and identify the reasons for duration deviation in school buildings projects using root cause analysis technique

المجلة: AIP Conference Proceedings

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-05-07

The main causes of duration deviation in school construction projects can be diagnosed with great success using root cause analysis approaches. To identify “the root cause” of a problem or non-conformance, a procedure called root cause analysis is performed. It eliminates or reduces the root cause and prevents the problem from recurring. Ishikawa diagrams, Pareto diagrams, and the Five Whys methodology are just a few of the root cause analysis methods that have emerged from the literature as broad methods for locating root causes. This study diagnosed thirty-three causes of duration deviation in school building projects in Iraq, which they divided into six groups (Contracting Documents, Contractor, Owner, Project Environment, Resident Engineer’s Office, and External Factors). According to a Pareto analysis, eight factors out of thirty-three causes are responsible for 80% of the problem’s duration deviation; these thirty-three causes had been filtered by a 5-Why analysis; this analysis concluded that the Inaccuracy of designs and drawing is a root cause for contracting documents group, while The project manager’s inexperience and the poor efficiency of the contractors to which the contract was transmitted is a root cause for contractor group, Late payment of financial benefits by the owner is a root cause for owner group, Poor engineering awareness of the importance of time management in implementing engineers is a root cause for project environment group, Poor human resource efficiency of Resident Engineer Office is a root cause for resident engineer’s office group, Financial and administrative corruption. It is a root cause for the external factors group. The 5-Whys study’s final finding indicated that the root cause for duration deviation of school building projects is the poor engineering awareness of the importance of time management in implementing engineers.

Hybrid approach for cost estimation of sustainable building projects using artificial neural networks

المجلة: Open Engineering

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-20

Inaccurate estimation in sustainable construction projects is a significant challenge for appraisers, particularly when data and knowledge about the projects are lacking. As a result, there is a need to use cutting-edge technology to solve the issue of estimation inaccuracy. Iraq’s productivity estimates are now made using outdated, ineffective methodologies and procedures. In addition, it is essential to implement cutting-edge, quick, precise, and adaptable technology for productivity estimation. This study’s major goal is to calculate the overall costs of sustainable buildings using the cutting-edge technique known as artificial neural networks (ANNs). For Iraq’s construction industry to handle projects successfully, ANNs must be used as a new technology, a methodology developed to estimate the overall costs of sustainable construction projects. In this study, the process of cost estimation was modeled using ANNs. Investigations of a number of examples involving the creation of ANNs have also been made, including network design and internal elements and how much they impact the effectiveness of models built using ANNs. Equations were developed to determine structural productivity. These networks were shown to have extremely strong predictive power for both accounting coefficients (R) (93.33%) and the overall costs of sustainable construction projects, with a prediction accuracy of 87.00 and 93.33%, respectively.

Diagnosing and Identifying Standards Affecting on the Ready-Mix Concrete Production Plants Performance: An Analytical Study

المجلة: Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-09

Due to the rapid growth of the construction industry in Iraq, this study aims to identify and diagnose the reasons behind the poor performance of ready-mixed concrete production plants in Baghdad. This aim was achieved by analyzing the standards affecting the plants’ performance and identifying the cause of the deviation from their required performance using the root cause analysis technique through innovative tools and techniques, such as Pareto charts and the why technique. The study analyzed 35 reasons, divided into seven main groups: work breakdown structure, skills, shared values, systems, Administrative Styles, strategy, and staff. The results showed 23 out of 35 reasons with significant importance on the plants’ performance. The Pareto analysis revealed that nine causes out of 35 reasons were responsible for 80% of the poor plants’ performance. These included the lack of work breakdown structure in enhancing the functional performance of work teams and maximizing the utilization of their skills, as well as the insufficient number of work teams, two root causes of the work breakdown structure group. Another root cause from the skills group was the necessary skills lack among most work teams and the training programs and workshops absence for work teams. The study also found that the plant management's lack of focus on competition, excellence, and innovation was a root cause of the strategy group. In addition, the advanced techniques used for producing high-quality concrete mixes and the absence of a fair and accurate incentive and reward system were the root causes of the systems group. Furthermore, the management's failure to adopt control methods in all field and administrative work stages was a root cause of the management systems group, and the work teams' failure to adopt the knowledge-sharing approach was a root cause of the work teams' group. Using the "why" technique, it was found that the root cause was the absence of an objective, fair, and accurate incentive system in ready-mixed concrete production plants.

Development Artificial Neural Network (ANN) computing model to analyses men's 100-meter sprint performance trends.

المجلة: Fizjoterapia Polska

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-03-01

Coaches and analysts face a significant challenge of inaccurate estimation when analyzing Men's 100-Meter Sprint Performance, particularly when there is limited data available. This necessitates the use of modern technologies to address the problem of inaccurate estimation. Unfortunately, current methods used to estimate Men's 100-Meter Sprint Performance indexes in Iraq are ineffective, highlighting the need to adopt new and advanced technologies that are fast, accurate, and flexible. Therefore, the objective of this study was to utilize an advanced method known as artificial neural networks to estimate four key indexes: Accelerate First of 10 meters, Speed Rate, Time First of 10 meters, and Reaction Time. The application of artificial neural networks in the sports industry in the Republic of Iraq is crucial to ensure successful players. In this study, an artificial neural network model was built to predict Men's 100-Meter indexes. Several factors related to the construction of artificial neural networks were studied, including network architecture and internal factors and their impact on the performance of the models. As a result, four easy equations were developed to calculate the four key indexes. The findings of the study indicate that these networks can predict Men's 100-Meter indexes with a high degree of reliability 98.034% and accounting coefficients R = 0.9143.

Management of a typical experiment in engineering and science

المجلة: AIP Conference Proceedings

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-29

Technical managing of a typical experiment in engineering or science could be a hard and daunting task. Often, experimentalists are not certain what is first and final steps be included and how the outcomes should be obtained. Fortunately, engineering and science experiments follow a routine procedure. They contain essentially main four process groups. The planning process group includes a statement of a problem, determining the input variables and output responses, and performing the design of the experiment. The run of experiment with quality and safety precautions fall within the execution process group. While the analysis process group detailed the statistical analysis achievement and interpretation. Finally, the experiment results are reported in the reporting process group. The use of the cause-and-effect tool to scan all variables or factors and responses and organize them in the flowchart or map for the overall processes and also define the problem statement in detail was found to be the major factors in the planning of an experiment.

Systematic Literature Review of The Impact of Project Management Offices In Developing The Construction Sector

المجلة: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-28

After the end of the wars and military operations after 2014, the Republic of Iraq witnessed a great and wide openness in various fields, including the field of the building and construction industry. Investments in the field of construction project management increased remarkably. The total investments allocated to construction projects amounted to approximately 300 billion dollars in 2020. This has led to an increase in demand for project management offices (PMO) in order to ensure and secure the progress of the planning, design, implementation, operation and maintenance processes in an ideal way that meets the requirements of the quality, cost and planned duration of construction projects, and based on the integrated vision that every construction project has a specific goal that must be achieved. To achieve it in a specific time and with high quality, there has been an urgent need to pay attention to the knowledge of the Project Management Office (PMO), as it is the most prominent contemporary administrative specialized field, which includes a variety of mechanisms, techniques, tools, methods, and administrative expertise capable of completing the processes of planning, organization, design, implementation, control, and follow-up to achieve work goals and evaluate goals. And the results are successful and accurate. This research was conducted in the Iraqi building and construction sector, and is concentrated in the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Municipalities in the Republic of Iraq, specifically in the offices, bodies and engineering companies whose tasks include supervising the implementation of infrastructure projects in Anbar Governorate. The duration of the research was limited to the period from 9/1/2021. – 1/3/2023. This research presents the global foundations in scientific research in reviewing previous studies, criticizing them, indicating their weaknesses and strengths, and what is the new addition to the current study, through the method of systematic review of the impact of project management offices in developing the construction sector. The most important results were reached regarding similar previous studies, which are that the most important The reasons that called for contracting companies to establish a project management office are the need to complete projects on time and at the previously allocated cost, continuous follow-up and submission of reports to senior management, and the preparation of standard specifications, methodology and models for projects. In addition, the most important challenges facing the establishment of project management offices are the lack of... The ability to define the scope of work of the PMO and the lack of a tangible impact of the PMO on projects, and many project managers are against the idea of establishing it.

Diagnosing And Identifying The Causes Of Failure Of Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects Using Root Cause Analysis Technology

المجلة: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-01

A meticulous monitoring of Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects in the early stages of their implementation in the Republic of Iraq is considered a crucial indicator of success in these projects. However, the reality indicates that these projects suffer from issues such as failure to complete them within the allocated time frame and budget. Data and information for this study were collected from Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects in Iraq. To identify the root causes of project failures, the Root Cause Analysis technique and associated tools were employed. The analysis revealed that the root causes are primarily attributed to three main sources. The first is related to the project owner, characterized by delays in handing over the work site to the contractor. The second source is linked to the contractor, marked by non-compliance with instructions issued by the supervising engineer representing the project owner. The third source is associated with contractual documents and is influenced by security conditions, including the outbreak of war or circumstances rendering the project unfeasible due to factors beyond the control of both parties.

Strategic Analysis For The Impact of Project Management Offices in Developing The Construction Sector

المجلة: Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector

سنة النشر: 2024

تاريخ النشر: 2024-01-01